Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 82: Brave Challenge (11)


The frost power of Frost Cut was driven by Murong Shanshan's petite body, and fell on the body of the battle with a beautiful arc. The tall body of the battle was immediately coated with frost, and the speed of action was much slower. Murong Shanshan looked in her eyes, and took a few steps back, and then the sword gas came out.


It seems that the equipment of the mad battle is not very good, and he was so hurt by Murong Shanshan's sword gas. He was helpless in hitting the frost power, and was hanged by magic in front of the players in the city. There is no strength to fight back. The arrogant performance of the usual performance has made many players uncomfortable. Now Murong Shanshan is so quick to kill the wild battle. I do n’t know how many people are in the dark. Anyway, Ye Qiu, a group of people, has laughed and laughed. It's the same flower.

The rout of the wild battle also led to the early arrival of Ye Qiu and me. Feier announced Murong Shanshan's team to enter the final immediately after Murong Shanshan cleared the field. The next game will have another team entering the final. !!

With a "brush", five of us were teleported into the playing field, while a group of Ye Qiu stood across from them, looking at us one by one, with a sensual smile on their faces. Damn, it was a dog. Can't change eating shit, this guy can't move without seeing beautiful women, probably he can't change it in this life.

Xu Lin said silently: "One 28 mage, one 27 priest, and three 27 swordsmen. This is a combination of master physical attacks ... What do you think, Lin Fan?"

Fuck, it turned out she just summed it up, I thought she had any opinions, but in the end I still want to ...

"The old way, Xin Yu and I will kill the priest first. The three of you try to hide the other three swordsmen. Also, be careful of the 28th level mage, he is definitely better than any mage you have ever seen! "

"Is that so exaggerated?" Xin Yu looked puzzled, then said, "Don't let other people's ambitions destroy their prestige, the game will start soon. If we cannot kill the priest in one fell swoop, we will be in trouble, Lin Fan, You are the real key! "

I smiled. To be honest, I was also very nervous. Ye Qiu's talent and strength to play the game are the best I know. Even if I let him challenge him, I have no certainty.

The system is already counting down, and I can vaguely hear my heartbeat ...




Almost at the beginning, Ye Qiu's body moved, and an instant fireball had been issued before the move. The target was exactly Lu Xuehan behind me. Unfortunately, there were too few long-range attackers on their side. Lu Xuehan was only There was no danger, but when she was relieved, Ye Qiu's big fireball had arrived!

How fast is this? I quickly moved to the other pastor's priest, and my hand shot and fell, and the combo still hung him up without a surprise, haha, this shameless guy used to make fun of Xiaoyu flat chest, now he finally has Chance of revenge once again!

After hanging up, my footsteps slipped, and I rushed towards Ye Qiu in the opposite direction. The kid beat Lu Xuehan with his magic alone, and even forgot to add blood to Xu Lin.

"Ah ~!"

The scream of a woman can't help sinking in my heart. Xu Lin is a girl who just started playing games. There is no chance of her life waiting under the three hands.

Ye Qiu seemed to have guessed that I would come, and my body turned away from me by mistake, and my sword was missed, but Ye Qiu still didn't expect that I still had a backhand, and the backhand sword hit him. Back!


The damage value of 467 surprised me. Ye Qiu's defense was so high that even a heavy green knight in heavy armor would have such a high defense.

"Oh ~!"

When Ye Qiu turned around and ran away, he already threw a frost arrow. My movement speed immediately slowed down. Looking around, Lu Xuehan had been chased by three swordsmen, and Xin Yu's shock sword could only be retained. A swordsman, the frequent attacks made his head burned, and in a blink of an eye, the blood had almost fallen. In desperation, he could only turn to chase toward Xinyu ...

Xin Yu screamed and ran towards me, almost throwing no weapons.

Ye Qiu's blood has fallen by almost half, but his Frost Arrow has been able to stick to me. At present, I do not have magic immunity skills, and it costs him so much, so he simply activated the "Swordman's Swiftness", The speed of action and the speed of attack immediately increased significantly. Three or two steps caught up with Ye Qiu, and the combo directly greeted!




Ren Yeqiu's operation was noble, but I turned into white light under my super high damage!

"Ah ~!"

There was another scream behind me. As soon as I felt nervous, I saw that Li Qing was hung up. Fortunately, if Lu Xuehan or Xin Yu were hung up now, it would be dead. None of the three swordsmen was vegetarian. I must be beaten to death by their group alone.

"Xue Han, here!"

Hearing my cry, Lu Xuehan immediately saw hope, as his steps slipped, the direction immediately turned to me, and I greeted directly, while the "swordsman swift" effect had not disappeared, the sword "Brush" cut it twice, and SEVEN, who was already half-blooded, died immediately. Why is this stupid man still walking without looking at the front?

I just accepted Lu Xuehan, and the other side Xin Yu also fled over ~ ~ Followed by a very wicked, like an idiot chasing Jiao Didi archer MM.

I inserted it straight up, and my sword's swift blow immediately knocked it back, and then I flew up and added a "thump", and the original blood immediately "ascended".

Victory is in sight, and Lu Xuehan and Xin Yu both calm down, curses and shock arrows begin to greet each other's last fruit, but a tall man who is sorry for him is hung by the depression of two MMs.

System Tip: The Green Cocoa team advances to the finals. The next game will be played in 10 minutes!

Back in the auditorium again, I was finally relieved for a while. After solving this powerful opponent, we have only one goal-to defeat Murong Shanshan and grab the championship reward of Niucha!

"Lin Fan, thanks to you this time, otherwise we might really stop here." Xin Yu said with a smile and hugs my arms, and the great **** were squeezed immediately to form a temptation. Human cleavage.

There was a flash of light on the right, and I immediately felt that Murong Shanshan's beautiful eyes were watching here, and quickly pushed away Xin Yu, whispering, "Don't be so public, so many people watch!"

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