Virtual World: The Legendary Thief

Chapter 88: Brave Challenge (17)

Back at the apartment, dinner was almost ready. Lu Xuehan was walking out of the kitchen with a large bowl of soup. I rushed over to grab it from her, and Xu Lin smiled and sat by the table.

"Lin Fan, do you know that the rewards for the individual group competitions starting tomorrow will change."

"What's changed?"

"Yesterday, many players responded that the level and equipment were too shabby, so" Yueheng "company temporarily decided to change the reward scheme. The original rewards did not change, but the players in the top 32 will get certain material rewards? "

I was a little surprised: "Material reward, is it RMB?"

Xu Lin nodded: "Well, the players who entered the top 32 will be rewarded with RMB 5000 yuan, the strong rewards will be RMB 10,000, the top 8 will be rewarded with RMB 30,000, the top 4 will be rewarded with RMB 50,000, the runner-up will be 100,000 Yuan, there will be more champions, half a million! "

I could hear the saliva flow down: "Isn't it saying that if you win the championship, you will get 500,000 RMB?"

"Yes, so be sure to work hard! Also, if you get the championship award, it's all yours, it has nothing to do with the studio, so you have to win this championship even more."

Xin Yu laughed and said, "The unscrupulous capitalist is finally a bit human."

Xu Lin glanced at Xin Yu and turned to Lu Xuehan and said, "Let's go to leveling at night, or go to bed earlier?"

Lu Xuehan thought for a while and said, "Go leveling. I'm level 31 before I have too much. I haven't tried the power of those two purple gear yet."

Xu Lin smiled and turned her eyes to me: "Lin Fan, how about you, leveling or sleeping?"

Feeling a bit tired, I immediately answered: "If you don't practice, take a good rest. Tomorrow's game will lose a lot if you accidentally overturn in the gutter. The top 32 also has a reward of 5000RMB. You must not miss this good opportunity to make money!"

So everyone ate and went back to leveling after eating. After I returned to the room, I stretched my head and looked at Lu Xuehan inside, and found that she was using a clip to beautify her eyelashes. Her movements were very astringent, which was far from Xin Yu's skill far.

I smiled and said aloud, "Are you going to help?"

Lu Xuehan was slightly surprised, then turned to pout and smiled: "Okay, come in ~!"

Lu Xuehan's room is very lightly furnished, with a milky white dressing table and a not-so-large bed next to the window, but Lu Xuehan does not put makeup on the dressing table, but sits on a soft, warm bed.

"Sit on the bed. There are no chairs in my room."

I nodded, and started to YY when I was sitting on the bed. If such a small bed holds Lu Xuehan and sleeps on it, I am afraid that neither of them can move, otherwise they will fall down and be covered with a quilt. Lu Xuehan's beautiful white and erect body wrapped in 55555, happiness ...

Lu Xuehan handed me the eyelash clips, then closed my eyes, and the long eyelashes fluttered gently, shaking the heartstrings.

"Lin Fan, you lightly, I'm afraid of pain ..."

Smell the fresh smell on the landing Xuehan, I can't help but feel a little flirtatious, at this moment she is so close to me, as if leaning on my arms, I can even feel the hot temperature on her , Her calmness is also pretended.

"Click here!"

A few eyelashes slowly slipped from the tip of Lu Xuehan's nose, and my heart suddenly choked.

Oops! She accidentally cut her eyelashes! !!

Lu Xuehan also obviously felt that something was wrong, and the eyelashes that fell off were too long.


"Well, Xue Han, I'll go back to sleep first!" After speaking, he rushed out of Lu Xuehan's room.

Lu Xuehan looked into the mirror on the window sill and couldn't help crying or laughing for a while. He couldn't see anyone before the eyelashes grew out.


Lying on the bed, I don't worry about anything. It is impossible for gentle MMs like Lu Xuehan to make eyelashes difficult for me, not to mention that eyelashes will soon grow out.

These two days of competition were really too tired, and soon fell into sleep.


"Lin Fan!"

I don't know how long after that, a terrible roar awakened me from the dream, but when I opened my eyes, I was anxious.

Looking at the time, I only slept for four hours at 11pm.

"Fruit, is there anything? Don't bother me to sleep if it's all right."

"Of course something happened, Sister Lin and Xue Han were besieged by them. Now in the valley north of the city, several thieves are hunting them down, leaving them no chance of returning to the city, and a large group of people are blocking them at the intersection. They won't leave if they say they don't fall. "

"What, was someone in the wild? Who is it?"

"The leader of the crazy battle belt, there are more than 50 high-level players. Sister Lin can't go offline, so let me come down to inform you and see if you can go up and help."

I quickly got up to get dressed, and the birds were still fighting wildly. I have never had a good opinion of these people. It is probably a legacy left by the legend. No matter what games there are, there will be "arrogance" and "world". Trash guilds, when they speak, they bring "Lao Tzu" or "Master". A group of guys without the slightest level of education and education rely on many people to kill and set fire. If it is a single person, it will become a rookie. I have always despised these people.

Immediately after getting online, I let Xu Lin cross the map group to join the team. When I ran into the map north of Hurricane City, I saw three orange dots moving slowly in the valley in the upper right corner. When they came to Lu Xuehan and Xinyu, they were trapped there.

Opening the communicator, Xu Lin's urgent voice came immediately: "Lin Fan, are you here? We can't stand here anymore, so many thieves have killed more than a dozen!"

I hurriedly said, "I'll be right there, and see if there are other exits in the valley. If I can, I won't break through the valley in the middle."

"Don't look for it, if we have gone out already, how to come in and take care of it yourself ~ ~ I turned off the communicator and started to concentrate on the way. Several players in front were exiting to the valley Go forward, saw me from a distance, and immediately surrounded me.

Two 18th-level mages and one 21st-level swordsman, whose names begin with the word "crazy", seem to be a group of people fighting wildly.

Without any skills, I rushed directly to a mage as a normal attack. I added 1 agility through the equipment, and the movement speed was far beyond those of low-level and poorly equipped people. The eye-turning pieces had reached the mage. This sword did not kill him with much suspense.

There was no trace of mud, and another sword was turned around, and another mage was also killed in seconds. At this time, a swordsman of the first level also launched a combo skill at me--



Looking at this meager number of injuries, I almost didn't laugh, a combo ended his life.

Far away, the valley exits the head drive. It seems that a furious group is there!

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