Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 272: black skull

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Wu Xiaode sat in the bar box, slowly eating the fruit on the fruit plate.

- Those people have to drive away the ghosts first, and then deal with the ghost queen.


They must find the Ming ghost before they can drive the Ming ghost away.

Now they should not be able to find themselves.

There should be plenty of time for the ghost queen to respond.


Although she has returned to the world of the living, it can be considered to help her contain her opponent and buy time.

She will be grateful to herself later when she finds out.

The matter is settled!

Wu Xiaode was very satisfied with his judgment, and was also satisfied with the outcome of the matter.

So he ate all the fruit in the fruit bowl.

- what's next?

Rather, I wanted to complete a classical death trial.

It is a pity that it is impossible to enter the world of death now.

Jingle Bell!

The phone rang.

Wu Xiaode took out a mobile phone and saw that it was pitch black, but there was no response.

— This is a cell phone from the last era.

He took out another phone.

The phone's screen is on, but there's only one small line on it:

"No signal, you are not in the service area."

Wrong again.

This is the phone of the dead world.

He put two mobile phones on the table and took out a third phone instead.

— This phone shows a line of names:

"Cold beauty."

Cold Beauty Gerhardtaff, Lady Black Dragon.

"Hello? What's the matter?" Wu Xiaode asked on the phone.

Gerstaff's slightly anxious voice sounded in the handset:

"I can't get in touch with the boss at the moment, so I have to contact you, the boss. If there is a problem in this world, if it is convenient, you can come to me and take a look."

"what is the problem?"

"Someone is chasing me, and I don't seem to be an opponent."

"You're not an opponent?" Wu Xiaode said in surprise.

"Yes, I can only use 40 points of soul power now, but its means are beyond my imagination."

Gerhardtaff said.

Wu Xiaode was stunned.

In this world, even Zhao Zhibing and Xiao Baihong only had a dozen or so soul powers.

There are no extra masters.

Who can make Ms. Black Dragon, who has reached the upper limit of 40 soul power, urgently ask for help?


This must be figured out.

Besides, Gerstaff couldn't be surprised.

She is already on her side!

"Don't hang up, wait for me."

Wu Xiaode said in a deep voice.

As soon as he thought about it, the Book of the Undead opened and automatically turned to the "Wall of Wish" page.

"Summon the White Tiger."

Wu Xiaode whispered.

-Since at this point in time, he had already gone to the world of death, then both the white tiger and the crow left the Demon God's underground palace safely at that moment.

Now is the time to call it.

Void flashed.

A snow-white shadow fell in front of Wu Xiaode.

"Huh? Didn't you go to the dead world? Why did you come to the real world again?"

Baihu said suspiciously.

"I don't have time to explain, please do me a favor and take me to a friend's place." Wu Xiaode said.

"This is very simple, you let your friend kill whatever you want - make it clear." Bai Hu said.

"Hey, Gerstaff, is there anything alive around you?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"I was at the seaside, and I could see a lot of fish and shellfish in the water," said Gerhardtaff.

"Kill a shellfish and a fish." Wu Xiaode said.

"...What's the use of this?" Gerstaff was puzzled.

"Listen to me, hurry up."

"All right."

After a breath.

The white tiger suddenly showed a look of attention and roared: "I found it, at the seaside, there is a fish and a shellfish being dried at the same time.

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fall, and they are in one's hands. "


Wu Xiaode gently jumped on the back of the white tiger.

Bai Hu jumped forward and disappeared from the box of the Qing Bar.

Void flashed.

The wind was blowing, and the waves were constantly rushing onto the beach.

The white tiger landed directly on the vast sea.

Wu Xiaode turned his head and saw Ge Jiastave holding a fish and a shell in his hands, his body covered with blood, and he was staring blankly at himself.

Not badly hurt!

Wu Xiaode directly took out a healing fruit and handed it to the cold beauty.

"What's the situation, why is it hurt so badly?" He frowned.

After Gerastaff ate the fruit, her complexion became a little better, and she said softly:

"Good thing you're here."

Wu Xiaode has become vigilant.

In this world, there are really people who can hurt a black dragon!

It appears to have to be handled with care.

"Xiao Wu, do you want to fight?" Bai Hu asked tiredly.

At this time, it just got rid of Satan in parallel world No. 5432 with Xiao Wu.

"It's okay, you are really working hard, go back to rest first." Wu Xiaode said.

"Okay." Baihu replied.

"Wait a minute!" Gerstaff said.

Wu Xiaode and Baihu looked at her together.

Ge Jiastave's eyes were fixed on the white tiger, and he said softly: "This is the spirit of the white tiger from the spiritual world, it just doesn't need to go, after a while after the battle, it can subdue the opponent, let us know in detail what it is. WTF."

"You know me?" White Tiger looked at Gerhardtaff vigilantly.

"Relax, I am Gorgastaff of the giant dragon clan. I have heard a little about you legendary spirits."

"Dragon... It is indeed possible to know some of my legends, but you don't look like a giant dragon, why is this?" Bai Hu said.

Gerstaff's eyes dimmed, and she said in a low voice:

"I left the Dragon Clan very early and did not get the inheritance."

"It turns out that you have forgotten the style of the Dragon Clan back then," Bai Hu raised his head, gave her a majestic look, and then looked at Wu Xiaode.

"—I don't mind taking some weird ghosts, but it depends on what Xiao Wu says."

"Okay, you just stay, but I know you're tired too, just rest on the side and collect a corpse when the battle is almost over." Wu Xiaode said.

"The enemy is coming."

Gerstaff shouted.

Wu Xiaode followed her gaze and looked into the sea.

I saw a black skeleton appearing from the waves and walking towards this side step by step.


Wu Xiaode was surprised.

"Do you know what this is?" asked Gorgastave in a low voice.

"I don't know, but how did you get into it?" Wu Xiaode asked rhetorically.

"I was looking for help all over the world. When I saw some mysterious existences on the island here, I came over to say hello to them. Who knew they would do it right away."

"You didn't win?"

"Yes, its abilities are strange, be careful."

While the two were talking, the black skeleton got closer and closer.

Wu Xiaode released the silent magic mist to cover both Gerstaff and the White Tiger, and then met the black skeleton alone.

"Hello, it's the first time we met, I don't know why you came here?"

he asked.

The black skeleton kept silent and walked straight towards him, reaching out and pulling out a long staff from his waist as he walked.

Wu Xiaode smiled and opened his hands and said:

"Why can't we live together peacefully? Are you hungry, and I invite you to a late-night snack?"

The black skeleton raised his long staff high, thrust it into the sea, and roared in a low voice:


The long stick shook.

The void behind the black skeleton opened up.

A monster Wu Xiaode had never seen before emerged from the void, stretched dozens of meters in length, and floated in the sky.

it looks

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It goes up like a dragon.

- The body is as long as a snake, with horns like a deer, scales like a fish, claws like an eagle, long whiskers hanging down on both sides of the nose, and blood red eyes.

This is a real dragon.

Wu Xiaode was inexplicably shocked in his heart, and with a wave of his hand, a large area of ​​silent magic mist was raised, covering the nearby sea area.

We must not let ordinary people see this scene, otherwise it will shock the world.

"Very good, I have seen your strength - there is no point in fighting and killing. Next, let's shake hands, make friends, and let's go together." Wu Xiaode said.

Black skeletons do not shoot.

In midair, the dragon looked at Wu Xiaode and slowly opened his mouth—

Wu Xiaode's eyes narrowed, his feet slammed on the ground, and the sound of "Boom" shot at the black skeleton like a cannonball.

He still disappeared halfway.

next moment.

Behind the black skeleton, a sword light flashed.


The black skeleton reacted very quickly, reaching out and pulling the long staff against the sword glow.

It suddenly froze.

Because the sword is not Wu Xiaode.

There was no one behind him, only a bronze hand held the long sword and was blocked by himself with the long staff.

"You're looking in the wrong direction."

A male voice sounded from the side.

Wu Xiaode.


A heavy punch knocked the black skeleton into the air and slammed straight into the dragon.

- Floating!

Wu Xiaode bent his knees slightly, pulled out the Ying Yuan knife from his waist, and said in a low voice:

"You buried your bones in the mud under the spring."


The long knife slashed out like an electric shot, waving golden lines all over the sky in the air.

The black skeleton blocked it a few times, and found that there were more and more golden lines, and it had exceeded the limit of what it could block. Seeing that he was about to be slashed by the sea of ​​swords—

"It's two tricks."

It let out a low growl and swung the black skeleton abruptly.

The dragon in the sky was shocked, rushed at an unimaginable speed, blocked in front of it in an instant, and swallowed all the attacks.

The black skull was unscathed.

It landed gently on the dragon's back and let out a low laugh:

"You all only have 40 soul power now, I think you can still use a few swordsmanship like this."

"Oh? Is that why you don't want to make peace?"

Wu Xiaode put the knife back into the sheath, UU read moved his shoulders, and re-swayed the starting position, and then said slowly:

"I promise you will be disappointed."


A violent wave of soul power emanated from him.

In front of his eyes, the floating book of the dead quickly showed a line of small ice crystals:

"You used the Death Technique: Two Instruments."

"When you hit the enemy this time, you will make an additional attack, and all your soul power has been returned."

"Current soul power: 32/32."

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