Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 281: collide!

I thought you had escaped, and was just having fun, and was going to play a hunting game with you. "

Satan grinned.

He stood in the center of the long street, Wu Xiaode in front and Xia Salaman in the back.

The surrounding mist is surging like smoke waves.

Satan didn't care.

He moved his body gently and said in a low voice, "There should be another me in this world, but now it's you who are fighting me, that is to say, you got him?"

"He has his own business, and your decisive battle has to be delayed - let me win first." Wu Xiaode said.

Satan was silent for a while, then suddenly applauded:

"Although it's a trick, it deserves a little applause—because you said that, I have to consider whether I have the energy to deal with another me after fighting you."

"Or do you want to escape? But there is no chance." Wu Xiaode made a gesture.

Xia Salamander smiled lightly, stretched out his small hand and pressed it in the air.

Threads of electricity emanated from her hands, instantly covering the entire street.

Space chaos!

From now on, no one can use the technique of space to escape from the current world!

However, Satan just glanced at it lightly, and then he looked back, and said slowly:

"Continuing to lock this space, you need to continue to release a lot of soul power. You lock me here, and you will be the only one who will fight with me next—"

There was a little sarcasm in his eyes:

"Do you really think that with that little skill of yours, you can defeat me?"

"No wonder you went to **** back then." Wu Xiaode laughed.

"Oh? What's your opinion?" Satan asked.

"The world is changing fast, but you are still looking at things from the perspective of the past - arrogance will bring you bitter fruit." Wu Xiaode said.

Two bronze demon gods stood behind him.

A spirit clings to him.

As well as the Ying Yuan Dao, which is constantly infused with soul power.


Satan cannot see them.

He quietly listened to Wu Xiaode's words, his face gloomy.

"Quite strange."

"You left the city of holy names, and I chased after you, but you said that I looked at things from the perspective of the past, and I have reason to think that you are a lunatic - but these are not important."

"You will die at my hands now, and then your soul will be absorbed by me, absorbing everything in it, including your power of death."

The voice fell.

Satan suddenly disappeared from the spot.

So fast!

Wu Xiaode's pupils shrank suddenly, and his hands suddenly waved out afterimages.

Satan then appeared in front of him, fist to fist, palm to palm, fighting him head-on.

After a series of crackles, Satan stepped back a few meters.

The murderous aura on him has risen:

"The iron wire fist of the human race? It's too old and outdated. Watching me break your fist, strip your tendons and hamstrings, and tear apart your bones, I will tell you what a fist is."

Before Wu Xiaode could speak, the old voice sounded in his heart:

"What a big breath, a bird with wings, who has no money to pay the rent and was kicked out of heaven, how dare he say that he wants to break my fist?"

The tone was full of strong murderous intent.

"Xiao Wu, let me play for a while?" Zu Ling sneered.

What else can Wu Xiaode say?

This man is **** off!

"Okay, senior; please, senior." He said respectfully.

next moment.

"I don't even bother to learn your boxing!"

Satan roared, kicked his feet on the ground, and rushed up again.

Wu Xiaode's aura suddenly changed, he opened a boxing box on the spot, and sneered:

"The beast with the hair on your back, grandpa will teach you an iron fist today."

The two met suddenly.

Wu Xiaode suddenly raised his anger and roared: "Kill!"

This sound was like a thunderclap, and a huge sound wave shot out of his mouth, shattering all the glass on both sides of the street.

The sound waves were mixed with shock waves like invisible giant waves, spreading in all directions.


Xia Salaman frowned, changed his hands with one hand, and continued to maintain the blockade of the space.

A streak of blood flowed from the corner of her mouth.

She was hurt by this sound even though she was hundreds of meters apart, not to mention Satan in the field!

He kept his punching motion and stood still, trying to recover from the huge sonic damage.

It's a pity that he only has 40 soul power, so he can't wake up for a while.

However, Wu Xiaode rolled up his sleeves in a leisurely manner, and said unhurriedly:

"The whole set of Iron Wire Fist has a total of six types of strength, namely rushing, collapsing, throwing, crushing, beating, and finally blocking the river with the iron hand."

He stood in the same place, and there was a crackling sound from his muscles and bones.

"Just one move is enough to kill you."

While speaking, he closed his eyes, clenched his hands into fists, folded them together, placed them in front of Satan's eyes, and didn't move.

The world fell silent.

Satan was trembling all over, desperately trying to recover from the sonic attack just now.

Time passed slowly.



Satan exhaled, shook his body, and finally regained control of his body.

almost the same moment.

Wu Xiaode's fist hit Satan's head.


A crisp sound.

Satan's entire head turned into a black shadow, and it was instantly shot and flew away, and it was still in the air, and it was already scattered into a rain of blood.

Only his headless corpse stood still.

"Aren't you going to break my iron fist? How do you break this punch?" Wu Xiaode said coldly.

He seemed to have noticed something, and suddenly his body was vertical, and he jumped back seven or eight meters away.

I saw that Satan's headless corpse raised a seal with both hands.

His voice came from his stomach:

"I underestimated your boxing skills. In order to apologize, I will let you die in the endless pain of hell."

A round of darkness quickly radiated from the hands of the headless corpse, covering the entire block.

Xia Salamander was knocked flying like an electric shock.

The darkness continues to spread, erode, and spread in all directions.

"The Art of the World: The Thirteenth Hell."

The headless corpse waved his hand to condense a mass of light from the darkness, turned into a head again, and placed it on his neck.

Satan recovered as if he had never been hurt.

He even showed a cruel and hideous smile at Wu Xiaode.

"Do you really think that 40 points of soul power can limit me? This is my karmic law of karma, summoning the thirteenth **** and assimilating the entire human world—"

"Your soul, along with all sentient beings in this world, I will accept it.:

"You kill everyone like this, aren't you afraid that the prison will kill you?" Wu Xiaode shouted.

"Kill me? No, it only takes a few minutes for me to kill all of you, and when the prison responds, it will come and beg me—"

"Because all souls are in my hands!"

Satan was full of killing intent, and in the darkness around him, all kinds of strange ghosts gradually appeared.

He seemed to remember something, put on a fist again, and grinned:

"Come on, let me see where the limits of Iron Wire Fist are, this time I promise to tear your flesh and blood alive."

Wu Xiaode's voice suddenly became old:

"This technique of yours, in the final analysis, belongs to the technique of heaven."

"No, this is looking for the original tree of **** world." Satan stopped his movements abruptly and defended earnestly.

"How can there be **** if there is no heaven? Do you think that creating a complete opposite according to heaven will leave you out of the realm of heaven? Too young, too naive."

Wu Xiaode sneered.

Satan was stunned for a moment, and a more intense murderous intent quickly emerged from his body.

"Damn you, I'll kill you now."

In the boundless darkness around, dense ghosts quietly emerged.

They hid in the dark shadows and rushed towards Wu Xiaode at a very fast speed.


A one-horned devil stepped on something while sneaking, and made a slight noise under his feet.

It couldn't help but look down.

I saw an unremarkable piece of gravel on the ground.

Step on the gravel, making a slight noise—

This is a very common thing that no one cares about.

But the next moment

There were dense shredding sounds all around.

All the ghosts stepped on the gravel.

They all looked down.

Even Satan felt something and looked down at the ground.

I saw that the flat and hard concrete floor was gone.

The ground is covered with cluttered small pebbles of unknown depth. These pebbles are long and short, wide and thin, and their colors are not the same.

Wu Xiaode bent down, picked up a random piece from the countless small stones, and said:

"In the endless era, there was an overly powerful spirit who, because he had experienced too many world events, could no longer be reminded of the fate of the world, he simply turned himself into endless rubble and slept in the spiritual world. "

"If you dare to disturb its sleep, or even step on a gravel..."

"It's hard to say what happens next."

The stone under the devil's feet suddenly cracked open.

White light flashed.

The devil is gone. UU Reading


A deep and magnificent voice sounded from the depths of the ground.

In an instant, all the stones cracked open, swept away the monsters and darkness on the ground.

The streets are restored to a human world.

No more demons to be seen.

Satan couldn't help but take a few steps back and shouted in a low voice, "My world..."

"It's used to play." Wu Xiaode said lightly.

In the Book of the Dead.

I saw two lines of small cold words floating on the page, motionless:

"The thirteenth **** world has come."

"The current thirteenth **** world has been taken away and sealed by ????, and will not appear in the human world again."

Wu Xiaode stood still.

Suddenly, two bronze hands appeared in the void and slammed into Satan's back.

- Heaven, Earth and Human Emperor Fist, see you off!

Satan was instantly kicked away and flew in the direction of Wu Xiaode.

Wu Xiaode opened his fist and said softly:

"Full force."

In an instant, two huge figures appeared on both sides of him.

Bronze Demon God!

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