Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 310: Dusty Badge of Disaster

When Wu Xiaode returned to the bar, the bartender had turned into Xiao Baihong.

"Where's Christina?"

he asks.

"She promised to help me bring back a demon, and in return, I'll be a sabao."

Xiao Baihong blended a glass of wine for Wu Xiaode.

Wu Xiaode took a sip, couldn't help but pick up the cup and take another sip.

"How is it? Is it much better than what she tuned?" Xiao Baihong asked with a smile.

Wu Xiaode looked around.

Christina hasn't come back yet.

"Yeah, great, this is wine." He quietly gave a thumbs up.

"Okay, I'll be in charge of adjusting the bar from now on--are you done with your work?" Xiao Baihong asked.

"Not yet." Wu Xiaode sighed.

Originally, when the World Destruction Council came to find him, he thought he was going to go through a big battle.

Who knows that later those people quarreled themselves.

--They sent a few more strong men to test the power of the figurines.

But not at all.

Just can't get past that level.

The people in the sky were directly struck to death by the tribulation thunder that fell from the sky, and there was no chance at all.

However, there was a strong man who inspired a figure from the lower realm to catch up.

-- But in front of the figurines, he was even powerless to fight back.

It's a hammer!

Those people disagreed, and after arguing for a while, they let Wu Xiaode leave first.

Of course, the rewards that should be given are also indispensable.

"Old Xiao, I remembered something." Wu Xiaode said. _o_m

"What?" Xiao Baihong asked.

"Do you remember when we traveled to a parallel world at twelve o'clock in the evening?"

"Which thing do you mean?,

"In the underground tunnel of the parallel world, you can find the most valuable things in the room casually." Wu Xiaode said.

--It was Xiao Baihong who figured out the hidden clues, and finally let everyone discover the existence of the lizardmen.

"It's too easy to find something," Xiao Baihong said, wiping the glass lightly with a white rag, "This is my talent, what's wrong?"

"There is an extremely secretive organization in this world, and their goal is to destroy the world..."

Wu Xiaode said the matter again, and then slapped a small metal key on the bar.

"This is your reward?" Xiao Baihong asked curiously.

"Yes, with this key, I can enter a door and take anything as a reward." Wu Xiaode said.

"Understood," Xiao Baihong snapped her fingers and said, "You want me to help you with something, right?"

"That's right." Wu Xiaode said.

Xiao Baihong picked up the key and asked, "How does this thing work?"

"Open the door to the void." Wu Xiaode said.

Xiao Baihong acted according to his words.

I saw that he was holding a small metal key and twisting it slightly against the void.

Sure enough, a door opened.

I saw a mountain of treasures and sundries inside the door, some ancient books, weapons, plants, and even a big boat lying on the ground full of gold.

"Interesting," Xiao Baihong rolled up his sleeves and said, "I'll show you something nice and come back."

He stepped through the door.

Wu Xiaode had some expectations in his heart, sitting in front of the bar and waiting quietly.


There was a sound of aircraft landing outside.

Wu Xiaode frowned.

The silent magic fog immediately completely covered the door behind the bar.

"Lester, come out and do my makeup."

"Yes, Master."

The King of Evil Ghosts quietly appeared in the fog beside Wu Xiaode.

Waited for the count.

The door to the bar was pushed open.

Several humanoid robots filed in, scanning the bartenders all the way, all the way to Wu Xiaode.

The leader was a silver metal robot about 1.9 meters tall. It was holding a heavy machine gun, its eyes shimmered, and it swept Wu Xiaode from head to toe.

. (This chapter is not over!)

The three hundred and tenth chapter dusty emblem of disaster


The silver robot said coldly.

Wu Xiaode didn't say much. He just took out the ID card that Bristle Dog helped him with, and spread it out on the bar table.

The robot glanced at it and hummed: "The legal documents of the Uzbek country have been verified."

The machine guns in its hands quickly overlapped, forming a small square like building blocks, which fit into its arms.

--This looks like a robot from Dongshengguo.

It should be noted that the legal documents of Wusi country can be bought as long as you give money, and the major gangs have related businesses to connect with the government.

The robot thinks the document is a reliable thing.

"Have you seen this man?"

The robot projected a portrait on the wall.

It was Wu Xiaode.

"This guy is quite handsome, sorry, I haven't seen it before." Wu Xiaode said.

"Notify us in time when you see him. This is a phone number and there is a reward."

The robot wrote a series of numbers on the bar and pointed towards the stairs behind the bar.

The two small robots picked up their guns and walked towards the stairs.

Wu Xiaode said: "Didn't you see the documents just now? You don't seem to have the authority to search my place."

"This is a joint anti-terrorist operation between Dongsheng Kingdom and Wusi Kingdom. We are authorized to search for all suspicious elements." The silver robot said coldly.

Wu Xiaode glanced at the two robots on the stairs.

Shen Feixue rested upstairs.

She is pregnant with the Queen Mother of the West, and she is the one who must not have an accident.

If you use the silent fog--

Before I could think about it, I heard a knock on the door on the stairs.

Someone is opening the door.

There was only Shen Feixue upstairs, so she must be the one who opened the door.

She is the one that Dongshengguo really wants!

"Lester, take her to hide."

Wu Xiaode muttered a word, and his figure suddenly flashed, blocking the door on the second floor.

The door couldn't be opened immediately.

The door of the bar was suddenly pushed open by a gust of wind.

The gust of wind blew out, turned a corner in midair, flew into the second floor, and quietly appeared beside Shen Feixue.

"Be careful, there is a manhunt outside, please come with me."

it whispered.

Shen Feixue had already heard Wu Xiaode's voice.

"it is good."

She agreed immediately.

at the same time.

On the stairs, the two robots raised their firearms together.

"You can't have private houses--unless you show me your documents!"

Wu Xiaode roared sharply.

The two robots paused.

A robot said: "The citizen's request to show their documents to conduct a search is in line with this anti-terrorism procedure and in line with the law."

Another robot shoots a beam of light from its eyes, which is reflected on the wall, forming a QR code.

"The certificate has been generated, please scan the code to view it."

The robot said coldly.

Wu Xiaode took out his mobile phone and scanned the QR code.

--After several incidents, he has come to understand that these robots attach great importance to procedural justice, and everything must be done according to the process, so there is a certain leeway.


As expected, a long electronic document appeared on the screen of the mobile phone, and at the end there was a long list of the signatures of the chief of the Uz State.

"Well, you are searching legally, please feel free." Wu Xiaode stepped aside.

He jumped straight down the stairs and returned to his seat.

"You're in good shape."

The silver robot commented.

"Of course, we can open bars at the border. Do you think we are doing ordinary business?" Wu Xiaode said.

The silver robot was silent for a while.

Wu Xiaode guessed that it was probably looking up relevant statistics.

It didn't speak until the two small robots came downstairs:

"Your lifestyle is wrong."

"Why?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Too disorderly, it will lead. (This chapter is not over!)

The three hundred and tenth chapter dusty emblem of disaster

cause death. ' said the silver robot earnestly.

Wu Xiaode did not answer.

--I will never compete with a robot.

Seeing that he didn't speak, the silver robot took his subordinates and walked out of the bar without looking back.

Wu Xiaode exhaled softly.

It appears to have been concealed.

next moment.


A figure emerged from the invisible fog behind the bar, jumped up to the ceiling with a light jump, hung upside down at Wu Xiaode and laughed:

"Look, I've found something nice for you!"

He waved and threw the thing to Wu Xiaode.

The thing came too fast, Wu Xiaode had to reach out to catch it first.

--In fact, by this moment, everything is already too late. First Release Update@

Wu Xiaode sighed and said, "Old Xiao, your movement is a little too big."

"Because I found something good."

Xiao Baihong raised his chin and folded his arms, with a "come and praise me" expression on his face.

Wu Xiaode looked at the bronze emblem on his hand.

The Book of the Undead has long been opened, revealing lines of small words in ice crystals:

"You got the" Dusty Disaster Micro-Notes,. "

This is a micro-record of a member of the World Destruction According to the rules of the World Destruction Council, as long as you find it, you are an alternate member of the World Destruction Council. "

good stuff.

This is really good stuff, with not only "benefits" but also power.



The bar's door was pushed open.

The silver robot stood at the door, stared at Xiao Baihong, and said coldly:

"Discover new targets."

"Please show your ID or we will arrest you immediately."

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