Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 323: The link between the past and the future!

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After a lot of hard work, Wu Xiaode completed the 30th level hidden trial before he obtained that crucial skill.

A shadow follower.

It can give "Ming Ghost" to followers.

A follower who can travel between the worlds of life and death becomes the "only one" who can truly escape the **** of the prison of sin. Then relying on the ability of "shaking people across time and space" endowed by the beasts of law—

Wu Xiaode can shake his companions to the last era!

This is what will be able to fight the gods after two days and thirteen hours. Street coffee shop.

After listening to Wu Xiaode's plan, Satan put down the coffee cup and stared straight at him: "So you are the one who awakened the ability to die."

"Yes, it's me." Wu Xiaode admitted.

Satan only pondered for two seconds, then calmed down and said:

"Quite interesting idea - but how many people can your 'Shadow Followers' bring back to the last era? "

Wu Xiaode was stunned, and suddenly clapped his hands. Yup!

I only have one shadow follower now!

He looked at the Book of the Undead, and saw that the description of "Shadow Follower" had already appeared: "Magic Mist Technique: Shadow Follower (Elementary)."

"In the silent magic fog, your power will be shared with your shadow followers, and every time you get a shadow follower, your silent magic fog will have one more ability (current follower cap: 1)."

"—A hidden skill at the death lord level." There are only two ways to improve this skill.

First, when you reach level 40 and go to the realm of death again to complete the trial, you will have corresponding skill rewards;

Second, pouring a lot of willpower into the wall of sighs can also make skills evolve. "It seems that we need to do a live broadcast, which will be faster."

Wu Xiaode Road.

"Live?" Satan didn't understand.

"You like learning so much, haven't you studied live streaming?" Wu Xiaode said. "Is it a combat skill? Or a buff skill?" Satan shrugged.

"It can help us - I think you should join our performing arts company." Wu Xiaode said.

Jingle Bell - The phone suddenly rang.

Wu Xiaode picked it up and took a look, and quickly connected: "Hello, Sister Lan?"

......What did you say! "

He stood up reluctantly.

Satan saw that he looked like a great enemy, and quickly stood up. "There are enemies?" he said sternly.

Wu Xiaode didn't answer, just looked at some pictures on the screen seriously. I'll be right there. "

He hurriedly hung up the phone, snapped his finger at Satan and said, "Go, the situation has changed." The two walked out of the cafe.

"What changes?" Satan asked.

"My sister... seems to have come up with a little technical innovation." Wu Xiaode said.

"Technology innovation? Give human beings a few hundred years, and they will not be able to develop technology that defeats those gods." Satan replied somewhat boringly.

Wu Xiaode's expression was a little strange.

He shook his head gently and whispered: "It's not as simple as you think, my sister Lan is not an ordinary scientist."

The two walked along the street in the direction of the Academy of Sciences.

At this time, there were still many pedestrians on the road. The shops on both sides of the street were open, cars were coming and going on the wide road, and the various signs above the street were lit up with colorful lights, creating a lively scene.

Wu Xiaode walked in front with his hands in his pockets; Satan took out his mobile phone and was searching for the so-called "live broadcast", so he was a few steps slower than him.

Originally everything was normal, and there were still some people dancing square dancing in the open space by the roadside. The children chased and played with each other, bursting into laughter.

Wu Xiaode walked to the intersection and took a step to the right according to the direction he remembered - he turned the corner.

For some reason, a chill came up from his spine, so that he immediately stopped in alert. If everything is normal, turning this street corner will see a more prosperous avenue, because this road is close to the night market, the flow of people is larger, and there are street vendors everywhere.

A second ago, Wu Xiaode just saw a man

A woman led the dog, talking and laughing, and turned into this street corner. There was also an old man who went in with him.

But when he turned around by himself, he found a narrow alley in front of him. It was deep and dark inside, with no end in sight.


The endless stream of cars and crowds just now disappeared.

The dense stone bricks blocked the surrounding roads, so that the place was filled with indescribable silence. Wu Xiaode waved his hand and made a gesture directly to Satan.

Satan parked outside the corner.

He looked at Wu Xiaode with some doubts on his face.

- Just one step away, he followed Wu Xiaode into this deadly alley. Wu Xiaode shook his head.

Satan stopped moving, and took out a long knife.

This street corner is a right angle. From where he stood, he could barely see Wu Xiaode, but he couldn't see what was in the street.

But on the opposite avenue, there was an endless stream of cars entering the street, and there were even more people coming and going.

-Why doesn't Wu Xiaode let himself in? Satan thought for a moment, then extended his long knife out of the street corner. The image of the street scene reflected on the blade.

Bustling city.

"Don't look at your knife, look at my pupils." Wu Xiaode looked forward, motionless. Satan glanced at his pupils.

- Wu Xiaode's pupils reflected a dark, deep, endless alley. Empty.

Satan was horrified.

"It's not right," he said immediately. "What's wrong?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Our world now only has a limit of 1 soul power, and the entire world is limited by the three laws of divine beasts, gods, and prisons - who can come up with such a terrifying battle?"

Satan said solemnly.

Wu Xiaode's eyes became cold and full of killing intent. " might be my problem."

He whispered, suddenly remembered something, and glanced at his phone. The phone has no signal.

- But fortunately, I stopped at the edge of this technique in time, and I was able to communicate with Satan at this time.

"Satan, contact Xia Huilan immediately and say that I need her support immediately." Wu Xiaode said without hesitation.

Satan called immediately.

"Xia Huilan, I'm Satan, Xiao Wu needs something here... Yes, it's best to deliver it right away. I'll share the address with you."

He hung up the phone and called both the emperor and Zhao Zhibing. During the whole process, Wu Xiaode stood still and did not move. He looked towards the Book of the Dead.

I saw lines of small ice crystals appearing on the page:

"When you left the past era, you were hit by an unknown spell." "When you left the world of death, this spell was activated again."

"However, after two epochs, what kind of mutation will it produce?" "-No one knows."

Wu Xiaode recalled it carefully.

If the World Destruction Council had a chance to take action against him, then it was the moment he had just left the "doomsday cage" and appeared in the capital square of Dongsheng Kingdom, and met the **** of Nanxuan Quan head-on.

Just that moment.

What spell hit him, but he didn't know it. - Unexpectedly, I was brought to the present era by myself!

In this era, everyone has only 1 point of soul power, and even gods have only 1 point of soul power. Unless I have a disease in my brain, I will take this technique head-on!

Several lines of crimson characters suddenly appeared on the Book of the Undead: "Time is disordered!"


"The time points of the two epochs are connected by this technique, and the time is in chaos!" "The current technique has been fully unfolded!"

"You must enter this technique immediately. If you stay in place, you will be torn apart by the power of two time and die!"

That's too late!

Wu Xiaode gritted his teeth and walked forward. There was a sudden explosion in the sky.

next moment.

Xia Salaman rushed down and threw a suitcase to him in the sky. Wu Xiaode caught it steadily.

Xia Salamander landed on the ground, looked around vigilantly, and said sharply, "Where is the enemy?" Wu Xiaode looked at


She was standing in the alley, but her whole body was translucent. Satan was almost implicated just now.

- This technique hits him, if he keeps following him, he might come in. At this moment, this technique has been fully unfolded.

At this time, other than myself, no one else can enter this technique. Wu Xiaode suddenly laughed.

"There is no enemy, I just want to show off in front of others with Sister Lan's research results - you go and tell Sister Lan, don't worry."

He glanced at Satan.

Satan pouted and said in agreement, "Yeah, I don't understand why your women are so sensitive." Xia Salar was confused.

"Ha? It's okay? Sister Lan thought it was such an urgent matter." She muttered.

Wu Xiaode was already carrying his suitcase and walked towards the alley. "I'm going to see an old friend, and I'll be back soon."

He smiled and said something. next moment.

His figure went straight through Xia Salamander and disappeared from the sight of the two of them.


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