Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 335: I take it as a compliment

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A bronze hand weighs fifty kilograms, is sixty centimeters long, and is a little bigger than the two arms of an adult put together.

Such a bronze hand has the strength bonus of Wu Xiaode, and also displays the boxing technique he has practiced for more than a hundred years—

The heavily-armored lion monster rushing in front was hit in the cheek by a bronze hand.


A crisp sound.

The face of the lion demon was directly smashed, and the whole body rolled to the ground in a whirl.

It wanted to get up, but who knew that it stood crooked several times without success, and finally fell to the ground, twitched for a while, and then stopped moving.

——That punch directly smashed the cervical vertebrae, facial bones and brain into a mess.

It's a straight punch.

Wu Xiaode's straight punch.

When he punched, a thousand bronze hands waved along with it, and also punched straight.

The dense bronze fists pierced the entire street in one go like a gust of wind and rain.

The demons lay on the ground and groaned.

The sky was dark red with the firelight.

Apart from this street, there were constant screams and cries from other parts of the city.

Wu Xiaode stood there, took a deep breath, and roared:

"In Xiawu Xiaode, killing demons and monsters is like killing pigs and dogs. You can bring seeds, dare to come and fight with me to divide life and death!"

The sound shook the four fields.

The whole city seemed to hear his voice.

Other voices fell silent.

A wild laughter sounded from the west of the city:

"The martial arts practitioners of the little human race dare to be presumptuous here?"

But I saw a black shadow rising into the sky, galloping towards Wu Xiaode.

Wu Xiaode slowly put out a fist on the spot.

When the figure fell from the sky with a shrill screeching sound, he suddenly hunched over, took a step forward, and hit an uppercut from the ground.

He also rushed into the sky with this uppercut.

Without any precautions, without any accident, this uppercut hit the jaw of a strange human-faced bird, directly smashing its jaw into pieces.

- It's not over yet!

Wu Xiaode spun halfway in the air and threw a swinging punch.


The head of the human-faced monster was smashed, and the brains splashed out with blood.

Wu Xiaode turned over and gently landed on the top of a house, and roared again:

"You monsters who are not as good as shit, who else dares to come and fight me!"

The whole city shook.

A fierce voice sounded from the center of the city:

"Kid Hugh is going to be arrogant, watch me directly knead you into meat patties."

The earth kept shaking.

A five-meter-high two-headed giant ape strode toward Wu Xiaode.

Wu Xiaode stood on the roof and put out a fist.

The two-headed giant ape rushed in front of him, clasped his hands into a hammer-like shape, and slammed it head-on.

Wu Xiaode did not move.

It wasn't until the heavy hammer was about to hit his head that he waved his fist and stabbed forward quickly.


Squirt while fizzing—

There was a torn whine in the air.

His fist speed was extremely fast, and from a distance, only a blurred afterimage could be seen.

No idea how many punches he punched in that instant.


Countless collisions made a sound, and the hands of the two-headed giant ape were suddenly thrown away, and the whole body retreated seven or eight steps backwards in a row to stand firm.

It finally showed a dignified color.

"Who are you?" the giant ape asked.

"Human, Wu Xiaode."

"Wu Xiaode, very good, you are qualified to die in my—"


In the sky, thousands of bronze fists smashed together into a giant fist and smashed it down.

This punch hit the two-headed giant ape and slammed it to the ground, directly blasting a deep pit.

Dust rose high.

There was no sound in the deep pit anymore.

"It seems that you are not qualified." Wu Xiaode said coldly.


look around.

Throughout the city, the screams of human beings gradually ceased.

Countless monsters climbed up the tall building, and Qi Qi looked towards Wu Xiaode.

They stared at Wu Xiaode.

Wu Xiaode took another breath and roared.

"Come on, demons, don't you like to eat us humans? As long as you have the guts, come and fight with me!"

The whole city was dumbfounded.

Wu Xiaode waited for a few breaths, then suddenly grinned and said, "I don't have a single one who is brave enough, it looks like it's all garbage."

Among the demons, suddenly a wolf demon called out

"Everyone, there is no morality to talk about with human beings. If we go together, we will definitely kill him and eat his flesh and blood!"

The demons were moved.


One can't beat you, but what if we have all the monsters in the city together?

Bury and bury you!

The demons were agitated.

In all directions, they either ran from the ground or flew in the air, and Qi Qi rushed towards Wu Xiaode.

in the enclosing circle.

Wu Xiaode put out a boxing frame and said softly while moving his wrist:

"I haven't used any moves since I became an artist."

He threw a punch into the sky.

Iron Wire Fist Collapse!

The strong fist force made a thunderous sound in the air.

——After more than 100 years of training in boxing, the power of this iron fist is simply a difference between clouds and mud!

The fastest rushing bird monsters turned into a fog of blood.

Blood mist scattered in the sky.

Wu Xiaode looked at the devastated city, looked at the human corpses, and chanted:

"Xianyang sees a guest off Xianyang Road, if the sky is in love, the sky is also old."

The voice fell.

The giant bronze hands floating in the air scattered with a "crash" and returned to the thousands of bronze hands. Following the movement of Wu Xiaode's fist, he made a move.

Heaven, Earth and Human Emperor Fist send off guests!

For a time, there was a continuous beating sound between heaven and earth.

All the demons were knocked out into the sky.

The entire sky was obscured by various monsters, and the color of the sky could no longer be seen.

This punch, however, did no harm.

- "Send off" can only knock the target into the air. make it float.

So Wu Xiaode's next punch came.

He stood still, withdrew his fist, took a step forward, and punched again.

Iron Wire Fist · Iron Hands Block the River!

One punch. Thousands of punches.

A giant white light appeared between heaven and earth, separating everything.

The white light that covered the sky caught up and wiped out those floating demons.

The world is empty.

Heaven and earth are silent.

Fire and smoke burned in the city, reflecting everything like blood.

However, those demons that feed on humans are no more.

Wu Xiaode silently looked at the whole city.

The middle-aged man leaped and looked around with him.

"I now finally know why you can get the approval of the spirit." He said with a smile.

"Then what, although I'm a little embarrassed, but I'm complimenting me when I'm a master."

Wu Xiaode also laughed.

A loud roar suddenly sounded outside the city:

"Okay! The human race finally produced a good boy, and it is worth me to come and see in person."

A monster with a human face and scorpion body about the height of a mountain appeared outside the city.

Its aura is different from all the previous demons.

——It is no longer this level, but a higher level existence.

With its strength, one thing is almost certain—

It can directly kill Wu Xiaode and the middle-aged man!

"Who are you? What do you say?" Wu Xiaode asked.

The man-faced scorpion said, "I am the ancestor of the ancient scorpion demons in the Eastern Dynasty Mountains, and I lead all the demons you see here."

"You did the massacre?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"I did it."

The human-faced scorpion continued, "Listen to me, boy of the human race, your talent is good, but it's too reluctant to fight me."

"You're right, so I won't fight you." Wu Xiaode said.

"Oh? Are you going to surrender?"

"Go to hell."

A crimson ray emerged from the back of the human-faced scorpion and shot directly at it.

The human-faced scorpion suddenly burst out with a miserable howl, and said in shock and anger:

"Ah—who attacked me!"

No one responded.

However, there was a "giggling" female voice while laughing and said: "Don't move, people have already used a fairly high-level body fixation technique."

The human-faced scorpion suddenly stopped moving.


Another crimson ray hit it.

Immediately it was able to move again, jumping up and screaming, "Ah—despicable!"

While laughing, the female voice said again: "Don't move, people have already used a fairly high level of immobilization."


Another crimson ray hit it. UU reading

"Wow—something came out—"

"Don't move, people have already used a fairly high level of immobilization."

sizzle. "Get me out-"

"Don't touch the cute scorpion!"


"Big Brother Big Sister-"

"I hate it, stop talking."

This process was repeated seven times.

——The ancestor of the ancient scorpion demon in the Eastern Dynasty Mountains, died.

From the beginning to the end, the Cyclops and the succubus hid in the silent fog, one shot, the other seduced, and they even attacked to death.

The so-called scorpion demon ancestor didn't even have a chance to make a move, so he was immobilized and beaten to death, without even seeing the two demon gods.

On the roof.

"What did you do?" the middle-aged man asked.

"Yes." Wu Xiaode said.

"Why don't you fight him dignifiedly—" Before the middle-aged man could finish speaking, he was already dumbfounded.

If it was a head-on fight, it wouldn't be able to beat it at all.

The other party doesn't know how many years he has lived, how many people he has eaten, and his cultivation base is several times his own.

"Master, it's here to slaughter the city. There's no need for us to talk about morality and morality with this kind of demon heresy."

After Wu Xiaode finished speaking, he commented on himself: "The repeated lines just before his death are full of emotion. It can be made into sound effects, DJ dance music, and publicized, used to frighten the demons, and the effect should be good."

The middle-aged man listened quietly and fell into a deep silence.

After a while, he shook his head and said:

"I now finally know why you have the approval of the spirit."

Wu Xiaode was also silent for a while.

"...I just praised me as a master."

Finally, he said without changing his face.


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