Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 341: Search battle!

The Cyclops Astaroth wreaked havoc on the battlefield.

Wu Xiaode hid in the magic fog and secretly calculated.

- Demon God Ulysses once fought against the bone dragon and was directly killed.

This is because most of Ulysses' power is in healing, and frontal combat is not his forte.

On the other hand, it also shows the strength of the bone dragon.

At the level of the devil, he didn't even escape in front of the bone dragon, which just proved that the general devil is not its opponent.

I am afraid that only when Satan comes, it is possible to compete with the bone dragon.

But at this moment-

Wu Xiaode looked at the battlefield, and saw that the army of evil spirits summoned by Lester had already entered the battlefield, and cooperated with the Cyclops to encircle and suppress the army of bone dragons on the field.

But the bone dragon still did not show up.


Is this because of disdain for the two demon gods, or because of something else?

Wu Xiaode was a little surprised.

The Book of the Undead was opened, revealing the page of the sighing wall.

I saw a billowing dark breath on the wall.


Although I don't know what the bone dragon is going to do, it seems to be very dangerous next.

Wu Xiaode no longer hesitated, and immediately walked into another fog.

I saw a ray of light of Dao Senhan emerging from the bone dog, and could not stop drawing a little chill from the ghost queen's arm.

"how much longer?"

Wu Xiaode asked.

"One hour." Bone Dog said.

It took more than half an hour for the death trial and those things just now.

I can stay here for less than three hours, so I have to quickly return to the parallel world No. 1666 to help Zhao Junyu deal with those infiltrators.

Just to be safe-

"Your Majesty, I have some bad premonitions in my heart. Why don't you leave here with us, wait for all your injuries to recover, and then come back to the scene, what do you think?"

Wu Xiaode asked.

The ghost queen got better, smiled and bowed: "According to the proverb: 'If even the ghost feels bad, then you must immediately follow it'. Of course I am willing to follow your advice."

Wu Xiaode nodded, his mind moved.

Bronze hands quickly appeared in the void, constantly building up stairs and building an arch bridge away from the castle.

"Please." Wu Xiaode said.

"Thank you, Xiao Wu." The Ghost Queen said gratefully.

Whether it's a ghost, or this future bone dragon, it's an extremely rare existence in the world of death.

I never imagined that I could be by my side together.


Can you really get through this?

The two and one dog kept walking on the bronze steps, and soon they left the castle, heading towards the sea and sky in the distance.

Another ten minutes passed.

The entire army of bone dragons on the battlefield has been swept away by the Cyclops and the King of Demons.

A majestic voice suddenly sounded from the back of the battlefield:

"It turns out that the ghost family's reliance is the devil... Very good, I will completely destroy you in one fell swoop."

The voice fell.

The sea suddenly rolled up a water column that shot up to the sky.

Columns of water crossed the mountains and rivers, heading straight for the plains and castles.

Seawater pours!

No, it's not a simple seawater inversion.

Wu Xiaode looked carefully, and saw that all the sea water began to turn into the frosty white air of the forest.

Everything that exists, as long as it comes into contact with the cold air, it is immediately frozen.

"Damn, the bone dragon is going to destroy my country!"

The ghost queen trembled and gritted her teeth.

"Don't fall for the trick, it just wants to force you to fight, because it can kill you in one fell swoop only if you fight when your injury is not healed." Wu Xiaode said lightly.

The Queen of Ghosts naturally knew about this.

-Fortunately, I had already left the castle with Xiao Wu, otherwise I would have been trapped in the castle by the tide of frost at this time, and I would have done it if I didn't make a move.


The bone dog suddenly transmitted sound.

"What's the matter?" Wu Xiaode asked immediately.

Bone Dog pulled over the ice search box in front of him and pointed to a record:


I saw a new history record below the search box:

"The bone dragon Fafnir used this search technique to find a suitable mass extinction technique."

"The content of this search is confidential."

Wu Xiaode was taken aback.

At this time, he, the ghost queen and the bone dog were far away from the battlefield, and they were not affected by the cold wave, and they were quite safe.

"Strange," Wu Xiaode said, "Why is it also using this search technique? Why can you see its search records?"

Bone Dog wondered: "It is said that its strength is much stronger than mine, and the search technique it masters should be higher-end, not a common technique used by death dragons like me - I don't know why it suddenly uses this low-level technique. Waiting spells."

Wu Xiaode looked at the ghost queen.

The Queen of Ghosts shook her head and said, "Don't ask me, I don't know what's going on with it."

"Why is it targeting you?" Wu Xiaode asked again.

"Our ghost clan has many treasures, and it has been coveting it secretly, but with me sitting in the clan, it has not dared to do anything for many years, but it suddenly attacked in the past two days, so that I am also puzzled."

The ghost queen frowned.

Wu Xiaode hesitated for a few breaths and asked the bone dog: "Does a more advanced search technique cost more soul power?"

Bone Dog said: "Soul power is second. The higher the level of our death dragon clan's search technique, the more precious spell casting materials are needed, and the search content will be more specific and targeted."

Precious casting materials.

An aura flashed through Wu Xiaode's mind.

His whole person suddenly reacted like a dick.

During my trial a few days ago, I sneaked into the bone dragon's private kingdom and emptied its treasure house!

It is now poor and in vain, can't afford precious spell casting materials, and can only use this low-level search technique that requires soul power!

It is no wonder that the buckles and ropes played on the battlefield are not at all unsatisfactory.

The truth is revealed!

Wu Xiaode touched the Ring of Sacred Treasure in his hand, only to feel a little dumbfounded.

The dignified death lord was evacuated from the warehouse, and even the high-level casting materials were stolen, so in order to make up for the loss, he had to take the risk and attack the ghost country with all his strength?

- I am guilty!

"What did you think of?" The Ghost Queen asked suspiciously.

"No," Wu Xiaode said without changing his face, "Bone dog, is there any way to find out how to deal with it?"

Bone Dog: "There is a way, but with my soul power—"

"I'll use my soul power!" The Ghost Queen immediately said.

"But that kind of high-level search technique requires a lot of special precious materials. Since my level is too low, the number of materials has to be doubled several times." Bone Dog said.

"This—" The Ghost Queen was embarrassed.

There are indeed a lot of precious materials on my side, but most of them are high-level materials for the ghost family, not suitable for bone dragons.

It's too late to find someone to exchange.

"Leave this to me," Wu Xiaode said calmly. "You can find me directly if you want any materials, there will be no problem."

The Bone Dog and the Ghost Queen looked at him together.

The Bone Dog's ears were upturned, and its tail swayed excitedly: "These materials are the secrets of our Bone Dragon family."

It gave Wu Xiaode a list of materials.

Wu Xiaode was ready immediately.

-In the Ring of the Holy Treasure, there is a special space for storing materials.

Everything is sorted into categories and neatly stacked.

Wu Xiaode took out these materials with a touch of the ring and placed them in front of the bone dog.

"Very good... I'll search for a way to defeat Fafnir now."

The bone dog said excitedly.

It raised its claws and kept tapping in the void.


A red light suddenly flashed on the Frost Hand search box.

"Spotted by Fafnir! It's higher level than me, and immediately stopped my search!"

The bone dog said nervously.

"Then what to do? Is there no way to break through its block?" Wu Xiaode asked quickly.

"Unless you take out ten times the amount of material—"


Wu Xiaode immediately took out the materials.

The bone dog was overjoyed, chanted the incantation, sacrificed the materials to the frost search box, and continued to tap the void.

But another red light flashed on the search box.

"It stopped again! This time it also took out the casting materials!"

The bone dog said in frustration.

"Then what do we do?"

"It takes twenty times to beat it."


"—It still doesn't work. It's trying to stop us. This time it uses ten times the material. It's over. I can't search for its weakness."

Wu Xiaode stopped talking.

He silently took the Ring of Sacred Treasure off his fingers, put it on with a chain, and hung it around the bone dog's neck.

"One hundred times." Wu Xiaode said.

- The treasure house of that skull dragon is in its own hands, why should it fight with me?

The bone dog gave him a deep look and growled:

"Okay, we'll do it this time."

It struck the void with a bang. UU reading


The red light no longer shines, but gradually fades away.

The search box disappears.

Lines of garbled characters of the dragon race then appeared on the frost.

The bone dog looked at it seriously.

The Queen of Ghosts watched the whole process from the side, but she was a little moved at this moment.

"Xiao Wu, thank you for helping me - I suddenly felt that our relationship should be more than that."

She stretched out her translucent snow-white arm and raised the back of her hand in front of Wu Xiaode.

Lines of small ice crystal words appeared on the Book of the Undead:

"The Queen of Ghosts has initiated a pact of allies."

"The arm of the ghost family is hidden in nothingness, so the release of all spells will not be blocked by anyone."

"Once she takes the initiative to raise her arm, let it become reality, and let you touch the back of her hand, it means that she is willing to have a feeling with you."

"From now on, you are her closest comrade-in-arms."

"Let's give a kiss-"

"This is an agreement between a 679-level ghost powerhouse and you!"

(End of this chapter)

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