Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 365: The Way of the Emperor!

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Punch out.

Countless bronze arms quickly appeared around Wu Xiaode's body, each arm was filled with dark flames.

He stood unscathed in these flames, but as soon as Jiaolong's flesh and blood touched the gray flames of the bronze arm, it immediately faded away, leaving only pale bones.

One punch.

Thousands of punches hit!

Wu Xiaode flew forward, the bronze fist lingering around his body bombarded the flesh and blood around him like a storm.

In an instant, the entire flood dragon was beaten into bones.

Wu Xiaode jumped out from the gap between the bones, and looked towards Liu Ling in mid-air.

"Killing you now does not violate the agreement."

Liu Ling whispered, and flew forward, stretched out her slender hand and patted Jiaolong's forehead—


Amidst a burst of tedious noises, the bones of the entire flood dragon immediately scattered and fell to the ground one after another.

Wu Xiaode was slightly taken aback.

Did this kill a dragon?

"I took the dragon soul as my reward for this shot. Besides, I have something to tell you."

Liu Lingdao wearing a mask.

Wrapped around her snow-white arm was a long, wandering thing that looked like a snake.

’ I think it’s a snake, not a dragon. "Wu Xiaode blurted out.

"Dragon? You don't have merit, and you want to transform into a dragon?" Liu Ling smiled coldly, nodded at him, and sank into the netherworld, disappearing with the whole world.

Wu Xiaode was dumbfounded.

its not right.

Didn't this woman tell me something?

In the next moment, the nether world appeared in front of Wu Xiaode again.

Liu Ling appeared from it, and said with some embarrassment: "Sorry, I seem to have something to tell you."

"You said something like that." Wu Xiaode said.

"What am I going to tell you?"

"…I have no idea."

Xu Shi saw Wu Xiaode's confusion, Liu Ling explained:

"Don't blame me. I distribute reincarnation water to the undead every day, so that they forget everything and go to reincarnation. After a long time, some water vapor keeps affecting me, so I forget things from time to time."

"It turned out to be a work-related injury." Wu Xiaode nodded understandingly.

Liu Ling continued:

"I remembered, you helped me obtain the dragon soul, so I will reveal something to let you know—"

"First of all, do you know that you are in the Emperor's Secret Realm?"

Wu Xiaode nodded.

"Very good," Liu Ling continued, "The Emperor's Secret Realm is the world where the Emperor became enlightened, and the whole world is his "Tao."

"Tao? Is it like the Tao I awakened?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"That's right, your Dao has just awakened, while the Emperor's Dao has already reached a quite powerful level."

"Is that what you're going to tell me?" Wu asked.

"That's not the case," Liu Ling looked at him, and continued in a tone full of deep meaning:

"As you continue to understand this secret realm, you will know it sooner or later. What I want to say is actually another thing."

"—The Human Emperor has actually died in battle, but his way has been preserved, and he has faithfully carried out his will."

"Do your best in this secret realm, if you can get the approval of the secret realm, you will inherit something he left—"

"Don't ask me, I don't know what it is, in short, anyone who has awakened" said, looking for the thing left by the Emperor in this secret realm. "

After Liu Ling finished speaking, she nodded to Wu Xiaode and disappeared into the Netherworld again.

The entire nether world disappeared.

The world returned to quiet.

Wu Xiaode thought for a while, then shook his head, thinking that there was nothing to worry about.

Right now I can't think that far.

two angels ate so

There are many endings, and it takes a long time to wake up.

——Constantly completing the tasks here so that I can continue to stay in the secret realm is what I should really consider.


Make time for yourself!


The Book of the Dead suddenly opened, revealing this page of Bone Dog.

"Can you give me those bones?"

it asked eagerly.

Wu Xiaode looked at the scattered keel on the ground, nodded indifferently and said: "Take it if you want it."


The bone dog was overjoyed, jumped out of the book of the dead, and immediately went to collect the bones of the dragon.

At this time, there were gradually noisy sounds from all directions.

Wu Xiaode observed for a while, only to find that those monsters were fleeing in panic.

——The dragons are all dead, they thought that they would end up dead if they stayed here, so they retreated immediately.

"Rest, I leave it to you, kill as many as you can, it's best to kill them all."

Wu Xiaode said.

"Yes, master." There was a voice in the void, and then, it seemed that something huge had gone away.

Wu Xiaode fell to the ground.

A sound of footsteps gradually came, but it was Zhao Congnan who brought Ma San and Sun Qian over.

"Brother Xiaowu, you killed Jiaolong!"

Zhao Congnan said in a trembling voice.

"Yes, I didn't expect it either, but it has indeed been subdued." Wu Xiaode said.

"Great! This city may still be saved!" Zhao Congnan said.

"Is there help?" Wu Xiaode wondered.

"Several war defense formations in the city were destroyed by female cadres who took refuge in demons—if the formations were still in operation, the demons would not be able to see the city at all!" Zhao Congnan said.

"Could it be possible to repair the war defense array?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Of course, I have all the spare materials and utensils - I will take Ma San and Sun Qian to repair the formation, and I will trouble you to deal with the monsters in the city." Zhao Congnan said excitedly.

"No problem, you guys go." Wu Xiaode said.

The three nodded and immediately headed towards the City Lord's Mansion.

"Astaroth, protect them." Wu Xiaode whispered.

"Yes, master."

Another invisible giant quietly left behind Wu Xiaode.

The Human Sovereign mission requires survival until tomorrow morning.

Right now, even the protective formation is about to be repaired, so it should be no problem to live until tomorrow morning.

Wu Xiaode was fine at this time, so he sat on the ground, silently experiencing the changes in himself.

"Dao" was integrated into the death technique by himself.

—now it is the Sealing Hand.

So, how to improve it?

Human Sovereign's "Tao" directly turned into a secret realm, which obviously proves that "Tao" can be improved.

The key is how to…

You should have asked Liu Ling just now.

In other words, it is still necessary to activate "Seeing" and "Multiple", collect the power of the undead, and then sacrifice it to the death skill "Sealing Hand?"


This is a way.

He was thinking secretly, when suddenly he saw the bone dog running towards him, opened his mouth and spat out at his feet.


A large pile of bones was spread out on the ground.

"I've collected all the bones of that dragon, and now I'm about to advance." Bone Dog said.

"How do you advance?" Wu Xiaode asked with interest.

"Bone change, you know, our bone dragon clan relies on continuous bone change to finally achieve the body of a bone dragon."

Bone Dog opened the search bar and quickly typed:

"I'm a bone dog now, and I've got the full set of Jiaolong's bones, how do I change the bones next?"

it presses a carriage return that doesn't exist


The search bar suddenly turned into lines of small characters:

"First, please number each bone of a dragon, and we will use each bone according to the number."

"The first piece is its left forelimb claw bone, numbered: 1-001;"

"In particular, Jiaolong has a total of 2022 bones, each with its own number."

"The second piece is its left forearm bone, numbered: 1-002;"


This description engraved on the ice is quite detailed, it is as high as a three-story building, and it floats alone in mid-air.

"It seems to be a tedious and meticulous project. You bone dragons are really scientific." Wu Xiaode said in admiration.

Bone Dog sighed with a sad face (although there was no flesh and blood on his face), and murmured:

"I hate building Lego...but in order to become stronger..."

It began to compare and explain, dug out pieces of bones from the pile of bones, and then numbered them.

Wu Xiaode originally wanted to help pick and choose, but he gave up without hesitation after taking a look at the piled up bones, large and small.


His expression moved, and he looked in a certain direction.

The bronze giant Astarot came striding out of the mist, bent down, and hummed:

"Master, thank you for letting me follow."

"What happened?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Sun Qian attacked Zhao Congnan in a surprise attack. I caught him and pinned him to the ground. Please decide." Astarod said.

"...Well, let the succubus ask what's going on."


Astarod scattered in the air, turned into dense bronze hands, and directly spliced ​​them into the enchanting and charming succubus goddess Skadi in front of Wu Xiaode's eyes.

"Master, where am I going?" Skadi asked delicately.

Wu Xiaode was a little dazed.

When a ferocious giant suddenly turns into a succubus—

You know, it's actually very challenging for the onlooker to switch emotions.

Wu Xiaode took a deep breath, waved his hand and said, "Go, hurry up and talk back, I want to know the reason."


The succubus left for a while, then came back to report.

It turns out that Sun Qian is one of the many female cadres who have taken refuge in the demon!

If Zhao Congnan hadn't been vigilant all the time, he might have attacked this team long ago!

Wu Xiaode sighed.

"Zhao Congnan chopped off his head directly, master." The succubus whispered softly.


Wu Xiaode immediately planned to go and have a look——

After all, Bone Dog looked at the huge pile of bones, and turned his head to stare at him from time to time, as if he wanted to ask for help.

—You can make me fight, but I'm not good at stacking blocks!

Wu Xiaode was about to take a step, but suddenly found huge and invisible fluctuations in the void.

A translucent air wave swept across the city.

Lines of small ice crystal characters appeared on the Book of the Dead:

"The battle formation has reopened."

"Currently the city is under the protection of a large formation, and the security level has begun to increase."


"You have completed this Emperor's mission, the battle to break the city!"


Wu Xiaode was surprised for a while.

Doesn't the task say that you have to live until tomorrow morning to complete it?

Could it be—

The point of this mission is actually to protect the formation?

Just as he was thinking, he saw another huge monster walking in the void. UU reading

Lester, the king of evil spirits.

"Reporting to the master, a large number of high-level monsters appeared three hundred miles outside the city. Among them, there are five dragons, and there are many monsters stronger than them.

, Hurry back and report to you. "

Its female head said quickly.

Wu Xiaode stood on the spot and thought for a few breaths, his expression gradually became dignified.

so close!

It turned out that the army of monsters was about to arrive at this city.

At that time, those high-ranking monsters heard Jiaolong say that there is a human soldier who is good at hiding here. They just need to surround the whole city and attack the plow field with a large area, and they will not be able to escape at all.

Fortunately, he killed Jiaolong himself!

In this way, Zhao Congnan had the opportunity to restart the formation.

Fortunately, Astarot went with him and killed Qian Qian, the daughter-in-law.

Otherwise, the large formation still cannot be activated.

That is to say——

Precisely because he saved Zhao Congnan, awakened his Dao power, killed Jiaolong, found out the female cadre, and protected Zhao Congnan at the critical moment of repairing the formation, he was recognized by the Emperor's mission as being able to survive.

—Otherwise—you will surely die!

The wind blows.

Wu Xiaode only felt a chill coming from behind.

Before I knew it, I was already in a cold sweat.

Never imagined that a seemingly fairly simple mission could be so sinister!

He was thinking about it secretly, but saw another line of small ice crystal characters appear on the Book of the Dead:


"Your second task has been completed quite well, and you are about to enter the next screening stage."

"The third Human Emperor mission has been released: "

"The Secret of the Frontier Town."

-- to view


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