Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 370: True Legend of the Emperor!

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"I gotta go."

That voice continued to ring in Wu Xiaode's mind.

"Finally, let me teach you the third move of Ren Huang Fist—even though you don't need it now. "

The voice fell.

A flash of memory emerged in Wu Xiaode's mind.

This is a boxing method.

Lines of small ice crystal characters also appeared on the Book of the Dead:

"You are comprehending the third form of Renhuang Fist: Huiyuan."


"This fist is not used to fight against the enemy, but a standing fist. Only human martial arts practitioners can learn it."

"It does not require external force, it is not a fake treasure, and it is easy for ordinary people to learn. It can help all human martial arts practitioners step by step, and comprehend the most basic power according to their talents."

— No wonder it is said that this style of boxing is useless to me.

Because I have awakened the power of darkness.

Wu Xiaode thought silently in his heart, but heard that thought sound again:

"Before I leave, I would like to make a small request."

"What request?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"I hope you can help this secret realm more, just like you did when you first saved people—after all, there will still be many people who will come here for trials in the future, and you can kill demons casually, or do something else. " said the voice.

"Well, I will try my best." Wu Xiaode promised.

"Okay, bye," said the voice.

The voice fell.

The sound disappeared.

Wu Xiaode stood where he was, silent for a long time, countless pasts came to mind.

Since entering the martial arts hall, I have been taught martial arts. Even in this city, there is also Ma San, who is willing to teach me footwork.

General Zhao Congnan used the dragon's blood to activate his power.

Until now.

These human race predecessors have been supporting themselves.

So what did you do?

The scene of learning boxing in the martial arts gym appeared before Wu Xiaode's eyes again.

"... There are tens of thousands of people like me in the world. I don't want to teach you boxing for anything else. I just hope that you will treat other tens of thousands of people like me in the future."

These are the words of the martial arts master.


If everyone is like a dragon, and everyone has the level of a human emperor, who would dare to bully the human race?

I had no money to learn things back then, so I only knew how to fight.

— Never let others suffer like this again!

Wu Xiaode's expression froze.

"Book of the Dead," he whispered.

The Book of the Dead naturally knew what he meant, and opened it automatically, revealing the page of the Wall of the Most Sunnable.

"Live broadcast target: all human beings in Human Emperor's Secret Realm."

"The countdown starts in five seconds."

He waved the mist to cover his own face and the surrounding environment.

Five seconds have passed.

In the entire Human Emperor's Secret Realm, all human beings, on the wall in front of them, in the water, fluttering flags, falling leaves, and drying clothes—

Every place where light and shadow can appear, Wu Xiaode's figure emerged.


Rolling up his sleeves, he opened his mouth and said:

"I am the successor of the Renhuang Fist, and now I just came back to do something, and I want to pass the Renhuang Fist on to everyone—"

"Hey, take a look, this fist can only be learned by us humans. It is equivalent to the foundation of thousands of martial arts. According to your different aptitudes, it can help you gradually awaken your powers during the process of practicing."

“Because I learned it, I teach it to everyone.”

"I hope you will work hard. "

As Wu Xiaode said, he opened his boxing frame and showed the third form of Renhuangquan "Hui Yuan".

He kept explaining in his mouth, explaining every detail and artistic conception of this stance, even if someone tried to ask a question, he would not tire of explaining it.

After half an hour like this, I finally completely mastered this style of boxing.

The bottom line is clear.

"—Please practice hard, as long as you learn it, you can protect yourself and your family, so that the human race can continue to survive under the siege of monsters."

"Also, meet any friends who don't know how to punch this."

"Remember to teach him."

After Wu Xiaode finished speaking, he closed the page of the holy line.

The live broadcast is over.


Just heard a loud bang.

Wu Xiaode looked up, but saw a full moon floating above his head.

what's the situation?

This time it's not a star, but a full moon?

Lines of small frosty characters appeared on the Book of the Dead:

"You have been appreciated by the spirit of the holy world: the ancient emperor."

"Hidden mission: "Human Emperor's entrustment" has been completed."

"This mission is a meritorious trigger mission."

"When you gain more than 100 points of merit in the Emperor's Secret Realm, you will be appreciated by the Emperor."

Surprised, Wu Xiaode looked at his merit.

At some point, the merit has reached 160 points.

The Book of the Dead turned back and opened the page of the Sunnah Wall.

I saw dense barrages appearing on the screen.

"The old man broke through!"

"Thank you for imparting martial arts, Your Excellency. I have a new understanding of boxing, so I will try to kill some monsters!"

"Hahaha, it turns out that a higher level is called Dao! What a Dao!"

"I see! Thank you, Your Excellency!"

"If you can't find your way in seventy years, you will know how to go further today!"

"I've become stronger!"


The dense barrage floated past without stopping.

Wu Xiaode looked at the words on the bullet screen, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

As time goes by, there will be more and more such things, and the human race in the secret realm will become stronger and stronger.

One of the simplest truths about fighting is that there is a natural advantage in fighting with more people than with others.

Maybe many people think it is nonsense.

But this nonsense is truth that no one can question.

If you can always let yourself use more to fight less, and use your own strength to attack the opponent's weakness, you will win.

——If there are more people who have mastered the Tao, the power of the human race will become stronger. Then it is hard to say who will win and who will lose when they encounter monsters.

One day, the balance of war will tilt.

Perhaps the Emperor's Secret Realm can eventually become a cultivation secret realm for the human race, rather than a place where demons are slaughtered.

Wu Xiaode thought quietly.

But he didn't realize that above his head, the full moon gradually turned into a bright and cold brilliance, quietly sinking into his top door.

for a moment.

Countless battle scenes flashed through my mind.

It's like being someone who has personally experienced all the battles he has been through, faced all the difficulties he has faced, experienced all the skills he has experienced, and accomplished all the victories.

Wu Xiaode gradually closed his eyes, immersed in it.

On the Book of the Dead, a line of small characters in ice crystal quietly appeared:

"Hidden mission rewards have been released:"

"You have obtained the Human Emperor's True Biography 'Comprehensive Collection of Human Fist Techniques,'"

"This is a collection of all boxing techniques back to the basics and martial arts mastery. It will be taught to you with the method of empowerment, so that you can get the true biography of the emperor."

"Additional Notes:"

"All these true teachings do not involve personal style, but the sum of the profound and sublime martial arts taught by the Emperor for the younger generation. You can use it according to your own fighting style, or you can create a new style on this basis, form your own system, and go to the next level. "

All fine print is collected.

Wu Xiaode opened his eyes, suddenly felt something, looked up.

I saw a blurry figure appearing on the wish wall, UU reading www. This figure wears

The long armor, with several banners waving in the wind behind him, was looking towards him.


A little awe and gratitude emerged in Wu Xiaode's heart.

"Thank you for teaching me the way of real martial arts." He clasped his fists and said.

"You did a good job." The man said, nodded at him, jumped up, and left the wishing wall. He didn't know where he went.

The Book of the Dead is still floating in mid-air.

All visions subsided.

Wu Xiaode relaxed again, and walked back step by step.

—I didn’t expect to be able to learn the inheritance of the Emperor this time, and all of them are the true inheritance of martial arts that directly points to the truth.

If we fight again in the future——

A person suddenly ran out of the fog in front of him.

Ma San.

"What's wrong?" Wu Xiaode grabbed him and asked in surprise.

"Brother Wu, so you are here!" Ma Sansan said overjoyed.

He took a breath, and continued: "Come back with me, the general said we must leave immediately."

"Huh? What happened?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"I can't tell."


The two returned to the hidden stronghold of the human race.

Zhao Congnan stood with a flying bird on his shoulder, holding a note in his hand, and his face was full of solemnity.

"General, what happened?" Wu Xiaode asked.

"Flying bird message - look." Zhao Congnan said.

Wu Xiaode took a look at the note, and saw that it was a summons:

"Today the Human Emperor's martial arts are spread all over the world, and all the kings of the human race have been taught, and their strength has greatly increased."

"All the monsters on all sides are going crazy, attacking the cities with all their strength, all the cities will be destroyed, please retreat to the border immediately, take back Qincheng, and consider it the last stronghold!"

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