Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 344: Father and son's final plan!


The flames that destroyed everything spread rapidly.

for a moment.

It was as if something had shattered.

A line of small ice crystal characters suddenly appeared on the Book of the Dead:

"The opponent's overly powerful full-screen spell is destroying everything."

"You have 'spell immunity,',

"You have a certain magic defense, but the opponent's magic has exceeded the upper limit of the law and is causing your death."


"The actions of the other party have already destroyed the barrier of imprisonment it set up."

"The confinement of space is gone!"

Wu Xiaode's eyes were fixed--

This is it!

"Sion" has the spirit of the law in his body. With the power above, he could kill himself at any time, but at the beginning he was confused by the silent magic fog, and was hit by the full-screen spell of the Cyclops, so he was irritated.

In fact, its cognition is very clever.

It saw at a glance that the Silent Magic Mist was the trump card in its hand.

And it has already tested the weakness of the Silent Magic Mist--

Can only hide, can't resist attack!

This leads to the only way the situation can go --

When it loses itself, it is bound to use extremely powerful range spells.

Only in this way can you catch yourself out again!

The only life in here is--

It doesn't have the power to control the spell, allowing the spell to directly destroy the space confinement barrier.

As soon as the enchantment was opened, Wu Xiaode sensed it immediately.

His eyes flashed, and he immediately activated the "Power of Darkness, See You".

"Your eyes can penetrate all world barriers, take you there and see where all the ghosts belong.',


He penetrated the barrier between life and death and entered the netherworld again.

Almost at the same time --

Xion flew to where he was originally like a meteor, and punched him out.

The void is broken layer by layer.

I saw a layer of worlds appearing in the void, densely packed, with no end in sight.

--It directly broke the void with one punch, causing other worlds outside this space to appear one after another!

Sion squinted his eyes, carefully observing all the movements in those worlds.

-- nothing has changed in those worlds.

"Ah, just now I sensed that the technique seems to have come across... Could it be an illusion?"

Sion said to himself.

What it doesn't know is that even if it penetrates all the worlds related to space, it still can't find Wu Xiaode.

Because these worlds all belong to the "Yangjian", where all living beings belong.

-- This is the boundary between life and death.

Wu Xiaode went to the netherworld.

That is another type of world that belongs to the law of death, and it is impossible to go there just by breaking the void.

Sion pondered for a moment, and finally confirmed one thing.

"No movement.',

"It should have been instantly killed by the trick I just did."

"After all, that move can crush the entire world."

"The only pity is that I didn't drink his blood or eat his flesh."

"......never mind."

Sion shook his head, a little regretful, but not too regretful.

It stretched out its hand instead, and once again released a healing technique exuding a gentle breath.

The magic spell landed on it, wandering across the half of the face with only bones left, and scattered into his body full of wounds as bright spots of light.

--These are left when the real Xi'an fought against Wu Xiaode.

Now is the time to heal the wounds.

One breath.

Two breaths.

Three breaths.

Time passed, but those healing radiances disappeared one after another and disappeared.


Look at Sion again--

All wounds, none of them healed.


A terrifying killing intent exuded from Xion's body. Blow away all floating objects in the dark void.

"not dead?"

It screamed.

Yes, this body is being affected by a curse-like "end".

Generally speaking, after the death of the owner of "End", the spells released by him holding "End" will gradually disappear.

Scattered and no longer works.

However, until now, the healing technique still doesn't work.

This shows that the curse seal is still working!

he is still alive!

"Hee hee hee, it's so interesting.',

"How did an existence as small as an ant acquire such a powerful curse-like 'Ending'?",

Sion's hands became slender, and each piece of nail turned scarlet, sharper and sharper.

It licked its own hand, but saw the flesh and blood of one finger split open, exposing the bones inside.


So fragile.

You must find that guy, kill him, and remove the curse.

Otherwise after a while--

This body is about to crumble.


Wu Xiaode fell into that sea of ​​death.

"Survived! Woah!",

The earth dog let out a bark of incomparable joy on the Book of the Dead.

"Hey, isn't it a bit inappropriate to say that you survived in the world of death?" Xiao Baihong smiled and found fault.

Everyone is very happy.

Wu Xiaode himself couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but looking around--

This is still the sea of ​​death.

The resentment of the resentful spirits completely dissipated, and they all went to other places, or reincarnated.


Why is there a familiar smell?

With a flash of Wu Xiaode's eyes, he immediately saw the situation in the depths of the sea.


With a shout, he immediately traveled hundreds of meters and arrived at that place.

I saw a gray skeleton floating in the sea.

Around this skeleton, eleven young skeletons surrounded it, all crying.

This is--

Arian's father and the eleven children who died unjustly!

Wu Xiaode was puzzled and asked:

"Why didn't you leave?"

When those resentful spirits saw him appear, they immediately looked over together and said in unison:

"Our grudges are gone, but we want to save him!"

"Why? He obviously killed you, why do you still want to save him?"

Wu Xiaode looked at the gray skeleton and couldn't help asking.

The wraiths said: "He had to kill us for the continuation of the whole family. Now that we have understood the situation, please take a look--"

The youngest among them floated over and stretched out its bony fingers to scratch on the wishing wall.

Scenes of pictures suddenly appeared on the wall, revealing an unknown history of the Entropy family.

I saw the screen flash--

Eight hundred years ago.

Jingguanshan with a strange soul was born.

By virtue of it, Sion set off a bloodbath in the entire Entropy Family.

Great talent keeps dying.

In the beginning, because Xion's plan and methods were very meticulous and clever, no one could

No doubt.

until Arrian's father--

He is obviously excellent in swordsmanship and powerful, but he deliberately pretends to be a waste, and even deliberately admits defeat in the fight with Xi'an.

The consequence of this is--

Xi'an looked down on him at all, and was unwilling to let him become a member of Jingguan Mountain.


Sion even left the task of handling him to Matron Joan.

--- so that Joan can control his two children.

This waste was gradually forgotten by Xion.

The screen flashed, and a brand new scene emerged again.

At a family meeting.

Xion looked at the ledger in front of him, and said, "I didn't expect that you are so bad at fighting, but you are so good at managing property—"

"Look, the family's asset income has increased by 11% this year, which is amazing."

"Under the leadership of the Patriarch, we can achieve a little success." Arian's father sat opposite, arched his back, and said respectfully.

"...I need a lot of resources to improve my strength, and you will be responsible for making money for the family in the future.",

Sion dropped the ledger at his feet.

Arian's father immediately squatted down and picked up the ledger carefully, with a look of joy on his face.

Seeing this, Xi'an didn't bother to say a word.

The screen flashes away.

The gray skeleton looked at Wu Xiaode, and suddenly made a voice:

"I have long expected that one day, the entire Entropy family will be swallowed by Jingguan Mountain, so I immediately started to do one thing--"

"After I gained financial power, I began to secretly build a secret passage, so that when the entire family is destroyed, I can use it to escape and reach the central world where the parliament is located.

"Once I'm there, at least I'm safe.'


"The bloodline of the Entropy Family will also continue.'


"Then did you succeed?" Wu Xiaode asked. ',


"I succeeded...Unfortunately, when I succeeded, I was cursed by the bloodline of the mistress." Gray Skeleton said.

It lays its hand on the wall of vows.

The screen flashed, and a whole new scene emerged.

That was the situation when it fought against Wu Xiaode.

The gray skull said: "If I am cursed and nothing happens, Xion will definitely suspect, then the blood of the whole family will end in his hands."

"The reason why I killed eleven children...',

"It's to survive—it's not just for me, but for the entire Entropy Family."

"But at the last moment, I found that you are more qualified to live on behalf of the entire Entropy Family than I am, Ariane.",

Wu Xiaode was stunned.

May the battle scene now be seen on the wall--

The man stood in the courtyard, drew out his long sword, and said seriously:

"...So come on, if you can kill me, it will prove that I am indeed wrong, and everything I have is left to you."

The battle is over.

he died.

Wu Xiaode remained silent.

Did he release the water at that moment?

If his original strength was extremely outstanding, but suddenly exploded at that moment, the outcome is still very unpredictable.

But he gave up living.

The gray skeleton suddenly pressed his hand on the wishing wall, and whispered:

"Escape from the secret passage and reach the central world."

"Remember, you have to go directly to the Parliament Bank and inherit all the wealth of the family!"

"Without them, the Entropy family would not be able to make a comeback at all."


"It's the only last thing I, as a father, can do for my own children.',

May lines of small ice crystal characters suddenly appear on the wall:

"Currently, the wish of the Wraith has reached the wish wall.',

"If you are willing to realize it, you will get a share of the power of the wraith, and the evolution time of your dark power will be greatly shortened.",

Wu Xiaode looked at the gray skeleton.


People don't know what to say.



Everyone in the family is carrying too much burden.

Do you want to reveal your true identity now?

It's hard to tell which is right and which is wrong.

The world is as short as a spring dream, human relationships are complex, and the world is unpredictable.

People are always involuntary in the rivers and lakes.

But at this moment, the father's intentions for the child were not wrong.

As for other things--

The Entropy Mo family has gotten what it deserved.

"I have received your wish, and I will continue to live on behalf of the entire Entropy family.",

Wu Xiaode said in a deep voice.

The gray skull cheered up, and quickly said:

"As the last bloodline of our entire Entropy family, you have to return to the world where the family lives."

Wu Xiaode suddenly realized something.


These vengeful spirits still don't know that the entire Entropy family's world has been destroyed.

"Why do you want to go back?" Wu Xiaode asked. ',

"Because my original setting was 'Once Sion is completely controlled by the weird end, the secret passage will open in ten minutes, and it will appear in the underground tunnel of the family warehouse, and it will only open for three seconds in total."

"Seize those three seconds.',

"It leads directly to the central world, go to the council bank--"

Gray Skeleton urged.

"How to inherit the property in the council bank?" Wu Xiaode asked. ',

The gray skull sighed, and said helplessly:

"Obtaining the payment certificate is the most difficult thing. UU Reading',

"What proof do you need?" Wu Xiaode also raised his heart. ',

The world is destroyed.

Where else can I get proof?

"You are going to steal the owner's golden token. When I was alive, I remember that he rarely carried this thing. It should be in the attic on the third floor of the main building." Gray Skeleton said.

Wu Xiaode was startled.

Patriarch token?

This seems to be...

He touched the ring.

--The golden patriarch token is lying intact in his storage space.

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