Virtue is Abundant

Chapter 508: Windfall!

The driver is still Jiang Ye, a hundred households of Jinyiwei.

As Zhu Fugui's exclusive driver, Jiang Ye's skills are undeniable.

The long windbreaker, black sunglasses, and white gloves make the Great Wall look like a longer Lincoln.

"Xiao Jiang, do you think it's more interesting to drive a car for me, or to drive a chariot?"

"Report to Commander-in-Chief, it is my honor to drive for you, there is no such useless feeling as not having fun!"

Zhu Fugui nodded. The person Yin Were chose was reassuring, and he was just a piece of wood like him.

It is of course an honor to drive the emperor, but objectively, this also resulted in the young Xiaobaihu not being promoted for several months.

This is very abnormal in Daming during the period of rapid rise.

Zhu Fugui intends to follow the example of the ancients and add titles to his pilots from time to time. Although he has no real power, it is enough to honor his ancestors and make his wife a shadow.

In fact, Zhu Fugui has been thinking about the title for a long time.

After this period of experience in farming, Zhu Fugui felt that he should also change his thinking.

With the vastness of the Pacific Ocean, it can accommodate some real titles after all.

There is no need for me to be like Lao Li, who can't turn the corner with his small-scale peasant thinking, always staring at the one-acre three-point land in front of him, reluctant to be an official and make a wish.

In the future, when the world is established, Qi Wenchang and Zhang Changgui are all sealed to a small Pacific island with beautiful scenery. This will not only make them hereditary, but also help promote energy conservation and emission reduction.

As you can imagine, in the 21st century, global warming and sea level rise, wouldn't it be those princes and lords who are most anxious?

How influential they are, they must be more powerful than a little Swedish girl with no hair.

While thinking wildly, Xinjin is already close at hand.

Compared with Fengdu, which has a population of 250,000 (not counting the white slaves in the mine), Xinjin has only two army field regiments and one agricultural reclamation regiment stationed, so it is not very popular.

However, with the opening of the direct immigration channel of Ming Dynasty, Xinjin will soon develop and play the role of a trading port.

"Sun Moon 1" slowly stopped at the pier.

Zhu Fugui was slightly surprised that there were 14 ships moored in the port.

Because three of the wooden-hulled boats were too small, they were obviously not in the "Daming Core Values" sequence.

In the Daming fleet, the smallest tonnage "Jingye" is more than 1,800 tons, and the largest "Fuqiang" is more than 2,500 tons.

After all, this is a very cost-effective ship selected by Zhu Fugui's little fan girl, Julie Vanderbilt, which is far from being comparable to the broken ships randomly pulled from the Pacific Ocean.

These three wooden-hulled sailboats were broken and small, only 400 to 500 tons by visual inspection, not as big as the "Yangzhou" and "Jiading".

Donald, who was running towards Zhu Fugui in the dusty world, solved Zhu Fugui's doubts.

"A big victory, Sleepy God, a big victory! My Ming Navy severely damaged the Raksha State Stanislav Stashevsky Whaling Group, sank 1 enemy ship, burned 1 enemy ship, and captured 3 enemy ships. Ship! I am invincible tomorrow!"

Donald was completely shocked this time. He had heard that there was a man named Zhuge Wuhou in ancient China who invented a flying bird, but he did not expect to see it this time.

Although as a military secret, Donald was strictly prohibited from spying on information by the navy, but the background revealed by Ming in the Aleutian naval battle gave Donald a reassurance.

Maybe the nation of Israel, which has been destroyed for two thousand years, might really be able to restore it in his own hands!

At that time, wouldn't I be the chosen one on par with Moses?

When Donald thought of such a scene, his whole body trembled with excitement.

In the first Ming-Russia war, Ming was able to win a complete victory, Zhu Fugui was not surprised, but he did not expect to get three wooden hull ships as spoils of war.

Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, in line with the combat policy of punching Nanshan Kindergarten and kicking Beihai Nursing Home, they are always looking for soft persimmons.

The American Civil War in the east, and Tsarist Russia in the west were violently beaten by Britain and France in Crimea. The right time, place and people were all conducive to Ming's gradual leveling up.

In fact, the Manchu Qing was able to achieve "Tongzhi Zhongxing" and regain Xinjiang, Japan's overthrow of the shogunate and the Meiji Restoration were all related to the relative power vacuum period during this period.

An advanced iron-clad gunboat and 20 fire-fighting drones are powerful combat forces that no whaling regiment can face.

Donald vividly introduced the situation of the naval battle to Sleepy God.

He could only give a rough idea, but through these descriptions, Zhu Fugui basically understood the situation at that time.

In this battle, the "Yangzhou" assumed the responsibility of heavily armored fighters, and was responsible for tanking and outputting.

The Stanislav Stashevsky whaling group is a semi-official whaling group with good strength, with a total of five ships and a total tonnage of 2,800 tons.

However, probably in order to increase the efficiency of whaling, only two ships are equipped with two 16-pound naval guns, and the other ships have whaling guns for whaling, and the threat is limited.

The 16-pdr gun has an approximate caliber of 120mm.

The main gun of "Yangzhou" is only 125 mm, and there are only two.

It seems that the enemy's firepower is more fierce.

However, the "Yangzhou" is a professional armored gunship, and the guns used are also breech-loading guns.

The guns on the whaling ship are just old-fashioned muzzle-loading guns, and they are still semi-civilian, and the craftsmanship is not much higher than that of Manqing.

When the two sides shoot at each other, there is a classic situation where I can hit you but you can't hit me.

The speed of the wooden hull ship is also not good, and if you want to escape, you will be stuck by the "Yangzhou".

But in the end, it was the drone battle group that descended from the sky that destroyed the Raksha people's will to fight and took the initiative to run the three ships aground.

The drone in Zhu Fugui's hands is not the same thing as the drones on the battlefields in the Middle East and North Africa, and it is completely incomparable with drones like Rainbow. (Photos of the two drones are shown below)

Of course, UU Reading, a "firefighting" drone with a maximum flight altitude of 3,000 meters, is obviously not that simple.

It was originally equipped with a high-definition camera and night vision data acquisition device, which can fully meet the needs of long-range reconnaissance at the guerrilla level.

However, the cultural value of these things was too high, and Zhu Fugui couldn't afford them.

The drone in Daming's hands is a purely castrated version. It doesn't have night vision. It doesn't have a high-definition camera, so users can't control the aircraft remotely. They can only control the aircraft within the visual range like playing a model airplane.

What is wrong is that due to the reduction of a lot of additional equipment, the load capacity of this aircraft has been increased, and it can carry 25 kg of "dry powder fire extinguishing bombs" for 20 minutes.

Therefore, the air force of the Daming Navy, crossed out, and the firefighters of the Daming Navy, based on humanitarian principles, threw some "improved fire extinguishing bombs" at the injured Russian sea ships, hoping to save the lives of Russian officers and soldiers.

As for why the "fire extinguishing bomb" exploded and burned after landing, it must be due to the system!

It's heartbreaking!

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