Virus Throne

Chapter 1. Activate!

The sky is about to break and the east is already bright.

In Jianglin University Town, Nanjiang City, by a window on the top floor of the male dormitory building of Haihe University.

In the faint morning light of the approaching dawn, Xu Youran opened his bloodshot eyes and observed the surrounding situation alertly.

He is more than 180 cm tall and thin. His hair, which has obviously not been trimmed for a long time, is fluffy and scattered on his shoulders. His handsome face is full of fatigue, and his red eyes are full of bloodshot.

The glaciers in the Arctic and Antarctic are melting, and the ancient viruses that have been frozen for billions of years have erupted and ravaged the world.

Within a year, humans infected with these viruses died one after another, and animals infected with the viruses evolved rapidly. The more aggressive animals are called mutants.

In order to prevent being attacked by mutants active late at night, his most important job this year is to keep watch.

The dormitory behind him used to be able to sleep only eight people. But now there are more than 30 people lying in a mess, almost sleeping on top of each other.

There are former teachers, school workers, and students in the school.

These people are the lucky ones who survived the virus attack. For some reason, their bodies adapted to the virus and they did not die in the outbreak a year ago.

No one pushed the girl who sat alone against the wall in the corner of the bed. She was gentle and heroic, with thin eyebrows as straight as swords, a small and lovely nose, and thin red lips tightly pursed.

This girl was Dongfang Bai, the school beauty in the same class as Xu Youran.

When she was a freshman, everyone said that she was from a martial arts family and had practiced martial arts since childhood.

After the virus broke out, she quickly adapted to the virus and survived.

Moreover, after the animals began to mutate and become extremely aggressive, it was she who led everyone to escape death again and again.

When Xu Youran was born, he was diagnosed with the world's only congenital immunodeficiency disorder, which made him immune to all viruses.

Countless people died, but Xu Youran survived inexplicably.

And since yesterday, he has been a little different.

He knows that he is different, but he can't share it with others.

Because of his special constitution, he was infected with almost all kinds of viruses.

Just yesterday, the rabies virus he carried broke out and he got rabies.

When he was exploring the basement of the school alone, rabies suddenly broke out. He rolled, roared, and wailed in the muddy basement.

Just as his life was about to end, a white light suddenly flashed in his mind, and a light curtain appeared faintly in his sea of ​​consciousness.

He remembered the ancestral martial arts of the Natural Sutra that his father had taught him, and he started to practice the Natural Sutra martial arts frantically.

The pain on his body was miraculously relieved a lot, and the light curtain became clearer and clearer.

When he finished the ninth round of the closing exercise, rabies was miraculously cured.

It seemed that the rabies virus was completely absorbed into the dantian, and the light curtain was finally completely formed at this moment.

His weak consciousness swept over the light curtain over there, and he couldn't help but be stunned. Which technology tycoon is using me for experiments?

Although current technology can achieve mobile phone light screen projection and human-machine light screen interaction, I have never heard of any company that can install light screens into people's sea of ​​consciousness.

He did not bother to wipe the white foam on his mouth and the mud on his body, and carefully read the text on the light screen.

Four big characters on the top: Virus Throne.

Several branch lists below:

? Magic awakening skills.

? Basic attributes.

? Basic skills.

He tentatively touched the first column with his consciousness, and a drop-down menu appeared.

The next level column has seven parallel options, but only the words "Earth Attribute" are lit up, and the other six options are all gray and the words are unclear.

Earth Attribute:

? Earth Shield, Black Iron Level. You can use the earth element to condense a shield to resist Black Iron Level physical attacks, and the element resistance is weak. (Upgradeable)

? Earth Spike, Black Iron Level. You can use the earth element to condense three earth spikes to pierce the enemy and attack physically. (Upgradeable)

Is this the instruction manual?

Is this the awakening skill I can use now?

Is this the sequelae of my infection with the rabies virus?

Am I hallucinating?

He retracted his weak spiritual sense and looked at the cement floor around him. Cement can also be considered an earth element, right?

He had an inexplicable sense of familiarity with these cements.

He raised his hand, and with a light "swish", a large black shield condensed in his left hand.

"Wow!" Xu Youran was startled and threw the shield out.

"Bang!" With a loud bang, the shield hit the cement floor.

This is real! It's not my hallucination!

Xu Youran is going crazy, what's going on?

He thought that the infection with rabies had caused hallucinations and left sequelae. Ye Yan

Who knew that this was actually the reward for his infection with rabies!

He raised his right hand, and with a light "swish swish" sound, three sharp and sharp ground spikes quickly bounced up from the ground and pointed to the sky.

He walked over and gently touched the sharp ground spikes.

Hard and cold, like three sharp blades, they almost cut his fingers.

This is not an illusion, it is real!

What does the magic awakening skill mean? Am I a magician? Am I a turret?

He retracted his consciousness and scanned the second column.

The second column page opened, and a line of small words came into view:

Viruses are also a kind of organism. When viruses that cannot be immune, prevented, or avoided come in large numbers, special samples in the human population will have the only chance to activate this system.

Are you willing to be infected with all viruses and start your evolutionary journey?

Are you willing to bear all the pain and misfortune, step on blood, and sacrifice everything to save humanity?

There are two options below: 'yes' and 'no'.

This may be a difficult choice for anyone, but for Xu Youran, who has been ill for more than 20 years and has been in agony for a long time.

Is there still a choice?

The divine consciousness decisively clicked on the word 'yes', and the previous light words disappeared, and new subtitles appeared.

Virus infection is death, but also evolution. The trajectory of biological evolution is to constantly challenge the limit and improve oneself.

Are you willing to lead the human race in constant despair, evolve in a more perfect direction, and ultimately defeat the virus survival race?

There are still two options below: 'yes' and 'no'.

Xu Youran was a little upset. I am just an ordinary handsome boy. Is it appropriate to put such a big hat on me?

I was forced to drop out of school in my sophomore year, and I studied liberal arts.

I am just a poor student. Shouldn't this responsibility belong to the top students or leaders?

Now the streets are full of mutant beasts. My small body will be torn into pieces in seconds if I go out. I just want to survive and find my father!

His mother left him and his son early, and he was able to grow up safely thanks to his father's careful care.

For more than 20 years, he has almost been sick all the time.

He finally lived to the age of 20 and went to college, but his father went out one morning and never came back.

After his father disappeared strangely, he went to the police, but there was no such person. He went to many departments, but there was no such person.

He often asked himself, did I imagine a father myself? This is obviously impossible!

He dragged his sick body and did some odd jobs, plus sold some of his family property, and barely supported himself until his sophomore year.

The motivation that supported him to try to survive was to survive and find his father who depended on each other.

So, the divine consciousness touched it and decisively chose "yes" again.

The subtitles disappeared, and another row of subtitles appeared:

How many kinds of viruses you can infect, how many awakening skills you can master!

How many times you can withstand life and death crises, how powerful you can be!

Bravely infect the virus and ascend to the supreme virus throne!

(Although you will not die, the pain will not be reduced.)

Character attributes: Black Iron Warrior.

Distributable resources: Rabies virus.

What does this mean? My current level is Black Iron? What level is this?

Bravely infect the virus? Does this mean that I have to move forward on the road of death?

And what does this distributable resource mean? Can I distribute the rabies virus?

The key is, who would want the rabies virus if I distribute it to others?

Feeling my physical condition, it seems that I am really much stronger than before, at least the weakness that has been with me for many years has disappeared.

He immediately lay down and did a few push-ups.

"Huh" he breathed a sigh of relief and jumped up.

For a sickly person who has been ill for more than 20 years, doing one push-up is a miracle.

Now he can do five push-ups in one breath, and it's very easy, so magical.

He hurriedly scanned the third column with his consciousness and touched it to open it.

Basic skills:

? Escape (not upgradeable).

What the hell? What kind of skill is this?

This is actually the only basic skill I have mastered. Will it make people laugh if I tell others about it?

It can't be upgraded yet, what does it mean? I can't escape if I can't beat the enemy in the future?

Xu Youran quickly retracted his consciousness, damn, this skill is too shameful! Whoever finds out about this skill of mine, I will kill him!

With a thought, the black shield disappeared instantly. With another thought, the ground spikes also disappeared instantly.

This big shield is obviously a defensive type, and the ground spikes appear and attack instantly. It is definitely a top-notch skill for home travel, killing and robbing.

After getting familiar with these two awakening skills a few times again, I found that the sending and receiving are at the heart, and I cleaned myself up happily and walked out of the basement.

Xu Youran, who was sitting by the window, still found it unbelievable when he recalled these things.

The reward for escaping from a desperate situation is too generous. He extended his weak spiritual sense to scan the sea of ​​consciousness.

The light curtain is still there, it's not a dream!

He remembered the line of small words again, a special sample in the human race?

My disease is the only case in the world. From this perspective, I am indeed a special sample.

What does human race mean? Is this a test product of the alien technology boss?

Or did the human technology boss see that I was so sick and pre-installed the test version for me?

Forget it, I can't figure it out.

It can guarantee that I will not die from the virus. Now this world is already the biggest benefit.

However, this matter is like a fairy tale. It's better not to tell others, in case someone slices it for research.

Especially the escape skill, it's too shameful!

The morning sun slowly rises, and a ray of sunlight shines into the room.

Dongfang Bai behind him feels the sunlight shining in, suddenly opens his beautiful big eyes, jumps up, and looks around alertly.

Xu Youran waved her hand to indicate that there was no danger.

Dongfang Bai breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed his cheeks with his beautiful, slender hands.

Looking around, he whispered, "Get up, get up. It's daybreak. While there are fewer mutants coming out, let's go collect supplies."

Everyone woke up and formed teams to leave.

Everyone held a kitchen knife, a stick, a broom, etc., even the fat cleaning lady held a mop, which was used to defend against those small mutants.

Dongfang Bai saw that Xu Youran was very tired, walked to the window and whispered, "Do you want to take a rest or come with me?"

Xu Youran said unhappily, "I'll go with you. If I stay and sleep, I'll just feed the mice."

After that, he jumped up with a "swish".

It's time to try my powerful awakening skills!

Tremble, human!


The line is wrong, start over...

Tremble, mutant!


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