Virus Throne

Chapter 101. Picked up a fool

This dark void seemed to have no concept of time or direction.

While floating, Xu Youran's body was repairing bit by bit, but the speed of repair was extremely slow.

In his consciousness, maybe a year had passed, maybe a hundred years had passed, and he had lost the concept of time.

His spiritual sense had been expanding. The spiritual sense that once could radiate a kilometer range now radiated a much wider range than before.

But he couldn't measure how much it had increased.

There were more and more light spots that could be detected by his spiritual sense, and some could even be called cracks.

The closer he got to the larger light spots, the more abundant the unknown energy seemed to flow from them.

When he passed by a crack, the abundant energy that flowed in crazily made his natural meridians run faster, and he felt comfortable all over.

But soon he moved away from the crack again and continued to recover slowly.

From those light spots and cracks, he explored many, many different worlds.

Although most of the worlds were cold and dead, there were still some worlds that opened his eyes.

Some worlds were full of liquid, some worlds were like huge fireballs, and some worlds were covered by thick clouds and smoke...

Through those light spots, he saw the brilliant nebula and the vast galaxy.

A white dwarf that seemed to be icy but had extremely high temperatures passed through his consciousness.

A huge black hole that could even distort light was swallowing up a star.

He also saw many unimaginable huge celestial bodies that were not regular spheres, but were rotating around stars.

He even saw a continent floating in the air, vast and majestic like a huge mountain, with several stars rotating around it.

Every time his consciousness swept over the light spot, he saw an unimaginable magnificent scene, as if a brand new world was opening its door to him.

He had also explored a world with life, but it was very rare, and he couldn't even confirm whether it could be called life.

Once, behind a light spot, he saw a planet full of hot lava and some moving objects with many legs.

Those objects walked on the hot earth, feeding on magma, fighting each other constantly, and finally merged into a larger moving object.

In his vague cognition, it seemed that no creature could live in magma, so he was not sure that it was a creature.

He also encountered a world that could be confirmed to be a creature, and it was a human world.

It was also a desolate and dead world. There seemed to be more than one sun hanging in the sky, but it seemed too far away, with only a few hazy halos.

The area of ​​water on the planet was not large, and most of the land was covered with vast ice and snow. The piercing cold wind raged across the world.

Xu Youran's consciousness swept to countless humans who looked almost the same as the people on Earth, living happily and joyfully in this extremely harsh environment.

It seemed that everyone here was very strong, wearing thin animal skins and planting some strange plants.

It felt that even children seemed to have the strong physique of the three awakeners, and adults were shuttling in the air in batches.

Hey! Three awakeners, what do you mean?

Xu Youran seemed to be extremely surprised by the word that suddenly appeared in his mind.

What is an awakener?

What am I doing now?

Who am I?

These strange thoughts kept appearing in his mind, but as time passed, he gradually fell into a state of chaos.

In the muddle-headed floating, his consciousness swept through one world after another.

In a huge spot of light, he swept a truly vivid world, a mechanical world full of vitality.

The huge planet was completely crushed and dismembered into a steel fortress, or it could be said that it was simply a steel planet orbiting a star.

The huge and ferocious muzzle, like a fang, pointed to the sky of the universe.

Countless huge mechanical monsters were scattered throughout the steel fortress, and the aerospace warships that shuttled back and forth formed a huge transportation network above the planet.

There were also countless mechanical monsters, lining up to board the warships and fly into the vast starry sky.

After escaping the gravity of the planet, it accelerated instantly, as if a hole was torn in the dark sky, and the entire warship disappeared without a trace.

Hey! The way the warship disappeared seemed to remind Xu Youran.

Why am I here?

Can I leave like this?

It seems that I have encountered such a crack before.

Then there was a period of confusion, and Xu Youran forgot everything again.

Another light flashed by, and when Xu Youran's consciousness probed into it, he was so shocked that his sea of ​​consciousness almost exploded.

If this world is judged by Xu Youran's standards, it is still a world with extremely harsh environment.

You can even use chaos and disorder to describe this world. Some places are warm like spring, some places are raging, some places are raging, and some places are freezing cold.

But in these extremely harsh environments that Xu Youran thinks are extremely harsh, there are countless people living freely. They come and go in the air on flying swords or riding strange beasts.

Some people drink and have fun in the warm spring areas.

Some people were forging tools in the blazing flames, making clanging sounds.

Some people were waving swords and singing loudly in the strong winds, like immortals.

There are still people fighting frantically in the freezing cold.

Although there are only two people, the fighting is so powerful that the mountains and the earth can collapse with just a wave of their hands and feet.

The shock wave generated by the collision is as fierce as a super bomb explosion.

Any one of the fighters can destroy a gold-level mutant beast with a random blow.

Hey! What is a super bomb?

What is a gold-level mutant beast?

Why do I know so many strange things?

Suddenly, a voice seemed to be heard in the consciousness. An old voice sounded, "Where did this kid come from? He is only in the Jindan stage, how could he get lost in the gap of time and space?"

A pleasant female voice sounded, "Teacher, a Jindan stage person who enters the gap of time and space should die immediately."

The old voice continued: "This kid is a bit strange, maybe he has some life-saving skills. Well, it's fate to meet him, I'll send you back."

The pleasant female voice also said: "Boy, didn't anyone teach you? If you don't know the rules, don't sweep your consciousness randomly. If you meet someone with a bad temper, you will be destroyed directly."

Before Xu Youran could react, he suddenly felt a strong force sweeping on him. Although the force was powerful and boundless, it was very gentle.

Before he could retract his consciousness, he was pushed away by this force at an incredibly fast speed.

Countless light spots and cracks seemed to be connected into a ray of light, passing by.

In a flash, he seemed to have moved an infinitely long distance, and suddenly a huge crack appeared in front of him, with a radiant light that was too bright to look directly at.

Xu Youran crashed headfirst into the crack and disappeared into the dark void.

"Boom" Xu Youran seemed to fall from a height of 10,000 meters into the sea. His whole body was in great pain. His brain was hit hard, and he fainted.

But in his subconscious, he kept using his weak mental power to repair his body, but he didn't stop.

When he woke up again, the first thing he felt was the pain all over his body, and his head seemed to explode.

He slowly opened his eyes and saw the low rusty iron roof. He turned his head slightly.

He found himself in a very small iron room. There seemed to be a shabby single bed under him. On the sofa next to the bed, there was a tattered blanket.

There was a small window with more than a dozen iron railings, and gloomy light from outside the window poured into the room.

A shabby table was placed in front of the window, and there seemed to be a kettle, cups and plates on the table.

Near the door, there was a shabby wardrobe with the door tightly closed.

Xu Youran felt that his throat was so dry that it seemed like it could spit fire, and his stomach was so hungry that it seemed like he hadn't eaten for a month.

But the severe pain all over his body restricted his movements, and he could only barely make a hoarse sound, "Water... Water... Water..."

"Bang" the only small iron door was opened, and a tall, plump girl with blue hair and blue eyes walked in.

The blue hair in a high ponytail looked like stubborn weeds, and the deep, blue eyes looked like two bright gems.

The only flaw was that on her face, which should have been pretty and beautiful, there were two hideous huge scars, and the wounds were obviously not sutured. The slightly turned outward wounds made her face look as scary as a devil.

She was wearing a shabby half-sleeved grass green camouflage combat uniform and a scarlet scarf around her neck.

Seeing Xu Youran on the bed slightly open his eyes and hoarsely ask for water, he hurriedly took a few steps and poured a glass of water from the kettle on the table.

Sitting on the creaking bed, he lifted Xu Youran up slightly and wanted to feed him water.

"Hiss" a burst of heart-wrenching pain came, as if all the bones in his body were broken.

The blue-haired girl tilted the cup and let him drink a few sips of water to moisten his throat that seemed to be burning.

Then she gently put Xu Youran back on the bed, with a curious look on her ferocious face, and asked in English: "Who are you?"

Xu Youran thought for a while with a confused look in his eyes. Although his academic performance was average due to his long-term illness, he still had no problem with basic English conversation.

But he was confused not by the language, but by the question raised by the blue-haired girl. He endured the severe headache and thought for a long time before he said intermittently: "Who am I... who am I?"

"You don't remember who you are?" The blue-haired girl looked even more curious, "My name is Lianna, do you have a name? You fell from the sky, do you know?"

"Falling from the sky... falling from the sky?" Xu Youran's eyes were dull and blank, "Why should I go to the sky?"

"It's over, I fell stupid, alas..." Lianna sighed, "I picked up a fool"

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