Virus Throne

Chapter 1026. Survive for now

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Xu Youran, who had been killed dozens of times in succession, was turned into a scum without even having time to say a word, let alone defense or counterattack.

This is Xu Youran. If it were another person with a less determined will, after this round of death and experiencing the extreme pain and fear of death dozens of times, he would immediately become a madman.

But even Xu Youran was completely in a state of rage.

Forget about the pain and fear of death. Death after resurrection and death after resurrection. What does it mean?

Keep fighting like this...


If you die like this, you are worse than a piece of wool?

Didn’t he become a points-giving machine?

"Fuck!" Xu Youran roared and came to life again.

Anyway, the resurrected person will be killed immediately. He doesn't even know who killed him. It is very likely that many people joined forces to bombard him, which hurt him.

Xu Youran simply gave up resisting and struggling. I don't care about anything else. I'll scold you first and feel better later.

But who could have imagined that this time his luck was simply unbelievable. He was not resurrected in the center of the battlefield, but randomly resurrected behind a large group of awakened ones.

When he found out that he was killed instead of being resurrected this time, he was so happy that he almost burst into tears.

I can’t help it, I’m so touched, thank God, thank fate!

But being killed dozens of times just now was really too painful, too terrifying, and too frustrating.

After scanning the large group of melee contestants in front of me, the one closest to me seemed to be a genius. Although he also had blue skin, it was obvious that he should be the clone.

With long hair and a graceful waist, she seems to be a beauty genius.

There were only broken limbs and pieces of flesh everywhere, and blood mist filled the sky. All the people who were still alive had long since become bloody people.

He didn't know whether it was his own blood or the blood of the enemy. Everyone was covered in blood and their faces were hideous.

"Brush!" Xu Youran said nothing and swept across with his sword.

What genius?

What monster?

What beauty?

Die to me all!

"Poof!" The sound of a sharp blade cutting flesh sounded, and the genius who copied the original body was cut in half by Xu Youran's sword.

"Ah..." A scream turned out to be a woman.

After being severely injured, the genius who copied the original body spat out a mouthful of blood and twisted his upper body forcibly, as if subconsciously trying to see clearly who killed him.

"I'll wipe it!" Although Xu Youran looked crazy, he was not really crazy.

"Nima!" He was not scolding others, but himself.

He actually knew and had a close relationship with the genius he had just killed in a sneak attack. He was none other than Qingyang, the cousin of the female slayer.

After dying dozens of times, I was finally resurrected once, and the first person I killed was one of my own...

Before Xu Youran had time to say sorry, he was cut into pieces with random blades again. The severe pain caused his body to twitch, his vision went dark, and he died again.

"Brush!" Resurrection, "Poof!" Killed again.

Although the time of each resurrection is extremely short, the process and pain of death always feel extremely long. Every time he is killed, it is a tragic torture for any contestant.

Not only physical torture, but also mental and will torture.

More and more people died, but there was no increase in the number of corpses on the ground. They were still mountains of bones and blood.

The contestants gradually discovered that the total number of corpses on the ground seemed to be related to the number of people who had died and were being resurrected.

Roughly equal, it is always maintained in such a balanced state.

So no matter how many people die, no matter how many times they die, there are always so many bodies.

It seems that the Star Sea Divine Kingdom system consciously requires all contestants to fight in such an environment.

As the 1G contestants fought and died one after another, every corner of the entire star wreckage seemed to be echoing with desperate wails and screams, as well as the sound of sharp blades cutting through flesh, and the violent sounds of broken and shattered bones.

Murderous intent, violence, cruelty, ferocity, despair, helplessness...

Everyone's negative emotions are being released crazily, and everyone is killing like crazy.

Once a simple villager, once a philistine businessman, once a polite scholar, once an upright knight...

In real life, they may have never killed anyone, and their legs would go weak when they see others fighting, but here they all turned into bloodthirsty maniacs.

From stiffness and numbness, to trembling legs, to now his hands rising and falling, his eyes full of blood.

Every once-common social stratum is undergoing drastic transformation.

Perhaps this is what the Star Sea Divine Kingdom wants everyone to see, and this is also what the Star Sea Divine Kingdom wants everyone to become.

Although they have not yet undergone strict formal training, their mentality has rapidly evolved from ordinary people who are afraid of hands and feet to heroic warriors who are shattered to pieces.

Maybe some people have thought of it, and maybe more people have not thought of it, but no matter whether they thought of it or not, there is only one ending.

That is death!

Endless killing and death have caused everyone to go from fearing the pain of death, to enduring the pain of death, to getting used to and happily accepting the pain of death.

From fear, to tolerance, to acceptance, and finally to numbness.

Every veteran who has been on the battlefield for many years may only feel numb to death in the end.

Anyone who is awakened has more or less practiced some combat skills and experienced some artistic conceptions, but they are not that powerful. Awakening skills are a must for everyone.

Countless people kept switching between death and resurrection, without even a moment to catch their breath.

But there was great terror and great opportunity between life and death.

The combat skills that originally needed to be retrained suddenly came out with a single move.

It was just that Momo Huhu had some insights, and when he was resurrected once by chance, he could use his artistic conception and magical powers with a wave of his hand.

The awakening skills were even more effortless, as if he was possessed by a god of war.

The reason why Xu Youran could laugh at Tongji was that he regarded challenges beyond his level as commonplace, and had experienced life and death for a long time, which was also a crucial factor.

This was the case in the 12th competition area, and almost all other competition areas were the same.

In the 563 competition area where Nv Ba was located, the killing was also crazy, but almost all the contestants in this competition area had red skin.

Xu Youran reacted quickly and took the lead in sweeping away thousands of people, but Nv Ba did not have his bad habit of playing dirty tricks.

By the time Nv Ba realized it, the offensive of other contestants had already swept her away like a frenzy.

It can be said that the first death of Nvba did not stir up any waves.

She died cleanly, resolutely, and without any delay.

But the first resurrection of Nvba was too spectacular.

The resurrection of other contestants was a "swish", but the resurrection of Nvba was a loud "boom", like a thunder explosion on the ground, dazzling flames rising, and extremely violent heat waves sweeping and impacting.

Fortunately, all the dead objects in the arena simulated the strength of doomsday-level materials

, otherwise Nvba's explosion would have caused landslides and tsunamis on ordinary planets.

This is also the origin of the name of the God of Natural Disasters. When the God of Natural Disasters takes action, it is a natural disaster-level damage.

"Burning the sky and boiling the sea!" Nvba roared, and the blade of destruction was like a crescent moon falling from the sky, and dozens of contestants were cut into pieces.

Under the blessing of the awakening skill Burning the Sky and Boiling the Sea, the elemental power within a radius of several kilometers was burned out.

Without the blessing of elemental power, these contestants immediately became weak chickens who lost their power source and were at the mercy of others.

But Nv Ba's Blade of Destruction was not fully effective. With a crisp sound, the huge crescent-shaped Blade of Destruction was firmly blocked by a long sword.

"Puff!" The genius holding the long sword was shocked by Nv Ba's violent power and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Kacha!" The long sword in his hand was about to break, and the genius flew backwards, trying to remove Nv Ba's violent attack.

"Wang Xiaoyi?" Nv Ba finally saw the face of the genius, a genius from the Nevernight Holy Land, the Holy Son Wang Xiaoyi.

But she only saw it clearly for a moment, "Bang!" A long stick fell from behind, and Wang Xiaoyi didn't even have time to scream, and was directly blasted into a ball of blood mist.

Wang??????????????????? Xiaoyi's habitual change of moves was not wrong, but he was wrong in forgetting that this was a battlefield, not a martial arts competition.

In a complicated battlefield, with enemies everywhere, where is there so much safe space for you to dodge?

So, Wang Xiaoyi died, and died inexplicably.

Perhaps this is also a truth that Xinghai Shenguo wants all contestants to understand, a truth that can only be understood by life on the battlefield.

There is never so-called safety on the battlefield. Any mistake of smiling must be paid for with life.

But it is also a worthy death, because the one who killed him was not someone else, but also a son of the Holy Land.

The son of the Holy Land of Xumi Mountain, Jiang Renping?

Nvba was slightly stunned. Why did Jiang Renping kill Wang Xiaoyi?

But this thought only appeared for a short moment, "Puff, puff, puff..." Nvba died miserably this time, and was torn into pieces by countless sharp blades.

"Swish!" Nvba resurrected again, holding the Blade of Destruction, and her silver teeth were almost bitten to pieces, burning with anger and hatred.

"Swish!" At the same time, after dying hundreds of times, Xu Youran finally did not resurrect in the chaotic war zone this time.

Although the roar of the battlefield was still clearly audible, there seemed to be no contestants around.

Xu Youran released his mental power and felt it immediately. After exploring the surrounding situation, he was so ecstatic that he almost cried.

This piece of stellar debris is an entire continent. Almost every corner is a ruin, and almost every corner is a battlefield, densely packed with contestants who are killing crazily.

Xu Youran's resurrection this time was really lucky. He was resurrected in a small room, which should be a corner of a collapsed building.

The entire stellar debris, as well as the collapsed buildings and weapons, simulated the strength of doomsday-level materials.

If no one knew that there were contestants hiding underneath, no one would go crazy to attack the small room where Xu Youran was resurrected.

Next to him were hundreds of trillions of contestants fighting crazily, with corpses everywhere and blood flowing like a river. Xu Youran actually found such a good place in his busy schedule.

"Huh!" After a long breath of foul air, Xu Youran secretly said that it was a close call. If he continued to die like this, even if his nerves were thick, he would go crazy sooner or later.

“Hehehe…” Xu Youran laughed shamelessly, “Let the dogs fight each other, I’m just going to hide for now!”

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