Virus Throne

Chapter 1039. Oncoming

If you think about it carefully, it is not difficult to find that the huge main wreckage is the base camp of a certain competition area, and the Starlink Bridge is actually the real battlefield. Perhaps this is the real rule of life and death battle.

If you just simulate a huge piece of land and let all your own people fight each other and fight civil war on it, this game will be completely meaningless.

The reason why so many people in the 12th competition area have not found the enemy yet is that it is very likely that the enemy on the opposite side is also confused about the rules and has not come yet.

Since the enemy on the opposite side has not come yet, if you kill them now, you may be able to grab a wave of straw.

Thinking of this, Xu Youran secretly reminded everyone that there will be enemies in front of you in nine out of ten cases, so be careful.

Once you encounter an enemy, don't worry about anything, just go all out and fight a blitzkrieg.

Everyone is a six-time awakener. Although they were injured just now, they have recovered after so much time.

As for Qingyang, his injuries were too serious, and Xu Youran couldn't do it. He could only hint to Ravenna that once the war started, Qingyang would be sent away first.

The people of the Thirty-Three Star Domain ran faster and faster on the Star Chain Bridge, running wildly as if there was a feast waiting for them ahead, which made the group of people behind them feel helpless.

These peerless geniuses from the 12th Division originally wanted the geniuses of the Thirty-Three Star Domain to be pathfinders, but who has ever seen such cheerful cannon fodder?

Everyone was originally following behind with one or two pieces of scattered debris, but the "cannon fodder" of the Thirty-Three Star Domain ran faster and faster and soon left them behind.

Two pieces of debris, three pieces of debris, four pieces of debris...


Jinglun and Dongtian were anxious, and they were embarrassed. Should they catch up or not?

Now it is not just a matter of tactics, but also a matter of strength.

Most of the geniuses who chose to copy their original bodies are above the standard level and should be able to keep up with the speed of Xu Youran and others.

But the ordinary awakeners who make up the vast majority of the contestants are not that fast and can't keep up.

If they choose to follow, what if the other side is prepared, wouldn't they run into someone's trap?

Then it's not the geniuses of the thirty-three-star domain who are cannon fodder, but they are cannon fodder together with the geniuses of the thirty-three-star domain.

These monsters from the throne training camp are naturally not afraid of death, but they can't afford to lose that person.

After everyone discussed, for the sake of safety, they still didn't have the courage to chase, so they could only lead a large army and march along the Star Chain Bridge.

Xu Youran and others moved forward all the way, all of which were broken celestial debris, some of which were city ruins, some were desert wilderness, and some even had rivers and lakes.

He was most sensitive to the changes in elemental power. Along the way, as the terrain changed, the concentration of various elemental forces was constantly changing.

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, mutation, spirit, various environments with rich elemental forces were distributed irregularly, and even a few debris fragments should simulate a pure void environment.

Xu Youran became more and more convinced that if there were no accidents, this Star Chain Bridge should be the real battlefield.

Although the main debris fragments are also full of various elemental forces, they are relatively more balanced, and have a sense of a life planet in a civilized world.

The Starlink Bridge is simulating various extreme combat environments. In the future, when we step into the interstellar battlefield, I am afraid that there will be very few opportunities to fight on a life planet.

The two camps have been fighting madly for countless years, not just for hatred, but the competition for territory and resources is absolutely the top priority.

Only in extremely special circumstances will one camp choose to destroy the planet and cut off the retreat.

Xu Youran, who has strengthened his confidence, has a burning heart. He has led a group of geniuses from the thirty-three-star domains to run wildly for several hours, but has not found even a trace of human beings.

What does this mean?

It means that the enemy may not even realize that the opponent is outside the continent.

For others, this is a huge crisis.

If he runs into a pile of enemies, one person's spit can drown him.

But for Xu Youran, it is a trillion human-type self-propelled score delivery devices.

He still had lingering fears about the crazy killing on the first day of the competition. In that chaotic situation, he should have no problem killing thousands of people in seconds with full firepower.

He didn't pursue a high score, as long as it was not negative and the scene was acceptable.

The group of guys behind him who used them as cannon fodder were left further and further behind, and the average speed of Xu Youran and others was naturally far faster than the more than one hundred trillion people behind them.

Each piece of debris could accommodate a limited number of people. The people of the thirty-three-star domain had been running for so long, and there might be a large number of people who had not set off in the main debris.

More than one hundred trillion contestants were like dense and overwhelming ant colonies, spreading on the Star Chain Bridge.

Xu Youran had no idea how far he and others had run, at least millions of kilometers, and finally saw a different scenery at the end of his sight.

The broken Star Chain Bridge was like a group of meteors in the sky, but it was distributed very regularly, but it also reflected some of the surrounding starlight, but it was not very strong.

Xu Youran and the others saw a bright moon at the end of their sight, but its outline was not very regular.

It is a very basic common sense in the universe that stars can basically emit light by themselves, but meteors, comets, planets, and stellar debris cannot emit light by themselves, but reflect the light of stars.

The larger the non-stellar body, the stronger the reflected light.

A huge reflective star appeared in the direction where the Star Chain Bridge extended. What does that mean?

It is said that at the end of the Star Chain Bridge, there is a high possibility that there is a star that is larger than the debris, and the most likely one is the main debris.

Seeing that they were about to reach the next piece of the main debris, all the geniuses in the Thirty-Three Star Domains could not help but be extremely nervous.

These hundreds of people would be considered a good fighting force in the Void Mountain, but if they were placed in a competition area with more than one hundred trillion people, they would be like a drop of water in the ocean and would be turned into ashes in an instant.

The most important point is that no one has tried to die outside this competition area. Whether to resurrect in this competition area or in another continent.

If resurrecting in this competition area seems to be safe, but if resurrecting in the opponent's competition area, it will definitely be miserable.

The rules only say random resurrection, but not safe resurrection.

Xu Youran certainly understands their concerns, but he has no better way.

If he ignores the lives of these people and does not accept the threats of Jinglun and Dongtian, it is indeed more in line with his personality, but not in line with his personality.

However, if these people charged into battle with him and died in the hands of the enemy, the elders of various families watching the battle outside could only praise their bravery and would not blame him.

We only have a few hundred people, and the enemy has more than one trillion. I am helpless...

Xu Youran clenched the sword in his hand, turned his head and asked while running wildly: "Who of you has a positive score?"

"I am -121."

"I am -307."

"I am only -92."


"Your scores are so high, I guess I am the worst, -888." Someone almost wailed in despair.

Hundreds of people cast sympathetic eyes on the genius, -888 This score...

Did he have to live and die all the time, standing and letting others kill him?

However, you know what, this score is quite auspicious.


Hearing everyone say their scores, Xu Youran couldn't help but feel a toothache.

Thinking about his score of negative thousands of points, adding up the scores of all the people in the thirty-three-star domain, it is not as low as his score.

"How many points did you get, Demon Slayer?" someone asked curiously.

"Do I need to ask?" Guan Qi shouted loudly, "Demon Slayer is so strong, his score is definitely the highest."

"That's right, that's right..." Ravenna echoed, "What is Demon Slayer's strength, don't you know?"


This is too embarrassing, Xu Youran almost wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

His score is indeed the highest, but it is the highest negative.

Until now, all the 12th division are our own people. With our own strength and reaction speed, once we make a move, it would be strange if the score is low. Don't you know it?

But now is not the time to say these things. If others know that they have so many negative points, everyone will definitely turn around and run.

Why are there so many negative points?

No need to ask, it must be the points earned by "killing" myself.

It would be strange to have a good result following such a "our own" killer.

"My score is indeed higher than yours, so you don't have to worry too much." Xu Youran lied with a pure look in her eyes like a child, "Maybe there are 100 trillion points waiting for us ahead, are you still afraid that the points are not enough?"


Everyone felt a toothache.

Aren't you afraid that the wind will blow your tongue off?

There are 100 trillion pigs standing there, and you can't kill them all even if your hands break. There are 100 trillion contestants.

Will they stupidly stand there and wait for you to kill them and give you points?

However, Demon Slayer is showing his ambition, so it's not good to discourage him too much.

"Hehehe... Do you think I'm bragging?" Xu Youran laughed, "If there is really another competition area ahead, and they didn't expect the enemy to come from the Starlink Bridge, then we will be greeted by countless lambs to be slaughtered."

"Although we may all die in the end, we only lose one point each time we die. If we attack them by surprise, we can at least kill hundreds or thousands of people. Do you think this deal is worth doing?"



It seems to be the truth.

Everyone immediately realized that if they died, they would lose one point, and if they killed hundreds of people by sneak attack, they could get hundreds of points. At least they would not lose this time.

As for the other party's preparation, what would happen to the group of people behind them? It really depends on the arrangement of fate.

Just as everyone was excited and ran forward, hundreds of black shadows from the other end of the stellar debris also rushed towards this side.

Because of the angle, neither side noticed the other side. Judging from the route, the two sides would soon meet head-on.

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