Virus Throne

Chapter 1,043. Waiting for your triumphant return...

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It has to be said that on the eleventh day of the Future Supreme Challenge, some competition areas finally opened the regular operation mode. The previous period was indeed too anti-human.

Testing the IQ of the contestants may also be one of the purposes of the Star Sea Divine Kingdom.

Those mad dogs who start fighting on the spot without saying a word will definitely be the first to die in the interstellar battlefield.

Which competition area and which group of contestants can wake up first and start the regular mode of the competition will undoubtedly have the upper hand.

In this way, calm analysis and judgment, keen battlefield insight, and strong battlefield dominance do meet the basic requirements of the Divine Kingdom for high-end combat power.

What the Divine Kingdom needs is not a bloodthirsty reckless man, but a powerful elite warrior.

Xu Youran's unintentional move secretly met the requirements of the Divine Kingdom for selecting high-end combat power, but he killed too hard in the first wave and his score fell directly to the bottom.

Looking at all the competition venues in the entire Fifth Star District, their small team of guides was actually the first wave of contestants to kill into the enemy's hinterland.

While trying to figure out the intentions of the Kingdom of God, the Void Emperor and other powerful men secretly cheered for Xu Youran and others.

At this moment, the Void Emperor, who was sitting high on the throne, frowned slightly and stood up again.

In the puzzled eyes of everyone, the Emperor said in a deep voice: "My dear ministers, follow me to welcome the distinguished guest."

Distinguished guest?

The whole court was stunned. Who would come to visit at this time?

However, since the Emperor spoke, it must be that there was really a distinguished guest, and they all stood up quickly.

Although there were many envoys from other empires and Kuiwei, Shaodian and others present, the Void Emperor did not greet them to welcome the guests. The guests must be from the court.

While everyone was still thinking, the Void Emperor glanced at Xu Youran, "Ghost Slayer, you kid should come with me. Remember to admit your mistakes first and be polite."

What's going on?

Although Nvba was a third-rank official and Xu Youran was a fifth-rank official, it was not their turn to take the lead in welcoming guests.

Suddenly, Xu Youran was asked to welcome guests as well, and to admit his mistakes.

Xu Youran secretly thought that it was over. Could it be that his conspiracy to subvert the countries of the Southern Cross Nebula was discovered?

The face of the Void Emperor was a little gloomy, and Xu Youran did not dare to ask. He could only wave goodbye to Nvba and follow behind everyone obediently.

A moment later, the Void Emperor led the entire court of civil and military officials to the reception platform of the Houde Palace transmission wormhole.

Not long after, a large group of people appeared in the transmission wormhole.

The leader was wearing a high crown and a wide belt, with a thin and cold face, a pair of narrow and long phoenix eyes, five long beards under his chin, and a wide robe with large sleeves that was quite ancient.

Seeing that the Void Emperor was waiting in the square with hundreds of civil and military officials, his face could not help but be slightly relieved.

"Brother Xuanming, I am overwhelmed by your sudden visit. Please forgive me for not welcoming you in person." Emperor Xukong clasped his hands and bowed, "Thank you for your hard work. Please come into the hall and drink with me."

"Brother Xuanyuan, you are too polite. Hehehe... If I were not a good man from Xukong Mountain, I would not have come so hastily." Emperor Xuanming smiled faintly, "I have heard that Xukong Mountain is rich in fine wine. I will bother you with a glass for now."

After the formal words, the accompanying high-ranking officials of both sides came forward to pay their respects. Xu Youran's rank was too low, and he was not qualified to approach Emperor Xuanming to pay his respects.

The entire court of Xukong Mountain almost came out in full force, and there were also many people from the other side, almost all the three officials and six ministries were present.

Both sides returned to the hall with mutual courtesy.

The waiters had already rearranged the seats next to Emperor Xukong's throne.

The host and the guest sat down, and Emperor Xukong raised his glass first. At the same time Emperor Xuanming raised his glass, a beautiful woman sitting beside him lifted her veil, revealing her charming face.


A gasp suddenly sounded in the hall, and all the civil and military officials of Xukong Mountain turned their eyes to Xu Youran.

As the charming and beautiful woman raised her glass, her eyes quickly swept across the whole room, and finally stopped at Xu Youran.

Being watched by so many people, and there was also a beautiful woman who followed the emperor, Xu Youran felt dry mouth and tongue, as if sitting on pins and needles, and her hair stood on end, wishing to run away immediately.

The eyes of the powerful men of Xukong Mountain looking at Xu Youran were somewhat sympathetic, but the eyes of the beautiful woman were full of hatred and murderous intent, and a hint of ridicule.

Xu Youran was trembling with fear, and drank the wine in the glass with gritted teeth, and probably understood what was going on.

Just now, he didn't know who Emperor Xuanming was, but now someone has quietly told him.

A day ago, he just tortured and killed someone's favorite concubine, who was also the peerless beauty with murderous intent in her eyes just now. Now she has come to his door. It's really retribution in this life.


This is really over...

Willing to stand up for a virtual game, and personally, it can be seen how much Emperor Xuanming loves Yao Palace.

Emperor Yifang came in person, even if Emperor Xukong just wanted to save his face, I'm afraid I will have to suffer today.

It's true that people will be punished for their arrogance, and people really can't be too arrogant...

I have always wanted to keep a low profile, but why can't I keep a low profile?

Just when Xu Youran was still complaining about herself and Nuba was thinking about countermeasures with a sad face, the deep voice of Emperor Xuanming rang out.

"Brother Xuanyuan, I saw a young hero in your country, who is powerful and talented, and I am very happy." Emperor Xuanming smiled, without even looking at Xu Youran, "This emperor has an unwelcome request, I wonder if you can give it up?"


Xu Youran almost vomited blood, unwelcome request, what the hell.

These old ghosts are very cunning, if Xu Youran was Emperor Xukong, I'm afraid he wouldn't know how to answer.

Emperor Xuanming also knew very well that the Shentu Empire of the Ninety-Eight Star Domain and the Xukong Mountain Empire of the Thirty-Three Star Domain had not had much contact. If someone came to the door and asked to kill the genius of the other party, Emperor Xukong would never agree, it would be too embarrassing.

So, he changed a way and asked Emperor Xukong for a genius in the name of the Shentu Empire.

If Emperor Xukong agreed to his request, Xu Youran would fall into his hands, and he could kill her however he wanted.

Presumably Emperor Xukong also knew his intentions, and his euphemism was just a way to give both parties a way out.

The exchange of talents between top powerhouses or major empires is a very normal means of communication and nothing new.

"Brother Xuanming's visit today is a great joy, is there any more joy?" Emperor Xukong looked at Emperor Xuanming with a smile, "I wonder which genius Brother Xuanming has taken a fancy to? I will also give Brother Xuanming some references."

Emperor Xukong already knew the other party's intention, but still wanted to confirm it again.

"It's him!" Before Emperor Xuanming could speak, Yaogong raised her hand and pointed at Xu Youran, the murderous intent in her eyes was as cold as ice.

Although Xu Youran used the identity of an ordinary awakener in the arena, Yaogong was so smart that she had already determined the candidate from the expressions of everyone in Xukong Mountain.

And when she looked at Xu Youran, she saw the same wildness, violence, and unruliness in the other party's eyes.

" turns out to be the demon destroyer..." The Void Emperor laughed happily, "That's a coincidence. I was betting with this guy before."

"Bet?" Yao Gong frowned slightly and asked subconsciously.

The Xuanming Emperor, who had always been calm, frowned slightly. This beloved concubine was good in everything, but she was too young and immature.

You don't care what bet they made. Don't take up Xuanyuan's topic. Just ask for the person directly.

Xu Youran was slightly stunned when he heard the words of the Void Emperor. Bet?

What bet did I make with you?

The Void Emperor was waiting for Yao Gong to ask this question, and hurriedly laughed: "This kid's strength is still mediocre. I bet that he can't get into the top 10,000 in the star zone as an ordinary awakener. If he can get into the top 10,000 as an ordinary awakener, I will betroth the princess to him."


Everyone in the Great Hall was stunned. Isn't this too ridiculous?

Outsiders don't know, but they know very well that Gui Mie is just a slave soldier of Nüba. When will the serfs rise up and sing songs? How can they sing so outrageously?

The parties involved, Xu Youran and Nüba, are even more confused. They are about to get married, why don't we know?

However, it's true that the bet seems to be quite reliable.

Before, the Void Emperor used the lives of Gui Mie and Nüba to bet on them to complete three tasks, and now it seems reasonable to use marriage as a bet.

No wonder it has been rumored that Gui Mie is a peerless genius, but why did he choose to participate in the competition as an ordinary awakener.

The Void Emperor announced the bet in public, which inadvertently explained why Xu Youran chose to participate in the competition as an ordinary awakener.

Not to mention the other princes and dignitaries of Void Mountain, even Nüba believed it.

She asked in a confused but thoughtful voice, "Dog... Ghost Slayer, you made a bet with your father, so..."

Although her voice was very low, the hall was full of masters and everyone could hear it.

In this case, how should Xu Youran answer?

Say that she really just slipped and there was no bet at all?

Then there is no need to think about it, and she will be wiped out on the spot.

But if the bet is true, then won't she become a prince consort?


What am I thinking?

Losing a few thousand points, can I still make it into the top ten thousand?

That's just thinking about eating!

However, the Void Emperor said this, obviously to protect himself, so he can't be shameless, and send Xuanming and Yaogong away first.

"Uh... Actually... I've liked you for a long time..." Xu Youran said awkwardly, "It's just that there's a huge gap in our status, I can only prove myself with my strength and talent, so..."

"Okay! Don't say anymore..." Nuba blushed with shame, her voice was as thin as a mosquito, "I'm waiting for your triumphant return..."

The two's whispered conversation was heard clearly by everyone, and everyone's face was full of the word "embarrassment".

One is a princess who is favored by heaven, and the other is a slave as humble as an ant. This story is too bloody.

What's even more bizarre is that the Void Emperor would really marry his daughter to a slave?

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