Virus Throne

Chapter 1048. The best trial field

Jinglun, Dongtian and others knew that they could only catch a wave of straws at most. It was unrealistic to want to catch a lot of money in someone else's home field.

At worst, they could catch a wave of straws, die and start again.

Therefore, these peerless geniuses chose to fight in groups.

Obviously, this tactic was not wrong.

The first wave of landing troops all got benefits. Jinglun and others did not have many negative scores. When they were killed by concentrated fire, almost everyone was promoted.

The combat strength of the large troops was strong and it was easy to expand the results of the battle, but the negative effect was that the target was too obvious and was easily killed by concentrated fire.

Tens of thousands of people gathered together to launch a charge. The contestants of the 13th Division did not need any skills at all, and there was no need to worry about accidental injuries. All kinds of large-scale awakening skills were smashed down, and all of them died in the northwest.

No matter how many people there were in the first wave of troops, it was impossible for them to be more than the contestants of the 13th Division. They died unjustly.

Xu Youran didn't think so much at the beginning. He just felt that he was a cannon fodder forced to die. He and the people in the 12th Division were actually enemies, so he didn't want to get involved with them at all.

So, he rushed into the enemy camp alone, with the mentality of killing one to get back his money, and killing two to make a profit.

Unexpectedly, he chose the most correct tactics by mistake.

The contestants in the 13th Division also understood the rules. They knew that the blue team was the enemy, and only by killing the enemy could they get points. The red team was their own people, and killing their own people would lose points.

Xu Youran, who was mixed in the enemy group, was too small a target. There were endless contestants in the red camp around him, and no one was willing to use the most violent group, large-scale combat skills and awakening skills to deal with him.

The enemy closest to him might be only a few meters away. Everyone knew that if they threw a vitality bomb, they might be able to kill the blue enemy, but more of their own people would definitely die.

In order to kill an enemy and get a few points, but lose dozens or hundreds of points, this business is not worth it no matter how you look at it.

Therefore, Xu Youran was "like a fish in water and thriving" in the tide of enemies.

The contestants in the red camp were all thinking that no matter how good this guy is, he is just one person. With so many of us, we will be exhausted to death.

Everyone was expecting others to kill Xu Youran, but he turned out to be the one who lived the longest.

Xu Youran did not copy his original body and participated in the competition as an ordinary awakener, which greatly reduced his combat power.

If he had not just comprehended a little bit of the law of time and space, it would have been difficult to take down Yao Palace.

The use of this little bit of the law of time and space, as well as his super recovery ability, and his unsparing fighting style of injury for injury, restrained Yao Palace tightly, so he could easily take it.

The mutual generation and mutual restraint between awakeners is far more prominent and obvious than that of practitioners.

The combination of Xu Youran and Nv Ba's spiritual power cultivation on Nv Ba's awakening skill, Burning the Sky and Boiling the Sea, is the best example of mutual generation.

In addition, the combination of Xu Youran's Mirror Flower and Water Moon awakening skill and Xi Suo's Shape-Shifting awakening skill, together with his own Light Splitting and Shadowing awakening skill, can produce an effect of one plus one greater than two.

A fight with Prince Qingzhuo gave him a general understanding of the combat power of his body.

If there is no mutual generation and mutual restraint, simply comparing hard power, he should not be as good as top geniuses such as Qingzhuo, Jinglun, and Dongtian, which also made him put away his contempt.

The universe is so big that there are all kinds of wonders. If he can have a chance, others will naturally have a chance.

What's more, those second-generation gods were originally pseudo-gods, or even descendants of gods. Their inherited bloodline, training system, and equipment configuration are much better than his.

At this moment, his combat power is far inferior to that of his original body. The combat power of those top geniuses must have been discounted. At least the Kingdom of God system will not copy their weapons, equipment, and magic weapons.

So although Xu Youran is killing like crazy at this moment, and even keeps rushing towards the hinterland of the continent, like a bloody beast, his mind is clear and calm.

He rushes to where there are many people, using the enemy as a defense to prevent the enemy's concentrated fire.

Although there is still a gap in combat power compared to those top geniuses, none of those top geniuses is more resistant than him.

It can be said that Xu Youran's combat endurance is the best among all the six awakenings in the entire universe.

Lined with a steel body, it prevents itself from suffering a devastating blow of broken tendons and bones, let alone a significant reduction in combat power due to injuries.

Pulling up the seedlings to help it grow is very concealed to repair injuries in a small area, so that Xu Youran is constantly injured in battle but constantly recovering.

These two awakening skills provide a strong guarantee for his endurance in group battles. With these two awakening skills, Xu Youran can be said to be a natural group battle champion.

The space-time law that he has roughly understood is integrated into his body skills, which makes him even more powerful. He always avoids the crisis of killing at the critical moment and minimizes the damage.

Almost all awakeners will master several non-native awakening skills on the road of growth, such as injury, poisoning, infection, and some people even deliberately infect some non-native viruses just to have more auxiliary awakening skills.

On the road of growth of these awakeners, these non-native awakening skills did not grow with their masters, but they played some roles more or less.

Nv Ba, who majored in fire, was also infected with wood virus. Finally, she mastered the medical awakening skill of endless life, but it was only silver quality, so she could more or less perform some simple treatment.

However, on the road of Nvba's growth, she did not choose to continue to improve the quality of Endless Life. She did not want to be a dual-system practitioner, and the Wood System was not suitable for her.

The ordinary silver-quality awakening skills made Nvba's recovery ability far exceed that of ordinary awakeners. This is the effect of auxiliary awakening skills.

Is there an awakener who has upgraded the Iron Body and Pulling Seedlings to the quality of natural disasters?

The universe is vast and boundless, and there are countless geniuses, but the awakeners who have upgraded these two awakening skills to the quality of natural disasters are absolutely rare, and it can even be said that there are none.

The growth of awakeners requires resources. Mastering these two awakening skills at the same time can at most be regarded as a medical awakener who is a little more resistant to beating.

The huge amount of resources consumed and the low success rate are simply outrageous, so no one will try to cultivate such a dual-system practitioner who has awakened six times.

It is almost impossible for an awakener with such talent to grow on his own.

He can neither fight nor run. If he is just a medic, the technological civilization camp has too many medicines and equipment to replace him.

So Xu Youran was created as a freak who can fight, carry, run, and heal. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the most capable medic among the six awakeners.

It just so happens that this is another fierce warrior who has fought all the way through the sea of ​​blood and corpses. He is calm, wise, and tenacious. He is willing to exchange injuries for injuries and fight for his life, but he always keeps a rational grasp of the battle situation.

In order to better "integrate" into the enemy, he even gave up the large-scale lethal awakening skill of guns and rain of bullets, but the nine-sided mirror shield kept condensing to resist attacks for him.

The long sword transformed by the earth shield is undoubtedly the most convenient to use, but in order to save mental energy, he has already replaced it with a doomsday-level long sword that he picked up casually.

The sword intent to eliminate demons has been abandoned because it consumes too much energy, and the sword intent to slay demons is erratic and is most suitable for group battles.

The sword spirit ghost slayer is the most powerful, but there are too many enemies, so it is not suitable for group battles and he gave it up.

The surrounding mountains and plains are full of enemies as far as the eye can see. Xu Youran just rushed to the hinterland of the continent where the enemies are more densely concentrated, and ignored the landing of the 12th Division's large troops.

Although the fighting power of his own people gathered together is strong, the target is too obvious, and it is far less efficient than his mobility and flexibility alone.

From the perspective of an observer, Xu Youran's luck is simply amazing.

The enemy slashed with a knife, and he swung his sword to block the long knife. With a flash of his body, he had already grabbed out the enemy's heart.

He stumbled, and a long spear behind him happened to pierce nothing.

"Puff!" An ice arrow came from nowhere and hit the mirror shield by chance.

"Crack!" As the mirror shield shattered, the ice arrow was diverted and sent another enemy who was preparing to sneak attack to the northwest.

Without even turning his head, Xu Youran kicked the enemy in the crotch with a kick.

"Ouch!" The man howled in pain, his face twisted into a ball, and everyone felt their crotch tighten and involuntarily clamped their legs together.

"Bang!" A water bomb exploded next to Xu Youran. Although the explosion range was not large, the lethality was indeed very strong.

Xu Youran's figure had already flashed and rushed into the crowd again, but his back was cut by a few very fine wounds from the fragments of the water bomb.

Most people thought that he was just lucky, maybe he had awakened the spiritual system's good luck +7 awakening skill.

Only the Void Emperor, who had a very thorough study of the laws of space, could see that Xu Youran was not just lucky, but clearly a fusion of the laws of time and space.

The combination of the law of space and the distance within a short distance allowed him to get close to the contestant with the knife as if he were teleporting. When the ice arrow was shot, the mirror shield had actually been deployed long ago, but the moment the ice arrow hit it, the mirror shield that had just been deployed appeared at that moment.

Although these are only superficial applications of the law of time and space, and the scope is extremely small and the influence is extremely weak, it cannot be denied that in a battlefield of this level, and such a large-scale melee, it is really a magical skill.

If he could understand it more deeply and master more skills in the application of the law of time and space, the last water bullet would not hurt him at all.

The Void Emperor was amazed and regretful at the same time, but he also knew that with his strength as a supreme being, he could easily do it. Xu Youran had only awakened five times, and it would be unimaginable in the future.

He was indeed right. Xu Youran was not only fighting with all his strength, but also constantly learning, figuring out, and growing in the battle.

Seclusion, hard practice and contemplation are growth, but the bloody battlefield is the best testing ground for the growth of genius!

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