Virus Throne

Chapter 1064. Hundreds of boats compete, stars shine

As expected, wishful thinking is not love. Going in both directions is the best explanation of love.

Knowing that there are countless difficulties and obstacles ahead, and even knowing that it is impossible, hundreds of competition areas apart, and countless enemies' swords and swords, it seems that the two people who are connected have made the same choice by chance.

In the golden hall of the banquet hall, everyone's eyes were turned to the female slave. Some were envious and jealous, some felt regretful and disappointed, some praised and encouraged, and some had unclear meanings...

The female demon's face turned crimson instantly. Xu Youran patted her hand gently. Her eyes immediately returned to clear and firmness. She picked up the wine glass and signaled to everyone from a distance. She stood up and bowed slightly to the Territory Lord Shennong, and then looked into the void. The emperor and Concubine Tongyu bowed slightly and drank the whole drink in one gulp.

After drinking the fine wine in the glass, the female master Shi Shiran sat back down again.

She didn't say a word, but her calm momentum and demeanor conquered countless people.

At this moment, he showed his royal demeanor.

Although she has not yet achieved the seventh awakening and is still far away from becoming the Great Emperor, the majestic appearance of a generation of genius has already begun to show its prowess.

Territory Lord Shennong nodded approvingly, while Emperor Void and Imperial Concubine Tongyu looked dotingly in their eyes and were extremely pleased.

Everyone here, even the Territory Lord Shen Nong, can trace their origins back to Bai Ding, and there are many slave soldiers who have changed their fates with their tyrannical strength.

When Xu Youran didn't show his ability and value, he was just a speck of dust to everyone here.

But he has begun to prove his ability and value in front of everyone. He is no longer a speck of dust, but a pearl to be discovered.

With investment value and potential, everyone will no longer look at the relationship between the two with the same eyes as before.

After a moment of silence, the Golden Palace was noisy again. Many geniuses that everyone was paying attention to were fighting and killing crazily. The points were soaring every moment. Everyone's attention was quickly attracted again.

Xu Youran and Nu Ba have been cultivating their spiritual power for a long time, so naturally they have already understood Nu Ba's thoughts. However, such an important moment and such a high level of attention still deeply touched his heart.

He picked up the wine glass and said softly: "What do you want? Doomsday-level reagent? The position of the Great Emperor? Dominate the starry sky?"

Xu Youran still has some self-awareness. He knows that what he can give to the female demon is far less than what the female demon can give him.

But the female demon is so affectionate, and he is not hard-hearted. He only hopes to do something for her in the future to repay her affection.

The female slayer looked at Xu Youran, smiled slightly, and then turned her attention to the top powerhouses, lords of the empire, countless dignitaries and geniuses in the Golden Palace.

She knew that what Demon Slayer was showing now was only his potential, not his true ability.


From beginning to end, these people only gave her face, or rather gave face to the Emperor of the Void. They did not really think highly of this little slave soldier in their hearts.

But she is different. She firmly believes that Demon Slayer can create greater miracles, miracles that can shock everyone. He is so different.

Maybe, women in love are all the same.

In their hearts, their lovers are heroes who should be admired by countless people and should not be looked down upon by others.

Demon Slayer asked her what she wanted?

She is an imperial princess, what else does she lack?

"What do I want?" the female demon murmured, "I want that earth-shattering second..."

"That earth-shattering second?" Xu Youran smiled slightly, "Okay!"

The female slave didn't say anything clearly, and Xu Youran didn't ask.

But Xu Youran's meaning was very clear. She wanted everyone to see his shining.

Neither of them knew that just for this illusory promise, a major event that would shake the entire universe would happen in the future.

Enemies were found in all divisions of the arena, and everyone was engaged in a selfless and bloody fight.

Whether it's opportunistic ways to gain points or hard work, everyone is sparing no effort to show off their abilities.

Killing the enemy in combat is an ability, tactical organization is an ability, and even just surviving is an ability.

Soon the competition has reached its twentieth day, and the first phase of the Future Supreme Challenge auditions will end in the last ten days.

Hanging high on the light curtain in the sky, the standings are changing every moment.

Not just the fifth star region, but the nine major star regions and nine arenas. The situation in each arena is very similar.

In fact, in addition to the nine major venues in these nine star regions, there is also a tenth major region, which is the supreme Star Sea Divine Kingdom.

Only the Star Sea Divine Kingdom did not participate in this first stage of life and death battle. The Star Sea Divine Kingdom had its own internal selection method.

After this life-and-death battle, each of the nine major star regions will select the top 10,000 geniuses with the highest points to go to the Throne Tower. The Star Sea Divine Kingdom will also send 10,000 geniuses to climb the tower together.

At that time, one hundred thousand of the most evil geniuses in the entire scientific and technological civilization camp will compete in the Throne Tower.

I have to admit that the Star Sea Divine Kingdom, which has opened a new chapter in human civilization, has indeed a profound foundation.

Trillions of human races in nine star regions

Among the 90,000 geniuses selected from among them, the Star Sea Divine Kingdom was able to contend on its own.

After the initial chaos, everyone's points finally began to fluctuate normally.

The geniuses of the major empires and the geniuses of the major star regions began to emerge.

The points of the strong began to turn into positive numbers and continued to grow. The scores of ordinary people who had awakened six times and those who were bought to make up the numbers plummeted.

Strength is directly proportional to the score, which is also the original intention of the Xinghai Kingdom to hold this competition.

The more powerful the genius is, the higher the score is, and the score range is gradually divided.

Taking the fifth star zone as an example, the geniuses of the throne training camp such as Jinglun, Dongtian, and Lingyin are far ahead in points. This group is obviously the most dazzling geniuses in the entire star zone.

The second echelon is the geniuses of the level of Yuntian, Zhiqiu, and the three saints. They can be called star-level geniuses. Although their points are behind Jinglun, Dongtian and others, the gap is not too big.

The next echelon is the geniuses of the level of Guanghan, Fengshe, Tongtian, and Qingzhuo. Although they are not enough to compete with Yuntian, Zhiqiu and others, they are not without the ability to fight.

The fourth echelon is represented by the imperial-level geniuses such as Angri, Chanjuan, Dijun, Liumang, Nvba, Yuewu, Nirvana, Guanqi, Qiushui, Honglei, Wennuan, Leichun, Liu Suifeng, Wei Beihui, etc., which are obviously far behind the previous echelons in terms of combat power and points.

The fifth echelon is some relatively powerful genius six-time awakeners, such as Xisuo, Tieqi, Yinping, Jihuo, Xiaohan, Ravenna, Monkey King, Kukololo...

The bottom of the positive points is a large number of ordinary six-time awakeners. These people are genuine six-time awakeners in the real world, and many of them are even the rulers of a kingdom.

Although they are all powerful people in charge of one side, they are only a little stronger than cannon fodder in this star zone arena where geniuses gather.

It is said that the most difficult thing for people is to see themselves clearly. The indiscriminate fighting in this competition has finally made many people see themselves clearly. It turns out that they are not as strong as they thought.

After so many days of fighting, Nv Ba finally reached the 520th Division and her points exceeded 40,000.

Xu Youran's speed was much faster than Nv Ba. He started from the 12th Division. On the 20th day of the competition, he had reached the 187th Division and his points exceeded 200,000, ranking at the back of the third echelon.

The points exceeded 200,000, which means that he had killed more than 200,000 six-time awakeners.

Most of them were cannon fodder, and occasionally he would encounter some genius-level masters who could be killed easily.

He would never be soft-hearted. If the stubble was too hard, he would simply choose to self-destruct and start over.

Looking at the points of the entire competition, it is very consistent with the combat power level of the six-time awakeners in major star regions and star fields, or the level of genius strength.

Many peerless monsters recognized by the entire star region and star field have lived up to expectations and achieved dazzling results. There are also very few hidden geniuses who have emerged as dark horses and achieved brilliant results.

Thirty-three-star domains are not considered to be very powerful in the entire fifth star region, and the overall strength of the Void Mountain Empire is only ranked in the forefront of the Thirty-three-star domains, and it cannot be said to be very top.

From the point of view of points, the top few geniuses of the Void Mountain Empire can only barely squeeze into the fourth echelon. The only exception is the perverted Ghost Slayer, whose points are far ahead of the geniuses of Void Mountain and has squeezed into the third echelon.

According to the current point growth situation, it should be completely impossible for the geniuses of Void Mountain to enter the top 10,000 of the fifth star region, and it may even be difficult to enter the top 100,000.

There is no way, there are too many participants and too many geniuses.

Only Ghost Slayer may be able to impact the top 100,000, as for the top 10,000, it is estimated that there is no chance.

The goal of other geniuses is to brush points, and Xu Youran's goal is to cross hundreds of competition areas to find Nuba. Everyone has different goals, and the results of the battle are naturally different.

Another thing is very pitfall, each contestant can only see his own points, but not the ranking.

Xu Youran did not dare to kill too wantonly. If his score was too high and too conspicuous, it would easily arouse the suspicion of the strong.

He participated in the competition as an ordinary six-time awakener, but achieved achievements that many geniuses could not achieve. It would be strange if there were no problems.

The first star zone's leader, Tianhuang Shengzi, was the first contestant in all the competition zones to break through the one million mark, followed by the second star zone's leader, Dajue Shengzi, who also broke through the one million mark.

The fifth star zone's leader was Tiangang Prince from the third star zone's Shengtang Empire, the seventh to break through the one million mark. The long-renowned Jinglun and Dongtian did not even make it into the top ten.

Twenty days after the start of the competition, countless geniuses and monsters have shown their knowledge and contributed a wonderful battle performance to the entire scientific and technological civilization camp, allowing everyone to see their stunning shining starry sky.

There are still ten days left in the competition, and countless geniuses and monsters are still fighting bloody battles. Everyone wants to climb the legendary throne tower, and everyone wants to be the brightest star in the night sky.

This is an era of lofty ideals and passion, an era of fierce competition and shining stars!

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