Virus Throne

Chapter 1,067. Brush or not brush?

The strong men watching the battle were all sweating for their own contestants, and all the contestants were trying their best to find ways to keep their points and minimize casualties.

In the nine star regions, the points of all the contestants were plummeting, even those peerless monsters were no exception.

Although they wanted to keep their points ranking, their strength did not allow it...

Some peerless monsters were gold and water practitioners, but at this moment they happened to appear in the earth star chain fragments, and died so crisply.

Even if someone could rely on their tyrannical strength to resist for a period of time, it was just the difference between dying early and dying late.

Only a few strong men with extraordinary luck happened to stay in the star chain fragments that matched their attributes. Although they still couldn't escape death in the end, they could still fight a little, and some even had the spare energy to brush some points.

However, they had consumed most of their strength to fight against the extreme environment, and there was basically little strength left for fighting.

Moreover, no matter how strong their lethality was, they were still not enough to compete with this terrifying natural disaster.

The environment in the universe is extremely complex, and there are many places filled with various elemental forces. However, even if it is just a place with pure water laws, the properties reflected are ever-changing, and not all of them are poisonous water lethality.

It’s just that in order to let all contestants experience the most extreme and cruel battlefield, the Star Sea Kingdom deliberately set the battle environment to be particularly extreme.

Even if the score range has opened up a huge gap now, if someone adapts to the battlefield before others, they will naturally catch up quickly.

However, such a harsh battle environment is not so easy to adapt to. Everyone is busy running around and busy saving their lives, and they have no intention of killing enemies and brushing points.

This huge change, which is extremely unfavorable to everyone, made Xu Youran almost laugh out loud.

Whether it is the Natural Sutra or the Virus Throne System, the most fearful thing is the extreme environment. The inclusiveness of the Natural Sutra and the comprehensiveness of the Virus Throne System allow Xu Youran to fight at home in almost any environment.

Except for the land of the fire element, Xu Youran has not yet set foot in it, but he can also rely on his strong defense and super recovery ability to fight through it.

Various extreme environments represent the crazy fluctuations of elemental power, which is another great news for Xu Youran.

It is extremely difficult to comprehend a certain law in a place where the fluctuations of laws and rules are mixed. It is difficult for ordinary people to separate the law they want to comprehend from the intricate and intertwined laws and forces.

It is very easy to comprehend the corresponding law power in places where the fluctuations of laws and rules are relatively pure. This is also the origin of the holy places for cultivation in major empires.

Xu Youran was already very happy to comprehend the power of various laws. The huge changes in the competition environment have now set off a violent fluctuation of elemental power, making it easier for him to comprehend the power of laws.

The accumulation of energy takes time, and there are shortcuts to take, and the same is true for the comprehension of laws.

Pure law power and violent fluctuations of laws are no different from the best holy places for Xu Youran to practice.

The comprehension of various laws has been improved from drizzle to the level of converging into a trickle.

He constantly integrated new insights into attack, defense, body movements, and recovery. Although the improvement in strength was not great, it was almost endless.

According to his guess, this extreme environment attack is likely to continue until the end of the competition.

Although it was only ten days, it was far from enough for him, but it was far better than the insights of other geniuses for decades or hundreds of years.

The understanding of the law is very mysterious. If you understand it, you understand it, and if you don’t understand it, you don’t understand it.

So the ancient sages once sighed that the way can be said, but it is not the real way, and the name can be named, but it is not the real name.

Xu Youran did not realize the importance of the understanding of the law before, and there was not enough time and suitable occasions for him to understand it.

Now that he has opened his mind, he immediately entered the fast lane with his intelligence.

In addition to the rapid improvement of the understanding of the law, another huge surprise is the speed of progress.

In the past, he often encountered countless battles when he was on the road, and the enemies blocked his progress like a tide.

When he integrated the understanding of the law into the battle, he made many mistakes. Although the cost of trial and error in the arena can be ignored, it still consumed too much time.

If you meet a tyrannical genius, you may still be trapped in a tough battle, and you may even choose to self-destruct when you are helpless.

There is still a long distance to the 563rd competition area, and there are only ten days left. Every minute is extremely precious to Xu Youran.

Now it is different. Everyone is running around, but Xu Youran is fighting at home. The extreme environment brings him little lethality. He only needs to concentrate on perception, bravely kill the enemy, and rush on the road.

Of course, even he would not be so easy in the extreme environment in the real universe, and there is even a danger of extinction at any time.

In the same violent place of the fire law, the lethality brought by stars with an altitude of thousands of degrees, red giants with a temperature of tens of thousands of degrees, white dwarfs with a temperature of tens of thousands of degrees, and quasars with a temperature of hundreds of thousands of degrees is very different.

However, the original intention of Xinghai Shenguo to simulate the extreme universe environment is not to kill all the contestants, but to temper these contestants.

Since it is a tempering, it will naturally be controlled at a certain intensity, and

this intensity is exactly the critical value of those geniuses.

It is naturally very difficult for ordinary sixth awakeners to contend with them, but those geniuses are not completely powerless to contend with them.

Xu Youran's endurance is far beyond this critical value, and the impact is minimal.




As Xu Youran progressed, his points skyrocketed. The 21st day of the competition had just passed, and his points had already exceeded 300,000. This was the result of him not deliberately racking up points.

If he wants to deliberately gain points now, it is actually very simple.

Just choose a place with water laws and let the rain of bullets and bullets fly wildly.

The poison rain was falling all over the sky, and the contestants had no way of identifying which of Xu Youran's awakening skills were.

Contestants who were corroded by the poisonous rain and penetrated to the point of dying, as long as Xu Youran's hail of bullets sent him on his way, will be counted as Xu Youran's points. It is equivalent to the entire arena helping Xu Youran fight and helping him gain points.

It's just that Xu Youran's goal is to rush forward, not to gain points. He never thought about gaining points to the top 10,000 in the competition.

Sometimes, he still deliberately controls himself not to brush too hard. He is not stupid and can use his brain.

He entered the competition as an ordinary awakened person. He was obviously an ordinary person who had little confidence in his own strength. If he entered the top 10,000 in the standings, it would be absolutely shocking.

The pitfall lies in the system settings of Star Sea Divine Kingdom. Everyone can see their points but not their ranking.

If Xu Youran can see that his ranking has entered the top 300,000 in the entire fifth division, he will definitely be more restrained.

The spectators outside the field saw that almost everyone on the standings was losing points. Only a handful of peerless monsters were still increasing their points, but the increase was very weak, and sometimes they even dropped.

But only Xu Youran's points continued to rise, and even such extreme environmental killings in the arena were helpless to him.

Moreover, the points are rising faster and faster, and the rankings in the standings are also improving rapidly.

This is because Xu Youran's understanding of the law is getting deeper and deeper, and the effect of comprehensive improvement in combat power is becoming more and more obvious. Although he is still far away from those real peerless monsters, he can continue to grow at this rate and surpass those peerless monsters. Just a matter of time.

Of course, Xu Youran knew that there must be many people watching the battle outside. Although there were probably not many paying attention to him, he did not dare to be too presumptuous.

He has shown his strength as a six-time awakener of the water system, so he will be qualified in the land of water system laws.

On the outside, you are brave. In other law places, you just need to restrain your strength and pass.

The land of fire laws was a pure resistance, and the extreme high temperature burned his skin to pieces, leaving his whole body charred and miserable.

However, not all contestants are free to be slaughtered. Many geniuses are already in a place where they are in compliance with the laws. Although it has a great impact on them, they are not without the ability to fight.

Xu Youran still bumps into masters occasionally, and hard battles are inevitable, but it's better than a chaotic battlefield filled with stray bullets.

It's just that he guessed a little bit wrong...

It's not that very few people are paying attention to him, but many, many people are paying attention to him. As his points continue to rise, more and more people are paying attention to him.

In the Golden Palace Banquet Hall, all kinds of inquiring and curious eyes kept scanning Xu Youran.

If Territory Lord Shen Nong hadn't been here, and this was the Void Emperor's home court, someone might have sliced ​​him up long ago.

Although there were several powerful people who obviously protected him, there were also a few extremely powerful mental powers that occasionally swept over Xu Youran.

At this moment, he was like a weak little white rabbit being played with by a group of lions, sitting on pins and needles and sweating profusely.

What to do?

Xu Youran really wants to cry...

Keep upping the points, you will definitely be regarded as a monster.

But if he doesn't brush up his points and doesn't enter the top 10,000 list, Emperor Void will never protect him because he has no value.

To brush or not to brush?

This is a big question concerning life...

The Void Emperor looked thoughtfully at the standings in the light screen, then at Demon Slayer who was frightened but pretending to be calm, and secretly contacted someone.

Soon, the Great Emperor of the Void received a reply. His expression was as calm as usual, but the anxiety in his heart was calm.

On the 23rd day of the competition, most of the genius monsters have discovered the changing patterns of the extreme environment on the battlefield, and have also found a home court that suits them.

Just because the extreme environment had a great impact on their strength, they could no longer use the old tricks to gain points, but their points finally returned to increase, but the speed at which their points increased was far behind Xu Youran's.

Xu Youran has already reached the 239th division and has reached 350,000 points. As long as he works harder, he can definitely break into the top 100,000.

The female master is worthy of being the most emperor-like genius in Void Mountain. After the initial chaos, she quickly adapted to the changes in the battlefield environment. At this moment, she has reached the 548th division and has more than 70,000 points. However, compared with Xu Youran's progress, In terms of speed and points, there is a huge difference.

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