Virus Throne

Chapter 1,071. Xu Youran's ranking

The bloody fights and hard battles over the past few days have made the worthwhile Princess Nvba grow and transform rapidly.

The flowers in the greenhouse have long since washed away their glitz and slackness and grown into true iron-blooded warriors.

The battles of the past thirty days, no matter the intensity, severity, or complexity of the battles, are far beyond all the battles that an average professional soldier can experience in his lifetime.

And the fear and despair brought by countless deaths eventually turned into contempt for death, desire for strength, and mental numbness.

Xu Youran has traveled through hundreds of competition areas and earned more than 800,000 points, but if you compare the number of deaths, he can't catch up with Nvba.

There is no way, thick skin, super recovery, strange body movements, strong lethality, and an extremely sharp battlefield awareness.

Nvba is not as perverted as him. Death is as natural as drinking water, and she is even not afraid of death.

But there has never been a moment when Nvba is so afraid of death, afraid of sudden death now.

Because her beloved was right in front of her. After going through countless hardships and countless battles, she finally met her beloved here.

The colorful awakening skills were crisscrossing in the air, and blood rain was falling all over the sky. Her beloved was like a peerless hero stepping on colorful clouds, falling from the sky.

She had fought from the 563rd Division to the 520th Division, but it was only forty-three divisions, and it was so difficult to fight.

The demon slayer fought from the 12th Division to the 520th Division, spanning more than 500 divisions. The hardships and pains were definitely better than the torture of the endless purgatory.

Nvba barely supported her broken body and tried not to fall down. She wanted to greet her beloved with her most beautiful side, but unfortunately she was only one breath away from death.

She smiled, and she had never been so happy and relieved in her life. Her feelings were not wrong, and her choice was not wrong.

What about royal power and wealth, what about family rules for generations?

For this man who had fought through more than 500 competition areas to see her, Nvba suddenly felt that nothing mattered.

She cried, she had never experienced joy and peace in her life, he finally came, like a star shining in the night sky, stirring up ripples of light all over the sky.

Tears slid from the corners of her eyes, rushing freely on her ghostly broken face.

The countdown reminder of the end of the competition has echoed in everyone's mind. Nvba tried her best, burned all her energy, and with the blessing of Xu Youran's spiritual power, she displayed her strongest awakening skill.

"Burning the sky and boiling the sea"!

Xu Youran was also laughing. After fighting through more than 500 competition areas, he finally found the person he was looking for.

Maybe when he first set out on the road, he just wanted to use such actions to prove his "loyalty", or to find a suitable excuse for his "inaction".

But as the pace of progress became faster and faster, his original idea seemed to be gradually changing. As for why, he didn't want to think about it.

Now that person just supported his broken body, standing stupidly in the encirclement of countless enemies, crying and laughing.

Her smile was like a ghost, and he couldn't even see the human appearance.

But in Xu Youran's eyes, she was so beautiful, like a light guiding the way in the endless darkness.

At this moment, the two were not far apart, and the effect of the dual cultivation of spiritual power immediately strengthened each other.

The countdown to the end of the competition has begun, and he has sensed the violent fluctuations in spiritual power caused by the burning of Nüba's soul.

Xu Youran's soul also began to burn with all his strength without reservation. At the moment when "Burning the Sky and Boiling the Sea" broke out, the long sword in his hand chopped out without reservation.

In an instant, Xu Youran's hand seemed to be shining like millions of suns, and the violent and magnificent sword light swept across the sky.

Sword intention, exorcism!

Millions of suns exploded around Nuba. This sword was infused with all the power of the laws that Xu Youran had comprehended, including the sharpness of gold, the tenacity of wood, the penetration of water, the thickness of earth, the weirdness of time and space...

And the power of the fire law that was combined with Nuba's spiritual power, which was violent!

"Puff, puff, puff..."

The sound of the sword cutting through the flesh continued, regardless of friend or foe.


As the two of them went all out, their broken bodies could no longer withstand the violent power explosion. Just as they were about to approach each other, they began to collapse at the same time.

Nuba's points skyrocketed, and her ranking soared.

Xu Youran's points plummeted, and she watched her ranking on the points list fall one by one.

Just now, Nuba was surrounded by countless enemies, and Xu Youran drew his sword in anger, killing all of Nuba's enemies, Xu Youran's "comrades-in-arms".

Moreover, this wave was a full-force explosion of all the energy, spirit, and spirit when the two of them were in a state of unity of spiritual power. The terrifying lethality was even beyond Xu Youran's expectations.

9539, 9647, 9712, 9891, 9925...


The reminder sound of the end of the competition sounded, and all the venues were closed at the same time. The souls of all the contestants instantly returned to their bodies.

The scoreboard that had been constantly changing in the light curtain completely stopped at the same time, and the rankings of all the contestants on the scoreboard were locked.


The first stage of the Supreme Challenge, the Life and Death Battle Competition officially came to an end.

The competition over the past thirty days has been full of ups and downs. Not only did every contestant in the venue suffer a lot, but also gained a lot. Even the spectators outside the venue were feasting their eyes and benefited a lot.

This time, the contest held by Xinghai Divine Kingdom, which included all its people, was extremely successful and unprecedented.

The moment the soul returned to the body, all the contestants closed their eyes at the same time, with a slight look of pain on their faces.

Although it was still their own soul, and only a little bit, the experience of that soul in the past thirty days was too rich, and it brought an extremely strong impact on the consciousness of each contestant.

It is definitely not possible to fully digest this wave of powerful consciousness impact and experience gains in a short period of time. All contestants can only spend time to carefully comprehend and polish it in the future.

In the banquet hall of the Golden Palace of Void Mountain, there was a dead silence, and almost everyone was stunned when looking at the scoreboard in the light curtain in the air. Even Lu Ya, Shennong, and the emperors who were the overlords of the starry sky were completely shocked.

Before Xu Youran and Nuba could digest the insights and gains brought by that little soul, they immediately opened their eyes and looked at the scoreboard on the light curtain in the air.

Nvba's points have soared to 151,782, and her ranking in the points list has finally entered the top 100,000 list, and finally settled at 99,581st.

Although this result is not very dazzling, it is reasonable. After all, it is a battle among 10 billion contestants. It is rare to achieve such a result in the entire Thirty-Three Star Domain, and it is also ranked in the top ten among all the contestants in the entire Void Mountain Empire.

As for Xu Youran's points and ranking, it is too weird...

Points: 883,792

Ranking: 10,001


Xu Youran almost vomited blood when he saw this ranking. It was too damn deceptive.

He didn't expect to get a high ranking, and he didn't want to go to the Throne Tower to be abused, but there were wolves all around, and a wave of emperors were staring at him.

Yao Palace, Nirvana, Liumang...

A group of second-generation gods who were killed by him in the competition were also staring at him covetously, like a thorn in the throat and a thorn in the back.

If his ranking was not in the top 10,000, the miserable result waiting for him could be imagined.

Not to mention whether these emperors would take action, even these second-generation gods would not let him go.

Fighting in the real world is completely different from fighting in the virtual arena. They have countless equipment bonuses and medicine bonuses, and their subordinates are also full of masters.

If Xu Youran were really thrown to these second-generation gods, he would definitely be turned into scum in seconds.

When he just stepped into the 520th competition area, although Xu Youran was killing his own people and his ranking was also falling, according to that rate of decline, he would never fall out of the top 10,000.

Originally, Xu Youran was still secretly happy in his heart, this wave was stable, as long as he entered the top 10,000, let's see what you bastards can do to me?

The Void Emperor could not bear the pressure of so many emperors and saints by himself, and the domain lord Shennong could only barely frighten them. However, the arrival of the star lord Lu Ya gave Xu Youran a reassurance.

Damn it!

Aren't you crazy?

The star lords all came to support me, let's see who dares to show off?

In the end, it was not others who showed off, but he himself showed off too much.

After finding that Nüba was abused so badly and almost besieged to death, Xu Youran went completely berserk.

The last wave of full-fire indiscriminate coverage took away too many "comrades-in-arms", so it was normal for the ranking list to plummet.

But this was too severe...

And it was too coincidental...

No. 10001, maybe as long as he killed a few less of his own people, he could have been firmly in the top 10,000.

Unfortunately, Xu Youran in the arena didn't know about the ranking list. He was satisfied with killing, and after returning to the real world, trouble came.

What to do?

Xu Youran, who had experienced many life and death situations, finally settled down in Bengbu. He was panicked and broke out in a cold sweat.

When Nuba saw her own ranking, she was a little excited and excited, but when she saw Guimie's ranking, her face turned pale instantly.

In fact, they didn't care much whether they could step onto the throne tower that countless geniuses in the universe dreamed of.

But if they couldn't enter the top 10,000, how would they deal with those emperors and second-generation gods who came to make trouble?

I'm afraid that no matter how powerful and broad-minded Star Lord Lu Ya is, he won't make things difficult for many emperors because of such a small figure.

Guimie does have the ability to enter the top 10,000, and has the potential to become a powerful person, but potential is not strength after all.

Potential will be valued by some people, but it is not a criterion for him to stand up for him.

10001st place, this ranking is indeed too embarrassing...

Xu Youran pretended to be dull, and didn't dare to look around at all, with an ostrich mentality.

Most people were still checking the rankings, but some people cast malicious eyes at Xu Youran.

"Love is always there, can you please vote for me? All the old and young men have read this far, give me a triple click..."

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