Virus Throne

Chapter 1,077. Three secret methods, tailor-made

The Emperor of the Void was not only afraid that Xu Youran would ruin his future by relying too much on secret techniques, but he was also afraid that young people like them would not listen to his advice and would instead think that he was stingy.

I simply found three less arduous secret techniques, "Void", "Hand of God", and "Three Phases of Integration Technique".

Don't say I don't take care of you, kid, the Void Emperor immediately sent the three secret techniques directly to the female demon.

Xu Youran and Xu Youran have been practicing together for three days, and have completely digested the gains of the continuous battle. They are sitting by the Mingquan Glacier, chatting and taking a short rest.

The female slayer's face flashed with joy, "Hey hey hey... just say that my father is the best to me!"

"Secret method?" Xu Youran was stunned. He didn't expect the emperor to be so generous. "What secret method?"

The female demon checked the content of the message and said, "There are three secret methods, but it seems that I can't use them. The authorization code has been sent to you..."

Although she was really happy for Xu Youran after getting the secret method, she couldn't use the secret method that the emperor took out, and she was a little unhappy for a while.

Xu Youran received the authorization code sent to him by the female slave, and immediately called up the "Secret Method" column in the Kingdom of God system.

Originally, this column only had one content: "Speak as the Dharma Follows", but now there are three more content.

After entering the authorization code, he immediately saw the names of the three secret techniques.


"hand of God".

"Three Phases and One Body".

The female slayer suddenly realized that these three secret techniques were not only useless for herself, but also for demon slayers, right?

Xu Youran has long been salivating over the magic and unreasonableness of the secret techniques. Now, in order to support him in the next stage of the competition, the Emperor of the Void brought out three secret techniques at once. He was so excited that he almost cried.

As soon as his mental energy was swept away, he was immediately immersed in it.

The Void Secret Technique is the national treasure of Void Mountain. Throughout the ages, only Gongsun's descendants who have awakened the space system awakening skills can practice it.

Why do we need to awaken space system awakening skills?

This secret method simulates the understanding of the laws of space by the most powerful person in the space system. He uses the void source crystal to connect with the laws of space, instantly causing space collapse, absorbing the enemy's offensive, and making himself invincible.

Several key points in using this secret technique:

First, the space awakening skill must be awakened so that the void source crystal can be activated.

Of course, this is the most basic requirement for casting, and low-level awakeners can also rely on this method to cast the Void Secret Technique.

Except for those awakened by the space system, other awakened people cannot activate the void source crystal at all, unless they understand the laws of space.

The second important point is that you must be able to connect to the laws of space, which is why you need to awaken the space system awakening skills.

Before realizing the laws of space, space awakeners can only use awakening skills, but they don’t understand it at all.

Without the principle of space, it is naturally impossible to connect to the law of space.

Therefore, the third key element is needed as a medium, which is the Void Source Crystal.

What is Void Source Crystal?

Xu Youran had never heard of it. He immediately checked the relevant information of the Kingdom of God system. There was no record.

The three key elements are the awakened person of the space system, the law of connecting space, and the void source crystal as a medium. Because Xu Youran has a superficial understanding of the laws of time and space, he has entered the door. There is only one medium: the void source crystal.

But since the Great Emperor gave him the Secret Art of the Void, he must have more than ten or twenty pills prepared for him, right?

As for the so-called manufacturing space collapse, it can be simply understood as a micro black hole.

The principle should be to use the understanding of space laws to find relatively fragile space nodes, instantly detonate the void source crystal, and cause the space nodes to collapse.

No matter how powerful a person is, he cannot compete with the rules that maintain the smooth operation of the entire universe.

The collapse of this fragile space node should be repaired instantly, and the scope will never be too large.

The violent attacks of those most powerful ones can often shatter the void, causing an instant collapse.

But if one reaches that level of strength, this Void Secret Technique will be meaningless.

Therefore, most secret techniques are prepared for low-level awakened people.

When the enemy's attack is too violent and you cannot resist it, you can use your body skills to dodge, while those with good physical fitness can only resist forcefully.

When the level of Xu Youran's movement skills was not high, most of them could only resist forcefully. Although the movement skills now incorporate a hint of the mystery of the laws of space, in the eyes of a real master, they are still very crude.

For him, the Void Secret Technique must be a must-have for traveling at home and killing people.

Should I say it or not, the great emperor really understands me, hahaha...

The cultivation method of the secret method of void is not too complicated, but the requirements are more demanding, and the media items are relatively rare. Fortunately, it does not have too strong side effects, otherwise it would not have been passed down by the Gongsun family for endless years.

There are two more secret methods. You can practice them together after you understand them clearly. Xu Youran continued to look at the next secret method: Hand of God.

The conditions for using this secret method are not only not harsh, but also very loose, which makes Xu Youran have some differences, except for the medium used: stealing the sky for the sun claw.

While withstanding attacks from fellow awakeners, you can use God's Hand to steal the opponent's awakening skills of the same type and release them simultaneously.

To put it simply, this is a kind of thief

The secret method is just that what is stolen is not the item, but the opponent's awakening skill.

The conditions for its use are not stringent, as long as the awakened person of the same type uses the Heaven-stealing Sun-changing Claw.

The pitfall of casting a spell is also a side effect, that is, you must withstand the opponent's awakening skill attack once before you can use the same awakening skill to fight back.

I wipe it!

Xu Youran was emo at that time...

The secret methods selected by Emperor Void work well together. Void is a defensive secret method, and Hand of God is an offensive secret method.

But you have to take a beating before you can fight back in the same way. What the hell is this?

Why should I take this beating?

If I can resist the opponent's attack, or avoid the opponent's attack, I can use my own awakening skills to counterattack, wouldn't it be nice?

And it must be of the same type. I am a person who has awakened the water system six times. I can only steal the water awakening skills to fight back?

Ravenna uses Black Water Annihilation to hit me, and I'll hit back with Black Water Annihilation?

Although it may not hurt the other party, it will definitely scare her, hahaha...


its not right……

I am not a water element awakener. I am a fellow practitioner of the fifth element now, and I may be a fellow practitioner of the seventh element in the future.

If I could get the Claw of Stealing Heaven for Sun, wouldn't I be able to steal the awakening skills of anyone I fight with?

It’s just that I have to take a hit first. If I can’t withstand this blow, I will immediately hate Northwest. What kind of useless secret method is this? I’ll wipe it out!

And what the hell is that claw that steals the sky for the sun?

Xu Youran checked the Kingdom of God's system again, and actually found the information about stealing the sky and exchanging the claws of the sun.

The so-called Sky-stealing Claw is a strange beast that roamed the universe when chaos first emerged.

The population is not large. They like to travel alone and are good at absorbing the energy of the planet.

When a planet's energy is absorbed, the sky-stealing beast will leave the planet and wander in the starry sky, continuing to look for the next target.

When the first-generation God Emperor Xinghai opened up the territory of human civilization, the sky-stealing beasts had a certain impact on human survival and reproduction, so they were hunted and killed on a large scale, and they were suspected to have become extinct.

Humans cut off the two front claws of the sky-stealing beast and made them into weapons, called the sky-stealing and sun-changing claws.

As for where to get the Sky-stealing Sun-Exchange Claw, there is no relevant record in the Divine Kingdom system. It seems that it will still fall on the Void Emperor.

Although the secret method is a bit useless, it may produce unexpected magical effects when caught unexpectedly.

What's more, the universe is so big, with endless human races and all kinds of mysterious and unpredictable awakening skills.

Door, there are always some awakening skills worth stealing.

Putting aside her thoughts about God's hand for the time being, Xu Youran, with an excited heart and trembling hands, used her mental power to activate the third secret technique: the Three Phases Integration Technique.

The secret method can indeed greatly enhance his combat effectiveness in a short period of time. This is not a lie, but he has hidden his true purpose.

The void and the hand of God are not what he really wants.

What he cares about most is actually the third secret method: the three-phase one technique!

Let the female demon propose that he needs a secret method to improve his strength, and he also wants to take a gamble to see if he can get this secret method.

Because he couldn't and didn't dare to directly mention that he wanted to practice the Three Phases and Integration Technique. It would be too obvious and even a fool would know there was something wrong.

The Three Phases and Integration Technique is the secret method of ruling the country in the Mission Hills Empire. Countless people know this secret method, but no one has ever mastered it.

Because there is an extremely harsh condition for practicing this secret method, that is, the three elements must be awakened.

In this world, there are only awakened practitioners from two systems, and there have never been awakened practitioners from three systems.

Therefore, this secret method has always been considered to be something conjectured by humans, and it is impossible for anyone to use it.

But the most contradictory part is here. The Star Sea Divine Kingdom has certified that this secret method can be practiced and used.

If there is not a problem with the certification system of the Star Sea Divine Kingdom, it means that there are people in the Star Sea Divine Kingdom who can practice, but no one knows about it.

No matter what, the power of this secret method is so terrifying that it is unbelievable.

Many, many powerful people have studied this secret method, and they all said that from a theoretical point of view, it is absolutely feasible, and its power is terrifying.

Based on Xu Youran's observation and understanding, the relationship between Emperor Guanlan and Emperor Void seems to be very good.

A secret method that looks extremely powerful but cannot be practiced. Emperor Guanlan will never be reluctant to give it to Emperor Void.

If he wants a secret method, the Void Emperor's best choice is to give him a very weak and useless secret method, or a secret method that is very strong but cannot be practiced.

This will not refute the female emperor's face, but also reflects her broad mind, and is just an empty favor.

But Xu Youran didn't expect that Emperor Void would be so generous and wise, giving him three secret techniques at once, and he could use at least two of them, which made him a little surprised and flattered.

I wipe it!

Does this mean that I should commit myself to you?

Xu Youran scanned the three secret techniques, and then looked up at the female slayer's beautiful face.


How lucky that beauty is like jade!

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