Virus Throne

Chapter 113. The true function of awakening skills

The beams, getting faster and denser, began to hit the students who used various body skills to avoid the beams.

"Ding!" The timer on the side rang, and the beam stopped shooting instantly.

The student was sweating profusely and left his position, and two numbers were displayed on a light screen: 10000/9355.

Xu Youran was a little curious, so she walked over and patted the student on the shoulder, "What do these two numbers mean? Out of 10,000 attacks, you evaded 9,355 times?"

His appearance is so unique, and there are only a few dozen people in the training camp, so word has already spread.

When the student saw the legendary boss asking himself, he immediately jumped up and said with some embarrassment: "Mr. Kaka, it was 10,000 attacks, hitting me 9,355 times."

"Hiss" Xu Youran's movement skills and speed have always been weaknesses, and now they are even more difficult to move forward. In his opinion, that student's movement skills are much better than his own.

In the end, out of 10,000 attacks, he only managed to dodge 645 times. With this kind of movement and this kind of dodge rate, this ratio is too exaggerated.

Seeing Xu Youran's surprised look, the student became even more shy and his face flushed, "If it were you, Mr. Kaka, you shouldn't have been hit a few times. If you can all pass the test of 10,000 shots, It should be the level of a five-time awakener."

Xu Youran was also hit hard after hearing this. What do you mean I won't be hit a few times?

If I go up there, I will be beaten into a sieve. It will be worse than you. Can you believe it?

However, this young man spoke quite nicely and managed to soothe his injured heart.

Xu Youran and Liana continued to walk forward. They drooled at the sight of all kinds of strange and weird equipment, but unfortunately they had no merit at all.

A variety of equipment from unknown civilization technology can improve awakened people from many aspects and angles, including speed, physical fitness, strength, reaction speed, and resistance to attack.

The highest floor of this small building is the third floor. The two walked up the steps and saw rows of small cubicles.

However, these compartments are completely different from those on the first floor, and all compartments should be made of special materials.

The area inside was also much larger than that on the first floor. Xu Youran touched it with his hands. It was different from metal and ceramic, but was extremely smooth and hard.

It also has a strong sense of technology, with explanatory text on the outside of each compartment.

There were not many students training inside. Looking in through the small window of the door, it was also an empty room.

The instructions on the door are different for each room. There is a power room, a gravity room, a freezing room, a high-temperature burning room, a sonic shock room...

Each cubicle can simulate an extreme environment, where students can immersively feel the impact of such an extreme environment.

And the degree of this kind of attack can be adjusted. For example, some students want to hunt down a lightning magic leopard.

Then you can apply to enter the power room and experience the powerful electric attacks of the Magic Leopard in an all-round way.

What's more, you can rely on your strong physical fitness to fight against electric attacks crazily and passively increase your anti-electricity attributes.

In the same way, if you want to hunt the thundering lion, you can apply to enter the sonic shock chamber to passively enhance your related resistance.

The gravity chamber strengthens all-round physical fitness from the inside out, but just strengthening the body is not enough to resist the powerful mutant beast.

Only by strengthening the internal organs at the same time can one reduce internal injuries as much as possible.

Xu Youran's previous defense mainly relied on awakening skills for surface defense.

This kind of defense is more effective against those speed-type mutant beasts. When encountering those power-type mutant beasts, they will often suffer severe internal injuries.

These enhanced equipment can be of great help in improving Xu Youran's strength.

It's a pity that it's still the same old problem, no military exploits...

Xu Youran walked from the first floor to the third floor, feeling as if he had suffered a 10,000-point blow in his heart.

Although he has lost his memory, he can be 100% sure that he has never seen or used these devices before.

However, these devices seemed to be somewhat related to some of the worlds that his consciousness had scanned when he was drifting in the gaps of time and space.

Xu Youran, who was feeling a little depressed, pulled Liana and quickly went downstairs, leaving the training room full of temptation.

While walking back to the dormitory, he asked Liana, "Are there a dozen of the same training camps here in the North District?"

"Yeah." Although Lianna was jealous when looking at those devices, it was not the first time she had seen these devices. Her brother was also a frequent visitor to the training room before, but she had never used them herself.

"Every training camp has these training equipment?" Xu Youran was surprised.

"That should be the case. Isn't this strange? These are sent from the cult headquarters." Liana has long been accustomed to this, so she didn't feel anything unusual.

"Hiss..." Xu Youran had a toothache, "Did the cult dig up the ancestral graves of unknown civilization technology? Where did they get so many usable equipment?"

"It seems that you have really lost too much memory..." Lianna looked at Xu Youran with a look that looked like she was mentally retarded, "These equipments were excavated by the cult from the ruins of the Mayan civilization. The whole world knows about them, and they even gave them away. A lot to countries in other continents.”

"Wait..." Xu Youran quickly stopped Liana from continuing. He suddenly thought of a crucial question, "You said you gave a lot to other countries? Does the whole world know?"

"Yeah, what's the problem? The cult has always been very generous, spreading cultivation experience and providing cultivation equipment all over the world." Lianna seemed to be talking about something very ordinary.

"But I don't remember anything. I remember the awakening skills and can use them. That means that my amnesia should have happened after the catastrophe. I don't remember the equipment, so I should have lost my memory before that." Xu Youran stopped and was a little excited.

"Yes!" Lianna also realized, "Then we can determine the time when you lost your memory. But..."

"But what?" Xu Youran asked eagerly.

"But that was about half a year ago!" Lianna looked at Xu Youran a little strangely.

"Half a year ago!" Xu Youran was stunned, "But you just picked me up, where have I been for half a year?"

"Forget it, don't think about it if you can't remember it, anyway, you will remember it sooner or later." Lianna was actually afraid that Xu Youran would recover her memory, and then she wouldn't be able to hug this big thick leg.

Xu Youran shook his head and gave up thinking helplessly. He felt that the recovery of his memory and the recovery of his body should have a lot to do with each other.

It was rare to have such a complete training system here. He could take the opportunity to strengthen his strength here.

Back in the dormitory, he thought about the content of Instructor Hadilun's lecture today.

In the view of the cult, the so-called virus is just a term used by modern humans.

Instructor Hadilun explained the virus as a kind of energy floating in the universe.

The concentration of this energy on Earth is not high. Humans have gradually adapted to this energy concentration in the long process of evolution.

However, the distribution of energy is uneven, and human physiques vary greatly. Once the concentration of this free energy increases, it will form viruses when combined with microorganisms in the air.

The higher the concentration, the more combinations, and the more viruses there will be.

Because the impurities in the air are of different types.

The energy itself is harmless. After combining with impurities in the air, it becomes a harmful virus.

However, due to the differences in human physiques, some individuals with strong strength can adapt, while others cannot.

Survival of the fittest. Those who cannot adapt to the side effects of too high a concentration of energy will be eliminated.

This global catastrophe is actually an opportunity for human evolution.

People with different physiques have different acceptance levels when exposed to these high concentrations of energy.

So some people become stronger and stronger when awakened, while some die on the way to awakening.

Human awakeners and mutants will undergo qualitative changes when they awaken for the fourth time.

The qualitative change of mutants is the mastery of awakening skills, while the qualitative change of humans is not just flying, but clarifying the route of their own evolution.

And these clear evolutionary routes will be reflected in the awakening skills, and a certain awakening skill will become the best skill of this awakener.

The same fireball, when used by a fourth awakener who is good at controlling the fire element, is ten times or more powerful than the fourth awakener who is not good at the fire element.

So many awakeners, after the fourth awakening, will make rapid progress in the awakening skills they are good at, and gradually give up the awakening skills they are not good at.

The awakening skills that one is good at will undergo qualitative changes in combination with the user's own situation.

Instructor Hadilun's morning lecture was about the water element awakening skill crystal spear.

After the crystal spears of some fourth awakeners evolve to gold quality, they will undergo qualitative changes and merge into their own characteristics.

Some awakeners' crystal spears are fused with their legs, and their sharp leg skills are indestructible, like two javelins.

Some awakeners' crystal spears have become soft whips, which are both flexible and sharp, elusive and hard to defend.

As for how to find your own way, how to deeply tap your potential, so that the awakening skills can be upgraded to gold quality at the same time when they are promoted to the fourth awakening, and complete the perfect combination of their own characteristics.

Instructor Hadilun also gave an example that many young strong people are rising in the world today.

In the distant European continent, there is a young female strong person, named: Bloody Mary.

Before the fourth awakening, her best awakening skill was wood element entanglement.

After being promoted to the fourth awakener, her entanglement and legs merged to become her main awakening skill.

Under the entanglement and strangulation of the legs, broken tendons and bones were minor injuries. The powerful attack power, like a giant python entangled, strangled countless powerful mutant beasts.

In the final analysis, the real function of awakening skills is to strengthen oneself, not to kill the enemy directly.

The continuous evolution of oneself and the perfection of oneself are the goals that awakeners should pursue.

These knowledge and insights are unprecedented to Xu Youran, as if they opened a door to a new world for him.

He was deeply touched, and his bruised body was also recovering rapidly.

This was his unconscious deepening of his understanding of the awakening skills of the wood element.

And these understandings would unconsciously strengthen the effect of forcing growth.

If he had those equipment and provided him with some assistance, he felt that his progress would be faster.

Unfortunately, the gold-level boss in everyone's eyes was so poor that he had no military exploits at all.

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