Virus Throne

Chapter 129. Core Training Camp

Majestic and magnificent mountains, romantic and unrestrained beaches, and the city of angels overlooked by the statue of Jesus.

Under the gaze of the statue of Jesus, a street divides classes and also divides life and death.

On one side is the rich area with countless soldiers armed with live ammunition and strict guarding.

On the other side is the Rocinha slum, with countless low shanties, where blood and violence are the main themes.

Ipanema Beach in the rich area is neat, clean and beautiful, and the blue sea gently laps the beach.

Copacabana Beach in the slum is full of garbage and a mess. The same blue sea laps up and rolls up dirty mud and sand.

Lying on this beach, you can still look at the tall and majestic statue of Jesus, but behind you are bursts of gunfire from time to time.

The arrival of the catastrophe has returned these two beaches to tranquility, and there is no difference between rich and poor.

Endless mutant fish and powerful marine life in the ocean are always cruising in the beautiful Rio Bay.

These mutant beasts don't distinguish between rich and poor. To them, they are all food.

Even if they are powerful awakeners, no one would be interested in fighting those powerful mutant beasts for swimming and sunbathing.

The convoy quickly drove into the rich area. Entering here is a real safe area.

The bustling crowd on the street, many awakeners wearing scepter armbands came and went.

It almost gave Xu Youran an illusion that this place had never experienced any disasters, just like a prosperous city running normally.

Is this the strength of the cult?

Sometimes, the strength of an organization is not just about how many masters the organization has.

It also depends on how far the organization can go.

In an era where mutant beasts are rampant all over the world, the cult can create such a prosperous and safe urban area.

This shows how powerful the cult is.

Not only is it strong in top combat power, but it must also have many masters under its command, and there are countless awakeners.

Entering Rio's wealthy area for the first time, Liana felt very nervous and couldn't help but hold Xu Youran's hand tightly.

Xu Youran patted her hand gently, signaling her to relax.

He has now recovered some mental strength, and in front of the powerful gold-quality awakening skills.

Rich people, what class, are all clouds.

The core training camp is the most core training base of the cult in the entire South American region.

It was established in the former Federal University of Rio, which is a high-level institution with a long history.

Located on one side of Rio Bay, it has beautiful scenery, covers a large area, and has complete teaching facilities.

Thousands of awakeners from the entire South American continent have been selected to study here.

Xu Youran only studied theoretical knowledge for more than a month in the No. 13 training camp, and he also eagerly wanted to learn more new knowledge about awakeners.

When he arrived at the school gate, there were not only a large number of soldiers responsible for guarding, but also more than 20 awakeners wearing uniform combat uniforms.

Xu Youran and the other person took out the documents prepared by the No. 13 training camp and quickly passed the security check.

However, the escort convoy could only take them to the school gate and into the training camp, where they would be received by the general affairs office of the training camp.

As soon as they got off the car, a cool and comfortable sea breeze blew in their faces, mixed with bursts of flower fragrance.

The campus environment with green trees and foliage was unusually beautiful, and it seemed to be in a different time and space from the world full of corpses after the disaster.

Several tall, quaint European-style buildings were hidden among the green trees and flowers, and a strong academic atmosphere came to the face.

Rio in June was in winter, which was the best season of the year in the city.

The students who passed by on the road from time to time were of various races, including black, brown, white, and yellow.

Holding books in their hands or wearing clean and refreshing combat uniforms, Xu Youran and the other person looked like country people who had just entered the city.

In order to hide their faces, both of them wore standard combat uniforms, peaked caps, and large scarves.

Liana was constantly amazed as she walked along.

If she hadn't followed Xu Youran, she would never have thought of entering this paradise on earth.

The awakener who led the way wore a black armband for students. He might be responsible for more reception work, so he was not surprised.

Along the way, he briefly introduced the situation to the two. The particularly huge teaching building was the classroom for theoretical learning for the students in the training camp.

A huge European-style building, that is the training building, all kinds of training equipment are there.

The stadium is a place for actual combat exercises, and there is also a place for testing awakening skills, in an open-air stadium not far from the sea.

The teaching here is similar to other training camps. There is no traditional grade division, but it is divided according to the time of joining.

Students who join the training camp at the same time will be divided into a class, usually within a month.

For example, the class that Xu Youran and the others are about to join is a class.

The theoretical teaching courses here are jointly completed by more than 200 third awakener instructors and 16 fourth awakener instructors in the training camp.

The chief instructor of the training camp is Admiral Gulie, who has awakened five times.

This admiral is also one of the high-level decision-makers of the cult and a member of the cult council.

Admiral Gulie does not participate in teaching, but he will attend the newcomer orientation meeting every month.

The members of the training camp are mainly the best of the three awakeners, and a small number of the four awakeners who have just broken through.

Trials for students in training camps are often organized by the training camp, and students are airdropped into the Amazon jungle for trials, with a very high mortality rate.

When they were approaching the office building of the General Affairs Office, the student who led the way said with some meaning: "Don't think that the beautiful environment here is a paradise on earth. For the weak, this place is worse than hell. You are newcomers, so be especially careful."

Xu Youran and the other two looked at the young white man who was leading the way, and knowing that he was giving a kind reminder, they thanked him one after another.

The white young man was quite free and easy, "No need to thank me, maybe one day we will be competitors. By the way, my name is Gar Dino. Come to class and see me if you have time."

It can be known from the time that this Gar Dino joined the training camp three months earlier than them.

The first floor of the General Affairs Office is an office hall, where many students come in and out to do business. There is a huge light curtain on the wall on one side, and a row of service windows facing the door.

Gar Dino pointed to a window with the words 'New Student Reception' written on it in English, "You can just go through the procedures here, and someone from the General Affairs Office will arrange your next trip."

After saying that, Gar Dino turned and left, and Xu Youran and the two began to take stock of their surroundings.

On the large light screen were rows of names and numbers, with a row of big characters on it saying 'Combat Merit Ranking'.

Xu Youran took a look and saw that there were about a hundred names. There was a number behind each name. That number should represent that person's military exploits.

The name of the person ranked first is: Battle Merit: 503.

Xu Youran was stunned. This person's name was really unique, but it was possible that he changed his name deliberately because of his own strength.

The second name is Moria, with combat achievements: 475.

The name seems to be that of a woman. The ranking here does not distinguish between nationality, race, and gender.

The third place is a man named Portcas D. Ace, with combat achievements: 468.

The following people with similar rankings do not have much difference in their combat achievements. It seems that the person ranked first should be very powerful.

Suddenly Lianna called out softly, "Hey! Look, Clark!"

Xu Youran looked over in turn, and sure enough she saw Clark's name at the tenth position.

With 410 military exploits behind his name, it seems that Clark is also very powerful.

Lianna gritted her teeth and said, "It's all Clark's fault. If you have a chance to see him, teach him a lesson for me."

"Teach him a lesson? Don't you need to kill him?" Xu Youran always thought that Clark killed Lianna's brother.

"He was stricter and unforgiving, but there was no need to kill him." Lianna seemed a little sad. "The reason for Leom's death was that he was too competitive. Without Clark to stimulate him, he would still have to attack the four countries." The first awakening.”

"Leom was not prepared for the fourth awakening?" Xu Youran asked.

"Leom is too young. He can actually prepare slowly. Ralph, who is at the same time as him, has not tried to break through until now because he is not fully prepared." Lianna took Xu Youran's arm and said, "Forget it. , let’s go through the formalities.”

Xu Youran patted Liana on the shoulder, "Don't be sad, this era is a tragedy, and no one is immune. Don't you still have me as your cousin?"

"Yes! I still have your cousin, haha!" Liana forced a smile.

Several students passing by couldn't help but feel a little funny when they saw the two standing there and looking at the light curtain for a long time.

A black student bumped Xu Youran's shoulder lightly as he passed by. He turned around and sneered: "Hey, buddy! It's useless to look at that. That's the list of great masters. You're a newbie, don't think so much."

Xu Youran glanced at the students and saw disdain on their faces.

Ignoring those people, she pulled Liana to the window and handed them their IDs.

The clerk at the window is a middle-aged bald man with brown skin, who should be of local mixed race.

The bald man glanced casually and threw the ID back. "Someone will take you to the dormitory in a moment. There will be a four-bed room for men and an eight-bed room for women."

Xu Youran was a little unhappy. According to the leader Gar Dino, there should be a lot of empty rooms. Why were they allocated rooms like this?

Because of their scars, it was actually not convenient for him and Liana to live with other people.

"Isn't there a suite or two single rooms?" Xu Youran asked in a deep voice.

"Suite? Single room? Why do you two newcomers have to live in such a nice place? You might die one day and have to collect your bodies." The bald man glanced at the two of them with some disdain.

"Speak more politely, you will die today! If you keep talking like this, you will die today!" Lianna was a little irritated.

The bald man's eyes widened and he was about to curse.

Xu Youran waved her hand quickly, "Who is qualified to live in a suite or a single room?"

"Who is qualified? Do you think you are a golden awakener? This is the core training camp, you have to show your attitude!" The bald man stared at Xu Youran arrogantly.

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