Virus Throne

Chapter 13. Joining the Army and Helium 3

Xu Youran returned to the barracks alone and began to clean himself silently.

Dongfang Bai was no longer a simple classmate to him, but he was not a lover either.

After a year of living together and fighting side by side, he watched Dongfang Bai leave.

Xu Youran's heart seemed to have lost something very precious, and it was empty.

He seemed to be at a loss, doing mechanical movements in a daze, and he didn't know what he should think about.

He silently practiced the Natural Sutra, and his mood calmed down a lot, because the mental power consumed in the battle was not only replenished, but also seemed to be strengthened.

He felt the Dantian in his lower abdomen, warm as if the viruses absorbed by the Natural Sutra were condensing something.

Although he didn't have too many illusions about how long he could live, it was always good to be stronger, and he had to force himself to cheer up.

In order to live longer in this doomsday world, in order to pursue his missing father.

In order to stand in front of Dongfang Bai calmly one day and tell everyone loudly that he deserves this feeling!

He took a deep breath, "Ha!" and exhaled heavily, as if he had vomited out all the troubles in his heart.

Thinking of the more brutal battle tomorrow, lying on the bed, Xu Youran forced himself to empty his mind and fell asleep.

The next morning, it was just dawn.

Xu Youran was awakened by the sound of the bugle in the barracks and the slogans of the soldiers' training.

He washed up, opened a single soldier's ration and was eating breakfast.

There were chaotic footsteps outside his door, and someone knocked on the door.

Xu Youran opened the door and saw the first person outside the door wearing regular army camouflage combat uniforms, with the rank of colonel, followed by an officer with the rank of major and an old man in plain clothes.

The colonel was of medium build, about forty years old, and forced a smile on his weather-beaten face.

"This is classmate Xu, my surname is Ge. Is it convenient for us to come in and sit down?"

"Please come in." Xu Youran called a few people in and took a cup to pour water for them.

Several people sat down. Colonel Ge said in a loud voice, "Student Xu, I am Ge Yangshan, the former commander of the Second Regiment of the Seventh Division of the First Group Army of the Eastern Theater. This is the deputy commander Liao Feng, and this is Professor Chen who just came from Yanjing last night."

Captain Ge continued, "Of course, that's all in the past. Now our troops are temporarily organized as the Second Regiment of the 0086025 Base Rapid Reaction Force, and the country code plus the regional code are temporarily designated as the base code."

Xu Youran asked tentatively, "Captain Ge, do you mean that we have many bases in China now?"

"At the beginning of the violent outbreak of the virus, our country quickly implemented military control for the entire population. The effect is very obvious. It can be said that China is now the only country in the world." Captain Ge said proudly. "Many prefecture-level cities have been preserved, and human bases have been established with prefecture-level cities as the center."

"What?!" Xu Youran was stunned. In more than a year, the world pattern has changed so much?

"This time, we two are here on behalf of the military and the 025 base rapid response force to invite Xu to join our second regiment."

"Join the army?" This news was a bit sudden, and Xu Youran didn't react for a while.

Deputy Regiment Commander Liao quickly explained, "You have a position and a rank, but you don't have the actual right to lead troops for the time being."

Xu Youran nodded quickly, "That's no problem at all. Do you need to go through any procedures? Do you need to be stationed here for a long time?"

"Procedures..." Regiment Commander Ge looked at Deputy Regiment Commander Liao. He didn't expect Xu Youran to agree so readily. "You don't need to be stationed for a long time. When you are stationed in the barracks, you can just participate in the rotation normally."

Deputy Regiment Commander Liao quickly took out a military certificate from his jacket pocket. It was called a military certificate, but it was very different from a normal military certificate.

Xu Youran took it and looked at it carefully. Normal military certificates are red with gold letters, but this military certificate is black with gold letters.

Normal military IDs have a golden five-pointed star on the cover, but this one has a shield on the cover, which is similar in shape to the earth shield condensed by the earth shield awakening skill.

Two lines of small characters below.

First line: Rapid Response Force of the Chinese People's Guardian Army.

Second line: Wartime Committee of the Chinese Military Department.

Open it, there is a place to post photos, and the unit number next to it is 0086025, the second regiment of the base, and the personal information including position and rank are all empty.

Deputy Regiment Commander Liao took out a pen and handed it over, "If classmate Xu has no objection, you can fill in your personal information. The position is the platoon leader of the special operations platoon, and the rank is the second lieutenant."

Xu Youran picked up the pen and began to fill in his personal information without hesitation.

Name: Xu Youran. Gender: Male. Date of Birth: September 29, 2012. ID number: xxxxxx201209295014.

Position: Special Operations Platoon Leader.

Rank: Second Lieutenant.

Deputy Regiment Commander Liao raised his hand and turned on the light screen camera function on his wrist phone.

He took a photo of the military ID and uploaded it, then returned the military ID to Xu Youran.

Then he took out a wrist phone and handed it to him, "The civilian network is not working, but the military network is still OK. This phone can be used for our internal communication."

Xu Youran took the phone and put it on his wrist. The 360-degree touch screen was like a beautiful bracelet wrapped around his wrist.

Because everyone was within the Bluetooth coverage area, a light screen popped up, and after clicking on the light screen a few times, several people present exchanged contact information with each other.

The reason why Xu Youran agreed so readily to join the army as a non-staff officer so readily was that he had his own secrets.

He clearly remembered that when he was a teenager, he accidentally found a red-covered military certificate at home.

He opened the military certificate and only had time to see his father's photo before his father snatched it back.

And he repeatedly asked him to keep it strictly confidential and never tell anyone.

He also had some guesses about his father's frequent business trips.

So although his father disappeared strangely this time, he was very anxious, but not desperate.

There was always a fantasy in his heart that maybe his father was watching him in a corner of the world.

"Xu, do you mind talking a little more?" Professor Chen, who had never spoken, spoke up.

"Professor Chen, are you from Yanjing? How is the situation there now?" Because of Dongfang Bai, Xu Youran also wanted to know the current situation in Yanjing.

"The situation in Yanjing is relatively stable, and a series of actions may be launched in the near future. If there are no problems, social order may be basically restored." Although Professor Chen is about sixty years old, he has clear ideas and is very talkative.

"It seems that there are not many people like you who have awakened twice and mastered six awakening skills."

"Professor Chen, which unit are you from in Yanjing?" Xu Youran was a little confused. What do you want to do by investigating me?

"I am from the Institute of New Energy of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, but I also know some research of the Institute of Virology."

Captain Ge said beside him: "Student Xu, you may not know yet. Among the materials shipped from Yanjing last night, there are some weapons of mass destruction against mutant beasts, which come from Professor Chen's team"

"Weapons of mass destruction? Against mutant beasts?!" Xu Youran was a little surprised when he heard the news.

"Student Xu, have you heard of helium 3?" Professor Chen lit a cigarette, and when he talked about his major, his face seemed to be radiant.

"I've heard that there seems to be a lot of that element on the moon, which seems to allow nuclear power plants to generate electricity without radiation or pollution."

"That's right! The entire earth has only 5 tons of reserves, but the moon has millions of tons of reserves. In 2020, my country's unmanned exploration robot Chang'e 5 brought back soil samples from the moon, which once again confirmed this."

Xu Youran was a little confused. Are weapons of mass destruction related to the moon?

"Since that time, my country has started the secret lunar mining plan for more than a decade. my country's unmanned exploration robots have landed on the moon many times and mined a large number of mineral specimens. From these specimens, my country has extracted almost 100 tons of helium-3 ore!" Professor Chen became more and more excited as he spoke.

"Ah!" Xu Youran was also excited and stood up. One hundred tons of helium-3 can support the world's annual electricity consumption, which is equivalent to the power of 100 Tsar nuclear bombs.

This news is amazing. It turns out that China has quietly done such a big thing. My country is amazing!

"Don't be so excited, haha." Professor Chen smiled and waved his hand. "As we all know, helium-3 is a pure green clean energy source and an ideal raw material for the fourth-generation nuclear bomb. In the past ten years, my country has developed a fourth-generation nuclear bomb using helium-3 as raw material."

This news is more shocking than going to the moon to collect helium-3. Doesn't it mean that China can now use nuclear weapons as conventional weapons?

One of the important reasons why the first three generations of nuclear weapons cannot be used as conventional weapons is nuclear radiation.

After a nuclear bomb is dropped, the harm caused by nuclear radiation will last for decades, so it cannot be used as a conventional weapon at all.

However, the fourth-generation nuclear bomb using helium-3 as raw material has both powerful lethality and no continuous harm from nuclear radiation. It can be said to be a real killer in modern warfare.

"Do you mean that our country is going to use helium-3 nuclear bombs to deal with mutant beasts?" Xu Youran asked anxiously.

"Although it is still in the experiment, the helium-3 nuclear bomb can already be put into use. And not only nuclear bombs, if helium-3 is used as a clean energy source, many technical difficulties that could not be overcome before are also being overcome one by one." Professor Chen is addicted to smoking and took out another cigarette.

"The single-soldier exoskeleton armor that the whole world is studying has not been implemented because of the problem of power source. Now that we have helium 3, our single-soldier exoskeleton armor is being developed intensively."

"Is it the exoskeleton armor like Iron Man?"

"Yes, it may be much more powerful than Iron Man if it is combined with various miniature helium 3 nuclear weapons. However, my country still has too few helium 3 resources. After the existing stock is used up, it will be a long way to get new helium 3." At this point, Professor Chen, Captain Ge and others all sighed.

"When can we start using helium 3 nuclear bombs to clean up mutant beasts?" Xu Youran was looking forward to it.

"Although there is no radiation pollution, it is a nuclear bomb after all, and its lethality is extremely strong. Moreover, it is best to gather the mutant beasts together, so that one nuclear bomb will have the best effect." Professor Chen stood up and greeted Captain Ge and others. "Student Xu, you should first familiarize yourself with the situation of the 025 base. There may be places where you need help. We are ready to find you."

"No problem, just contact me when you need me." Xu Youran stood up to see him off.

Thinking of the helium-3 nuclear bomb that will soon be put into actual combat, and the individual exoskeleton armor that is being developed, Xu Youran rekindled his hope for this virus war.

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