Virus Throne

Chapter 144. Punishment even if it is far away

This world is always so wonderful. Some people are worried about not being able to restore their memories, while others are worried about not being able to lose their memories.

The sky is about to break, and the east is already white.

In late June, the summer sun is about to show its magnificence in the land of Yanzhao, but it is still a little cold in the open fields at dawn.

More than a hundred soldiers of the Watcher Corps wearing black camouflage combat uniforms are sitting around the fire enjoying individual rations.

Hot braised pork, fragrant fish-flavored pork shreds...

Single rations of various flavors allow soldiers of all ethnic groups from this vast land to eat their favorite food.

In the counterattack over the past year, Daqin has achieved brilliant results that have attracted worldwide attention.

Under the leadership of the endless fourth awakeners, the Daqin Watcher Corps opened the way, the Guardian Corps built the foundation, and the invincible Destroyer Corps killed all sides.

Without any regard for the ecological environment, the united Daqin military finally connected all the surviving human bases.

Even in the main crop-producing areas, such as Northeast China, North China, South China, and Jiangnan, large tracts of arable land were recaptured.

The sharp decline in population has led to a significant reduction in food demand, and limited arable land is sufficient to meet domestic material consumption.

At this time, Daqin has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before the disaster.

Human activity space is even less, and travel and vacation are even more of a luxury, and basic living supplies are not too abundant.

However, it is not an exaggeration to measure Daqin with peace and prosperity.

The three legions of guardians, watchers, and destroyers have formed an unbreakable steel defense line to escort the lives of ordinary people.

The people here are well-fed, warmly dressed, happy, and grateful, which forms a sharp contrast with the chaotic and bloody South American continent on the other side of the ocean.

But all this was exchanged for blood and life. The soldiers of the three legions have been fighting in uninhabited wilderness areas all year round.

Being able to eat hot individual rations is already a great satisfaction.

There is no such thing as a peaceful life, but someone is carrying the burden for more people.

In South America, the three awakened people can barely protect themselves.

In this vast wilderness, the platoon leaders and company commanders of the three awakened people eat individual rations with the soldiers, joking and encouraging each other.

In South America, and even more places in the world, the four awakened people are already gold-level bosses.

High positions, high salaries, and even luxurious clothes and delicious food are all the existence of a hegemon.

Among the more than 100 soldiers, there are several four awakened people from the Destroyer Legion, who are also sitting around the fire, eating the same individual rations, and chatting with the soldiers around them.

Dongfang Bai, who is also wearing a black camouflage combat uniform, has long changed his shawl hair into a crew cut, and his combat cap is hanging diagonally next to the backpack.

After eating a few bites, Dongfang Bai distributed the remaining food to other soldiers. Wasting food during the march was a crime.

Her beautiful face was stained with some dust and blood, which was the blood of the group of silver-level wolves hunted last night.

She sighed faintly and looked up at the few stars in the white sky.

For more than a year, her footprints have almost covered the entire North China.

She passed by the imperial capital several times, but never entered.

Fight, fight non-stop!

Fight, fight non-stop!

It seems that only in this way can the tearing pain in her heart be slightly relieved.

Xu Youran's every move, but it always appears in her mind.

That poor person who lives among a group of normal people like an invisible man.

That little sick bag who is greedy for life, afraid of death, and good at escaping.

That handsome young man who gradually began to walk towards the sun with a smile on his face.

That awakener who accompanied her through the vast sea of ​​beasts.

That powerful warrior who was afraid of death but brave enough to fight.

How she wished she had an awakening skill that could make her lose her memory of Xu Youran. Would she be happier that way?

It wouldn't be a pity to lose all her memories. Wouldn't it be less painful that way?

Dongfang Bai had only cried twice since she lost Xu Youran.

Once at his funeral and once at the anniversary memorial service.

But in her more than one year of fighting career, she would always think of him when she stopped fighting.

She wanted to cry every minute and every second she thought of Xu Youran.

Life is always like this. When we are together, we think there is still a lot of time, and some words and some things can be said and done one day.

When we separate, we think there are still many opportunities, so why not talk about it next time we meet.

Xu Youran and Dongfang Bai didn't expect that the farewell that night would be a farewell forever.

Since then, they have been separated forever, with no end in sight.

If Xu Youran were given another choice, he might still resolutely say that sentence: Fire at me!

If Dongfang Bai is given another chance to choose, she will definitely stay by Xu Youran's side firmly, even if she dies with him!

Some people are destined to have no choice, but some people choose a choice that makes them regret for the rest of their lives.

There is no if in fate, and Dongfang Bai has no one to confide in what he wants to say.

Every night, he is alone, tossing and turning, and has nowhere to talk about his desolation.

Ye Changkong sits on the side of the fire, and his tall and straight figure leaves a long reflection under the reflection of the bonfire.

Staring blankly at Dongfang Bai's beautiful profile, she has become much more haggard and thinner in the past year.

But the calmness and confidence that emanated from her made her even more charming.

Was the buzz cut to commemorate him?

During the more than one year that Ye Changkong and Dongfang Bai fought side by side, every minute and every second of his attention was on her.

So he knew her pain, so he understood her pain, so he cherished her pain.

Although he never said anything, everyone could feel that his sincere feelings for Dongfang Bai were as tolerant as the sea.

He just stood by her side silently, blocking the attacks of mutant beasts for her when she was distracted by missing Xu Youran.

He always lurked beside her in a low-key manner, and quietly assisted her when she was killing people for Xu Youran's last wish.

He didn't know how long it would take Dongfang Bai to get rid of the pain of losing Xu Youran, and he didn't care how long it would take. It seemed that being able to guard her side was his greatest happiness.

Such a woman who was deeply in love was worthy of anyone's love and admiration.

He was her guardian, her watcher, and even more willing to be her destroyer.

Love is deep and lasting, but I don't know where it ends.

Love is directed, but I don't know why.

Dongfang Zhan, who had eaten and drunk enough, leaned on his backpack beside him, looking at the man and woman by the fire with some amusement.

The man was tall, handsome, and of noble birth, powerful, brave in battle, and deeply in love.

The woman, however, just stared blankly at the starry sky, and there seemed to be no one else in her eyes.

The slightly red eyes let Dongfang Zhan know that she thought of him again.

What is love in the world?

It makes people live and die together...

He knew Dongfang Bai's character very well.

He also knew Ye Changkong's character.

If there were no earth-shattering changes, perhaps Xu Youran would always be between them, and that would be an eternal knot.

Dongfang Zhan was born in an ancient martial arts family. Every generation of the Dongfang family would have someone join the army, so it could be said to be a military family.

Especially in the previous generation, there was a peerless genius like Dongfang Shengtian, who turned the entire Yanzhao land upside down with a single hand.

Although it was only a flash in the pan, his dazzling achievements were enough to keep his name in the military's merit book forever.

So Dongfang Zhan liked his military career and loved his military career.

In his heart, the brave warriors who marched forward bravely were worthy of entering the door of their Dongfang family.

From being somewhat hostile to Xu Youran, to recognizing Xu Youran, and finally becoming friends with Xu Youran.

He had also hoped that one day he could hand over Dongfang Bai's hand to Xu Youran.

But fate played a big joke on everyone. The talented man and the beautiful woman, who were in love with each other, ended up in a love tragedy.

And this love tragedy is still being staged, this time with another extraordinary man of peerless elegance.

One is his family, and the other is his comrade-in-arms and good friend. He was a little rough, so he could only choose to continue fighting.

Crazy battle, fearless battle, the helplessness of avoiding this scene, venting anger at fate.

This battalion has only one destroyer team, because this destroyer team is too strong.

No matter what the reason, a team composed of three fourth awakeners is unreasonable.

But no matter what the reason, these three fourth awakeners seem so reasonable.

With the tacit consent of the military, no one proposed to disband this team.

This is the only destroyer team in the country composed of three fourth awakeners.

Or many people can see that if there is no Ye Changkong in such a high-intensity battle, Dongfang Bai may not live long.

If there is no Dongfang Zhan, the other two may not live long.

One is fighting harder than the other, and one is fighting harder than the other.

When a fourth awakener fights desperately, the terrifying lethality is unimaginable.

In countless brutal battles, these three young people are also rapidly improving their strength.

If the military wants to select the person who is most likely to be promoted to the fifth awakener from all the soldiers in the army.

Then, this person must be among these three people.

Facing the powerful rise of the Qin Dynasty, the lion that overwhelms the whole world.

Apart from the unknown purpose of the cult, almost all countries in the world have tacitly united in secret.

Resisting Daqin, isolating Daqin, and excluding Daqin, although they are still using Daqin currency and still rely on Daqin as the main force to fight against mutant beasts.

But the fear of Daqin makes them constantly look for opportunities to weaken Daqin in secret.

The nearby Kimchi Kingdom and Gao Liguo have become their vanguards and cannon fodder.

Under the guise of assisting the two countries in fighting mutant beasts and sharing the pressure of Daqin.

Ignoring the radiation disaster that may last for countless years, after repeated dissuasion from Daqin, they still dropped the third-generation super bomb with the cooperation of Gao Liguo.

The strong radiation and explosion power made countless mutant beasts evolve more powerful and fled madly into Daqin.

This Watcher Corps of more than 100 people, led by the strongest Destroyer Squadron in the country, will fight against countless mutant beasts from Gao Liguo.

Behind them was a large number of steel torrents ready to fight at any time. The angry Qin finally showed its fangs to the world.

This time, the Qin military's target was not only this group of mutant beasts, but also the two small countries that had been living under the wings of the Qin but were always plotting against the Qin.

Marshal Nie Kuanglan personally issued an order to prepare for war, "There is no need for such ungrateful people to exist. All soldiers, wipe out their existence!"

If others do not offend me, I will not offend others!

If someone offends me, I will punish him no matter how far away he is!

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