Virus Throne

Chapter 151. Lotus emerging from water

The jungle after the rain was extremely hot and humid, with the roars of various wild animals, the chirping of insects and frogs, and the rustling of dense branches and leaves by the breeze.

With the stars shining down, Xu Youran looked at Lianna who was sleeping behind him, and always felt that this scene seemed to be inexplicably familiar.

In the depths of his memory, it seemed that at some point, he had also looked up at the night sky and watched the dawn.

But that memory was too long, too long. Was it his previous life, or that deeply buried memory?

The harvest that night was not great. Xu Youran only hunted sixteen silver-level mutant beasts.

Recalling the situation last night, it may be that the closer to the water source, the more mutant beasts appear.

When the sky was bright, Lianna woke up from a deep sleep.

The two packed up their things and spoils and set off again, this time heading southeast.

Xu Youran wanted to go to Itaquatiala and see the powerful mutant beasts in the Amazon River Basin.

At their speed, even if they were advancing on the ground, three or four hundred kilometers would only take a day.

However, in order to hunt mutants along the way and give Lianna more opportunities for practical experience, the two slowed down and planned to reach Itaquatiala in two days.

The hot and humid tropical rainforest made everyone in it feel like they were in a sauna oven.

Unconsciously, they were already covered in sticky sweat, mixed with dust and mutant blood, and the two looked like savages.

Near noon, they encountered a group of golden lion-faced macaques. This group of monkeys was not strong in hard power, but their movements were extremely agile.

A large group of more than 30 silver-level mutants allowed them to hunt unscrupulously in this area.

The powerful Xu Youran duo left them with a profound lesson that they will never forget.

Because after a bloody battle, they have no future.

This was a huge gain, and Xu Youran was also very happy. After leaving the coordinates and sending a signal, the two set off again.

All women love beauty by nature, and Lianna is no exception. Although her face was ruined, she could no longer bear the sweat and blood on her body.

In a small valley, the two found a small waterfall, and clear mountain springs fell from the sky.

The sound of water "Hua, Hua, Hua..." made Lianna stop, and she said to Xu Youran a little shyly: "Or, wash here."

Xu Youran was also sweaty and sad, and observed the situation around.

There was a smooth boulder under the small waterfall. The divine sense swept out, but no aquatic mutant beasts were found.

"Okay, or you wash first. I'm responsible for vigilance. The waterfall is a bit like a natural shower." Xu Youran pointed to the top of a small hill not far away, "I'll go there."

After that, Xu Youran lifted his feet and flew into the air, found a giant tree, and sat cross-legged among the branches and leaves.

Lianna watched Xu Youran leave, put down her backpack, untied the restraints and flew under the small waterfall.

Although the waterfall is small, the impact is not small. If it is an ordinary person, it will definitely not be able to bear it. However, for a powerful awakener, it is just a shower with a larger amount of water.

The hard work of running around for several days and the hot and humid air in the jungle disappeared under the washing of the cool mountain spring.

In order to protect herself and not want to bring disaster to her brother, the naturally beautiful Lianna deliberately scratched her face.

But her love of beauty is still there. The sweat and blood on her body have long made her miserable.

Xu Youran sat cross-legged on the tree, and his spiritual sense swept out naturally. This seems to have become a habit of his life in the jungle.

This good habit has indeed increased his gains and avoided many dangers.

With Lianna's strength, as long as she does not encounter a gold-level mutant beast, she will be killed instantly.

Even if it is a group of silver-level mutant beasts, it is still possible to send out a call for help.

Although he was relieved to let Lianna bathe alone there, his spiritual sense still covered the past.

"Hiss..." Xu Youran took a breath of cold air and didn't react for a while.

Under the exploration of divine sense, the small valley was full of green and mist.

In the clear rapids, there was a beautiful and flawless jade body, as white and tender as a lotus emerging from the water.

The waves were surging and the curves were well-proportioned. The slender and straight legs were strong and strong, and the long blue hair was loose, with a hint of enchanting charm.

"Hmm..." Xu Youran's nosebleed almost came out, and he instantly retracted his divine sense and scanned elsewhere.

He found a fatal problem. If he couldn't use divine sense to sweep the area, how could he ensure Lianna's safety?

Although his flying sword was still cruising around there and could give the enemy a fatal blow at any time, without divine sense exploration, how could he know where the enemy was...

This was the Amazon jungle full of dangers. Countless mutant beasts lurked in the dark, waiting to choose someone to eat, and danger could come at any time.

The moment his spiritual sense swept over that area, he knew that Liana trusted him without reservation.

She was taking a bath with confidence, recklessness, and wholeheartedly, and even enjoyed this rare coolness.

Forget it, never mind, safety first.

Please forgive me, cousin, I didn't mean to peek at you.

Resisting the urge to bleed from the nose at any time, Xu Youran's spiritual sense covered the area again.

Spiritual scanning is very different from visual observation with the eyes. Visual observation can intentionally ignore certain things.

But the consciousness is like a radar scan, and everything covered within the range is clearly imprinted in the mind.

Lianna, who has an unusually hot body, especially enjoys this moment of relaxation. With Xu Youran on guard outside, she is also very happy to wash.

After a long time, Lianna finally washed her body thoroughly, returned to the shore and began to put on clothes.

The big and big movements made Xu Youran tremble with fear, but fortunately Lianna moved quickly enough.

Seeing that Lianna had finished tidying up, Xu Youran flew over.

Seeing Xu Youran appear in time, Lianna didn't think much, "I'm done washing, it's your turn. You go over there to wash, I'll be on guard for you here."

"What are you warning me for? I can do it myself, but don't go too far." Xu Youran pointed to the distance.

Lianna rolled her eyes at him with some reproach, "When you couldn't move, I helped you go to the toilet and take a shower? Are you embarrassed?"

After that, she put on her backpack and walked away.

Xu Youran looked at Lianna's back as she left, and it hurt her heart, my friend!

He quickly took off his clothes, jumped into the waterfall, and began to wash himself.

After they washed themselves, they were on the road again. Although they continued to hunt mutants along the way, the atmosphere was a bit weird.

The towering trees in the Amazon jungle almost covered the entire sky, one after another.

Countless low shrubs grew between these giant trees, and vines were hanging everywhere.

There was no road to speak of on the way forward. Many times, the two of them were between the branches, stepping on the branches to move forward, like two Tarzans.

During this afternoon, Lianna always felt that Xu Youran's eyes were strange, as if he was deliberately avoiding her.

When encountering a lone silver-level mutant beast, or a group of mutant beasts with weak attack power, Xu Youran would let Lianna go into battle in person.

If you want to become a strong person, you can't just hide and practice blindly.

Rich combat experience and strong physical fitness are essential conditions for the next awakening.

Rich combat experience can give the awakener enough strength to ensure that he can survive until the next awakening.

Strong physical fitness can allow the awakener to endure the pain of the next virus outbreak.

When night fell slowly, the two had advanced more than 200 kilometers and were less than 100 kilometers away from Itaquatiala.

Finding a clear stream again, the two decided to camp here again tonight.

Xu Youran sat cross-legged and began to practice to restore the true energy consumed during the day.

At this speed, the intensity of the battle was not high, and the consumption of his true energy was not great.

When Xu Youran slowly opened his eyes, Lianna had collected a large bundle of branches, and the sleeping bag and blanket had been laid out on the soft grass.

Seeing Xu Youran finished her training, Lianna asked while making a fire, "What barbecue are you treating me to tonight?"

Xu Youran swept his consciousness around and happened to see two maned wolves appearing within the range of his consciousness. He didn't know how the two silver-level maned wolves survived.

This kind of wolf is actually closer to foxes. Its main food is bananas, and it occasionally eats some mice.

With slender and tall limbs, it is commonly known as a fox on stilts. It is almost not aggressive towards humans and other animals.

Xu Youran said, "Wait for me."

He ran towards the two maned wolves, and the flying sword was whistling and slashing at the two maned wolves.

After a while, Xu Youran flew back carrying the bodies of two maned wolves.

When the bonfire was burning vigorously, Xu Youran had already cleaned a wolf leg.

Sprinkled with salt, the gold-quality long sword once again served as an iron skewer for the skewers.

Looking at the two wolf legs sizzling with oil, Lianna suddenly thought of a question and asked casually, "At noon, how come you showed up right after I put on my clothes?"

Across the fire, Xu Youran was stunned. He was in a panic at the time. Although he withdrew his spiritual sense, his mind was still full of the delicate figure, so he didn't pay much attention.

As soon as this question was asked, Lianna immediately woke up. Xu Youran explained to her about the spiritual sense exploration.

Since she was within the coverage of his spiritual sense at the time, wouldn't it be equivalent to being in front of him when she was taking a bath?

She seemed to finally understand why Xu Youran was weird all afternoon.

In an instant, the scene was extremely awkward, and the entire Amazon jungle seemed to be quiet.

Both of them blushed, staring at the wolf legs being grilled without saying a word, as if their eyes could speed up the grilling.

Today's bonfire was indeed particularly good. Under the blushing gaze of the two, the surface wolf meat soon exuded an attractive fragrance.

Lianna took out a dagger and tore off a piece of roasted wolf meat. The golden color made people salivate.

Xu Youran took it and ate it quickly, but did not dare to look up at Lianna.

Lianna also lowered her head and ripped off the wolf meat one by one.

"Crack, crack..." There was a slight sound of stepping on branches not far away, and there was more than one place.

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