Virus Throne

Chapter 158: Sending a Head Across the Distance

Four four-time awakeners, and all of them are masters in the top ten of the top 100 battle list.

Xu Youran also felt a huge pressure, if Moria's team only had three four-time awakeners.

Before his flying sword sneak attack, at least one could be seriously injured, and the remaining two could be taken down if he had enough time.

If Moria's team suffered more losses after fighting the gold-level mutant beast, then Xu Youran's chance of winning would be even greater.

But now there are four masters, Xu Youran is a little depressed, his calculations went wrong, and he didn't expect that a Fire Fist Ace would join in halfway.

Although Fire Fist Ace ranks one place lower than Moria, his strength is not necessarily worse than Moria.

Ranking second to fifth is a level, which means that the strength of Moria, Ace, and Wang Liang present should be about the same, only Gal Dino is slightly weaker.

Xu Youran now regrets very much that he should have killed Moria directly last night, even if he couldn't find the ruins, at least he could ensure everyone's safety.

Now that the four masters have united, if they fight, it will be difficult for him to escape.

He was frowning here, but the four masters over there seemed to have different opinions.

Xu Youran's spiritual sense swept over, trying to eavesdrop on what those people were discussing.

Moria said coldly: "Ace, do you mean we take the lead and let those weaklings assist?"

"Isn't that nonsense?" Ace's lazy voice sounded, "These weaklings are just delivering food. Do you think that those jaguars are full and we can sneak in?"

"Ace, I called you here because there are benefits, not to quarrel." Wang Liang interrupted in a gloomy way.

"I don't care about other people's lives, but they must have some value." Ace took out a cigar, snapped his fingers, and a flame lit the cigar.

"What if those people don't contribute?" Gal Dino glanced at the students around him.

"You didn't intend to share the benefits with them. Do you want to kill all these twenty people?" Ace was smoking a cigar happily. "I'm a lone ranger. It doesn't matter. At most, I'll go to North America. Aren't you afraid of arousing public anger?"

"This is a problem..." Wang Liang frowned. "If all these twenty people die, there is no guarantee that the training camp will not investigate. Besides, some of these twenty people have some background."

"I didn't think about killing all these twenty people. This would have a huge impact. Moriah showed a thoughtful look on his face, "But, let us go..."

"What are you afraid of? Are the four of us afraid of those jaguars?" Ace glanced at the others, "Moriah, Wang Liang, your awakening skills are suitable for night combat. Why don't we kill them now?"

"Okay!" Moriah was also a very decisive person. He stood up immediately, "Gather them and kill them immediately."

Ace stood up and threw away the cigar, patted the grass on his butt, "Give me the coordinates, I'll take a look at the situation first. "

Wang Liang turned on his phone and sent a set of coordinates.

Ace nodded, "whoosh!" His body flew into the night.

Gal Dino frowned and asked, "Do you really want to let these people go?"

Moria snorted coldly, "Kill the mutants first and see what's inside the ruins. If necessary, kill Ace first, then kill these people."

Wang Liang smiled sinisterly, "Ace can go to North America, why can't we go? What a joke!"

Gal Dino grinned, his ugly face seemed to be twisted into a ball, with a hint of evil fire in his eyes.

"Gather, all gather. "Gar Dino shouted loudly.

Twenty-seven third awakeners quickly gathered under the leadership of their respective captains.

Xu Youran pondered over what he had just overheard. This Ace seemed to have some humanity, but the other three were completely inhumane.

If nothing unexpected happened, Ace might be ambushed by the three of them.

But there was good news, that is, there was no need to worry too much about the safety of these twenty people for the time being.

He approached Lianna and whispered, "Don't try too hard when the fight starts. Just deal with it and don't leave my side."

Lianna nodded slightly and tilted her head towards Moria and the others, "Where are these people later? "

Xu Youran smiled and raised his hand to make a throat-cutting gesture.

The group of people, each with their own thoughts, marched northward in a mighty manner.

The powerful pressure of the three fourth-time awakeners was released, and the mutant beasts fled one after another, but the team was moving at a fast speed.

This place is actually not far from the destination, about ten kilometers.

When approaching the location of the ruins, Moria raised her hand to signal the team to stop.

After waiting for a while, a slight sound of breaking air came from the sky in the distance.

"Bang!" Ace landed in front of everyone, "Those jaguars should all be in the nest and not out."

"Okay! We block them and annihilate them all. The four of us will be in the front, and you will follow behind." Moria turned around and explained to these third-time awakeners, "You will get the benefits, and you don't have to die, so give me some strength!"


"Sister Moria is really nice!"

"Brothers, this is a ruin, and the opportunity to make a fortune has come! "

Everyone started to shout, they didn't have to rush to the front to be cannon fodder, they could share the benefits, where could they find such a good thing?

"Shh..." Moria waved his hand, "Don't make noise, we'll sneak over quietly."

A group of three-time awakeners spread out in battle formation, forming a fan shape and surrounding them forward.

Jaguars are relatively large cats in South America. They usually live alone and rarely live in groups.

And in this ruins, there are actually several jaguars living in groups. It can be seen that this ruins must have great benefits, allowing these jaguars to gather together regardless of their habits.

Male jaguars can reach a weight of 150 kilograms and a length of about 180 centimeters.

The size of the mutated gold-level jaguar has skyrocketed, weighing nearly a ton, and reaching a length of more than seven meters.

The closer the students got to the ruins, the fewer mutant beasts there were, and everyone's vigilance was raised to the highest level.

After all, they were gold-level mutant beasts. If it weren't for the four fourth-time awakeners in front of them, the more than twenty people behind them would have dispersed long ago.

Passing through several giant trees, the vision suddenly opened up. Everyone stood on the top of a mountain on the edge of a small valley, with a winding stream flowing through the valley.

The small valley in front of you is hidden among countless giant trees and covered by dense bushes. It is really difficult to find this place without someone leading the way.

Moria pointed to the deepest part of the small valley, "Just under that stone wall."

The moonlight was not bright tonight, and the dark valley was filled with low bushes. There were very few people who could really see where they were.

Xu Youran's consciousness covered it, and in the deepest part of the small valley, a huge boulder protruded slightly.

Under the boulder was the entrance to a cave. After careful exploration with his spiritual consciousness, he discovered that it was not a cave at all, but a simple door with a big hole in it.

The simple shape, the unique material, and the densely detailed patterns on the door make it clear at a glance that it is the product of an unknown civilization's technology.

Xu Youran was overjoyed, it was indeed the place he was looking for.

My spiritual sense continued to explore inside, and the space inside didn't seem to be particularly large.

There is a pool on the ground, and four huge jaguars are resting on the edge of the pool.

There seemed to be some liquid in the pool. Xu Youran's consciousness swept up and he immediately felt a sense of relief, and his consciousness seemed to be nourished a lot.

Good stuff, this is definitely good stuff.

Although it is still unclear what kind of liquid it is, it is definitely a good thing left over from the cultivation civilization.

His consciousness wanted to continue scanning other places in the cave, but he felt that a jaguar seemed to be alert.

He raised his head in confusion, his green eyes looking around alertly.

Xu Youran quietly withdrew his consciousness. It seemed that this gold-level mutant beast was very vigilant.

But there are four jaguars here, not three. There seems to be something wrong with Moria's intelligence.

If it were three jaguars, with the restraint of more than twenty awakened beings, Moria and the others might be able to easily capture them.

The four jaguars might put Moriah and the others into a tough fight.

Ace pointed to the cave entrance below, "I'll call them out and fight them in the valley. I can limit their speed."

Moria nodded, "Let's go down together."

More than thirty awakened people rushed down together, and Ace took the lead, raising his hand and waving.

"Hoo!" A fireball the size of a basketball, with scorching heat, smashed directly into the cave.

"Boom!" The fireball hit something unknown and exploded with a violent roar.

"Aw! Aw!..." The four jaguars were enraged and rushed out frantically.

Moria waved his right hand, and a strange-looking sword appeared in his hand.

"Stab!" She slashed at her shadow, and "whoosh" her shadow ejected and pounced on the first jaguar.

Ace shook his hands, and both hands instantly turned into burning flames. Under the violent high-temperature burning, the air made a crackling sound.

"Drink!" Ace, whose hands were transformed into elements, punched a jaguar in the face.

"Ouch!" The jaguar was almost blinded by the violent flames, and rolled sideways.

Deathstroke Wang Liang instantly submerged into the darkness, as if his entire body had turned into a black hole, rolling towards a jaguar crazily.

The jaguar roared angrily and became entangled with the black hole.

Gar Dino swung his sword and rushed forward. A jaguar's claw grabbed him, but it slipped. It was as if Gar Dino's body was covered with wax, making it too slippery and unable to use any force.

The entire valley seemed to be on fire in an instant. The ground shook, fire splashed, rocks flew, and the roars of mutant beasts and awakened ones resounded through the sky.

The remaining twenty-seven third-time awakeners also used awakening skills one after another, but their speed was obviously slower than Moria and others.

The moment the battle begins, any moment of hesitation is a fatal crisis.

But this time, the lives of most of the awakened people were saved, and the fourth gold-level jaguar jumped out of the cave.

"Fake!" Ace roared angrily, "Didn't you say three?"

"Shet!" Moria was also shocked.

She cut off her own shadow. The main body and the shadow each held a strange-shaped sword, entangled with a jaguar, and were struggling to support it.

This fourth jaguar was completely beyond her expectations.

The two team leaders, who had been flattering Gar Dino before, pounced on him as soon as the battle started.

Four fourth-time awakeners fighting three gold-level mutant beasts, and more than twenty third-time awakeners, the chances of winning are actually very high.

The two, eager to make a contribution, went straight to the fourth jaguar that had just jumped out.

The two felt cold in their hearts. They wanted to fight a favorable battle, but ended up facing the jaguar head-on.

This was the rhythm of sending heads thousands of miles away. The two felt weak all over and almost collapsed to the ground at that time.

As soon as the fourth jaguar jumped out of the cave, it saw two weak humans rushing towards it with their teeth and claws.

There was a hint of mockery and ridicule in its eyes, and it opened its bloody mouth and greeted its food.

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