Virus Throne

Chapter 160. I have a sword

Not only Elton and Connie, but everyone on the field was shocked by Xu Youran's crazy burst of strength.

Only those in Elton's squad knew that this young man was the one who had the audacity to have a barbecue in the jungle.

Others were completely confused as to who this sudden killing god was.

But this combat power is really terrifying, and there is that circling and flying sword light. What kind of awakening skill is that?

Even Ace was stunned, his mouth opened wide for a long time and he couldn't close it.

He thought that this group of people were all three-time awakeners and would only suffer the fate of being massacred.

Unexpectedly, there is a great god hidden among these weaklings.

The violence made him, a four-time awakener, feel frightened.

Moreover, this guy's ability to attract hatred is definitely the best in the world. He activated the group taunting skill like lightning, and all four jaguars pounced on him.

Even the members of Elton's team were all stunned instantly.

Now everyone understands why people dare to barbecue in the jungle and why they are advised not to barbecue.

With such strong strength, they dare to barbecue in the jungle.

I always thought that this young man was seriously injured, but now it seems that he can explode with such great strength despite being seriously injured.

If he wasn't injured, how scary would this guy be?

Liana has always been very confident in Xu Youran's strength. Although the situation is critical, she also firmly believes that Xu Youran can guarantee her safety.

But there are more than 20 people here. Once Xu Youran takes her away, these 20 people will definitely die miserably.

Although Liana couldn't bear it, she never thought about asking Xu Youran to save everyone.

But the moment Xu Youran ejected from her, she understood Xu Youran's choice. He wanted to save everyone, even if he faced huge danger.

This is a strange man who is full of heroic spirit in his bones. Even though he lost his memory, he never lost himself.

Although his coming forward may put him in a desperate situation, and even put Liana herself in danger.

But when Liana looked at his vigorous figure like a swimming dragon, her heart was filled with great pride.

She was proud, proud, and even proud of this man.

She really wanted to shout loudly to the whole world, this brilliant hero will be my man in the future!

"Stab!" Lianna stretched out a powerful electric blade with both hands.

"Whoosh!" The long electric blade rotated and slashed towards a jaguar. Liana's hand flashed with dazzling electric light again and she pounced on it.

Facing four powerful gold-level jaguars alone, Xu Youran was extremely nervous and cautious.

But his heart has never been so peaceful. His heart is beating slowly and powerfully, the golden elixir in his dantian is rotating rapidly, and the powerful natural meridian energy is flowing throughout his body.

His eyes were full of cold murderous intent, and a habitual smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I have a sword that can destroy a city or a stronghold!"

"I have a sword that can turn the world upside down!"

"I have a sword, and I am invincible!"

With a long chant, Xu Youran mobilized all his essence, energy, and spirit, and the golden sword flashed across the sky like lightning.

The three-foot long sword stirred up a golden sword light that was several meters long. It was like Xu Youran descending from the gods, holding a long sword several meters long in his hand.

"Boom!" A thunder exploded in the clear night sky, and the sword instantly exceeded the speed of sound.

When the long sword in his hand tore through the air, there was fierce friction, and the entire long sword burned.

This sword slashed at the powerful jaguar that was rushing towards him with unrivaled force.

"Poof!" With a muffled sound, the gold-level jaguar that pounced first was split into two from the beginning to the end.

The rain of blood and the neatly cut internal organs turned Xu Youran into a bloody man.

The power of a sword is earth-shattering!

A gold-level jaguar, the undisputed king of the jungle, carrying unparalleled majesty.

However, he was cut into two pieces by Xu Youran's sword, and he died without even having time to scream.

This sword left an indelible mark on everyone's heart.

Even if they become awakened four or even five times later, this sword is still a pinnacle that they can never reach in their lifetime.

Everyone forgot about attacking and retreating, and just stared blankly at Xu Youran who looked like a bloody man.

The powerful four-time awakened Ace, Liana, who was focused on Xu Youran, lost her mind in an instant.

The other three jaguars felt the sword head-on, and they were all frightened out of their wits, their legs and feet were weak, as if they felt a god raising a butcher's knife towards them.

This sword has even broken away from the scope of strength and skill. It is an extremely powerful confidence and calmness.

This sword is not an awakening skill, but it transcends any awakening skill and is about courage, faith and protection.

This is the sword of thought, a spiritual sublimation that has transcended the scope of swordsmanship.

In the world of cultivation, this sword is called Sword Intent.

Only the ultimate swordsman can achieve enlightenment with this peerless sword.

Those sword immortals who have suddenly realized the meaning of swords are all powerful beings who can move mountains and seas and destroy heaven and earth.

If any of them knew that in this desert land of cultivation, there would be a young cultivator in the golden elixir stage who suddenly realized the meaning of the sword.

They will definitely do their best and give everything they have to protect Xu Youran like a treasure.

But in this planet where mutated beasts are rampant, in this terrifying world where beasts eat people and people eat people, Xu Youran has to continue fighting to protect a group of strangers.

Xu Youran, who swung the sword, felt that his whole body was drained of energy.

The little remaining mental power was exhausted again, and the true energy in his body was cut off. The massive consumption of spiritual consciousness almost made his flying sword fall.

But his sword was too powerful, and the overwhelming power instantly shocked the other jaguars.

The three jaguars saw the tragic death of their companions, stared at the bloody man in front of them in anger and horror, and hesitated for a while.

"Awoo... Awoo..." He roared to the sky, but did not dare to move forward for a while.

Xu Youran raised the long sword in his hand, killing intent, staring coldly at the three jaguars opposite.

The true energy in his body was running wildly, trying to restore combat power in the shortest time. The awakening skills could no longer be used. The gold-quality long sword could still be used, but the ice armor on his body had cracks.

After waiting for this rare respite, Xu Youran's fighting power was gradually recovering, but the three jaguars were ready to start the next round of fighting.

Xu Youran swept his consciousness around and roared: "Ace, are you waiting to collect my corpse? Everyone else, attack from a distance and pin down a jaguar!"

Ace and other awakeners woke up instantly. There were still three jaguars on the field. Now was not the time to appreciate swordsmanship.

"Ah!" A jaguar pounced first.

"Swoosh!" The flying sword cut through the void and left a deep wound behind the jaguar.

"Dang!" Xu Youran swept his long sword and chopped on the jaguar's sharp claws. He turned his body to avoid the jaguar's fierce attack.

"Ding, ding, ding..." A series of fine sounds, but it was the jaguar's hind claws that scratched Xu Youran's back frantically.

"Crack, crack, crack..." A series of fine cracking sounds, barely detectable.

Xu Youran knew that the jaguar's attack had begun to disintegrate the ice armor's defense.

"Boom!" Ace, whose arms were beginning to transform into elements, fell from the sky again like a phoenix.

The scorching air waves that filled the sky had already burned the jaguar's throat dry before they even approached.

More than 20 third-level awakeners who were still capable of fighting on the field also took action instantly.

Most of them were old students who had experienced several end-of-month trainings. Their combat power might be average, but they were still very experienced.

Fireballs, ice cones, wood spikes, earth spikes, explosions, lightning...

Various long-range attack awakening skills were madly smashed at the last seriously injured jaguar.

Air wall blocking, vine entanglement, water element treatment, fire element high temperature, boulders falling from the sky, and various auxiliary awakening skills began to be added.

Xu Youran and Ace faced a jaguar head-on respectively, and the remaining more than 20 people restrained the seriously injured jaguar.

After Xu Youran made a blast at the beginning and killed a jaguar directly, the situation became more and more favorable for the human awakeners.

Ace's strength was not enough to deal with a jaguar alone, but he could barely entangle it temporarily with his elemental arms.

However, it was just entanglement. The jaguar's crazy attack made Ace spit blood constantly, and it seemed that he could not hold on for too long.

While fighting with the jaguar in front of him, Xu Youran quickly recovered his combat power, but his spiritual sense kept sweeping towards the seriously injured jaguar.

It is better to break one finger than to hurt ten fingers. If the human awakeners can find a chance to kill the seriously injured jaguar, they will definitely gain an overwhelming advantage.

Several stronger third awakeners, who are good at close combat, have already started a melee with the jaguar under the cover of other companions.

Xu Youran's spiritual sense controlled the flying sword, which kept circling in the sky, constantly looking for opportunities.

"Swoosh!" The flying sword struck out again, "Puff!" The seriously injured jaguar was pierced through the front leg by the long sword again.

"Woo... Woo... Woo..." The jaguar, whose movements were greatly affected, wailed, as if calling for his companions.

Take advantage of its weakness to kill it!

Xu Youran's flying sword shot out again, but unfortunately this time the jaguar avoided the vitals and only cut a shallow wound on its back.

Xu Youran jumped into the air, kicked the jaguar on the shoulder, and took advantage of the momentum to jump onto the flying sword.

He drew an arc in the air, shook off the jaguar fighting with him, and turned around to pounce on the seriously injured jaguar.

The seriously injured jaguar was caught off guard and had his throat cut directly by Xu Youran's long sword.

Blood gushed out like a fountain without money, and Xu Youran's mobility increased again with his flying sword.

A backhanded sword left another deep wound that could be seen through the bone. The seriously injured jaguar could no longer hold on and knelt on the ground, whimpering.

The twenty or so third awakeners madly smashed their awakening skills on him.

"Boom!" A huge ball of lightning hit Xu Youran's chest firmly.

The jaguar who was fighting him had launched a crazy counterattack while he was hunting his companions.

Xu Youran was directly blasted away by this huge ball of lightning, and fell to the ground with a "thump!".

Lianna, who had been paying close attention to Xu Youran, carried shining arcs in her hands, and her feet were instantly wrapped in a layer of lightning, and she pounced madly on the jaguar.

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