Virus Throne

Chapter 179. Ole Ge

Ram Zakli's idea is very beautiful. I want to fly. I want to fly higher, dancing like the wind...

Thousands of awakened people, even if they are all awakened three times, can kill him dozens of times with one concentrated fire.

So he wisely chose to retreat first. As for the others?

I can't care so much. Why are these students so united today?

It's terrible...

But his ideal is very beautiful, but his reality is very skinny.

With so many great gods here, it would be strange if he could fly.

Clark, who had just joined the group and was eager to make a contribution, took the lead.

Of course, it may also be that he is very warlike and an avid fighting enthusiast.

"Hey!" With a low roar, Clark bent down, supported his hands on the ground, and raised his feet to the sky.

"Swoosh!" A violent air friction sound that cut through the sky sounded, and Clark's feet had caught up with Ram Zakli who had just taken off.

Clark's main attack skill is the entanglement of the wood element. Once he gets close to him, there will be physical contact.

Sorry, one-piece capture!

With a twist of his legs, he had already twisted Ram Zakli's neck and smashed him to the ground.

"Boom!" Ram Zakli, who had no ability to resist at all, was smashed headfirst to the ground.

The ground shook, dust flew, and the air wave overturned a group of free awakeners.

This was not over yet. Lianna's instructions were: serious injury, and Xu Youran's instructions were: break all four limbs.

But Ram Zakli was not dead, he would resist, he would struggle.

Clark was helpless and could only punch him until he had no courage to resist.

With a sharp "click", Ram Zakli's face was pressed to the ground and rubbed wildly.

The free awakeners who were blown away by the air wave were thrown to the ground and in chaos.

A group of students had already pounced on them like wolves and tigers, and they beat the master to death with random punches, not to mention a group of professionally trained masters.

The remaining two fourth-time awakeners also had someone to take care of them. Want to fly?

Beat you to a wingless angel, and let you know why the flowers are so red!

Xu Youran stood there and watched this scene coldly, while Lianna quietly watched him pretending to be cool.

So cool, the style of a peerless master was fully displayed.

The leadership temperament suppressed the whole audience!

Lianna's eyes seemed to flash with little stars, twinkling and shining.


The stage was changed, this is a large-scale mixed martial arts scene, not a music program...

For Xu Youran, Manaus is actually a good place, the most important thing is to pick up leaks.

Pick up leaks that others can't pick up.

As a result, Manaus, which was protected by the cult, was stepped on by a group of outsiders on the faces of the students and harvested leeks.

While harvesting these students, they also oppressed these students and insulted these students.

These leeks are mine, they all belong to my Kasi group, and only I can harvest them, who are you?

Last time I came to Manaus, because time was tight and he didn't understand the situation very well, he didn't care too much.

This time is different. I have upgraded my weapons, and they are not ordinary.

Still want to step on our heads and bully us?

You are hitting your peers?

I am the ancestor of hitting!

This is Manaus under the protection of the cult, and our side is large in number and powerful.

The students finally found an opportunity to fight back the suffering of being slaughtered here at once.

A few minutes later, a lot of free awakeners fell to the ground.

Dozens of people were seriously injured, either with broken bones or limbs, and everyone vomited blood.

For the awakened, although it is considered a serious injury, it will never be fatal.

If you treat it well, you won't be disabled, but the pain is inevitable.

Especially the instigator, the stall owner pretended to vomit blood before, and now he is really vomiting blood.

The worst was Ram Zakri, who wanted to fly, but now he has really become an angel with broken wings.

His limbs were broken, and he was wailing while spitting blood.

Clark stepped on his face with his big foot. Liana walked over slowly, squatted down, and said softly: "Can we come to Manaus?"

" can experience, is more welcome..." Ram Zakri wanted to die, crying and spitting blood.

Why are these students so crazy today?

Why are there so many masters?

It seems that Manaus will be difficult to survive in the future...

The battle here happened quickly and ended quickly. In a few minutes, they fell to the ground.

Many students on the periphery have not figured out the situation yet, and many students in the middle have not had time to take action, and the enemy is gone.

Countless students cursed, the sound shook the sky and pierced the clouds and cracked the rocks!

Damn, I took off my pants, and you show me this?


The lines are wrong...

Do it again!

We came all the way here, and we didn't even finish our meal, but we didn't kill anyone.

This doesn't give us a chance to show off. We'll be laughed at when we go back to the training camp.

What to do?

At this time, the members of the Kasi Group have gathered nearly two thousand people, and countless people are looking at the free awakeners who are watching the fun with flashing eyes.

Do you want to?

Is it bad?

Is it okay?

The countless free awakeners watching around were originally watching the fun and eating melons on the side.

Suddenly, I saw that the students seemed to be communicating something silently in their eyes.

Many people also glanced around intentionally or unintentionally, as if looking for opportunities and excuses to attack.

These students are not good men and women. They joined the Kasi Group not only to obtain Xu Youran's protection, but also to keep each other warm.

Suddenly, everyone realized that our strength seemed to be a little strong.

Which of these elite awakeners from all over South America did not come out of the sea of ​​blood and corpses?

Which one is not a ruthless character who eats people without spitting out bones?

Before, we were scattered and made trouble in Manaus, and we were also attacked by everyone.

Now it's different. We are organized people, and we are afraid that others will not make trouble.

If you free awakeners don't make trouble, how can we take revenge and make extra money?

The huge crowds here have long alarmed the masters in charge of the garrison of the cult.

"Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!" Several fourth-time awakeners flew in.

Xu Youran's spiritual sense had already scanned the masters of the cult flying over here, and said in a deep voice: "Ace, tell them that I am doing something."

Ace still had a cigar in his mouth, nodded, and flew into the air.

Lianna, Clark, Ralph, and a fourth-time awakener from the Kas Group also flew into the air and greeted the masters of the cult.

Ace raised his hand in the air, signaling the other party to stop, and said lazily with a crooked mouth: "Core Training Camp Barikaka, Ace, I am doing something here, you go back."

"Hiss..." The masters of the cult knew that there were four-time awakeners here, but they didn't expect five four-time awakeners to fly out at once.

The most important thing is not these five four-time awakeners, nor is it Ace, but Barikaka.

This name has become famous within the cult system this month, and it has also been heard of in the defense fortress far away in Manaus.

With the strength of a three-time awakener, he overwhelmed thousands of geniuses in the training camp and dominated the list in the first month of joining the training camp.

This is no longer a monster they can imagine, let alone one they can offend.

The three awakenings can already beat them. If Barikaka is promoted to the fourth awakening, wouldn’t he be able to deal with them in seconds?

For such a strong man, do we still have to worry that he can’t be promoted to the fourth awakening?

The only doubt of everyone is why he hasn’t been promoted to the fourth awakening yet?

The fact that Barikaka is a three-time awakener was personally confirmed by Admiral Gu Lie, the chief instructor of the training camp, and there must be no problem.

But in everyone’s cognition, Barikaka should be able to be promoted to the fourth awakening in minutes, why hasn’t he been promoted yet?

What everyone doesn’t know is that because he is too powerful, he actually needs diamond-grade virus reagents to be promoted to the fourth awakening.

And the powerful top of the top 100 battle list, the brave Barikaka, can’t afford it.

Yes, he can’t afford diamond-grade virus reagents.

So, he was stuck here...

He needed military merits, a lot of them.

The free awakeners in Manaus did not cooperate with him to pick up the leaks, blocking his way, so he had to do something.

The masters of the cult stood in the air and looked at the crowd. There were free awakeners lying on the ground, but no one was dead.

The blood was all over the ground, and there were wailings. They were all seriously injured.

There was only one tall, upright young man with a big scarf, standing in the circle with his hands behind his back, without even looking at this side.

They knew that it was the legendary master who had recently risen in the training camp, Barikaka.

The momentum of dominating the world and despising all living beings, the calm and confident demeanor, made everyone impressed.

Two thousand geniuses and elites from all over the South American continent, like sheep, quietly guarded him.

Everyone knew that if this person had not died on the road to growth, he would have been the core senior executive and pillar of the cult in the future.

Such a powerful monster, once promoted to the fifth awakening, will probably be the nightmare of all awakeners in the world.

These powerful cult members who can cultivate to the fourth awakening are not fools, and there is no need to offend Xu Youran at this time.

Under the watchful eyes of the public, they can't do anything to curry favor with the powerful and attach themselves to the dragon and the phoenix.

However, it is human nature to change with the wind, and they are no exception.

Several people waved in the air in the direction of Xu Youran, "Brother Kaka, you have fun, we will take our leave first."

"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..." How did they come, how did they leave.

Xu Youran still stood quietly with his hands behind his back, ignoring them.

These guys are used to being domineering and bullying the trainees in the training camp. They are not good people either.

When the two thousand trainees saw this scene, everyone was trembling with excitement, their hair stood on end, and their eyes were filled with tears.

It's so awesome!

So cool!

So domineering!

Just so casual!

What are the free awakeners?

If you try to touch me, I will beat you!

What are the rules of Manaus?

I do things, you avoid me!

What are the masters of the cult?

I don't even bother to deal with you!

All the students here have deeply imprinted this moment in their minds. Maybe this is the most glorious moment in their lives.

In front of the cult patrol, you beat so many people, and you didn't even dare to fart.

Boss Barikaka, awesome!

Kasi Group, awesome!

Xu Youran said slowly: "All members of the Kasi Group listen to my order and tell everyone in Manaus for me! From now on, my rules are the rules here!"

More than two thousand core training camp students, including five fourth-time awakeners who were still in the air, roared in unison: "Oli!"

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