Virus Throne

Chapter 26. The Awakener Team

Xu Youran held the unconscious woman and returned to the room where Han's father and son were hiding.

Looking at the pregnant woman and Han's father and son, Xu Youran turned on her wrist phone to call for support.

Han Qisheng brought hot water and thick clothes and helped the pregnant woman to wash briefly.

The pregnant woman woke up slowly and opened her eyes, screamed "Ah" and sat up.

Looking around, she found that she seemed to have arrived in a safe place, and then she felt relieved.

Looking at Xu Youran, she hurriedly asked: "Sir, where are those people?"

Xu Youran showed a warm smile on his face, "They will never appear again, don't worry."

The pregnant woman breathed a long sigh of relief, and after a while, she said: "My name is Zhang Yue, and I used to be a cashier in that supermarket. One of the three people was the security guard of the supermarket, and he is my boyfriend."

"If you don't want to say it, you don't have to say it." Xu Youran was afraid that she would leave a psychological shadow, so he deliberately didn't mention it.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Yue seemed quite strong, "You saved me, whether it was out of duty or out of sympathy. I must make it clear, let you know, and I will make it clear to anyone who asks me in the future."

Xu Youran didn't really care about the life experiences of those rubbish, and nodded casually.

"The other two were customers of the supermarket. They were chased by those wild dogs and hid in the warehouse. My boyfriend gave me to those two people in order to survive."

Zhang Yue is also a smart person. Someone came to search and rescue, and there were other survivors.

That shows that the government is still functioning. No matter what the reason, an active military officer killed someone, there must be an explanation.

This explanation is for the official and for Xu Youran herself.

She can't let the hero bleed and cry.

"Those three people tortured me in turns, and they tortured me when I was pregnant..." At this point, Zhang Yue seemed to remember that unbearable life again, hugged her shoulders and trembled all over, and tears flowed down.

"Okay, stop talking." Xu Youran reached out and patted the girl who was younger than him. "The three of them attacked active military officers with weapons, which is a capital crime. I have recorded the process with my mobile phone and sent it to my superiors."

Han Qisheng is middle-aged and naturally has some experience. He roughly understood the whole story with just a few words.

He poured a cup of hot water and helped Zhang Yue drink it, which relieved Zhang Yue's nervousness.

Xu Youran said again: "There are about one million survivors in the main urban area now. The military will arrange your lives. Don't worry about safety issues. Our army is strong enough to suppress mutant beasts. It's just the child in your belly?"

Xu Youran's question immediately showed his youth and lack of experience.

This question is too sensitive and is not suitable for public discussion.

Speaking of children, Zhang Yue's eyes became extremely gentle. She put her hands on her belly, as if feeling the rhythm of the young life.

Suddenly, her eyes became more determined than ever before, "I want to give birth to him. The child is innocent. This is my child."

She looked at the little Han Lifan, and then at Xu Youran in combat uniform, "When he grows up, I want him to join the army and become a good soldier like you, sir."

Xu Youran felt Zhang Yue's persistence and was also pleased with Zhang Yue's strength.

Although it was the first time to kill someone, in such a chaotic world, Xu Youran knew very well that this would definitely not be his last time to kill someone.

At this time, Xu Youran's wrist shook and the phone rang.

He popped up the light screen, and the image was a soldier, who should be in an armed helicopter.

The first thing you hear is the huge roar of the helicopter, and occasionally you can hear the sound of machine guns.

"Commander Xu Youran, the armed helicopter number: 02502WZ1103 reports to you. My aircraft is about to arrive at the designated location. Please arrive at the designated location within ten minutes."

"Received." Xu Youran replied, "I will clear the area near the designated location in advance, please feel free to land."

"Received." The soldier on the other side hung up the phone.

"Let's go to the rooftop." Xu Youran waved his hand.

Several people waited on the rooftop for a few minutes. A black dot was seen approaching quickly in the distance, and the sound of the helicopter propeller was clearly audible.

Xu Youran took out a burning stick from his backpack and slashed it hard to indicate the position of the helicopter.

The helicopter quickly hovered over the rooftop, dropped the soft ladder for climbing, and pointed the ferocious muzzle of the heavy machine gun to both sides.

Two soldiers followed the soft ladder and quickly landed on the rooftop, "Shua shua" saluted Xu Youran together.

"Shua" Xu Youran stood at attention and saluted in return, "For the time being, only these three survivors have been found, one of whom is a pregnant woman and the other is a child, pay attention to protect them."

"Yes" the two soldiers answered loudly, and one of them asked tentatively: "Xu Platoon Leader, are you alone?"

Xu Youran smiled at the soldier, "I am enough by myself, get on the plane quickly."

The two soldiers couldn't help but be a little surprised, this Xu Platoon Leader was too fierce.

They heard that other teams were composed of several people, or even more than a dozen people, but Platoon Leader Xu dared to go out on a mission alone...

Two soldiers quickly helped the three people board the helicopter, and Xu Youran watched the helicopter "buzz buzz buzz" away.

He reflected on the battles and experiences of the past few days and felt that there seemed to be something wrong with his strategy.

The efficiency of such a blind search by one person was indeed too low.

And the mutant beasts he encountered were either too few in number or too low in level, which could not serve as a training for him.

He decided to change his strategy next and stop searching blindly like this.

His current location is the southeast corner of Nanjiang City, and he is planning to head south to the Red Square Zoo.

At present, it seems that finding a large number of mutant beast gathering places, quickly cleaning up the surrounding environment, and allowing ordinary soldiers to search and rescue in large numbers may be much more effective.

Without hesitation, he adjusted his direction and swung his flying claws towards the south of Nanjiang City.

Along the way, he encountered large supermarkets, shopping malls, railway stations, hospitals, office buildings and other densely populated areas. He often used his consciousness to investigate, but unfortunately he found nothing.

On the fifth day, he met a team of human awakeners on the road.

This team is not large, only five people.

There were no faces that Xu Youran recognized among them. It might be that the Awakeners from the Eastern Front or other directions formed a team to search this area.

The five awakened ones were fighting a few ordinary mutant beasts. Xu Youran was afraid of causing misunderstanding and did not disturb them.

He was sitting on the edge of the rooftop of a high-rise building, with his legs dangling in the air, he took out a water bottle and drank water leisurely while watching the battle below.

Although this team has a small number of people, the combination of awakening skills is quite reasonable.

There are two fire-type ones responsible for killing, an earth-type one responsible for defense, a wood-type one responsible for trapping enemies, and a water-type one responsible for assistance and medical treatment.

Although Xu Youran knew most of the names and effects of the awakening skills that he had not mastered, he had not seen many of them in actual combat.

If you have this opportunity, you can get to know it better.

You may master these skills in the future, but fail to apply them well in actual combat.

Soon the battle below ended. Xu Youran jumped several times to use his strength, and hit the ground with a "boom", causing a cloud of dust to fly.

Several people below were finishing up the mutated beasts that were still alive. When they heard the movement, they all looked over with vigilance.

Xu Youran walked up to several people and said, "I am the platoon leader of the special combat platoon of the second regiment, Xu Youran. Which unit are you from?"

Among the five awakened ones, the leader was a man in his thirties, who quickly came up to shake hands enthusiastically, "We are from the seventh regiment. My name is Wang Zezhi, and these are all from our regiment."

The remaining people also greeted Xu Youran warmly, and Xu Youran shook hands one by one.

When meeting comrades in a deserted area, even though they are not in the same regiment, they are extremely friendly.

Wang Zezhi asked curiously: "Platoon Commander Xu, are you alone?"

"Well, I'm alone. I'm more flexible and easier to escape by myself." Xu Youran smiled "hehe".

These people didn't know Xu Youran's strength, nor did they know that he was teasing him.

The only female awakener among the five, a girl in her twenties, had a look of contempt on her face.

We are all comrades-in-arms, so we are naturally cordial, but comrades-in-arms are divided into different levels.

Comrades who cannot bravely kill the enemy are indeed not very popular wherever they go.

Xu Youran naturally didn't care what these people thought. He came here to get information.

"Brother Wang, how many days have you been out? Where did you come from?"

"We were stationed on the east line of the Inner Ring Road, and we wanted to go to the South High-speed Railway Station." Suddenly Wang Zezhi seemed to remember something, "Are you the young man who wanted to work alone during the meeting?"

"Hehe." Xu Youran scratched his head, "Are you going to South Station? Yes, there are either many survivors or mutant beasts there."

Wang Zezhi patted Xu Youran on the shoulder, "Platoon Leader Xu, why don't you team up with us? The safety factor is higher."

"Brother Wang, it's okay. I'm more flexible on my own, and I'm better at escaping." Xu Youran thought for a while, "I'll go to the South Station in a few days to see if I can get some mutant beast materials. In exchange for merit."

The young girl next to him finally couldn't help it anymore, "You're not old, you have a bad tone, you just picked it up as a material for a bronze mutated beast?"

Wang Zezhi frowned, waved his hand, and turned around and said, "Li Xuan, please stop saying a few words. We are all comrades in arms. How others act is their freedom. We human warriors must unite."

Li Xuan seemed to realize that she had talked a little too much, so she closed her mouth and turned away.

"Brother Wang, just keep busy with your work. I'll go around again and see if I can find any survivors." Xu Youran doesn't care about Li Xuan, but that doesn't mean he is willing to have more contact with her.

With an apology on his face, Wang Zezhi shook hands with Xu Youran again and said goodbye, "Platoon Commander Xu, deserted areas are no better than cities. You must pay special attention to your safety alone."

Xu Youran nodded, waved to the others and turned to leave.

Until Xu Youran's figure was no longer visible, Li Xuan pursed her lips and said aggrievedly: "Platoon Commander Wang, I didn't mean to say those words. That guy is young and can show off with his awakening skills! "

"Whether someone is pretending to be cool or not, does it have anything to do with you?" Wang Zezhi said helplessly, "You are just too young and too emotional. His life is his own, and so are you."

But a teammate next to him said: "Platoon leader Wang, I really don't blame Li Xuan. I also think that kid is too good at pretending. I guess he will wet his pants when he sees a bronze-level mutant beast."

Wang Zezhi waved his hand, "Forget it, let's not talk about it. Let's set off and go to the South Station quickly, don't be overtaken by other teams. In case there is a silver-level mutant beast over there, a bronze meritorious service can be exchanged for a lot. nice one."

The team members stopped talking, packed up, and headed towards the South High-Speed ​​Railway Station.

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