Virus Throne

Chapter 28. This is how I picked up materials

Everyone was shocked. The bronze-level mutant porcupine, which was known for its strong defense, was killed by Xu Youran with a turn and a casual knife.

Of course, they didn't know how much preparation Xu Youran had made for this knife and how much risk he took.

The knife that perfectly combined essence, energy and spirit also brought huge gains.

"Ding" [Basic skill, single knife upgrade, black iron quality LV7. ]

Xu Youran didn't have time to be happy, and several mutant beasts pounced on him again.

The big shield was waving and blocking the bite of the mutant beast. Losing a weapon in the melee is not a good thing.

At this time, Xu Youran finally had the opportunity to use his unique skills.

[Basic skill, escape. (Cannot be upgraded)]

Xu Youran, who was so majestic just now, turned around and ran, and a group of mutant beasts chased him frantically.

The awakened people in the battle all collapsed. Is this the law of being handsome for only three seconds?

At this time, the bronze-level mutant beasts that were blocked by the earth wall finally became smarter and went around from both sides of the earth wall.

There was a blockade in front and pursuers behind.

Seeing that the earth wall had no effect, Xu Youran raised his hand to put away the earth wall and continued to run wildly.

With a "swish", a new earth wall instantly appeared behind him. The mutant beasts chasing behind him could not stop in time, and "bang bang bang" hit the silver-quality earth wall head-on.

The faster the speed, the worse it was at this time. Some mutant beasts had their heads smashed to pieces.

Finally running to the body of the mutant porcupine just now, Xu Youran was overjoyed, pulled out his sword with force, turned around and killed it again.

The scene fell into a melee again. Xu Youran had only been on the scene for a few minutes, and he had killed three bronze-level mutant beasts.

The earth wall and roar were both magical skills for controlling the field in the melee. The various magical awakening skills of the awakened people were also a lot of tricks when they cooperated with each other.

The wood-type entanglement here was released, and several vines quickly grew on the ground, which were extremely tough. Once the mutant beast was entangled, it was difficult for those below the bronze level to break free.

The fire-type awakening skill flames popped out, and with a "sizzle", the mutant beast was ignited into a ball of fire. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

There were also awakeners who mastered the same awakening skill "sharp" as Dongfang Bai, and their palms were comparable to swords, killing the mutant beasts and making them howl miserably.

The invisible and shadowless air grenade "exploded", constantly exploding in the mutant beast group, and wherever it went, there was a bloody storm.

Xu Youran also found another trick to kill the mutant porcupine. The porcupine's eyesight was not very good. If he made good use of this, the porcupine would be the easiest to kill for him.

"Shua shua shua" three bronze earth thorns were ejected into the abdomen of a porcupine. Although it did not break the defense, the porcupine still screamed in pain.

When the porcupine rushed towards Xu Youran frantically, the opportunity to kill it came.

Xu Youran once again used his escape skills to lure the porcupine to chase him at a higher speed.

When the porcupine's speed was fully increased, it was just like a car crashing into it.

"Shua" a silver-quality earth wall, "bang" the earth wall shattered, and the porcupine hit itself into a dead pig.

I'm afraid it went to heaven. With its limited intelligence, it still couldn't figure out where the south wall came from.

After Xu Youran joined the battle, the human awakeners paid the price of three more wounded and finally killed all the dozen bronze-level mutant beasts.

Other black iron-level and ordinary mutant beasts killed hundreds of them.

The remaining mutant beasts, after repeated attacks and repeated group annihilation.

Finally realized that it was impossible to do anything, and the wind was tight, leaving only blood and limbs.

They were killed so miserably that they didn't even dare to pick up the corpses on the ground, and fled one after another.

A group of awakeners were specifically responsible for checking the battlefield and finishing off those who were not dead.

Those who mastered the awakening skill of water-based healing purification began to disinfect everyone's wounds and purify toxins.

Zhang Haiyang, Wang Zezhi and others knew that if Xu Youran hadn't rushed out to rescue them, they would probably be wiped out here.

When they wanted to find Xu Youran to express their gratitude, they found that Xu Youran was jumping around and was busy.

In this battle, he killed seven bronze-level mutant beasts with his own hands, accounting for more than half of the total number of bronze-level mutant beasts.

Whether it was his auxiliary control skills, which helped in the battle.

Or he killed most of the bronze-level mutant beasts himself.

He made great contributions in this battle.

So he is very busy now, busy collecting his spoils.

The teeth of the mutant rabies, the claws of the mutant demon cat, and the fangs of the mutant porcupine, each of these is a bronze-level merit.

Seeing several awakeners who knew him, they all came over, and he was cutting the fangs of a mutant porcupine.

Although his face was still stained with blood, he smiled brightly. He looked at Li Xuan in the crowd and said, "This is how I picked up materials. Now you know?"

Facing her savior, Li Xuan's pretty face flushed red and she bit her lip, "If you had come earlier, three people wouldn't have died..."

Wang Zezhi pulled Li Xuan hard and whispered, "You can't be honest!"

Xu Youran didn't care. He was not a god. How could he satisfy everyone? At least he had tried his best.

Li Xuan might be a thin-skinned girl. She probably still lacked social punishment.

While collecting his spoils, he chatted casually with Zhang Haiyang and others.

After packing all the spoils and putting them in his backpack, Xu Youran stood up and said goodbye to everyone, "Brothers, I'm leaving. You should be careful and it's best not to go south. I want to go to the Red Square Zoo in the south."

Zhang Haiyang and others were surprised to hear that he wanted to go to the zoo.

In this era, going to the zoo is not for fun, but maybe to deliver food.

Xu Youran walked out of the gate and waved his right hand to say goodbye.

Everyone saw Xu Youran's fierce fighting power and it was difficult to persuade him.

But no one dared to follow him to go to the dragon's den and tiger's den.

If those animals had remained in the zoo after mutation.

Then there might be the place with the highest probability of silver-level mutant beasts.

Xu Youran was alone again, carrying his blood-stained marching bag, and embarked on a more dangerous journey.

Heading west, Xu Youran spent a day to reach the vicinity of the Red Square Zoo.

Lying on the edge of a tall building, covered with a rag, he carefully watched the movement below.

Xu Youran's father had brought him to the Red Square Zoo several times before.

He used to like the bird forest inside, which was full of green trees and flying birds.

But what he hated most now was the bird forest. After countless flying birds mutated, various huge and ferocious mutant birds often appeared in the sky in this area.

These mutant birds were not very strong individually, but birds generally lived in groups, and the advantage of being able to fly was very troublesome. If they missed a hit, they would fly away.

Once they were entangled with a large number of mutant birds, it would easily attract more mutant beasts of other species.

Many bronze-level mutant beasts had been found on the outskirts of the Red Square Zoo.

It seemed that although they had mutated, the animals in these zoos still lived in the zoo habitually, which was a very dangerous signal.

After several hours of observation, he roughly grasped the activity range of several bronze-level mutant beasts.

Taking advantage of the exploration of divine consciousness, Xu Youran sneaked into the Red Square Zoo.

In this dangerous place where even the awakened ones would turn pale at the mere mention of it, he also got extremely alert and tried his best to recall the layout of the zoo in his memory.

Zebras should be on the left hand side of the entrance. Why don’t we go and visit these African guys first?

Although zebras have explosive temperaments, they are vegetarians after all, so they shouldn’t be too much.

However, zebras usually live in groups. I have to be careful not to be beaten up. Moreover, zebras run very fast, so I have to be ready with flying claws at any time to escape.

After entering the gate and turning around a deserted artificial building, Xu Youran saw several zebras strolling leisurely on a large lawn.

Damn, Xu Youran couldn’t help but curse in his heart, is this a good start?

Among the seven or eight zebras, several of them had a faint bronze color on their hooves.

In the middle, there was an unusually majestic zebra, whose head was like a unicorn in a myth, with a sharp horn more than half a meter long. The sharp horn was shining with silver light, which looked extremely ferocious.

A zebra the size of a camel, with a silver horn on its head, actually looked a bit holy.

Only occasionally opened its mouth, baring teeth, but it was like the sharp canine teeth of a beast.

This was a big bomb at the beginning, and it was a group of zebras, and there might be more in places that were not seen before.

Xu Youran was a little helpless. He found a silver-level mutant beast, recorded the coordinates and reported it, and the reward was a bronze merit.

If he could kill a silver-level mutant beast, it would definitely be a silver merit.

For Xu Youran, who needed a lot of merit, this was a great temptation.

But in the current situation, if he rushed out alone to kill the silver-level zebra, he would be courting death.

Xu Youran tiptoed back and tried another direction. There must be one that didn't live in a group.

After discovering the silver-level mutant beast, he didn't dare to go in again. There were silver-level ones outside the zoo, and he didn't know how dangerous it was in the depths.

Fortunately, these animals have lived in the zoo for a long time and have formed habits, so they don't run away in large numbers.

Another direction should be the Leopard Garden, and Xu Youran decided to try his luck in the Leopard Garden.

Even if he didn't want to kill the silver-level mutant beast, he at least had to find out the specific number of silver-level mutant beasts and then collect evidence.

A super bomb might kill all the mutant beasts here, but the merit reward is calculated according to the number of each silver-level mutant beast.

In other words, if Xu Youran found that there were ten silver-level mutant beasts in this zoo.

Then if a super bomb killed them all, Xu Youran would also be counted as ten bronze merits.

Before he even reached the Leopard Garden, he encountered more than a dozen bronze-level lizards on the road, strolling along the road.

Although there were no silver-level ones, there were more than a dozen bronze lizards, each as big as a crocodile. What a concept.

Xu Youran's hair stood on end, but fortunately the lizards were born with poor eyesight and poor sense of smell, so they didn't find him.

Damn, this zoo is a bit scary.

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