Virus Throne

Chapter 311: The Qin Dynasty with a lot of stupid people and lots of money

The reason why Xu Youran has not made up his mind about the cultivation method is whether to drag others into the water.

But Daqin's attitude is clear, it would rather die than live in disgrace.

Whether there is cultivation method or not, Daqin is ready to fight to the end.

Then tie all the others to the chariot to avoid being attacked from all sides.

The European and American alliance has been controlling the world behind the scenes for many years, and it is hard to guarantee that Daqin does not have their spies in ambush.

It is better for Xu Youran to teach the method within Daqin than to simply "release it" to the world openly.

The general direction has been set, and the remaining details need to be considered and improved.

The popularization of cultivation method will produce a series of chain reactions, and Daqin must be prepared in advance.

With first-hand insider information, just like financial transactions, Daqin must get the most benefits from it.

Xu Youran wrote the natural sutra method on the screen of his mobile phone while discussing with several leaders.

"If you want to quickly improve your cultivation, the cultivation world usually pays attention to money, law, land, and companions." Xu Youran mentioned some of the information he had learned, "The first one is money."

"That makes sense, Xiao Xu has hit the crux of the matter. The economic base determines the superstructure. No matter which organization is in power, as long as we grasp their economic lifeline, we will have the final say in the end." Economy and people's livelihood have always been the focus of Chen Tianxuan's work.

This kind of intrigue and political game, Nie Kuanglan and other iron fools are obviously not professional enough.

"The resources related to cultivation on the earth are mainly spirit stones, various auxiliary equipment, and various unknown civilization technology products." Qin Yao, director of the New Human Affairs Administration, has a better understanding of things related to awakeners.

"Buy a large number of resources related to practitioners at all costs." Chen Tianxuan finally decided to set the tone.

Starting early the next morning, Daqin began to frantically purchase spirit stones, various auxiliary equipment, and various unknown civilization technology products through various channels.

The reason is simple, in view of the unfavorable current war situation.

It is necessary to greatly improve the combat effectiveness of the coalition forces, and various new equipment requires spirit stones as energy sources.

Without enough energy sources, it is impossible to ensure that the battle line will advance as planned.

All major organizations were stunned by Daqin's operation and atmosphere. You spend money to buy our spirit stones and then give them to the coalition forces.

Does Daqin have no place to spend money?

Or does Daqin think it is now the leader of Earth Star and is a little arrogant?

When Xu Youran was studying in the cult, one spirit stone was exchanged for one silver-level war merit. This exchange ratio was obviously ridiculous.

One silver-level war merit was equivalent to one million Daqin coins, and one spirit stone, as an energy source, could produce the effect of five million Daqin coins.

This highly condensed energy crystal has a much higher energy ratio than helium 3.

Five million Daqin coins of helium 3 are equivalent to one-fifth of the energy ratio of a spirit stone.

The difference is that spirit stones are extremely limited and are often concentrated in the hands of the core layer of large organizations.

And helium 3 covers the entire moon, which is almost inexhaustible.

Unfortunately, the situation on Earth Star is turbulent now, and no country or organization has enough strength and energy to mine helium 3 on the moon.

Another important point is the huge difference in energy ratio.

The charging equipment also has huge differences from materials to volume.

The J-33 fighter jet fully adopts helium-3 energy. After abandoning the traditional engine, the bomb load has increased from eight tons to twelve tons.

If the new generation of J-41 fighter jets fully adopts Lingshi as an energy source, the engine volume and weight will be further compressed, and the bomb load is expected to increase from twelve tons to sixteen tons.

A piece of Lingshi has changed the global weapon system pattern, greatly increasing the bomb load and the endurance.

The series of Lingshi weapons that the Daqin Research Institute is developing intensively are terrifying.

The combat radius of the J-41 fighter jet can be increased from 1,250 kilometers of the J-31 to about 40,000 kilometers.

This is a qualitative leap. Once the J-41 is put into mass production, it does not need the support of aircraft carriers and strategic bases.

Daqin's firepower can directly cover the world.

Therefore, the new generation of J-41 Lingshi fighter jets were named Global Hawk by Daqin.

And this is just the application of the spirit stone energy source on fighter jets. Other weapons and equipment are being developed and promoted simultaneously.

Thanks to Xu Youran's outstanding language talent, the Daqin Research Institute has basically cracked the universal language of the universe.

Even many people have begun to popularize and learn this foreign language.

No matter what reason Daqin has, since we buy at a high price, we will sell at a high price.

Major organizations are also happy to do a favor, and even sell all the antiques and rags from who knows how many years ago to Daqin.

In order to confuse the audience, Daqin accepted everything.

Although they know that there are many useless things, Daqin doesn't care.

The global unified trading currency Daqin currency, officially authorized, starts the printing press.

We will print as much as you want.

As for the price system?

Now it is so chaotic, except for Daqin, where else can we talk about the price system?

No matter what era, once you master the right to issue currency, it is equivalent to mastering the price system, which is also equivalent to indirectly mastering the discourse power of this world.

Once all the resources of major organizations are turned into Daqin currency.

Anyone who disobeys will be punished.

The currency will depreciate sharply for you, turning everything in your hands into waste paper.

Just asking you if you are afraid?

The price of international spiritual stones has skyrocketed crazily due to Da Qin's acquisitions regardless of the cost.

From one spiritual stone to five million Qin coins, to five and a half million, to six million, seven million...

The K-line indicators were soaring all the way, and everyone's adrenaline was pumping.

People who are stupid and have too much money suddenly became synonymous with Da Qin.

Major organizations around the world are all involved in this grand selling frenzy.

Fortunately, due to the catastrophe, the global financial market has come to a standstill at this moment.

Otherwise, countless new richest people may appear, and more people may jump off buildings.

Due to transportation factors, many spiritual stones and equipment cannot be transported to Daqin in time.

But it doesn’t matter. As long as both parties sign the agreement and prove that you have the goods, Daqin will remit the money.

As for whether the other party will default on the bill?

Da Qin would not worry about this kind of problem. Xu Youran's global travel reminded everyone.

Without the need for mass production of the Global Hawk, Daqin already has enough strength to deter the world.

The front line in Africa is being constructed very smoothly, and the cleanup work is also progressing steadily.

During the clearing process, the coalition soldiers also suffered certain battle losses due to the secondary disasters caused by the two rounds of bombing and the ferocious counterattack of the mutant beasts.

But where are the immortals in war?

Almost every day, soldiers from all over the world join the coalition forces.

The size of the legion of more than one million has expanded to more than two million, and the number is still growing rapidly.

Mutated beasts are raging around the world, suppressing everyone too hard.

Now there is finally a chance to regain the lost ground. All men with a bit of blood are eager to sign up to join the army and go to the front line.

Xu Youran began to teach the Natural Meridian Kung Fu to a small group during his free time during the battle.

Although he wrote the entire text silently, many details of cultivation still required his personal guidance.

Da Qin's five-time awakeners were the first to try it.

Not surprisingly, these people all easily found the sense of Qi and embarked on the path of cultivation.

According to Xu Youran's guess, cultivators in the civilized camp must not only have spiritual stones, but also relevant elixirs, exercises, and combat skills to assist them in their cultivation.

But now we don’t have this condition, so we can only use spiritual stones to challenge the realm.

No one knows the pros and cons of it, and they are all trying to cross the river by feeling the stones.

As for Dongfang Bai, Li Xuan, Liana, and several girls, Xu Youran began to publicly guide them in fighting using a combination of true energy and awakening skills.

There are playgrounds inside the military camps in Madagascar. When Xu Youran was instructing them, he did not shy away from others, including the awakened warriors of the other two major forces.

The awakened members of the religious sect and the European and American Alliance saw their eyes reddened when they saw that the combat power of Dongfang Bai and the others was increasing crazily every day.

Xu Youran's guidance is also very skillful, "When you use this move to condense the air bomb, try to use the zhenqi directly from Quchi to Waiguan, without passing through Shou Sanli."

Dongfang Bai thought for a moment, then raised his hand and fired an air bomb. The speed was obviously faster and the power was also increased a bit.


"I bought it!"

What are they doing?

What are they talking about?

Why can I understand every word but have no idea what they are saying?

The other awakened ones saw Xu Youran and the others practicing, and with a few random pointers, their strength improved rapidly.

In everyone's mind, there are ten thousand grass-mud horses galloping past.

With the global circulation of Da Qin currency, the world's mainstream language has become Da Qin Mandarin.

Now that I don't know Daqin Mandarin, I'm embarrassed to tell others that I'm in the coalition army.

The African battlefield has begun, and only three days have passed.

The strength of Dongfang Bai and other girls has improved to a certain extent.

If there is anyone in this world who knows the most about the combination of true energy and awakening skills, it must be Xu Youran.

I don’t know if it’s because the Earth Star was once a battlefield for both sides, or because the people on the Earth Star have a special natural constitution.

The vast majority of awakened people who have received the teaching can quickly find the sense of Qi and embark on the path of cultivation.

Of course, there are some people, even awakened ones, who are completely unable to practice.

Xu Youran also tried to teach it to some ordinary warriors. Even if they are not awakened, many people can find Qi.

If we talk about the virus cultivation system of scientific and technological civilization, its fatal flaw is that it cannot exert its due combat power in the void of the universe.

Then the cultivation method cannot allow everyone to start the path of cultivation. This may be the disadvantage of the cultivation civilization.

Therefore, both sides need a huge population base. Only with this foundation can an endless stream of fighters emerge.

The news and pictures of Xu Youran giving instructions in the military camp spread all over the world at an extremely fast speed.

As recognized as the number one person in the world, he is definitely the focus of all forces.

Major organizations sent "congratulatory messages" one after another, all asking the Great Qin Military Department, why do they prefer one to another?

Everyone is making contributions to Earth Star, so why can only your warriors learn mysterious techniques, but not our warriors?

Da Qin's self-preservation is tantamount to digging its own grave. I hope Da Qin can reveal the secrets of cultivation, otherwise it will withdraw its troops.

The atmosphere of the coalition forces is unprecedentedly tense, and the great situation in which all mankind is united is about to be destroyed.

The whole world is condemning Da Qin!

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