Virus Throne

Chapter 313. Strange Fight

The Virus Throne System is more like an index directory and cannot give detailed suggestions that Xu Youran wants.

The road is still under his own feet, and it is still up to him to choose how to go.

If he had chosen to strengthen and improve some functional awakening skills, it might be a different situation today.

Unfortunately, life-saving was the top priority at that time, so he chose to take the defensive route.

Walking, walking, I became a MT.

Others rely on skills to fight, but he relies entirely on recklessness to fight.

Many times, he also envied other awakened people.

With a wave of the hand, the earth is turned upside down, thunder and fire are everywhere, that is the real mage's appearance.

But if you think about it carefully, if you didn't have this powerful defensive awakening skill, you might not be alive today.

Now the three main defense awakening skills have been upgraded to diamond quality, and the medical awakening skills have also been upgraded to diamond quality.

Tracking, earth spikes, howling, earth walls, and cold air all require a medium and have many restrictions.

So the only option at the moment seems to be to seal his throat at the sight of blood.

Xu Youran mobilized his consciousness and gently touched the blood sealing throat.

["Ding!" The legal awakening skills are upgraded! ]

He took out a ray of consciousness and comprehensively explored the system list.

Virus Throne

Legal Awakening Skill

Metallic properties:

[Track, gold quality. In the endless years to come, you may encounter all kinds of enemies. Many times, it is no longer possible to distinguish between ourselves and the enemy by relying on normal means. Leave a mark on your enemies and instantly lock on them within a certain range. (upgradeable)]

[Man of Steel, Diamond Quality. Consume a lot of mental energy to turn your body into a body of steel. An indestructible body and overwhelming strength. Charge fearlessly and feel the charm of the elements. (upgradeable)]

Soil properties:

[Earth shield, diamond quality. Use the earth element to condense your own earth attribute guardian, and use it to crush your nightmares. Resist diamond-level all-attribute attacks. (upgradeable)]

[Earth thorn, gold quality. No matter where you are, Mother Earth will never abandon you. Fight! You are synonymous with the earth element, and your gold-level sharp piercing attacks are everywhere. (upgradeable)]

[Roaring, golden quality. Voice is also a kind of power, and those who are good at using it will have unexpected effects. Stun your enemies and let fear rule their souls. The stronger you are, the less affected you will be. (upgradeable)]

[Earth wall, gold quality. When the earth elements occupy a sufficient proportion, you will receive the blessing of the Earth Goddess, creating a cage for the enemies around you. With your feet on the ground, you will become the master of the battlefield. (upgradeable)]

Wood properties:

[Destroying growth, diamond quality. Consume your mental power to provide strong repair of physical wounds to anyone within a certain range. Helping others is the basis of happiness and being a happy dad. (upgradeable)]

[See blood-sealed throat, diamond quality. Use your skills wisely, every flower and grass will be poisonous. Ignoring any physical defense, diamond-quality wood-type poison will make your enemies miserable. (upgradeable)]

Variation properties:

[Ice armor, diamond quality. Condensate a set of fantasy armor that is unique to you, providing you with all-round protection while counterattacking the enemy. Resist diamond-level physical attacks, bring gold-level physical counterattacks to your enemies, and have strong elemental resistance. (upgradeable)]

[Cold air, golden quality. The powerful water element is everywhere. Let your enemies slow down when they get close. The pervasive cold air will freeze the enemy's blood and flesh. (upgradeable)]

Basic attributes.

[Character attribute: Golden Guardian. ]

[Available resources: Rabies virus +6, hepatitis A virus, hepatitis B virus, silver skill +7. ]

Basic skills:

[Escape. (Not upgradeable)]

[Unarmed fighting, gold quality LV4. (upgradeable)]

[Single sword, gold quality LV1. (upgradeable)]

[Long sword, gold quality LV8. (upgradeable)]

During this period of fighting on the African continent, the long sword was upgraded from gold quality LV7 to LV8, which is also a good gain.

The effect of sealing the throat at the sight of blood should also be greatly improved.

Although this awakening technique does not require a medium, the effect will be greatly reduced for enemies infected with wood-type viruses, and it is usually not fatal.

When used on people with wood attribute awakening, it basically has no big effect.

Natural disasters, doomsday, I don’t know when the awakening skills will undergo qualitative changes again.

When all awakening skills reach gold quality, they generally undergo a qualitative change. Diamond quality only has an improvement effect, which is understandable.

If there could be a qualitative change every time he leveled up, he would have become a god long ago.

Why are you fighting so hard? Just sit back and wait to sweep the entire universe...

Xu Youran carefully read the skill description of Seal the Throat with Blood. He was neither surprised nor disappointed.

The meaning of the first sentence is easy to understand. Under certain circumstances, if used properly, every plant has the potential to become highly toxic.

Persimmons are originally sweet and sour and delicious, but if you eat crabs and then eat persimmons, it will be miserable.

Eating delicious prawns and then eating fruits rich in vitamin C can easily form highly toxic substances in the body.

Xu Youran looked around, and not far away was Crocodile, who was preparing for him.

Xu Youran was suspended in mid-air, staring blankly at the body of the mad lion for quite a while.

Crocodile found him looking over and forced a forced smile.

He really wanted to smile happily, but Xu Youran's eyes were too weird and seemed dangerous.

Xu Youran was thinking about whether to test the effect on this guy?

Those who have awakened five times should not be poisoned so easily.

After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to forget it and try to find a mutant beast.

Crocodile was left with a bright smile, "Whoosh!" Xu Youran rushed into the depths of the grassland with his flying sword.

Crocodile was left on the spot and took a long breath. The crisis was finally resolved.

I don't know why, but when that kid stared at me just now, I always felt hairy all over.

It seemed like that kid wanted to do something indescribable to himself.

Crocodile couldn't help but shudder when he thought of Xu Youran's eager but terrifying expression just now.

Fake, that guy’s taste isn’t that strong, right?

After running for more than ten kilometers, Xu Youran finally found a lone leopard.

The wind-attributed leopard became his experimental subject for testing new skills.

He did not dare to attack mutant beasts that were too weak.

I'm afraid that if it's too toxic, I'll die immediately, with no visible effect at all.

The leopard escaped the devastation of the nuclear strike, but never expected to encounter Xu Youran, who was more terrifying than the nuclear strike.

It roared while spitting out whirlwind slashes.

Wind blades struck Xu Youran's ice armor one after another, making a crisp sound of "ding, ding, ding...".

Xu Youran smiled maliciously as he looked at the leopard that kept jumping into the air, wanting to have a feast.

"Whoa!" He waved his hand and saw blood sealing his throat.

The leopard, which was running up and down on the ground, suddenly froze, as if something had changed in its body.

"Ouch..." Leopard's roar seemed to tremble, and the muscles all over his body spasmed, and the severe pain in his abdomen made him curl up into a ball.

After observing for a while, I found that the leopard's symptoms seemed to be reducing.

This means that this leopard should have been infected with the wood attribute virus, but it was not awakened by the wood attribute.

If effective, it will cause severe pain, seriously affecting its combat effectiveness, but it will not be fatal.

He shook his head helplessly, "Whoosh!" The flying sword flew across the air and chopped off the leopard's head.

The vitality turned into an invisible hand, grabbed the leopard's body and flew back to the position.

Gold-level materials are still very precious and cannot be wasted.

In the distant Trisolaris RX1976 Fortress, Bai Qi and several loyal men stood in the control room of a frigate.

The frigate has turned on the 360° full-situation simulation effect. Several people seem to be suspended in the void of the universe. Being immersed in it allows people to better observe the surrounding situation.

Not far in front of you, there is a wormhole barrier about three meters long, wide and high.

The color has already changed from dark cyan to light blue, and there is still a faint flicker from time to time.

A fifth-time awakener bowed slightly and said, "Sir Bai Qi, after our observations over the past few days, this barrier is the one closest to the open state, but..."

This five-time awakener is two meters tall and looks similar to an ordinary human being, except that he has a closed vertical eye on his forehead.

The image is handsome, somewhat similar to the Erlang God Yang Jian in the ancient mythology of the Qin Dynasty.

Bai Qi frowned and looked at the largest wormhole barrier not far away, "The blood sacrifice of Earth Star has completely stopped? This small wormhole is not stable enough, right?"

"Yes, the blood sacrifice has completely stalled for some unknown reason." The five-time awakener pointed at the small barrier, "This kind of unstable wormhole can easily cause transmission failure. It will make the transmitter completely Lost in the turbulence of time and space, the stronger the power, the greater the interference, and the more dangerous it is. "

"Tell me your suggestions." For Bai Qi, who still lives a long life, time is not a big problem.

Although it is possible to find the kid who defected and unlock the secret of the genetic bomb, it is not enough for him to take such a big risk.

Once lost in the turbulence of time and space, those who have awakened six times are nothing more than zombies that live longer.

"My subordinate, please don't go there, General God." The subordinate seemed eager to express his loyalty. "This kind of indigenous planet where blood sacrifices cannot be completed, I am willing to explore the way for Lord God."

Bai Qi had a solemn look on his face as he was thinking about the feasibility of this plan.

Xu Youran's secret may very well be related to whether he can be free.

He really didn't want to rely on others, so it would be best if he could do it himself.

"The opening of this small wormhole is obviously not due to blood sacrifice, but should be caused by the violent turbulence of the earth's magnetic field." The subordinate who was eager to make a contribution said again, "Once the turmoil ends, this small wormhole will close again."

Bai Qi glanced sideways at the subordinate and said in a deep voice: "Qizheng, since you are confident, you will lead the team this time. Assemble the eleven teams from 761231 to 761241. Find a man named Xu Youran’s defectors must be brought back alive.”

"Yes!" Qi Zheng knelt down on one knee, followed the order and left.

This kind of garbage indigenous planet is generally considered to be the best mission.

The strength is usually extremely weak and the task difficulty is very low.

Without superior generals to supervise the battle, they can take the opportunity to indulge themselves on this indigenous planet.

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