Virus Throne

Chapter 32. Gold quality, explosive increase in combat power

Xu Youran waited quietly for a long time, and the rescue bear left reluctantly.

Seeing his companion bleeding inexplicably and then died in the basement.

The surviving bear had a thousand grass mud horses roaring through his heart. What happened?

Why did Xiong Da die?

Is sleeping so dangerous?

Xu Youran quietly moved down and began to harvest the spoils.

Another silver skill point was credited, and the next one was another bear. Bear Two, wait for me.

Early morning of December 16.

Xu Youran panted heavily and sat on the corpse of a huge bear that looked like a baby elephant.

He sat in a pool of blood with a smug smile on his face.

After an afternoon and a night of bloodletting therapy, he finally took down Bear Two.

But he finally exhausted himself completely, and now he even had difficulty walking.

After a short rest and collecting the spoils, he ran back to Bear Mountain.

Eight silver merits, sixteen bronze merits, seven silver skill points.

Three silver skill points left, one more rush.

The next target is the big brother of the brown bear: the polar bear.

It is December now, which should be the polar night in the Arctic. The biological characteristics of polar bears are also hibernation.

While you are sleeping, I will take your life!

On December 17, after a day and a night of rest, Xu Youran went straight to the Arctic Pavilion in high spirits.

Sure enough, the polar bear, which is two times larger than the brown bear, killed all other animals in the Arctic Pavilion to fill its stomach.

Looking at the sleeping behemoth, Xu Youran suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

On this day, the crazy bear roar resounded through the sky, and the angry giant bear almost razed the entire Arctic Pavilion to the ground.

Xu Youran suffered a lot of internal injuries, and finally calmed the behemoth through bloodletting therapy.

Half of the animals in the zoo were frightened by the desperate howling of the giant beast, and fled the area one after another.

Near dusk, Xu Youran harvested his spoils at the original site of the Arctic Pavilion, which was almost a ruin.

Looking at the damage caused by the giant beast, he was also secretly shocked.

If such a mutant beast broke into the human gathering place, the damage caused by its lethality would be incalculable.

Fortunately, he acted decisively and killed this terrifying existence in time.

If it was allowed to grow, perhaps a golden-level beast would appear when the flowers bloom next spring. It's chilling to think about it.

So, I am a small hero of mankind?

From fleeing in panic a few months ago to now confronting this terrifying giant beast head-on.

Xu Youran was also complacent about his progress. Although he was not yet arrogant, he was extremely happy in his heart, and he was one step closer to his goal.

Nine silver merits, sixteen bronze merits, and eight silver skill points.

I only need two silver skill points to try to create a gold-quality awakening skill.

The most important thing is that in the battles with these different kinds of mutant beasts, Xu Youran's actual combat experience has been rapidly improved.

However, because the recent battles rely too much on awakening skills, the basic skills have not been improved.

This can't be blamed on him. The people he has been fighting recently are all silver-level gods.

Fighting with these gods with fists and feet, playing with swords, is a waste of life.

Basic attributes.

[Character attributes: Bronze fighter. ]

[Allocated resources: rabies virus +3, rubella virus, retrovirus, silver skills +8. ]

Basic skills:

[Escape. (Not upgradeable)]

[Unarmed combat, black iron quality LV9. (Upgradeable)]

[Single knife, black iron quality LV7. (Upgradeable)]

On December 18, after a night of rest, under the magical natural sutra, the internal injuries caused by the giant bear's recoil were easily adjusted.

The next target is the Hippopotamus Pavilion and the Orangutan Pavilion.

Everyone thinks that hippos are herbivores, but that is actually a misunderstanding.

Strictly speaking, hippos are omnivores, and they will eat their own kind when they are extremely hungry.

Fortunately, they like to move around in the pond, and the terrain conditions of the Hippopotamus Pavilion are the only one in the entire zoo that meets their needs.

The narrow Hippopotamus Pavilion once again staged the tragedy of the Arctic Pavilion.

However, Xu Youran learned his lesson this time. The pond in the Hippopotamus Pavilion is low-lying, and the injured and furious hippos can't run away anyway.

He adopted the strategy of swimming and fighting, bleeding and running, bleeding and running.

Finally, he finally captured another giant beast at a very small cost.

He was still a little short of a silver skill point, and Xu Youran was very excited. He decided to take advantage of the situation and chase and rush straight to the Orangutan Pavilion.

Although orangutans are social animals, they have a violent temperament and extremely high IQ, especially the gorillas after mutation.

Maybe it was because the gorilla leader was too brutal. When Xu Youran fought with the silver-level leader, none of the other gorillas came to help. They all fled.

Xu Youran suffered a lot facing this gorilla with human intelligence.

Gorillas were originally the largest primates, and now their height has increased to more than three meters, like King Kong reborn.

Moreover, it continued to improve in the battle, learning Xu Youran's fighting methods and skills to fight with Xu Youran. Although it was still very rough, it tortured Xu Youran unbearably.

King Kong, who came and went like the wind and had infinite strength, fought with Xu Youran for a while, and then fought Muay Thai, and occasionally picked up a tree trunk to do a few single-sword sword techniques.

Xu Youran's earth shield and ice armor were broken countless times.

When the battle reached the most intense stage, Xu Youran, who always had strong endurance, had a splitting headache and almost exhausted his mental strength.

He was left with several wounds on his body, but fortunately, he had the ice armor to cover him, so they were only minor injuries.

After a hard fight, he finally took down this weakened version of King Kong.

Finally got ten silver skill points, Xu Youran was ecstatic, harvested the spoils, and fled madly.

At nightfall, he hid in the iron cage of Xiongshan and simply cleaned the wound.

Activated the virus, but the result was still rabies virus.

He no longer had much hope for this, so he was not so disappointed.

The next is the most exciting moment, whether it is a bicycle or a motorcycle.

Eleven silver merits, sixteen bronze merits, this mission has gained a lot.

Basic attributes.

[Character attributes: Bronze fighter. ]

[Resources available for allocation: rabies virus +4, rubella virus, retrovirus, silver skill +10. ]

Which skill should be upgraded?

There are five silver awakening skills available: earth shield, earth spikes, earth wall, ice armor, and cold air.

Earth shield is a special defense flow, which is the best against physical attacks, but the defense area is too small.

Earth spikes are elusive and have enough lethality, but the limitation is still too large, and his own natural sutra will soon enter the Jindan realm.

According to the description of the skills, flying swords can be controlled in the Jindan realm.

Once flying swords can be controlled, it can definitely make up for the weakness of insufficient lethality.

Then the best choice left is still ice armor.

Although ice armor is not as strong as earth shield in resisting powerful attacks, it is better in full-body protection.

This is why silver-level mutant beasts can occasionally tear open ice armor, but earth shields can withstand it.

This kind of protection is particularly effective when facing a melee like a sea of ​​mutant beasts.

I made the decision happily. I hope my prediction is correct.

With excitement and trepidation, I tapped my spiritual sense.

"Ding" the awakening skill is upgraded.

"Yes!" Xu Youran jumped up excitedly, clenched his fists and waved them wildly. It was really a ten-point silver skill upgrade.

The spiritual sense probed into the sea of ​​consciousness and swept towards the light curtain.

[Ice armor, gold quality. Condense a set of dream armor that belongs to you, providing you with all-round protection while counterattacking your enemies. Resist gold-level physical attacks and bring silver-level physical counterattacks to your enemies, with weak elemental resistance. (Upgradeable)]

Damn! What is this?

The awakening skill was upgraded to gold quality, which actually changed qualitatively, integrating offense and defense.

This is a breakthrough change, which is simply unbelievable!

"Ka La" Xu Youran mobilized his spiritual power, and was fully armed with gold-quality ice armor.

It was still the dreamy crystal color. Although it was gold quality, the color did not change much. It was just a little fluorescent in the dark iron cage, which was not there in the past.

The biggest change came from the shape of the ice armor. Xu Youran began to observe it carefully, and the smile on his lips became more and more intense.

The gold-quality ice armor, a thin layer of gloves, a row of fine and sharp spikes at the knuckles, as if it had brass knuckles.

There were several sharp spikes on the elbows, shoulders, knees, and toes, the only difference was that the spikes on the elbows and shoulders were particularly long.

The spikes on the knees and toes were similar to the spikes on the gloves, all of which were fine and short.

He raised his hand and touched the helmet, which was also a row of sharp and fine spikes.

Although there was no mirror, he could tell how terrifying and ferocious his current shape was just by thinking about it.

This was not only protection to the teeth, but also real arming to the teeth.

You can imagine the tragic scene of him fighting the enemy in such an ice armor.

As long as Xu Youran got close to him, his head, shoulders, elbows, knees, fists, and feet were all weapons, and they were all silver-level damage, which was equivalent to Xu Youran being covered with silver-level weapons all over his body.

If you want to hurt Xu Youran with physical attacks, you must be prepared to slap a hedgehog.

The quality improvement of a skill has brought about earth-shaking changes to Xu Youran's combat power and fighting style.

This is the transformation from bronze saint armor to gold saint armor, which is a qualitative leap.

Xu Youran was so excited that he almost stayed up all night, trying out his new equipment in various ways.

After tossing until the second half of the night, he finally rested for a few hours by running the natural sutra.

There are only two venues left where silver-level mutant beasts may exist, the Lion and Tiger Mountain and the Elephant Pavilion.

There is no doubt that these two places will be the hardest bones to chew in the entire Red Square Zoo.

However, the awakening skill has been upgraded to gold quality, which has brought a qualitative leap and has made Xu Youran's combat power soar.

At the same time, obtaining more silver skill points and more silver merits are tempting Xu Youran.

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountain, you still go to the tiger mountain!

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