Virus Throne

Chapter 321. The natives are defeated

"Boom!" With a loud bang, the body of the Nascent Soul had already crashed into the enemy formation.

"Ding, ding, ding..." A series of dense collisions sounded.

"Swish!" The arm of a mecha was cut off.

"Crack!" A leg of another mecha was broken.

"Zizi!" A ray of light pierced a big hole in the shoulder of the Nascent Soul.

"Bang!" The giant palm of a mecha slapped the chest of the Nascent Soul.

"Boom!" The Nascent Soul was blown away, "Swish!" Someone stabbed it in the back, and a huge and miserable wound appeared.

The first impact of the Nascent Soul was almost ineffective.

The same style of three-meter-high mecha actually has a strong space elasticity inside.

Some mechas contain normal humanoid creatures, while some mechas may contain a dwarf.

The arm was just cut off, and no bleeding was seen, which means that the warrior in the mecha was not injured at all.

The Nascent Soul has no consciousness, no awakening skills, and no flying sword.

He fought with his super strong defense and powerful fighting skills.

But the Conqueror's defense was not weak, the quality of his weapons was not worse than his, and his long-honed fighting skills were not much different. In terms of strength, he was even more powerful because of the mecha.

Xu Youran once hid in the mecha, and from the perspective of the Conqueror, he did not feel it deeply.

Only when he really stood on the opposite side of the Conqueror could he feel the Conqueror's terror more clearly. 1

When he handed out his long sword, four or five weapons blocked it at the same time, and six or seven Conquerors counterattacked him at the same time.

This is the real battle formation coordination, and the fighting quality of professional warriors moved him.

Although he had no spiritual consciousness, he had already felt the chaos behind him.

The first concentrated fire crippled this team of more than 10 million people.

At least more than 10% of the losses, the disintegration of fighting spirit, and the panicked awakeners.

Xu Youran's heart seemed to sink into a deep cave, cold to the bone.

Zhang Zhan was not far behind him. Seeing the chaos behind him, he immediately shouted at a five-time awakener of the Great Qin, "Go back and hold the line. Anyone who wants to escape will be killed without mercy!"

"Yes!" The five-time awakener, whose military rank is Lieutenant General, turned and ran straight to the exit of the wormhole without any hesitation.

This is the soldier of the Great Qin, and this is the military quality of the Great Qin warriors.

On the battlefield, military orders are like mountains!

Now the awakeners rushing towards the enemy camp are led by the soldiers of the Great Qin military, supplemented by the strong men of the cult, and only a few awakeners of the multinational alliance.

"Boom, boom, boom..." In mid-air, the twenty-one lord-level strongmen of the coalition and the twelve conqueror captains collided fiercely.

The crazy burst of awakening skills, the fierce collision of weapons, the sound of blades cutting into the flesh, and the screams of the coalition masters, from the sky to the ground, the war started in full swing.

Although there were fewer Conqueror masters, they relied on their super defense and sharp weapons to suppress Zhang Zhan and other 21 lord-level masters.

In the first round of the collision, almost all the coalition masters were injured.

On the other hand, the Conqueror side was almost unscathed.

Magellan's always terrible poison had little effect on the Conqueror captain.

The Yuanying body that was blown away by several Conqueror warriors had another advantage, that is, it was not afraid of pain or injury.

When he turned around and rushed to the enemy again, more coalition awakeners had already rushed to the enemy first.

The Conqueror was just a cold and ruthless killing machine, but not a fearless fighting machine.

The Qin warriors were not cold and ruthless killing machines. They all had their own families and lovers, and their thoughts and feelings were rich and great. 1

But they were a group of fearless fighting machines. The enemy's strength would only make them alert, but not make them timid.

They regarded sacrifice as a shortcut to immortality!

Led by the Qin warriors, the awakened members of the cult also rushed over without hesitation.

Xu Youran, who was about to arrive, raised his hand to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth.

The body of the Nascent Soul is not afraid of injury, but Xu Youran is afraid of injury.

Everyone in the light curtain was stunned when they saw Xu Youran spit out blood for no reason.

"Xiao Xu?" Nie Kuanglan looked at Xu Youran nervously.

"I'm fine. My Nascent Soul body was injured and it was fed back to my body." Xu Youran's eyes flashed with helplessness, "Everyone, in the first collision, our army suffered more than 10% casualties. All the awakened members of the multinational alliance fled and were defeated. Is this your strength?"

"Ah? How is it possible?"

"Fuck! Do these guys want to die?"

"I still have ten hours to reach the battlefield!"

"I'm about to enter the transit star and will be disconnected soon. You guys take care of yourself!" The anger in Xu Youran's eyes made everyone feel cold in their hearts.

The steel defense fortress outside the temple has been dismantled, because they are afraid that the defense fortress will affect the explosion effect of the super bomb.

The Great Qin military has made the worst plan, which is a plan of burning both sides.

As for whether the cult will be affected, this is no longer a problem that needs to be considered now.

Xu Youran swooped down quickly and saw more than a dozen awakened people just teleported out of the wormhole.

These dozen awakened people who were still in shock saw the people who came out to pass on the information before, and immediately shouted and pulled these accomplices to escape.

"Swoosh!" Xu Youran's flying sword was as fast as thunder and attacked instantly.

All deserters should be killed!

"Puff, puff, puff..." More than thirty awakened people were killed instantly.

The awakened people who came out to pass on information and those who escaped first were all three awakened people.

Xu Youran killed more happily than killing chickens, without any mercy.

More than a dozen awakened people were teleported out, and they were all shocked to see Xu Youran standing not far away and the corpses on the ground.

There was a group of killing gods in the ruins, slaughtering the awakened people of Earth Star crazily, and there was also Xu Youran, the killing god, outside the ruins.

Xu Youran's illustrious reputation was definitely earned by killing, and the terror of the conqueror only came from the first round of concentrated fire.

After the initial panic passed, it seemed that the deterrent power brought to them by Xu Youran was far less than that.

There were still a large number of Daqin warriors around, and they were making the final evacuation.

Seeing Xu Youran falling from the sky and killing without saying a word, they were completely stunned.

They knew that their young commander was fierce, but they didn't expect him to be so fierce.

Xu Youran raised the sword in his hand and pointed it at the wormhole. His voice was low, but it resounded through the sky like thunder, "Go back!"

His Nascent Soul body was still inside, and he knew the situation on the transit star very well.

Even if he went in and joined the battle now, he would never be able to turn the tide of the battle by himself.

Only by gathering the strength of more people could there be a slight possibility.

Although the contact time was not long, it was enough for him to understand a lot of things.

The Conquerors were well-equipped, powerful, well-trained in combat, and well-coordinated in battle formations, but they had a fatal weakness.

All Conquerors were afraid of death!

Those who were not afraid of death would not become slave soldiers.

It was precisely because they were afraid of death that they chose to kneel down and live.

According to Xu Youran's analysis, as long as the Conquerors reached a certain proportion of losses, they would definitely retreat.

So, he would use his life to pile up the Conquerors' losses.

With the corpses on the ground as a deterrent, the dozen or so awakened people dared not fart, and turned around and entered the wormhole again with trembling.

More than a dozen awakeners jumped out of the wormhole. This time, Xu Youran didn't even say a word, but pointed at the wormhole directly.

These awakeners are really tragic. They just escaped from the wolf's den and met this killer again.

Without saying a word, he turned around and rushed into the ruins again, as obedient as a grandson.

"Who is in charge here?" Xu Youran didn't have the patience and time to wait for deserters here.

"Report to the young marshal, I'm responsible!" A lieutenant colonel ran over and saluted.

"Block this place, and kill all those who come out and don't go back!" Xu Youran pointed at the wormhole.

"Yes!" The lieutenant colonel took the order and began to gather soldiers, and all heavy weapons were set up.

Rows of metal storm heavy machine guns, the ferocious muzzles were all pointed at the wormhole.

"Swoosh!" Xu Youran dodged and went directly into the wormhole.

Although a huge wound was cut on the back of the Nascent Soul, no blood flowed out.

Diamond-quality defense is not given for nothing, it just scratches the epidermis slightly.

Bai Qi, who was far away in the office of the RX Fortress on the Three-Body Star, suddenly frowned and stared at the countless images sent back from the transit star.

These images came from the Star Sea Kingdom system of more than a thousand soldiers on the transit star.

At the moment of war, Bai Qi took over the images of all of them.

It seemed that he was observing the entire battlefield from more than a thousand different angles.

With the mobilization of his mental power, under the command of his mind, more than a thousand images quickly called out several key images.

These images were quickly enlarged, some played in fast motion, and some played in slow motion.

"Hiss..." Bai Qi finally confirmed his guess, and the information was immediately conveyed to the leader Qi Zheng, "That black-painted native is a Yuanying body, and it is a Yuanying Dacheng, go all out to take it down!"

"Yes!" Qi Zheng answered while communicating with the other eleven team leaders, "There are cultivators here, that black-painted native is a Yuanying body, and the main body is unknown, go all out to take it down!"

"Commander, it seems that there are many cultivators here, is this a cultivator planet?" Monroe asked in great confusion.

"Yes, I also feel that these natives seem to have a weak flow of true energy on their bodies." Another team leader added.

"Be careful of that Nascent Soul body, kill everyone!" Qi Zheng did not have a strong perception awakening skill, so he was not sensitive to the flow of true energy. "That Xu Youran is a big shot among the natives. Kill everyone here and you will definitely find him when you go out."

"Yes!" The other eleven captains answered in unison.

"Swish! Swish!" Monroe and another team leader gave up their opponents and rushed straight to the Nascent Soul body.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz..." Several laser cannons swept over and took over the opponent just right.

More than a dozen silver-white mechas quickly took off and began to replace Monroe and the others.

"Swish! Swish!" Two more team leaders rushed straight to the wormhole.

The exit of the wormhole had been blocked by the fifth awakener of the Great Qin Military.

He killed more than a dozen awakeners who wanted to escape back to Earth through the wormhole.

The others were shocked and fled in other directions.

Some of the more than 1,000 fourth-awakened conquerors were fighting with the awakened ones of the Qin army and the cult.

Some were slaughtering the fleeing awakened ones.

Some rushed into the sky and began to encircle and suppress the fifth-awakened ones of the coalition.

Every second, soldiers of the coalition were killed, and there were battle groups everywhere in the sky and on the ground.

Colorful awakening skills bloomed from the sky to the ground.

The blood that was spilt freely dyed the entire land red.

The entire jungle was on fire, and the ground was full of gullies.

The entire mountain was smashed into pieces, and the screams of the dead and the wails of the wounded resounded through the sky.

The area of ​​dozens of kilometers around was like a slaughterhouse.

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