Virus Throne

Chapter 332. A Tyrant

All the people present were the leaders of various organizations, and most of them had held high positions.

As soon as Xu Youran's plan came out, everyone understood his intention.

Many people looked embarrassed and looked at each other, and no one wanted to express their opinions first.

If they opposed Xu Youran, they didn't have the courage.

If they agreed with Xu Youran, they couldn't bear to give up their power.

Xu Youran looked at everyone's expressions and his face turned cold, "I know many of you used to be lucky. Now I see, will the Conqueror communicate with you? Will he negotiate with you? Will he ask for your benefits?"


Thinking of the sword of the Conqueror hanging over their heads, everyone was shocked.

Yes, if you can't stop the Conqueror, everything is empty talk.

What power and status have to do with me?

Since I came to the transit star, if I didn't repel the Conqueror, could I still leave alive?

Even if I escaped from the transit star, once the Conqueror broke through the wormhole and entered the Earth Star, where could I hide?

How can there be eggs intact under the overturned nest?

"It takes a collective effort to fight against the conquerors, and it also requires the Qin Empire to take the lead." Xu Youran's cold eyes swept around.

These people are still not awake, they are really blinded by power.

"Many people in the cult can confirm that I have a way to leave the Earth alone, but you can't. I also welcome you to try and see if you can leave the Earth. If not, just come back and fight honestly."

The fact that Xu Youran once left the Earth through a wormhole barrier has long been dug up.

Under pressure, the cult has long opened the underground cave.

The prison of the Three-Body Fortress has been destroyed, and there is no spiritual energy infiltrating the barrier, which is worthless to the cult.

Now it has almost become a tourist destination, and any awakened person with a little strength has tried it.

No one can leave the Earth through there, and this situation once made many people suspect that Xu Youran was lying.

But the arrival of the conquerors, as well as their fierceness and ruthlessness, confirmed every word of Xu Youran.

Now the meaning of his words is also very clear, he can leave by himself, but you can't.


Everyone is looking forward to Daqin taking up the banner of resistance against the Conquerors, and everyone is counting on Xu Youran's strong fighting power.

Now I suddenly realized that Xu Youran can pat his butt and leave at any time, regardless of you.

"Have you figured it out? Now I'm not asking you to cooperate, but you have to think about what to take to let me fight for you." Xu Youran sneered, "The world I fought desperately to protect has nothing to do with me, why should I fight? Join the Conquerors, isn't it good?"


All the five awakened people present cursed in their hearts.

This is the end of the plan.

Xu Youran made such a request at this time, which was clearly a condition.

You want me to fight, okay!

Let Daqin take over the world, and we will continue to talk.

There is no benefit, and you still have to fight to the death, which is indeed unconvincing.

Chu Xinyue and several other five awakeners of Daqin were secretly happy in their hearts, but their faces cooperated with Xu Youran, pretending to be determined to fight to the death.

Why are these people so entangled and so afraid that Xu Youran will abandon them and run away secretly?

This has a lot to do with the cultural differences between the East and the West.

Chu Xinyue and others know Xu Youran. His father is a soldier of Daqin and disappeared while performing a mission.

He himself is also a soldier of Daqin. His love for the country and the people is even better than his own life.

Otherwise, he would not call "fire at me" when facing the gold-level violent ape.

Now he will not use himself as a bargaining chip to negotiate conditions with the European and American alliances and fight for the interests of Daqin.

He will never abandon Daqin and the people of Daqin and escape alone.

And those senior officials of the European and American alliances have always been selfish and profit-seeking.

They naturally use their own way of thinking to think about Xu Youran's ideas in a different way.

If they were Xu Youran, they wouldn't have discussed this at all, and would have left long ago.

"I agree!" Gu Lie said in a deep voice.

As the person in charge of the cult on the scene, he was the first to express his opinion, which was somewhat unexpected by everyone.

"I agree too, otherwise, I wouldn't fight!" Pope Shaka also raised his hand to express his opinion.

Those major organizations of the European and American alliances rule or secretly control many human bases.

And what does the Holy See have?

The Vatican, which is a little bit small, has no people at all.

He is the Pope, a spiritual leader, not a duke of a territory.

He was so happy that someone was willing to be his security guard.

The heads of other major organizations quickly expressed their agreement.

Now people have to bow their heads under the eaves, and if you want the horse to run, you have to feed the horse with grass.

If you don't give benefits, Xu Youran won't work, and then everyone will be finished.

It's better to agree to Xu Youran now and survive this war.

"I'm not making fun of you, but look at your human base. What have you done to it? The people are living in misery and crime is rampant. More people have died at the hands of humans than at the hands of mutant beasts."

Xu Youran looked at everyone with contempt, tapping his fingers lightly on the table.

"We will not only help you defend against mutant beasts, but also help you rectify social order, help you restore production capacity, and manage your human base well. You should be grateful."


Didn't we just say joint defense?

Why did it become management now?

Why is this kid so shameless?

However, I feel relieved when I think about it.

Their army and artillery are right at my doorstep. If you don't listen to their command, the consequences are self-evident.


The senior officials of the European and American alliances all sighed in their hearts.

"By the way, I like to put everything on paper. Many people have a bad memory. Let's sign a treaty in a while." Xu Youran looked at Chu Xinyue with a very natural expression.

"General Chu, we will draft a treaty in a while. Just refer to the Tokyo Metropolitan Treaty. We will work harder."

Tokyo Metropolitan Treaty?


Everyone in the barracks, including the senior officials of Daqin, was too tired to complain.

"Okay, you are the young commander, you have the final say." Chu Xinyue said with a rare playful smile.

"Okay, these are all small matters, don't pay too much attention to those details, just sign them later." Xu Youran said with a smile, "I don't like people who don't keep their promises, and I like traveling, especially traveling around the world."

Staring at these old guys, Xu Youran sneered in his heart.

You are all vixens, why are you playing Liao Zhai with me.



All the organizations that Xu Youran visited expressed their positive attitude.

Xu Youran's global travel not only requires money, but also life...

Seeing everyone so actively supporting his work, Xu Youran felt very happy and fulfilled.

This kind of work performance will definitely get the 996 blessing soon.

Alas, I am really a smart ghost.

With a warm smile on his face, he continued, "The second question is that we must focus all our defenses on the transit star. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden for any awakener to approach the teleportation array, and it is strictly forbidden for any awakener to be alone. Everyone must be issued with a deadly poison, and if captured, they must commit suicide immediately."

It is understandable that the defense focus is placed on the transit star, but why is it strictly forbidden to approach the teleportation array, and if captured, they must commit suicide?

"Is this... too harsh?" Someone raised an objection.

"Wouldn't it be that we can only wait for the conquerors to attack us, and we can't chase them?"

"Yes, wouldn't the teleportation array become their safe zone?"

Everyone talked about it, and they didn't understand Xu Youran's intentions.

"There is an energy source for the teleportation array below the teleportation array, and the Earth Star Bloodline will stimulate the energy source. Once the energy source is activated, it will open the largest wormhole." Xu Youran patiently explained this problem.

Many times, many things, if the whole story is not explained clearly, are easy to mislead.

That result is too dangerous, and Xu Youran doesn't want to see it.

"The conquerors that have come now are just the vanguard troops that have been teleported through some small wormholes. More than a thousand conquerors have already beaten us like this. If it were a normal conqueror army, there would be ten times more. Everyone, think about the consequences."


"Is it really like this?"

"Oh my god!"

The crowd then remembered that Xu Youran had indeed said something similar.

However, they didn't take it seriously at the time and thought Xu Youran was telling a science fiction story.

Now that the knife is on their necks, they finally understand the seriousness of the matter.

"The specific defense plan will be coordinated by the Daqin Military Department, and everyone will just execute it when the time comes."

Xu Youran sighed, his expression became serious, and even had a hint of anger, "Next, let's talk about those deserters."

Except for the more than 100 missing people, the vast majority of the more than 5,000 deserters are from the European and American Alliance.

Among them are three awakeners and four awakeners.

There are even some people who have some in-laws with the five awakeners present.

Although they were caught as deserters and were detained by the Qin soldiers.

But these people had no awareness of being deserters, and many of them were still very powerful.

Facing a powerful conqueror, Earth would definitely need more forces to resist together.

So they were quite fearless, and at most they would be sent to the battlefield again.

"What does General Xu mean?" Someone asked tentatively.

Xu Youran smiled, as if a spring breeze was blowing on his face.

But in this smile, everyone felt the chilling murderous intent.

"Kill them all!" Xu Youran said decisively, "Global simultaneous live broadcast, no minors allowed to watch. Kill the chicken to scare the monkey, to set an example!"

The smile was warm, and the tone was cold.

The monstrous murderous intent instantly filled the whole place, making everyone silent.

"Whoever opposes, I will kill him!" After Xu Youran finished speaking, he stood up and walked out of the barracks without caring about the reactions of others.

Chu Xinyue and others also stood up and walked out of the barracks together.

When they were about to leave the barracks, Chu Xinyue turned around and sneered, "Everyone, take care of yourselves!"

Xu Youran and others were outside the barracks, watching countless Qin soldiers busy building the garrison base.

Xu Youran's tone was a little sad and a little emotional, "Am I too murderous?"

Chu Xinyue patted his shoulder with a bitter smile on her face.

This is a young man who is just twenty-six years old, but he is forced by the world to become a murderer.

With his order, more than five thousand awakened people were about to die.

Moreover, it is broadcast live globally simultaneously. This kind of shock and impact is absolutely unprecedented in human history.

Although there have been records of a large number of entrapment and killing, these were all thousands of years ago.

No one knew the specific situation, and it was not shown vividly before their eyes.

But what Xu Youran wants to trap now are more than 5,000 deserters.

Deserting and surrendering are not the same thing.

The deserters are still more or less one of our own, while the surrendered soldiers are completely enemies.

And it needs to be shown vividly in front of everyone in the world.

Perhaps this young man will bear eternal infamy.

But otherwise, it is not enough to deter those with ulterior motives, nor is it enough to calm the morale of the military.

From the perspective of rationally managing the army, Xu Youran was right.

But there will definitely be many people who stand on the moral high ground and judge him.

Xu Youran raised his head and looked at the gray sky. There seemed to be smiling faces that were once familiar to him, but now they are separated forever.

He murmured in a low voice, "What will people say about me? A generation of tyrants? Hehe..."

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