Virus Throne

Chapter 350. The Conqueror Without Martial Ethics

Xu Youran used the combat skill Exorcism for the second time, but the effect was far less than the first time.

He killed less than 100 mechas, and not a single fifth awakener was hit.

Moreover, Qi Zheng discovered his intention, and together with another fifth awakener, he tried his best to stop the flying sword.

Although without the cooperation of the flying sword, Xu Youran's speed would be greatly reduced.

Fortunately, he finally relied on the combat skill Exorcism to fight his way out.

More than 20 minutes after the start of the battle, he killed a fifth awakener and destroyed 300 silver mechas.

Some fourth awakeners in the silver mechas were not crushed along with the mechas because of Xu Youran's lack of strength, and they escaped with their lives.

Although he could perform Exorcism twice more, Xu Youran did not dare to continue fighting.

With a single sword, he almost wiped out 40% of the enemy's living force. If he didn't run away now, when would he?

If the enemy didn't chase him, give him some time to recover and digest the gains of this battle.

He was very confident that he would be able to completely defeat this team if he attacked again.

If the enemy pursued him, he could just lead these conquerors away from the teleportation array.

The Earth Star Alliance, which was waiting for the opportunity, even had the hope of annihilating this team.

Xu Youran always believed that a good tactic must leave room for himself.

Being able to attack and defend is the combat quality of a professional warrior.

Those reckless men who leave no retreat and pin all their hopes on a single battle will have grass several meters high on their graves.

But a real warrior cannot just think about retreat.

If you cannot cause a fatal blow to the enemy, all retreats will be dead ends.

This is a tactical arrangement for yourself, and the tactical arrangement for the enemy is just the opposite.

A tactic that is in a dilemma, and embarrasses the enemy to death, is a good tactic.

For example, he is very satisfied with the current situation.

Although he was seriously injured, his body functions are recovering rapidly under the excellent treatment effect of pulling up the seedlings for growth.

Although the flying sword was still circling on the periphery, it was firmly restrained by two mechas and could not join him.

His super flying sword also restrained two five-time awakeners.

With his speed, the hundreds of mechas behind him could not catch up with him at a distance of hundreds of kilometers.

But he could not run too fast, in case the conqueror found that he could not catch up with him and gave up treatment.

Then his plan to lure the enemy would not be perfect.

So he was not only running, but also fighting, and the distance was controlled neither too far nor too close.

If he was too far, he would be concentrated by the laser cannon. The pain was so sour that I still felt cold in my heart when I thought about it now.

But he could not be too close, otherwise he would be easily surrounded again.

His figure was always on the periphery of the conqueror team, rushing back and forth, and then turning around to escape.

This made the more than 400 conquerors hate him, but they could not stop.

When the pursuers slowed down a little, he turned around and rushed for a while, destroying several mechas.

The pace of the pursuers quickened, and he was fighting on the periphery of the battle group, or trying his best to speed up and escape.

From the air, it didn't seem like he was being chased by hundreds of people, but more like he was besieging those hundreds of people.

In this kind of intense battle, because there was no need to fight hard, Xu Youran's super endurance played a miraculous effect.

His state has begun to recover significantly from the low point of the second demon removal, and he is getting braver and braver.

Actual combat is the best way to improve one's own strength, and it is much faster than practicing alone.

There are great terrors and great gains between life and death.

The Star-Destroying Hand is becoming more and more proficient. The first stage has been completed, and the second stage is about to be completed. Wandering in the Starry Sky was forced to complete the first stage, and the quality was directly improved by him using skill points.

Although it is barely considered complete, it is a pity that the operation is not smooth enough and very awkward.

But in such a forest of swords and spears, every step is dancing on the tip of the knife.

Fortunately, his super strong consciousness and defense make up for some of the shortcomings of his body skills.

If other people practiced their skills in such a battle formation, they would undoubtedly die tragically in an instant.

After paying some price, Xu Youran's skills improved rapidly.

Although the second intermediate skills are still a long way from the great success, they can be regarded as relatively proficient.

The sword of self-questioning is the fastest improving of the three skills.

Each sword technique has its own unique uses.

The sword technique of asking others is concise, direct and straightforward; the sword technique of asking oneself is ethereal, implicit and restrained; the sword technique of asking all living beings is extremely agile, real and unpredictable.

He felt that the third sword technique of asking all living beings should have reached the great success level, and it is only a step away from perfection.

He scanned the virus throne system. Although the battle time was not long, it was now improving rapidly because of the deep accumulation in the early stage.

Basic skills:

[Escape. (Cannot be upgraded)]

[Unarmed combat, diamond quality LV2. Comprehended combat skills, not mastered. Combat skills: Star-destroying hand. (Upgradeable)]

[Single Blade, Gold Quality LV1. (Upgradeable)]

[Long Sword, Diamond Quality LV4, Comprehend the Sword Intention, Control the Sword Intention. Combat Skill: Exorcist, Sweep All Enemies Within 100 Steps. (Upgradeable)]

[Animal Movement, Diamond Quality LV2, Comprehend the Combat Skill, Not Mastered. Combat Skill: Wandering in the Starry Sky. (Upgradeable)]

If he continues to improve at this speed, and he is given some time to recover, and can sneak attack twice at most, he can handle all these hundreds of mechas by himself.

Think about the famous ancient general Zhao Zilong. Changbanpo killed seven in and seven out. It shouldn't be a big problem if he killed three in and three out.

Moreover, the ones Zhao Zilong killed were basically minions, while the ones I killed were at least mini-boss level.

Ultraman fights little monsters, yes!

This is the rhythm. As long as we keep it, this game will be stable.

However, these conquerors will not stay here at the Trisolaris Fortress.

Are you waiting for reinforcements?

I said I would give them the news tomorrow, and they agreed.

Will their reinforcements come tomorrow?

The system of the Kingdom of God that he was bound to at this moment has been restarted once, so from the perspective of the Conqueror Legion, it is now offline.

This kind of cool operation of extracting the Kingdom of God's system from the brains of dead people can be said to be unprecedented, and the Kingdom of God's system was completely confused.

A person can only be bound to the Kingdom of God system once in his life. After death, the system loses energy and automatically shuts down.

This is the common understanding of everyone since ancient times, and the Kingdom of God system also acquiesces in this way.

As a result, Xu Youran forcibly stripped it off and reactivated the system.

The system is also confused now. Am I online or not?

Of course, if Xu Youran takes the initiative to contact the conquerors on the opposite side, it means that his system is back online.

With the online system, you can communicate, contact, and locate.

But Xu Youran definitely didn't have the leisure to talk to the conqueror.

In this way, Xu Youran was running away and fighting, secretly happy in his heart. The further away from the teleportation array, the greater the chance of success of his plan.

The remnants of this conqueror were filled with hatred, but there was nothing they could do about him. The four-time awakened ones are not as fast as him, and the five-time awakened people don't dare to get too close. Who knows how many times he can use his kind of combat skills.

If he is unlucky and Xu Youran uses his sword fighting skills again when he rushes forward, his death will be unjust.

However, the combat qualities of conquerors are indeed very high.

"Boom!" Xu Youran had just cut off a silver mecha and was blown away by several other silver mechas.

He took advantage of the situation and dodged with his feet, escaping from the encirclement and feinting.

When the conqueror thought he was going to escape, he turned around and killed him again.

"Crack!" The thigh of a silver mecha was cut off by him. "Pfft!" A backhand sword pierced the chest of a silver mecha.

The smile on the corner of his mouth became more and more cruel and proud. If he wanted my life, he would pay with his life.

Your life is not that hard!

"Hey!" Xu Youran seemed to see something out of the corner of his eye.

The gray mountains in the distance are not tall, just rolling low mountains covered with iron-gray vegetation.

The distance that could be seen was already beyond the scope of his spiritual exploration.

"Whoa!" The long sword swept across, trying to push back several silver mechas so that he could observe the situation more carefully.

"Ding...ding...ding..." A series of intensive collision sounds, as well as the sound of weapons breaking.

"Huh?" Xu Youran's heart moved. It was strange that they were not so desperate just now.

These conquerors stayed in the teleportation array, which could be said to be isolated and helpless. Once their weapons were damaged, they were destroyed.

Xu Youran's weapons are the result of awakening skills. They are available anytime and anywhere, and they are not afraid of damage.

Therefore, when these conquerors pursued him, they rarely fought with him head-on.

Why are these conquerors so tough all of a sudden?


Something must be wrong!

Xu Youran fled in front, and the conqueror chased behind.

At this moment, the small black dots in the distance seem to be visible. They should be human figures, and they are moving here at high speed.

Could it be that Ye Shuai, Mr. Chen and others were worried about him and instead of waiting for him as planned, they attacked him?


The fierce collision of weapons, the Star Destroyer Sword and the Zi Zi Wen Xin Sword, the two combat skills were displayed as if they cost nothing.

Mechas were constantly being cut and shattered by him, and his ice armor was also being shattered. The man of steel was hit a few times, but it was not serious.

Getting closer, getting closer.

The three parties were all moving at high speed, and Xu Youran finally saw the black spots clearly.

He is indeed a human being, and a very tall, powerful, and deadly human being.

That was an oncoming encirclement, thousands of conquerors!

Xu Youran's heart seemed to have sunk into an abyss, and a deep chill filled his heart.

The strong sense of crisis made his whole body shudder.

When he thought his plot was about to succeed, when he forced the conqueror to go into business and had to pursue him.

It turned out that he had already entered the enemy's encirclement, and now he was at the center of the dragnet.

Want to escape in the air?

Above were several five-time awakeners, desperately blocking his way and pressing him to the ground.

Behind the ground were more than 400 fourth-time awakened people. Even if they were exhausted, it would be impossible for him to kill through this team.

The front was even worse. At least thousands of conquerors were surrounding him in all directions and with no blind spots.

Damn it!

Xu Youran was so angry that he almost vomited blood. These conquerors were so devoid of martial ethics!

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