Virus Throne

Chapter 359: Light as a feather, yet heavy as Mount Tai

The second good news is that the super bomb has been transformed, and the effect is far better than expected.

Not only has the most important 100 million ton equivalent super bomb been successfully transformed, but many micro super bombs have also been transformed.

The principle of the super bomb is actually not complicated, and the process is not very advanced. The difficulty lies in the raw materials.

The purification of raw materials in the first three generations of super bombs has stumped many countries.

Now helium 3 is used as the raw material, which further reduces the difficulty of manufacturing.

But for organizations other than Daqin, it is more difficult to obtain raw materials. There is endless helium 3 on the moon, but unfortunately they can't get it.

If you want a super bomb to explode remotely, you need relatively complex technology.

But if you need to trigger it manually, and it's instantaneous, it's much simpler.

The use of helium 3 raw materials has dramatically reduced the size of the super bomb.

A main bomb and more than 5,000 micro bombs are being transported from Daqin to the South American continent.

Each of these more than 5,000 micro bombs has an equivalent of only 500,000 tons.

However, the lethality at close range will also be very strong. The effect of a grenade exploding at a distance of ten meters is completely different from that of a grenade exploding in the hand.

Every soldier stationed on the transit star will be assigned a micro super bomb.

It can only be fired manually and instantly, and everyone knows what it is used for.

Everyone felt heavy when they heard the news, but no one complained.

When the situation of the Second World War was transmitted back to Earth, the whole world was dead silent.

The strength of the conquerors and the continuous increase in troops made everyone feel a sense of urgency that a storm was coming.

At this time, Daqin almost took over the management and security of all human bases.

In the face of the powerful means of the Daqin Administrative Council and the military, no matter which human base, it quickly got on the right track.

Although it cannot be compared with the era before the Great Cataclysm.

However, the overall social order is rapidly returning to stability.

Various violent acts, mutant beasts rampant, food and medicine supply, and people's basic living security have been greatly improved.

Even the chaotic slums in the northern district of Rio de Janeiro have been strictly regulated.

A better life and a better future will allow everyone in the world, no matter where they are, to feel the hope of life and the dignity of life.

But at this moment, news of the Second World War came.

Although the conquerors were temporarily repelled, it was still equivalent to a defeat.

This cast a haze over everyone's heart, and the light of hope just seen seemed to be slowly extinguished.

Major organizations frantically sent troops to the transit star base, and those who had awakened more than three times almost came out in full force.

The global conscription work progressed very smoothly, and with the practitioners who cultivated true qi, the total conscription has exceeded 30 million.

In particular, Xu Youran spread the word that the system of the Kingdom of God had been cracked, and hundreds of thousands of exercises and combat skills could be practiced as long as they joined the coalition.

These superior conditions attracted countless people who wanted to change their destiny by improving their strength.

In addition to the first batch of more than 5,000 micro-bombs, the Daqin Research Institute is still continuously manufacturing new micro-bombs.

All soldiers who enter the transit star will receive one, and they must hand it in when they leave the transit star.

When necessary, these 5,000 micro-bombs will be the ultimate means of destroying both sides.

Although the outbreak of the virus has caused a sharp decline in the population of Earth, many people have lost their relatives.

But there are too few truly lonely people. Without relatives, there are always lovers and friends...

Everyone who walks into the transit star with micro-bombs has people they want to protect.

Even alien immigrants like Xu Youran have too many, too many people he wants to protect.

Not to mention the local indigenous residents of Earth, who are afraid of death and have to bite the bullet and go to the battlefield.

Many people want to get promoted and make money, many people want to improve their strength, and many people are forced to do so, but since they have chosen to join the army, there is no turning back.

Xu Youran, the iron-blooded young marshal of the Qin military, gave an order to kill more than 5,000 awakeners.

That scene was broadcast live around the world, allowing everyone to feel Xu Youran's courage and determination.

Although many people have been persuaded to retreat, there are still people who are not afraid of death and want to get what they want from the battlefield.

As the saying goes, wealth and honor are sought in danger, and a bicycle can become a motorcycle if you take a risk.

Xu Youran had experienced a bombing with a 500,000-ton equivalent at close range. Within ten meters, the Conqueror who had awakened four times would definitely not be able to stop it.

Within fifty meters, he might be seriously injured.

Beyond fifty meters, he might be slightly injured or be strongly disturbed.

Beyond five hundred meters, at most, it would just flash his eyes and interfere with his vision.

The problem is, when you want to die with the Conqueror, how can you get within ten meters of the Conqueror.

Moreover, once this tactic is used once, the Conqueror will inevitably be on guard.

In the future, it can only be used as a conventional deterrent weapon, and it is difficult to achieve the purpose of killing.

Although the Daqin Research Institute has almost cracked all the contents recorded in the Kingdom of God system.

Unfortunately, regarding the high-tech, the Kingdom of God system is at most an instruction manual.

Instructions for various types of mechas, operating instructions for various warships, and instructions for the use of various weapons.

But there are no principles, process drawings, and other things of these high-tech technologies.

The Star Sea Divine Kingdom overwhelms half of the universe, relying not only on its tyrannical military force, but also on a technological level far superior to other intelligent civilizations.

Even though more than 10,000 cosmic countries seem to have overshadowed the Star Sea Divine Kingdom.

But they only have powerful military force, but no core technology of their own.

This is also the main reason why the Star Sea Divine Kingdom, although it is gradually weakening, can still dominate the technological civilization camp.

The Divine Kingdom has the most core technology, virus reagents, Divine Kingdom systems, various high-precision weapons, aerospace warship technology, wormhole technology, awakener skills, and research and development of combat skills...

When the core lifeblood of more than 10,000 cosmic countries is in the hands of the Divine Kingdom, they have to think carefully if they want to rebel.

Except for the Star Sea Divine Kingdom system, there is no communication network that can cover the entire universe.

If everyone wants to communicate across interstellar or even across wormholes, they can only do so through the Divine Kingdom system.

In other people's communication networks, issue various combat orders and attack them?

Wouldn't that be a joke?

So in general, the technological levels of more than 10,000 cosmic countries are uneven.

Many have surpassed the technological level of Earth, and many are even inferior to Earth.

It was just by chance that those life planets had peerless monsters who were promoted to become seven awakeners.

Although the Kingdom of God system does not have those core technologies, it does have everything to improve its strength.

This is also closely related to the starting point of the Star Sea Kingdom. Their war with the cultivation civilization requires a steady stream of strong people to emerge.

From the perspective of the Star Sea Kingdom, they wish that the entire universe was full of seven awakeners, and the cultivation civilization camp was instantly wiped out.

Anyway, as long as you still use these high-tech technologies of the Kingdom of God, we are not afraid of your rebellion.

The Earth Alliance is currently most concerned about improving its strength, and the Kingdom of God system has solved the urgent needs of the Alliance.

The micro-bomb is a shot of cardiac stimulant, which once again gave the people of Earth a reassurance.

If it is really impossible to stop it, each person will carry a micro-bomb, and these conquerors will be killed even if they have to take human lives.

Even if you die in battle, you can leave your family with food and clothing for several lifetimes.

The third piece of good news was a piece of paper. When it was handed to Xu Youran, he was slightly stunned when he saw the list on the paper.

He wanted to find three masters to attack the enemy camp with him, disperse his troops for him, and facilitate his close-range detonation.

If the distance is too far, the effect will definitely be much worse.

If you want to destroy such a large area of ​​the platform made of gold-grade materials, you must bomb it at close range.

Those more than 4,000 conquerors are not dead. Seeing him rushing to the platform like this, and bringing a big guy with him.

Just think about it and you will know that there must be something fishy.

They will definitely stop him at all costs, or even surround and kill him directly.

The three masters who rushed into the formation with him will die.

Under the siege of more than 4,000 conquerors, Xu Youran will die, not to mention others.

Moreover, the super bomb with an equivalent of 100 million tons, exploding at close range, these three people will definitely not be able to withstand it.

He originally thought that even if someone signed up, it should be mainly the old leaders of the Qin military, and the number of applicants is estimated to be few.

Unexpectedly, there were dozens of names and their awakening skills written densely on the paper.

He saw many familiar names, and also many unfamiliar names, and many people's awakening skills were also very unique.

Chen Tianxuan, Chu Xinyue, Jiang Gui, Xia Huang, Fang Qing, Shaka, Magellan, Gu Lie, Turgenev, Bill, Joyce Taft, Dryden Emmanuel, Hopkins, Romeo...

Among them, many are the leaders of major organizations.

He saw Ye Yunmie's name, but it was blacked out with a pen.

It must be that Daqin does not want to consume all the veterans.

And although Ye Yunmie is powerful, his fire awakening skill "Heart of Fire" is a single attack type awakening skill, which is not very suitable for group battles.

Chu Xinyue's water awakening skill is also very good, but it seems that there are better options.

Xu Youran began to think and analyze seriously. He covered all the names, just simply analyzing the awakening skills.

This way, we can make more rational and objective judgments, and avoid misjudgments caused by emotional factors.

However, some people's awakening skills are too unique, and it is useless to cover up the names.

Chen Tianxuan's Silence is definitely a first-class auxiliary skill in group battles.

Awakeners within a certain range will quickly lose elemental power.

That means that as long as he enters the battlefield, everyone within a certain range can only fight with real combat power.

Martial arts and combat skills can be used, but elementalization, awakening skills, and special skills blessed by elemental power have all lost their effects.

Combat skills are not much different from ordinary martial arts without the blessing of elemental power.

In this range, if Xu Youran's flying sword appears again, it will be a life harvester for the enemy.

However, this skill is also very limited. The range is first of all a hard flaw. After using it once, there will be a certain cooling time before it can be used again.

In comparison, another dark awakening skill "devouring" seems to be good.

It seems that this is Jiang Gui's awakening skill...

Looking at the densely packed awakening skills on the paper, Xu Youran, who was a little overwhelmed, fell into deep thought.

Knowing that this was a mission that would lead to certain death, so many people still signed up, which was beyond his expectation.

Seeing this list, he seemed to see the hope of Earth's civilization.

Fearing death, living in disgrace, currying favor with the powerful, fighting for power and profit, these are the people of Earth.

Every name on this piece of paper is also a person of Earth.

Everyone may have their own reasons for making this choice, but they must have the same purpose.

Defeat the conqueror and protect the one you love!

This piece of paper is as light as a feather, but also as heavy as Mount Tai.

ps: Nanjing is testing all residents for nucleic acid, I will take my whole family to queue up for testing.

There is always a force that accompanies us to overcome difficulties.

Come on Henan! Come on Nanjing!

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