Virus Throne

Chapter 384. Colorful Star

The large number of slaves harvested by the conquerors is often calculated in units of hundreds of millions.

Among them, the vast majority of ordinary slaves are worthless.

If they fail to awaken successfully and leave the planet where they were born, they may not even survive.

The size, mass, gravity, magnetic field, air, environment, flora and fauna of each life planet are very different.

Only by becoming an awakener, with a physical fitness far beyond that of ordinary people, can one adapt to the new living environment. 1

And the higher the awakening level, the stronger the adaptability.

With Xu Youran's strength, it is not a problem to live on the sun now.

But other four-time awakeners can only adapt to life on new planets at most.

Ordinary people are worthless and can only live in the incubator, waiting to die from the virus or become awakeners.

When being harvested, awakeners below the fourth level can be sold because they have not officially entered the incubation base and have not consumed the resources of the Kingdom of God. This is also a fiscal revenue of the Kingdom of God.

The awakeners who enter the incubator can only lie in the incubator forever unless they break through the fourth awakener and need to pass the tribulation.

The social systems and technological levels of many cosmic countries are not that advanced.

Most production labor still requires a lot of manpower.

Low-priced, highly adaptable, no salary, no social security awakened slaves have become the first choice of these cosmic countries.

Demon Slayer and the four people he just killed are all such slaves.

They awakened on their respective planets and became resources that can be immediately monetized.

Most of the benefits of selling these slaves belong to the Kingdom of God and the top leaders of the Legion.

Many wealthy and powerful politicians and businessmen in the universe often keep a large number of such slaves.

Anyway, as long as they install gene bombs, they can control the life and death of these slaves at any time.

They just need to enjoy the rich fruits brought by slave production labor.

The higher the status and the stronger the strength, the more slaves and the stronger the strength.

Xu Youran didn't know the situation of the Black Blood Manor. Since he was bound to Demon Slayer's Kingdom of God system, he now had the opportunity to get in, and he also wanted to learn more about the situation of the universe.

Just now it was just a brief contact, proving that his disguise was relatively successful.

Besides, he didn't have a gene bomb on him. If he was discovered, he could only kill someone and run away, then come back with a different identity.

In order to disguise his serious injury, he deliberately used his vitality to riot in his body, which injured himself.

This time he didn't vomit blood, but really started to cough up blood.

He opened the Kingdom of God system, found the communication channel, entered the battle command channel, and sent an emergency call for help.

In the depths of the dense forest, a team of more than a dozen people was forming an encirclement.

These more than a dozen people were wearing costumes similar to those of Demon Slayer, but everyone was carrying weapons.

The leader was a human woman, a beautiful young woman in her thirties, with a pretty face that could be called a stunner.

Three slender legs, a pair of big watery eyes, as if they could speak with a hint of charm.

Three arms each holding a long sword, staring intently at the situation in the encirclement.

This age is the most mature and charming moment for women, like ripe fruits, exuding an alluring fragrance everywhere.

However, according to Xu Youran's aesthetic standards, the three legs and three hands might be a little off-putting.

No matter how amazing the figure is, this kind of three-handed and three-legged alien race is really not worth looking at.

This beautiful young woman is the leader of this training mission, Haoyu, the general manager of the foreign affairs department of the Black Blood Manor.

A girl of sixteen or seventeen years old in the field is fighting with a silver-level mutant beast.

This girl of sixteen or seventeen years old has bright eyes and white teeth, and is extremely beautiful. She is only more than 160 cm tall, with a standard white appearance of Earth Star.

Although she is still young, her figure is convex and curvy, and the demeanor of a generation of peerless beauty is undoubtedly revealed.

This is the eleventh child of the lord of the Black Blood Manor, the little master Caixing.

She holds a long sword in her hand, and her face is a little red because of the fierce battle.

The silver-level mutant beast opposite is somewhat similar to the wolf of Earth Star, but it is covered with fine scales and has a short horn on its head.

Surrounded by so many awakeners, it seemed to understand that its doom was coming.

It chased the girl and bit her madly, hoping to make back its capital before it died.

This mutant beast had already been scarred and bleeding under the girl's superb swordsmanship.

But the girl was not in a hurry to kill it. She still relied on her body skills to fight and added a few new wounds to it from time to time.

The girl's eyes flashed with cruel and bloodthirsty light. For her, constantly bleeding the mutant beast and making it injured was much more fun than killing it with a sword.

For ordinary poor people, killing mutant beasts, obtaining materials and meat may be the only source of life.

But for her, such training under the protection of many strong people is just a game.

The leader of the team, Haoyu, the chief foreign affairs manager, is a five-time awakener, and there are several four-time awakeners around him.

Although she is only a three-time awakener, she is not young anymore and has experienced such training many times.

As the eleventh child of the Black Blood Lord of the Black Blood Manor, she has ten older brothers and sisters, and two younger brothers.

Although the Black Blood Lord is just a down-and-out nobleman, he couldn't make it on the Three-Body Planet, so he came to the Fortress Planet to bully others.

But at least the generation of Caixing will not collapse completely.

However, if there is no strong man rising in the generation of Caixing, the next generation will definitely be eaten up by others without leaving any residue.

In these cosmic countries, a family wants to rise or maintain its position.

It is no different from those cosmic countries. They all need strong people with sufficient strength to emerge continuously.

The Three-Body Xingzhou Prefecture has not seen a seven-time awakener for thousands of years, and will soon become a completely enslaved object.

In the entire universe of advanced civilization, no power is eternal and unchanging. Only strength is the only criterion for measuring truth.

How about the Xinghai Divine Kingdom, which is powerful and suppresses half of the universe?

Once there is not enough strength to suppress it, it is also heading towards decline and collapse.

A small family like the Black Blood Lord can only cultivate strong people within the family if it wants to prosper for a long time.

If there is a six-time awakener in the family, they can now move back to the Three-Body Star in broad daylight.

Bathed in the sacred light of the three suns, there is no need to hide in the gray fortress star.

Cultivating strong people requires a sufficient population base. It is almost a fantasy to expect a descendant to suddenly rise.

Only with a sufficient population base can there be a greater probability of producing geniuses.

Therefore, in various cosmic countries, any family or race with some ability is trying their best to reproduce more of the next generation.

But this must be done within one's means. The more descendants, the more cultivation resources are needed.

Food, clothing, housing, transportation, virus reagents, cultivation resources, cultivation equipment, and cultivation environment require money...

In these cosmic countries, you may not need to buy a house or a car to get married.

However, without money and resources, you can't afford to have children.

Without a sufficient number of next generations, the family's strength will naturally not be strengthened.

Without strength, it will naturally be poorer, forming a vicious cycle.

The Black Blood Lord is more than two hundred years old, married five or six wives, and gave birth to thirteen children.

With his financial resources and resources, it is unlikely that he wants to have more children.

So now each of these thirteen children is receiving strict management and training.

If there is a fifth awakener, the family can at least continue.

If there is a sixth awakener, the whole family will be completely turned around.

Caixing began to receive training at the age of six, improving her physical fitness, honing her fighting skills, and hunting mutant beasts.

After becoming a third awakener, she is no longer limited to mutant beasts.

The Black Blood Lord also arranged several actual battles for her, and the targets were all living slaves, real life-and-death battles.

However, all the battles were conducted under the supervision of Black Blood.

When the fourteen-year-old Caixing fought a human for the first time with real swords and guns.

She was panicked and terrified, because that was a living human.

The timid Caixing saw that she had cut the slave's body and the bright red blood flowed out, and she almost vomited directly.

The slave who knew that he was going to die, how could he hold back in this situation.

At the moment when Caixing was almost killed, the Black Blood Lord detonated the gene bomb.

The tall slave exploded into a blood mist in front of Caixing.

Blood and minced meat splattered all over her. She was covered in blood and vomited all over the ground.

From that day on, her father, the Black Blood Lord, never looked at her straight in the eye again, never said a word to her again, and even her mother was banished to the cold palace.

This made her realize clearly that hard training could not win her father's favor.

Her father would not even look at her if she just hunted mutant beasts.

She had to kill people, and only by killing people could she regain her father's love.

After adjusting her mentality, the fourteen-year-old Cai Xing stood on the ring again.

She closed her eyes and chopped the slave into pieces.

With blood all over her body, she resisted the churning of her stomach and looked at her father proudly and stubbornly.

She saw her father's admiring and gratified eyes, and the smile on his face.

Finally, she won her father's love again, which also made her understand how to go in the future.

Since then, she has become more and more crazy, more and more bloodthirsty, and even enjoys it.

"Puff!" A huge long sword came across the sky, piercing the unicorn directly and nailing it to the ground.

The gushing blood almost splashed all over Caixing.

Startled, Caixing slid back more than ten meters away, looking at Haoyu with some dissatisfaction and surprise.

Haoyu looked at the prompt sent by the Kingdom of God system and said softly: "Miss Caixing, a team is in danger and has sent out a request for help. We must go to support them immediately."

"Just a few slaves, they will die if they die, it's really a bummer..." Caixing muttered unhappily.

"It's the Demon Slayer team, Miss, what do you think?" Haoyu walked over and put his arm around Caixing's shoulders, with an inexplicable tone in his voice.

"Demon Slayer's team? Hehe, let's go!" Caixing's eyes lit up when she heard Demon Slayer's name.

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