Virus Throne

Chapter 387. On-site teaching

Xu Youran looked at Caixing pitifully and stammered in a hoarse voice: "I...I...I'm...injured..."

"Oh, the whole family is a waste, and the slaves they bought are all waste. Heita made up his mind in time," "You little bitch, do you know nothing but bed skills?" "

"You..." Cai Xing was already on the verge of going berserk, "Ghost Slayer, just die, what are you afraid of?"

In the camp of technological civilization, the lives of slaves are like ants.

But being so casual still surprised Xu Youran.

I couldn't help but secretly curse in my heart, I'm the one who died, so of course you don't have to be afraid.

When the guests dining on the second floor saw that the situation here was getting more and more tense, and there was even the possibility of war, they all cast gloating glances.

Fights between masters, often resolved by slave fights, are nothing new.

Even the young man sitting alone by the window looked over with interest.

Xu Youran knew that there was no way to avoid this situation, so he whispered: "I don't know how to kill him so that you will be happier."

"How do you beat him to death? Yeah, you don't seem to have learned any combat skills..." Cai Xing then realized that this guy, Demon Slayer, is really nothing.

"Didn't I teach you Shan Qian Fist a few days ago?" Haoyu reminded Xu Youran.

"That... that, I'm not very skilled yet..." Xu Youran stammered, stalling for time while quickly calling up the Kingdom of God system.

Earth attribute combat skill, Mountain Thousand Fist.

In one section, the stone cracked.

In the second section, the mountain falls.

Three stages, collapse.

Four stages, crushing.

The fifth section is as motionless as a mountain.

Six sections, overwhelming.

Seven sections, thousands of rivers and mountains.

Fortunately, it can be seen from the combat skills practiced by Demon Slayer that he should be an awakener of the earth element.

Xu Youran happens to be an awakened person of the earth element, so he can barely disguise himself.

If Demon Slayer was a person who had awakened the element of fire, Xu Youran wouldn't know where to cry.

In his opinion, this kind of combat skill that can only incorporate the power of one element has no value in practice.

Using this kind of combat skill will undoubtedly greatly limit the display of his strength.

His unarmed combat skills are diamond quality LV2, and he also has the power of earth attribute elements. There is basically no threshold for practicing this kind of combat skills.

Demon Slayer is only a third-time awakener, so in the Kingdom of God system, you can only see the first three stages of cultivation methods.

A period of boxing is very pure and fierce.

Some are similar to Vajra Fist, but it incorporates the power of the earth element to enhance the power of the boxing technique.

While Xu Youran quickly browsed the training methods of Shan Qian Fist, he racked his brains and began to think of ways to delay time.

The slaves from Black Blood Manor usually have their own jobs and don't have much interaction with each other.

And as a slave, even if you have reached the fourth awakening, your life is often in danger.

You can't fall in love or live together, so there is almost no need for anyone to interact with each other.

Therefore, there is basically no affection for each other, especially for this demon slayer, everyone is even more dissatisfied.

Not to mention weak strength, everyone is very weak. Unless they advance to the fourth awakening, they basically have no chance to practice.

But because Demon Slayer is good-looking, he fits the aesthetics of some women.

Therefore, he received a lot of extra preferential treatment. Not only was he bound to the Kingdom of God system, but he also received some training resources. Otherwise, he would not have advanced to the fourth awakening so quickly. The emergence of such an outlier among the slaves will definitely attract everyone's jealousy.

Now seeing Cai Xing being irritated and forcing Demon Slayer to fight with him, all the slaves were expressionless, but they were overjoyed.

Several slaves also knew that Lu Cheng wanted to kill Demon Slayer, but in the end, Demon Slayer survived, while Lu Cheng and several others were killed by mutant beasts.

Now he challenged him in public, even if he couldn't kill the ghost, he could still vent his anger on everyone's behalf by giving him a good beating.

As for Demon Slayer's strength, apart from his cultivation level that he can push hard with spirit stones, his combat power is definitely at the scum level.

On the other hand, Hanunu, the slave sent by the Black Tower, is a complete torturer and demon slayer no matter how you look at it.

"Hey! Have you learned combat skills?" Black Tower looked at this side with some surprise, "Hanunu doesn't know combat skills, hurry up and use your combat skills to kill him, haha..."

"Ha ha……"



The slaves under the Black Tower cooperated with their master and laughed wildly together.

The other guests dining on the second floor also showed contemptuous smiles.

Only the young man by the window still maintained a strange smile and stared at Xu Youran with a glint in his eyes.

Xu Youran felt everyone's malicious looks and ridicule, but he didn't take it seriously.

But when the young man by the window glanced at him, he felt like he was being targeted by a poisonous snake.

If he wanted to kill Hanunu, it would not be too easy, even if his strength was suppressed to the third awakening level.

He can easily crush Hanunu without using his vitality, awakening skills, or elemental power.

It's just a bit difficult to kill Hanunu using the Demon Slayer method.

That black tower looks like an idiot, but he is definitely not an idiot.

The force value determines everything here. A larger population means a higher chance of a master being born.

It is probably his intention to take Black Blood Manor under his banner, become a vassal of Hessenburg, or even merge into one family.

The Trisolaran star state governs the entire Trisolaran galaxy.

With Trisolaris as the main star, there are more than 10,000 living planets in the entire galaxy.

The male royal family of Trisolaris Prefecture respects black.

Then Black Blood Manor and Hessen Castle should be peripheral members of the royal family who are in trouble.


Doesn't that mean that Heita and Cai Xing are actually a family?

This relationship is a bit messy...

This is not to blame Xu Youran, a lot of common sense is not recorded in the Kingdom of God system.

In order to continuously improve their strength, the royal families and royal families of various countries reproduced a large number of offspring.

In order to achieve greater hybrid vigor, more offspring with mutant constitutions are produced.

Each generation is trying to enrich as many genetic samples as possible. Even if many races do not meet their own beauty standards, they must continue to reproduce.

The five wives of the Black Blood Lord come from five different races.

After countless generations of inheritance and crossbreeding, the blood relationship between Black Tower and Caixing is as distant as that of Earth Star people and Xu Youran. They are almost two different human beings.

"Can you do it?" Caixing stood up and kicked Xu Youran on the butt, with a look of resentment on his face.

"I...I'm really not familiar with it..." Xu Youran stood up fearfully, exerting his acting skills to the extreme, trying hard to play the role of a timid slave.

"Why don't you, Master Manager, teach me again?" Xu Youran imitated the tone of other slaves, but suddenly he thought of a way to delay time. "Hahaha..." Heita burst into wild laughter, "Hanunu, look how much people look down on you. I want to learn combat skills now and use them to fight you."

"Hehehehe..." Hanunu, a strong man over two meters tall, squeezed out a cold laugh from between his teeth.

"Group, croak, croak..." A pair of big hands clenched into fists and squeezed together hard, making a violent sound.

"I didn't learn well the past few days, give me some time and see if I don't beat you to death!" Xu Youran turned to Haoyu, "Just learn it once!"

Haoyu was also confused. It was really difficult for her to learn the combat skills that she had been taught step by step in just a few days.

Logically speaking, those who have awakened three times cannot integrate the power of elements. Even if they learn combat skills, it will not have much effect.

Just because Demon Slayer is about to advance to the fourth awakening level, we let him get familiar with it in advance and learn it first.

If you really want to master combat skills, you have to awaken at least four times.

She looked at the furious Caixing, sighed helplessly, and stood up, "Okay, I can give you a demonstration on the spot. If you can't do it, don't be brave, just surrender..."

"Surrender? If he dares to surrender, I will blast him!" Caixing pointed at Xu Youran.

You can find another pretty boy, but you can’t lose face.

Haoyu shook his head helplessly, "Find a place where no one is around and let me demonstrate it to you?"

"No, just stay here." Xu Youran was also a little irritated.

Talking is not his strong point, and he has never convinced anyone to kill someone.

The God of Natural Disaster who has awakened six times will rise in vain. Isn't it powerful?

Wasn't he still beaten to death by the young master!


Everyone dining on the second floor was a little shocked. Third-awakened people wanted to learn combat skills, and if they wanted to teach them on the spot, they had to defeat the enemy.

Does this little slave think of himself as a peerless genius?

Does he have any misunderstanding about himself?

Several hotel waiters were also standing around at this time. They were not afraid of fights between the guests.

What they are afraid of is that if something is broken, no one will compensate them.

Haoyu looked at Xu Youran as if he were a fool, but saw the firm look in his eyes.

A sudden thought occurred in her heart. Could it be that he had really understood Shan Qian Fist in the past few days?

"Okay, since you are seeking death yourself, don't blame me." Haoyu walked to an open space aside, "I will only demonstrate once."

After saying that, he opened his stance and launched the Shan Qian Fist, which cracked rocks and cracked rocks.

However, she also knew that Xu Youran could not integrate the power of elements, so she just demonstrated the essence of a boxing technique once.

Shan Qian Fist is just a very common earth element combat skill, and it is not difficult to learn.

It's just that under normal circumstances, without incorporating the power of elements, there is no particularly powerful power.

"Hoo, ho, ho..." Hao Yu, as an awakened person of the earth element, had a set of punches that were very powerful and quite satisfactory. Many people nodded secretly.

After a period of boxing, everyone looked at Xu Youran.

His eyes were blurred, and he seemed not to be watching Haoyu's demonstration at all.

Many people thought that he was deliberately delaying time through on-site teaching.

Everyone sighed in their hearts, it is really a rotten wood that cannot be carved. If the strength is not enough, just admit defeat, why bother to save face and suffer.

At this moment, not only the onlookers, but also Caixing noticed that Xu Youran was perfunctory.

After a while, her anger gradually calmed down a bit.

It seems that Demon Slayer is really just a silver-like pewter spearhead, which is only useful but not useful.

He only has a good skin, but in fact he is nothing.

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