Virus Throne

Chapter 401. Exposure

The food on the Fortress Star has a strange shape, but it tastes good and is very suitable for normal human tastes. Read М

The normal humans here do not include those with obvious non-human characteristics.

The Shanyan people who were hunted by Xu Youran before, and the Xilin people who stood by and served, all belong to mutant humans, not in the category of normal humans.

Xu Youran ate with his head down, while Xi Suo and Heixue chatted casually.

Although he did not release his spiritual sense, Xu Youran knew that Caixing had been staring at him with a covetous look.

There was a same brilliance in his eyes, as if he was a tigress who saw her prey, and her saliva was almost dripping.

Haoyu and Lingmei, who were standing by, were also paying attention to Xu Youran intentionally or unintentionally.

The gazes that seemed to be real, as if they wanted to share him, all revealed desire.

Xu Youran cursed in his heart while continuing to eat the vegetables.

How many people did this ghost destroyer provoke?

If placed on Earth, he would be a midnight "cowboy".

Compared with Xu Youran's awkward eating, Xi Suo was much more elegant and had obviously seen the world.

"Mr. Xi Suo, what do you think of my daughter Cai Xing?" Hei Xue was eager to strengthen the family's strength, which was why he took Cai Xing to eat together.

If he could win over the people of the War Wolf Special Forces to become his son-in-law, it would be of great benefit to the entire family.

Not to mention one daughter, if Xi Suo could take a fancy to any of his wives, he might persuade his wife to remarry.

Cai Xing heard her father suddenly mention her, and she couldn't help but look at Xi Suo, then pouted and frowned tightly.

In her aesthetic standards, Xi Suo was too ugly, like a monster.

"Miss Cai Xing is indeed very beautiful, the most outstanding among all the beauties I have seen." Xi Suo perfunctorily said.

"Mr. Xi Suo is young and promising, handsome, and not married yet?" Hei Xue asked tentatively.

"I'm not married yet, but I have many girlfriends. "Hiso glanced at Xu Youran and found that he was eating happily and had no sense of being a servant. He couldn't help but feel angry and amused.

"Mr. Hisoka is so handsome, it's normal for him to have several girlfriends, ha, ha, ha... men..." Heixue hinted to Hisoka with a look that every man can understand, "Cai Xing has been spoiled, Mr. Hisoka needs more guidance."

"I like to guide beautiful women the most, ha, ha, ha..." Hisoka raised his wine glass and gestured, "A handsome guy like me is definitely completely different from an ugly guy like Demon Slayer who has never seen a woman."

Xu Youran raised his head blankly and looked at Hisoka, "Is it because I don't have a woman that I'm ugly?"

"Ha, ha, ha..." Hisoka patted Xu Youran on the shoulder, "Remove the word 'ma' and speak louder and more confidently!"

"I don't have a woman because I'm ugly..." Xu Youran suddenly remembered his identity and nodded respectfully, "Well, you are so handsome and cool."

"Still not convinced? "Xi Suo opened his mouth and laughed wildly, "Ha, ha, ha... Follow me, you will have a woman sooner or later."

"Didn't you say I was ugly?" Xu Youran stuffed a piece of meat of some unknown mutant beast into his mouth in a fit of anger.

"It's okay if you are ugly, what if she is blind?" Xi Suo personally picked up a piece of meat and put it on Xu Youran's plate, "Eat more, a fat can cover up a hundred ugly things."

Xu Youran was so angry that she lost her temper and continued to eat.

"Hmph!" Cai Xing snorted, and didn't say anything, staring at Xi Suo hatefully.

Heixue also saw that his daughter's eyes looking at Gui Mie seemed to be a little wrong.

"Mr. Xi Suo, why don't you talk to Cai Xing more at night? Children don't have much knowledge, don't mind. "Heixue wanted to quickly get closer to the family, and wished that Xi Suo would take his daughter away immediately.

"Okay, then I'll obey your order, ha, ha, ha..." Xi Suo picked up the wine glass and gestured to Cai Xing, "Salute our beautiful Miss Cai Xing."

Cai Xing also reluctantly picked up the wine glass and drank a sip casually.

Born in such a family, she has been protected by the family since childhood, and her life is much better than that of most people in Fortress Star.

Now she needs to devote herself to the family, although she is helpless, she can only accept it.

Women in this city, especially those with weak strength, have almost no right to choose in life.

Even if her father is the Lord of Black Blood and the owner of this manor, Cai Xing still can't escape the shackles of fate.

Without the motivation of interests, Heixue can acquiesce to her wanton behavior.

But once it involves a dispute over interests, she is just a pawn.

If she really becomes Xi Suo's wife, it will bring huge benefits to her and the family.

The Wolf Warriors Special Service Company is not a small organization. It is one of the overlords of the underground world of the Three-Body Galaxy, and it is backed by the real ruler of the Three-Body Dynasty.

After the banquet, the servants removed the tableware, and melodious music echoed in the hall.

Several wives of the Black Blood Lord and several of his friends also appeared in the hall with their female companions.

This is the normal etiquette of aristocratic social interaction, which is somewhat similar to the dance parties on Earth, which makes it convenient for everyone to quickly get familiar with each other and get closer.

However, the dance performed by these people was particularly weird in Xu Youran's eyes, and it was completely impossible to understand it as a dance.

Under the instruction of Black Blood, everyone knew that Xi Suo was a master from the Wolf Warriors Special Service, so they were deliberately getting close to him.

Not only Heixue's wives, but even Caixing danced with Xi Suo under Heixue's coercion.

At this moment, Xi Suo seemed to have become a different person. He was no longer the bloodthirsty perverted beast. He was communicating with these people in a gentle and warm manner.

Xu Youran knew that in addition to the tasks assigned by the company, employees of the Wolf Warriors could also take on some private tasks as independent contractors.

Although such tasks were very risky, the rewards were often very generous.

Moreover, these downtrodden nobles and manor owners also had a wide network of contacts.

When dealing with various tasks, extensive connections and information would also bring a lot of convenience.

Moreover, these people often had some things that were inconvenient to deal with. At this time, they also needed masters like Xi Suo to come forward and help them do some things that were not visible to the public.

This kind of social dance was very beneficial to both parties.

Xi Suo was soliciting business, and these people were leaving a way out for themselves.

Maybe one day he would be on Xi Suo's task list. If the relationship was handled well, Xi Suo might be able to save their lives.

As a servant, Xu Youran was naturally not qualified to attend such a "high-end" dance.

He could only stand quietly on the sidelines, enduring the "hungry" gazes of Haoyu, Caixing and others.

Ling Mei saw that everyone's attention was on Xi Suo, so she mustered up the courage to approach Xu Youran with a tray. She gently and casually picked up a glass of wine and handed it to Xu Youran, saying softly: "Demon Slayer?"

"Hmm?" Xu Youran took the wine glass and sipped it.

Although the taste of the wine here is very different from that of the wine on Earth, they are essentially the same, both alcoholic beverages.

He knew that the most troublesome thing had finally happened.

The "little white face" Demon Slayer must have a very special relationship with Haoyu, Caixing and Ling Mei.

Haoyu, Caixing and Demon Slayer should not have had much contact, and it is very likely that they were just playthings.

When he appeared, he pretended to be seriously injured, and later everyone did not have much contact, so even if he showed a little bit of his feet, he was perfunctory.

But the relationship between Ling Mei and Demon Slayer seemed to be more ordinary, and seemed to be extremely familiar.

In front of such an acquaintance, Xu Youran, the fake Demon Slayer, could easily reveal flaws.

"Demon Slayer, do you still remember our agreement?" Ling Mei turned her back to the hall and looked straight at Xu Youran.

"I remember, of course I remember, but..." Xu Youran was panicking, but his expression was very calm.

He knew very well that he must not deliberately avoid Ling Mei at this moment, as it would be easier to be discovered.

So he chose to face Ling Mei directly, ready to conquer Ling Mei with his superb acting skills.

Unfortunately, even the best old actors will have a day of failure, because he never got the script.

"Alas..." Ling Mei sighed sadly, and there seemed to be crystal tears flashing in her eyes.

In an instant, Ling Mei seemed to have aged a few years, and even Xu Youran could feel the sadness of losing her heart.

"Demon Slayer... He's dead, right?" Ling Mei's voice was slightly choked.

This sentence echoed in Xu Youran's ears like thunder.

He thought that he might be exposed, but he didn't expect that it was such an inconspicuous little slave girl who discovered the secret.

He was a stowaway and a cultivator.

But none of these was as serious as stripping someone else's Kingdom of God system.

One of the basic principles of the technological civilization camp is that the Kingdom of God system binding is unique and irreplaceable.

This is also the reason why many people have noticed some changes in him, but they have tacitly accepted his identity.

Just like on Earth, fingerprints and gene sequences are unique and exclusive.

Even if this person has plastic surgery and changes his appearance and voice, as long as the fingerprints and gene sequences match, he is still the same person.

But the appearance of Xu Youran broke the iron rule of the technological civilization camp.

This is a major event that will cause a sensation even in the Star Sea Kingdom of God. Once exposed, countless Seventh Awakeners will come to arrest him.

Xu Youran was so frightened by Ling Mei that her hair stood on end, but she still pretended to be calm, her voice a little dry, "Ling Mei, did you misunderstand something? I am Demon Slayer."

"Demon Slayer? You are not him, you are not him..." Ling Mei's eyes were blurred, and she seemed to have lost focus, "Although I don't know how you bound to his Kingdom of God system, but you are definitely not him..."

Ling Mei may not have enough experience, and she is not clear about the seriousness of Xu Youran being able to replace Demon Slayer.

Xu Youran swallowed his saliva and said calmly: "I was just seriously injured, some things..."

"Alas..." Ling Mei's tears have quietly slipped down, "There is no agreement between us..."

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