Virus Throne

Chapter 414. Transformation

The minimum bounty for an S-level felon is 100,000 cosmic coins.

Haoyu is now an entry-level criminal, the lowest level of an S-level wanted criminal.

Logically speaking, if dozens of people died, the Patrol Department would not issue an S-level wanted order for her.

But since it involves a member of the royal family, the Patrol Department has the right to issue a wanted order of this level.

Haoyu is now equivalent to a walking treasury. 100,000 cosmic coins can buy more than 20 four-time awakener slaves, enough to arm a small team.

Although many people are obsessed with her body and have said countless affectionate words to her in bed.

But she knows that almost none of those people are reliable.

Only Qin Bo, who is crazy about her, may help her at this time.

"Knock, knock, knock..." Haoyu knocked on the door of a dilapidated small western-style building.

Although she covered her head, face and body with loose clothes, she still looked around nervously.

There were many people coming and going on the dirty streets.

Haoyu didn't look special among all the people in strange costumes.

"Squeak..." The old wooden door opened, revealing an ugly face.

Like the skin of a walnut, the brown face was covered with fine wrinkles.

A pair of big eyes occupied almost one-third of the whole face, and the huge ears were covered with fine hair.

"Huh!" The ugly weirdo Qin Bo saw half of Haoyu's face and quickly stuck his head out to observe.

"Come in quickly!" Qin Bo opened the door, and Haoyu flashed into the house.

Passing through the dim corridor, the hall was full of various strange equipment, and scattered materials were everywhere.

Although Qin Bo was ugly, he was an out-and-out scientific madman.

Although the main direction of attack was a bit weird, it was still within the scope of science.

After arriving at Qin Bo's house, Haoyu was temporarily safe.

"Huh..." She let out a long breath, kicked away a pile of broken parts, and slumped on the sofa.

"Haoyu, did you really kill those people?" Qin Bo, who was not tall, only less than 1.5 meters, asked nervously.

"I said I didn't kill them, do you believe it?" Haoyu rubbed her eyebrows. She felt deeply desperate for becoming an S-level wanted criminal inexplicably.

"Of course I believe it, but the people from the Patrol Department definitely don't believe it." Qin Bo found an empty space on the dirty floor and sat down.

A woman with a hot body, charming looks, and a dull expression came out.

She poured a glass of wine and handed it to Haoyu, then quietly returned to the corner and stood.

Haoyu glanced at the woman, who looked very similar to herself, but only had hands and feet.

And there were very few clothes on her body, almost the same as not wearing any clothes, and everything that should be exposed and shouldn't be exposed was exposed.

She frowned, and was really speechless about Qin Bo's bad taste and his obsession with her.

Looking at the ugly and short Qin Bo, she couldn't help but feel nauseous.

How could I have been so confused as to go to bed with such a monster?

Qin Bo saw her gaze and smiled awkwardly, "What do you want to do now?"

That woman was the direction of his main research, bionic mecha.

Xinghai Divine Kingdom listed intelligent systems as the highest taboo area.

All systems, machines, robots, and modified people working for humans cannot have the ability to think for themselves.

Once discovered, they will all be destroyed, and the people who study this field will also be annihilated.

This is because a painful lesson many years ago made the technological level of the entire scientific and technological civilization regress by tens of thousands of years.

In order to strengthen combat strength, the scientific and technological civilization camp began to vigorously develop robot warriors.

With the discovery and application of various new materials, the speed of robot warriors' renewal is extremely fast.

A large number of robot warriors were deployed on the battlefield and achieved unimaginable and amazing results.

But as the cultivation civilization camp gradually deepened its understanding of robot warriors, the scientific and technological civilization camp was hit hard.

After learning from the pain, the robot warriors were bound to a system with self-thinking ability.

While they were thinking about fighting for themselves, they also began to think about their own consciousness.

Robots began to take on more and more work, from combat to tactics, from the front line to logistics, from manufacturing war robots to raw material collection and supply.

Gradually, the robots formed their own complete ecological chain. They not only fought against the cultivators, but also began to fight against the awakened ones.

A large number of powerful war robots were produced in batches and then deployed to the battlefield.

They have wisdom far beyond that of humans, but have abandoned human weaknesses.

They continue to self-develop, self-transform, and self-evolve in battle, and more and more powerful robots appear.

When these robots began to mass-produce war machines equivalent to the level of the six awakeners, the real disaster came.

In their cognition, they became an independent third camp.

The seven awakeners of mankind were constantly surrounded and killed by robots, and the combat power of mankind was declining.

Finally one day, they created the first seven awakener robot.

The technological civilization and the cultivation civilization, for the first time, began to join forces to strangle the robots.

In countless years of fighting, both camps suffered heavy losses and were almost beaten back to the primitive age by robots.

When the two camps joined forces, they finally wiped out the intelligent robots.

They just realized how much damage this disaster caused by humans themselves has brought to the cosmic civilization.

Both camps jointly issued a ban, giving machines the ability to think for themselves, which has become a taboo in human civilization.

Many planets that were found to be researching intelligent robots were completely wiped out from the universe by star destroyers.

Because the self-thinking consciousness of robots is actually just a kind of information flow that can continuously convert carriers.

Once this self-thinking consciousness begins to think about the self and starts to upgrade itself, it will be the beginning of another natural disaster.

The individual strength of the cultivation civilization camp is strong. Although it was hit hard by this, it quickly launched an attack on the technological civilization camp.

Losing the battlefield of intelligent robots, the technological civilization camp was slaughtered one-sidedly.

In order to save the defeat and re-establish a large-scale legion, the technological civilization camp launched a human captive plan, which has been implemented to this day.

The human captive plan that countless Xu Youran hated actually came from the opening of the intelligent robot plan.

Qin Bo from Blue Star is still conducting research at the level of bionic mecha.

It is equivalent to mechanical execution of programs and commands, and has not yet developed to the point of self-thinking.

But his research field is definitely a forbidden zone for humans.

Once his research has a substantial breakthrough, perhaps he will become the eternal sinner of mankind.

But for a fanatical scientist like him, the advancement of technology is his lifelong pursuit.

The survival of the human race is not important to him.

Ever since he had a night of love with Haoyu, he has been madly obsessed with Haoyu.

He even secretly created a young version of Haoyu robot to satisfy his deformed and perverted hobby.

Haoyu now needs him, so it is not good to continue to entangle, "Xuntiansi is not a fool. With my strength, it is impossible to kill so many people. But once I fall into the hands of Xuntiansi, I will definitely live a life worse than death."

"What do you want to do?" Qin Bo didn't think much about things outside of his research field, and he was basically a social idiot.

"I want to escape from Cyber ​​City. If possible, it would be best to leave the Three-Body Galaxy..." Haoyu also knew that his idea was nothing but a foolish dream.

If Haoyu could escape from the Three-Body System, the Abraham family would just disband.

It's not that there are no serious criminals who escape from the Three-Body System, but the strength and connections of those people are far beyond what Haoyu can compare with.

If Haoyu didn't come to find Qin Bo, but went to find other bedmates.

Now she might have fallen into the hands of the Sky Patrol.

"You can't escape in this state..." Qin Bo stared at Haoyu's three hands and three legs.

When playing games on the bed, three hands and three legs can definitely bring more fun.

But now it has become the best symbol of the wanted order, and the three-handed human race is too rare in the Three-Body System.

Haoyu's eyes lit up, "Qin Bo, help me transform it?"

"That makes sense!" Qin Bo clapped his hands and stood up, "Take off your clothes, let me study it."

At the critical moment of life and death, Haoyu couldn't care so much.

Besides, she was not a pure girl.

She stood up and took off all her clothes in a few seconds.

"Hiss..." Seeing the woman he had been thinking about day and night, showing up in front of him so temptingly, Qin Bo's saliva almost flowed out.

"What are you looking at? Hurry up!" Haoyu frowned and stamped her feet, "You helped me, are you afraid that I won't give it to you?"

When she said the last sentence, her face was shy, and a blush hung on her cheeks.

She was charming and charming, and Qin Bo's soul almost flew away.

"Okay... okay... okay..." Qin Bo's voice was a little trembling. He took a marker and began to study and draw lines on Haoyu's body.

Qin Bo had transformed many people before, and developing intelligent robots was his dream.

Transforming living human bodies was his means of survival.

Many people were injured in battle, lost limbs, and became disabled.

Some people were unwilling to regenerate broken limbs, and the cost of doing so was too high.

They would find underground doctors like Qin Bo to transform their bodies for them.

After the body is transformed into a half-human, half-machine, many functions will be greatly improved, especially combat effectiveness.

The arms of the previously fragile body were cut off by someone.

Now they can ask Qin Bo to help them install an arm made of diamond-grade material.

It is no different from their own arm in use, but this arm itself is a killer.

Qin Bo has never modified an intact person, especially Haoyu is the woman he likes.

He carefully discarded all distractions and began to design for Haoyu.

It is not to install additional limbs for Haoyu, but to transform Haoyu into a normal human with two hands and two feet.

This is not just cutting off a leg or an arm, but adjusting the entire body structure.

Haoyu suppressed her nausea and watched Qin Bo draw on her fair skin, with a hint of murderous intent in her eyes.

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