Virus Throne

Chapter 429. Fight to the death

Tigerfish sat on the motorcycle, lost in thought.

Now it seems that the warehouse was looted a few days ago and the Black Blood Manor was wiped out, which seemed to be a small case.


It was not a small case, but the starting point of this series of violent incidents.

It seemed to be the prelude to a feast.

Underground world auction?

Is it necessary to do so many things for an auction?

What exactly is this auction going to auction?

Is there any inside story that I don’t know?

Tigerfish’s heart trembled, and suddenly thought of Lin Dong.

No one can deny that Lin Dong is a very beautiful woman.

At her age, in the industry she is engaged in, she should not be so beautiful.

Her beauty is different from those little girls, full of mature charm and style.

This kind of taste is the most attractive to middle-aged and elderly men like Tigerfish.

Tigerfish knows that he seems to be walking on a tightrope, on the verge of destruction at any time.

If he is willing to go along with the crowd and willing to join a big boss, his life may be better.

But he is unwilling to do so, and always wants to make a career.

Therefore, he dared not hope for a woman like Lin Dong.

After several short cooperations, Lin Dong left a deep impression in his heart, but it was just an impression.

It was not easy for Lin Dong to climb to the position he is today, and what he paid was far more than what outsiders saw.

Huyu often wondered if she was the forbidden delicacy of a certain big boss, and once touched, she would kill herself and Lin Dong?

The motorcycle was speeding at high speed, and Huyu's thoughts were like a wild horse running away.

Sitting on the speeding motorcycle, Lin Dong didn't think so much.

A series of cases were thrown behind her, and she was thinking about Huyu.

This iron-like man, although she didn't have much contact time, left a deep impression on her.

However, it was just an impression.

Five awakeners are not rare, and her strength is just average.

There are more than one man standing behind her to climb to the position she is today.

Those people check and balance each other, and interests are their bond and pursuit.

She was just a plaything, a plaything given and tasted by the big guys.

But she also had her love, hatred, and vengeance, even though she couldn't escape from the net.

That net could trap her body, but it couldn't trap her heart.

In recent days, many people told her many things, even if they were not all the facts, but they made her feel the crisis.

But she didn't dare to tell that Tiehanhan, for fear of hurting him instead.

This time she was closer to Heilin Manor, so she should be able to stop him before he arrived.

Cleaning the battlefield and collecting clues are fine, but don't meet those people, those people are taboos that he can't touch.

That is a taboo of life, whoever touches it will die!

So whether it is the Patrol Department, the Supervision Department, or the Inspection Department, all the manpower was dispersed, cleaning the battlefield everywhere to finish.

It's almost there, it's almost there, it's almost time to reach Heilin Manor.

She didn't think about rushing to Heilin Manor now, that's not to stop Tiger Fish, that's to die.

The blue and white supervisory driver's car slowly slowed down. She was waiting for Tiger Fish and the bloodbath at Black Forest Manor to end.

At this time, she suddenly felt a sense of sadness, the sadness of a law enforcer.

Knowing that a bloody battle was taking place not far ahead, the raging flames and billowing smoke were clearly visible.

But she could only hide here, waiting for the thugs to leave with fear and uneasiness.

Lin Dong and her three men sat quietly in the car. The atmosphere was a little depressing and a little weird.

The three men had been following her to handle cases for many years, and they seemed to understand something.

No one spoke, no one asked questions.

It would take some time for Tiger Fish to arrive. Lin Dong seemed to faintly hear the screams from Black Forest Manor.

Fate is often so cruel. No one knows which will arrive first, tomorrow or an accident.

In the direction of Black Forest Manor, dozens of anti-gravity motorcycles suddenly appeared in sight.

Various colors, various styles, and even two black and white patrol motorcycles.

When the anti-gravity motorcycle was running, there was actually no noise, almost silent.

But Lin Dong heard a huge roar, like the roar of the god of death.

These motorcycles were definitely not the cars of the Black Forest Manor. They should be the thugs who were evacuating after bloodbathing the Black Forest Manor.

Lin Dong hesitated for a moment and wanted to turn the motorcycle around and leave as quickly as possible.

But the road behind her was the road that Tiger Fish was about to catch.

If she dodges now, Tiger Fish will face these thugs head-on.

Although she and Tiger Fish had never expressed anything, nor dared to express anything.

Everyone just seemed like ordinary work partners, getting along calmly, and even occasionally some tit-for-tat.

But she wanted to do something for Tiger Fish, at least let Tiger Fish sense something.

In the moment when she hesitated, everything was irreversible.

The opponent's motorcycle was running at full power and had already reached the maximum speed.

Lin Dong started the motorcycle again at this moment. If he wanted to reach the maximum speed, he would need a period of acceleration.

This period of time was enough for the other party to catch up with his car.

Lin Dong bit his lips hard, and a somewhat miserable smile appeared on his face.

Alas, this enemy...

I don't know if he wants to do something for Tiger Fish, or if he has long been tired of this puppet-like life of being called here and there.

Lin Dong opened the car door and stepped out, elegantly and calmly, with a hint of determination.

The grace at this moment was so beautiful that it was tragic.

All three of her men were stunned. Is the Inspector crazy?

Dozens of thugs' motorcycles were rushing towards them, and now there might be a chance of escape.

You opened the car door and stepped forward. Do you want to use your righteousness to influence the thugs?

These three subordinates are also people who have been through life and death all year round. Now that the matter has come to this, anything else you say is nonsense.

Following Lin Dong's footsteps, they all got out of the car and bravely faced the oncoming thugs.

At this moment, they were cursing in their hearts, their hands and feet were weak, and their whole bodies were trembling.

But as members of the Supervision Department, they had no choice but to stand up in the face of the thugs who committed the crime.

The inspectors have already stood up. It is also a capital crime for them to escape before the battle.

"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh..." Dozens of anti-gravity locomotives surrounded their special locomotive of the Supervision Department.

These thugs should also be very strange, and should even be laughing at their overestimation.

"Swish, swish, swish..." The doors of dozens of anti-gravity locomotives opened, and hundreds of people stepped off the locomotives.

A young man got off a motorcycle not far from Lin Dong.

This is a young tiger man more than two meters tall, with brilliant blond hair and a handsome face.

A pair of beautiful eyes is like the deep night sky.

The only thing that somewhat spoiled the beauty was the extremely long tiger whiskers on both sides of his cheeks.

Lin Dong secretly mobilized the Divine Kingdom system and dialed Huyu's number.

"Inspection Department?" The young tiger man smiled, as if the dark clouds in the sky had dispersed, and the sun shone on the earth so warmly and beautifully.

"Inspection Department, Inspector General, Lin Dong!" The petite, gorgeous woman shouted coldly, "Put down your weapons and we will capture you without mercy!"

"Captured without mercy? Ha, ha, ha..." The young tiger man looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, "The Disillusionment Brigade, Genos!"

"Hiss..." Lin Dong's three men took a breath of cold air, their bodies felt cold, and their hearts seemed to have sunk to the bottom of a valley.

An S-class felon jointly wanted by multiple kingdoms, the overlord-level thieves group running rampant in several galaxies, the Disillusionment Brigade.

At the same time as he answered the call, Huyu jumped up from the seat of the motorcycle.

The protective shield was shattered and he didn't even notice it.

Only four words kept echoing in his mind: The Disillusionment Brigade!

"You...Lin Dong!" Tiger Fish roared crazily, "What are you going to do?"

Lin Dong did not reply to him, he just took off the gun pouch on his back and spliced ​​the two spears together.

A pair of almond-shaped eyes widened, he waved the spear in his hand and shouted angrily, "Genos, you are under arrest!"

"I was arrested? Ha, ha, ha..." Genos looked to the left and right and laughed wildly again.

The hundreds of people around him were all desperadoes he hired temporarily in Cyber ​​City at a great cost.

These thugs who are always licking blood from the tip of their knives, if they had met Lin Dong from the Supervision Department, they would have behaved like his grandson.

But now they have just destroyed Black Forest Manor and committed numerous murders.

The boss who hired them was the famous Genos of the Disillusionment Brigade.

Facing the weak supervisory envoy Lin Dong, they couldn't be afraid at all.


"This bitch is crazy!"

"Let's go with the gentlemen obediently!"

There was a burst of crazy ridicule, and there were ferocious and ugly faces, like evil spirits from hell.

"Boom!" Lin Dong didn't waste any time, burning his mental power like crazy. His whole body was like a ball of wild flames. He straightened the spear in his hand and headed straight for Genos.

Facing a group of thieves who are famous in several nearby galaxies, and facing Genos who has a sky-high bounty on his head, every little bit of negligence is a joke with his own life.

This was the most powerful attack Lin Dong had unleashed since his awakening.

This was a desperate blow in which she risked her life and everything she had.

"Boom!" Genos is also an awakener of the fire element. The power of the elements is activated, and flames rise into the sky, like an erupting volcano.

Compared with Genos's powerful aura that burned the sky and boiled the sea, Lin Dong's aura was as weak as a candle flame, and like a firefly rushing towards the fire.

So small, so worthless.

"Lin Dong!" Huyu looked at everything that happened on the screen, his eyes were about to burst, but he was helpless.

The picture gradually dimmed until it was completely black.

"Bang!" Tiger Fish fell back to his seat, rubbing his cheeks with both hands.

Lin Dong is dead.

Lin Dong is dead!

Lin Dong is dead...

Before he could say what was on his mind, she would never speak to him again.

As for why Lin Dong appeared there, after thinking about it, he knew it had something to do with him.

Lin Dong used her life to sound the alarm for herself.

Tiger Fish's eyes were red, and the blood in his body was boiling with anger.

He immediately stopped the motorcycle, opened the door and walked out. Without any explanation at all, he turned into a cloud and flew away.

There was only one voice that kept echoing in my heart.

The Disillusionment Brigade!


Fight until death!

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