Virus Throne

Chapter 432. Soul Stone

"The Illusion Brigade!" The whole audience exclaimed.

This legendary bandit group is so famous that it has long been known.

The mercenaries of the Carpenters' Hall could never have imagined that they would encounter the Illusion Brigade here.

They could never have imagined that the Illusion Brigade would be their enemy.

If someone had told them that they would face such an enemy after being hired by the Carpenters' Hall.

No matter how high the price offered by the Carpenters' Hall was, no one would have come.

That A-level star hunter and the two three-star mercenaries were all well-traveled and knowledgeable people.

But this was the first time they had encountered such a high-end enemy.

The gap in strength between them was too big. They were not at the same level at all. They played different things, so naturally they paid little attention.

At this moment, the purple-haired girl reported the name of the Illusion Brigade.

The three of them felt cold in their hearts. They recalled the legend of the Illusion Brigade and confirmed it.

The beautiful girl with purple hair should be Macchiato, an S-level felon, the think tank of the Illusion Brigade, with a bounty of 900,000 universe coins.

That giant should be Cyborg No. 17, Franklin, S-class felon, bounty of 700,000 cosmic coins.

The petite girl sitting on his shoulder, the legendary demon girl "Lü".

S-class felon, bounty of 750,000 cosmic coins.

The fox girl Xiaodi with green hair, holding the bloody sickle "Roar" famous in the starry sky, bounty of 800,000 cosmic coins.

The iron fist youth who has been silent, S-class felon Kuangquan, bounty of 800,000 cosmic coins.

Five people, total bounty of 3.9 million cosmic coins.

These are not five people, they are clearly five humanoid self-propelled ATMs.

But among these people, does anyone dare to withdraw money?

"Boom, boom, boom..." The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and under the leadership of Macchiato, the five people immediately took action without any nonsense.

"Click, click, click..." The dense mechanical rotation sounded, and Franklin began to transform.

Although he is also a top-notch technological product of the Broken Dream Galaxy, he is different from those traditional cyborgs.

There was once a cyborg expert from the Broken Dream Galaxy who fled to the Soul Street because of persecution.

With great resentment and unwillingness in his heart, this cyborg expert devoted his life to "create" Cyborg No. 17 Franklin using different transformation methods.

Rather than saying that he is a cyborg from the Broken Dream Galaxy, it is better to say that he is a magic-modified cyborg.

The giant's huge body began to decompose, and his shoulders, arms, chest, thighs, and even his forehead were transformed into huge and ferocious laser cannon muzzles.

All legion-level portable laser cannons, with flexible rotating muzzles locking onto more than a dozen enemies.

"We quit..."

"Ah... don't fight..."

"Wait a minute, I quit..."

"I quit..."

"Spare my life!"

The mercenaries were already scared out of their wits, and even the three leaders, the five awakeners, almost knelt down directly.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz..." The dazzling light flashed, and Franklin's laser cannon took away more than a dozen lives in an instant.

Lu always sat on his shoulder to defend him in close range, and the other three rushed towards the mercenaries who had already lost their fighting spirit like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

At this time, it was too late to say anything.

These refugees who have been hanging around in the underground world for many years, when they met a strong man, instinctively chose to surrender.

But once they escaped and gathered more people again, it would bring great variables to the brigade's plan.

Therefore, the task of Machido and others is to kill these living forces as much as possible.

While these evil fish have not yet formed a joint force, they will be eliminated in the bud.

At the same time, try to distract the attention of the Patrol Department, the Supervision Department, and the Inspection Department.

Not only will the Kowloon Association do this, but the Illusion Brigade is also doing this, and the two sides coincide.

The Illusion Brigade did it more thoroughly, not only to eliminate these refugees, but also to rob the Carpentry Hall.

They are a bandit group, and this is their main business.

For the Illusion Brigade, there is no psychological pressure to fight against other bandits.

The Illusion Brigade is powerful and well prepared.

The members with strong combat power organize their own manpower.

The members with weaker combat power unite to clean up.

In addition to the leading Illusion Brigade, there are many people with unpredictable origins and malicious intentions who also joined the prologue before this feast.

For a while, Cyber ​​City was full of shouts and killings, and it was a mess everywhere.

Beating, smashing, looting, and burning, everyone was releasing the evil thoughts in their hearts.

Those who have the ability to protect themselves are all on guard.

Those who have no ability to protect themselves are praying to God in fear.

Of course, these are often limited to those slums.

Except for powerful bandits like the Illusion Brigade, ordinary people dare not attack those nobles and wealthy businessmen.

Mephisto stood on the terrace of a tall castle, holding a wine glass and savoring it carefully.

In the slums not far away, a small riot has begun.

Many refugees from the underground world began to attack another group of people crazily.

As for whether those people deserved to die or whether there were civilians among them, they didn't care at all.

The sky was gray and gloomy, and the color of blood was like the wine in his glass.

It was just that the wine in his glass came from the distant planet Isaiah.

The deep blood color was crystal clear, but it had the fragrance of fruit wood.

This glass of wine is enough for an ordinary person to live in Cyber ​​City for a year, but to him, it is just a burst of sweetness and refreshing.

He is not tall, more than 170 centimeters tall, and has short blond hair.

She has a face as delicate and beautiful as a woman, with a pair of big clear eyes, but the pupils are like the wine in the glass, and they are blood red.

The bloody fight not far away made him feel as if he had returned to the tearful jade star dyed red with blood.

That is the birthplace of the Leiyu Human Race and the headquarters of the Leiyu Human Race.

Because of the special characteristics of the Laiyu human race, the Trisolaran Kingdom did not set it as a captive planet.

The breeding of the Ke Leiyu human race is too difficult, and the population is always sparse.

This is a very strange race, somewhere between carbon-based life and silicon-based life.

The shape of the entire group is very similar to that of humans, only the eyes are very different.

The Laiyu human race almost never sheds tears. When their emotions fluctuate violently, the color of their pupils will become redder and redder.

The Laiyu human race will shed tears only when they are extremely sad.

And every tear shed will turn into a crystal clear gem.

That kind of gem with a hint of pink has become a treasure that the dignitaries of the Trisolaran Kingdom are eager to collect.

After the Tearful Jade Human Race dies, their pupils will turn into blood-red gems.

The tear jade seems to be a piece of condensed blood, so dazzling that it can be called a rare treasure.

Because the tribe is too sparse, after countless years of development, it only has a population of over 10 million.

After every member of the Laiyu clan dies, the original burial will turn into a carnival for wealthy businessmen.

The custom of sleeping on the earth has been completely changed. After the death of a loved one, the family can only wait for someone to dig out the eyes of the deceased with great sorrow.

Those people were even ridiculing and insulting these people, in order to arouse their anger and sorrow.

The gouged eyes will be sold for a sky-high price, and the blood and tears shed will become a foil.

Although they live like beasts in a cage, the Leiyu human race survives strong and passes on their civilization from generation to generation.

Until one day, Mephisto went to other planets to experience.

He knew very well that if he wanted to change the fate of his people and gain true freedom, he could only rely on strong strength.

No one's charity can change the miserable current situation of the tribe.

Countless calls and communications almost exploded his brain.

When he woke up from his dizziness, all calls and communications were cut off.

In the address book, all names have turned gray.

Take the private spaceship as soon as possible and rush back to the Tears of Jade Star.

He simply couldn't believe his eyes. There was no Laiyuxing here, this was hell!

The once beautiful planet has completely turned into a battlefield.

Volcanoes erupted, tsunamis surged, flames shot into the sky, and countless huge cracks were opened in the earth...

Tens of millions of people from the Tearing Jade clan were slaughtered.

From the elderly to the tender children, no one survives.

From the scattered corpses, it can be seen that they have struggled and fought.

But those pairs of bloody black holes were telling their failure.

Everyone, without exception, had their eyes gouged out.

To the cruel thugs, that was more than 20 million tear jade.

But for Mephisto, those are his more than 10 million relatives.

The treasure house of the Laiyu Human Race was looted, and the soul stone, the inherited treasure, also disappeared.

Why is it difficult for the Leiyu human race to reproduce?

Why is it judged that the Leiyu human race is somewhere between carbon-based life and silicon-based life?

The Laiyu human race is also divided into men and women, but the combination of the two will not produce the next generation.

All the Laiyu human race come from the soul stone.

Only when the adult Laiyu human race soaks the sacred stone in their own essence and blood will they give birth to the next generation.

Moreover, every member of the Leiyu tribe can basically only give birth to an offspring once in their lifetime.

In rare cases, two offspring will be produced.

It takes many years for a tearful jade tribesman to appear and be able to give birth to two offspring.

The Soul Stone is the root of the Laiyu Human Race and the only mother of the Laiyu Human Race.

But all of this was destroyed.

The entire planet is collapsing and disintegrating, and all the people are dying tragically.

That day, Mephisto's desperate roar resounded throughout the Tears.

But he didn't cry, not a single tear fell.

The extreme grief and anger made him unable to cry even if he wanted to.

Until, he finally found out the truth and found the real murderer.

The Disillusionment Brigade!

For the gems, the Tear Jade, and the Soul Stone, the Disillusionment Brigade looted the entire Tear Jade Star.

The hatred of genocide is irreconcilable!

The hatred of killing relatives will not end until death!

Mephisto has since begun his journey to hunt down the murderer, and he has been tracking down the Disillusionment Brigade.

Find their traces and eliminate these murderers!

Retrieve the Soul Stone and repopulate the Laiyu human race.

This is all the motivation for him to continue to live, all the motivation for him to become stronger.

It wasn't until three days ago that he found any clues about the Disillusionment Brigade.

Trisolaris Galaxy, Fortress Star, Cyber ​​City, Underground World Auction.

So, here he is!

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