Virus Throne

Chapter 442. Spacetime Wanderer Camp

Three-body star, Shenqi continent, Winter Palace.

The tall and stern-faced Winter King is on the phone, but the person on the screen is a person who should never be in contact with him, the Fat Yi Baron.

The short, fat and ugly Fat Yi Baron is not a member of the Abraham royal family, he is from the Fat Yi people.

With strong strength and smooth social skills, such a poor boy from a weak and small tribe climbed to a high position in the Three-body Kingdom.

In this battle for the throne of Three-body Star, he joined the Shan Dong King's line with a clear banner and ran around for the great cause of Shan Dong King.

But how could a foreign lord like him who has no background hang himself on a tree?

He not only bet on Shan Dong King, but also bet on Winter King secretly.

Among the many direct descendants of the Four Seasons King, Shan Dong King, Winter King, and Han Chun King are all powerful contenders for the throne.

Shan Dong King has deep roots and has occupied the court of the Three-body Kingdom for many years.

Fei Yi knew very well that if King Shan Dong won in the end, he might not get much benefit.

King Shan Dong had too many capable people under his command, so there would not be many positions left for Fei Yi's race.

King Winter was responsible for handling foreign affairs all year round, and he had a high prestige among the major galaxies.

Most importantly, King Winter did not have many followers in the court.

If King Winter finally succeeded to the throne, there would be no one available under his command, and a large power vacuum would be the real opportunity for Fei Yi's race.

So he really bet on King Winter and sold King Shan Dong without hesitation.

As for another strong contender for the throne, King Han Chun.

Fei Yi dared not even think about it, because King Han Chun was too strong.

Not only was he strong, King Han Chun also had a grandson, King Kui Xiong, who was also a prince who awakened six times.

King Han Chun had two awakened six times, and the two of them were strong and powerful.

Once King Han Chun succeeded to the throne, Fei Yi might not even be able to keep his position as a baron.

Moreover, in Fei Yi's opinion, the probability of King Hanchun inheriting the throne is the lowest.

Because his lineage is too strong, what Siji wants is for the Abraham family to flourish, not just one branch.

After others inherit the throne, they will not easily provoke King Hanchun because his lineage is too strong.

But after King Hanchun inherits the throne, he will definitely suppress others because of his strength.

The experience of countless years of cosmic civilization has made one thing very clear to everyone.

If a family wants to grow, it will definitely not work if it stands alone.

Just like winning the lottery, the more lottery tickets you buy, the greater the probability of winning.

Only when the population base of the entire family is large enough and the resource distribution is balanced enough, it is possible for a seven-time awakener to appear among countless descendants.

But not everyone has the vision of Fei Yi. The little people who climbed up from the bottom have their own unique vision and keen perception.

In the picture, Fei Yi's big face was full of respect and humility, "Your Majesty, we have started to move forward according to your instructions."

"Many forces have planned this for a long time, and we cannot afford to make mistakes." King Winter said in a deep voice, "The masters of the Broken Dream Galaxy have entered the Nine Worlds Town. What we need to do is to add fuel to the flames."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the people I arranged have also entered the Nine Worlds Town. I will confirm the situation on the scene again later." Fei Yi became more and more respectful to King Winter.

Although King Winter's power in the court is not strong, he has extensive contacts among major galaxies.

In order to achieve the goal this time, masters have been dispatched from the Broken Dream Galaxy.

And Fei Yi knows very well that King Winter is very scheming, and what he knows is definitely not all.

In addition to his own arrangements on the front line and the masters of the Broken Dream Galaxy, King Winter must have another trump card.

"Remember, we just need to add fuel to the fire and make this matter a big deal." King Winter finally warned, "Don't try to fish in troubled waters. Although my father is old, he is not confused. Whoever can benefit from it, he will definitely suspect him. We must be the one who has no benefit at all.

"Yes, I understand. I wish you succession!" Fei Yi bent down and bowed deeply.

King Winter nodded with satisfaction and hung up the phone.

He made another call, and the call was connected. A huge office appeared on the screen.

A huge floor-to-ceiling window, outside the window is scattered with tiny stars.

It is a vast starry sky that is a little weird, but extremely gorgeous and beautiful.

Unlike other galaxies, there are no huge shining stars here, and countless scattered tiny light spots are blurred like a dream.

A middle-aged man in a neat military uniform stood in front of the window, staring at the wonders outside the window.

"Director Lan Gang, long time no see. Hehe, hehe..." Winter King greeted him warmly.

"Hi, Your Majesty. When can we meet again?" Lan Gang also showed a warm smile on his face. "I have sent the most capable agent of the Military Intelligence Bureau according to your needs. I hope that when you ascend the throne in the future, you will still remember your promise."

"Ha, ha, ha..." Winter King's hearty laughter came.

This Director Lan Gang is the Director of the Military Intelligence Bureau of the Ruined Hope City Galaxy, who is responsible for external intelligence gathering and conspiracy subversion activities.

Winter King not only let Baron Feiyi participate, but also mobilized the cyborg masters of the Broken Dream Galaxy, and borrowed some of the power of the Ruined Hope City Galaxy.

Although the relationship between the Broken Dream Galaxy and the Ruined Hope City Galaxy and the Three-Body Galaxy is basically in a hostile state.

Everyone is eyeing each other and wants to swallow each other.

But that is something that the ruler of the Three Star Kingdom needs to consider. King Winter has not yet become the ruler. For the throne, he does not mind cooperating with the enemy.

Baron Feiyi also made a phone call at this time. The picture shows a huge banquet hall, surrounded by hundreds of masters guarding it.

A beautiful face appeared on the screen, "Father, do you have any instructions?"

Baron Feiyi looked at his most beloved woman, and a smile appeared on his face, "Long Mei, thank you for your hard work."

"What are you talking about?" Jiacun Longmei smiled, "For our people, this sacrifice is nothing."

"Alas, the Feiyi people... the Feiyi people... I hope the people can understand our painstaking efforts." Baron Feiyi thought of his people and couldn't help sighing, "This is the sadness of our weak races, what a bullshit Feiyi people, we are obviously the Feiyi people. tribe."

"Father, be careful. Now is not the time..." Jiacun Longmei gently comforted, "Is the Xi Suo you arranged really okay? He insisted that the slave soldier go with him..."

"Don't worry, if he has any needs, you should try your best to meet them." The fat baron thought for a while and said in a deep voice, "As for his origins, I didn't want to tell you, but for your better cooperation, you still have to understand his importance."

"Oh? Isn't he from the Wolf Warriors Special Service Company?" Jiacun Longmei once thought that Xi Suo was just an employee of the Wolf Warriors Special Service and was bribed by his father.

"Wolf Warriors? Humph, who are they? They are not even worthy of carrying shoes for Xi Suo..." Baron Fei Yi snorted coldly, "He is a master hired by the Mission Hills Empire from the Spacetime Ronin Camp at a sky-high price!"

"Hiss... Spacetime Ronin Camp..." Jiacun Longmei was completely stunned when she heard the name of this organization, "The strongest mercenary group of the resistance army?"

"Shh... Keep this secret to yourself." Baron Fei Yi nervously reminded, "By the way, the cyborg masters from the Broken Dream Galaxy should have entered the Ninth World Town. You should pay attention and try not to have confrontation or contact, let them make trouble on their own."

"Broken Dream Galaxy? Cyborg? Father, it's the prince..." Jiacun Longmei didn't recover for a while and was a little confused.

This can't be blamed on her, for a small place like Cyber ​​City.

If the Illusion Brigade is a legend, the Spacetime Ronin Camp is a myth.

This is a powerful force that has no headquarters but exists in all corners of the entire technological civilization.

It is said that there are many experts in the Spacetime Ronin Camp, and there are many Seventh Awakeners who can destroy a galaxy.

The two founders are the leaders of the resistance army, one of whom is good at space awakening skills, and the other is good at time awakening skills.

Among the more than 10,000 Seventh Awakeners known in the entire universe, they are at the top.

Many people even jokingly call the resistance army and the Spacetime Ronin Camp the fifth major force that is about to rise.

The Star Sea Kingdom, the Tianhe Alliance, the Everlasting Fire of Truth, and the Immortal Light of Justice are the four major forces currently recognized.

The Star Sea Kingdom is the birthplace of the advanced civilization of the universe and a god-level existence that unifies the entire universe.

Captivity plan, gene bombs, virus reagents, combat mechas, cruise warships, escort warships, aerospace warships, wormhole shuttle technology, space jump technology, Star Sea Kingdom Bank, Star Sea Kingdom system...

Star Sea Kingdom represents the pinnacle of the entire universe's technological civilization. Although it is declining, its profound heritage and strong strength still make it the undisputed master of the technological civilization camp.

The other three organizations derived from this can also be called the dominant forces of the technological civilization camp.

Although the Tianhe Alliance is loose, it has many talents, especially the Throne Training Camp, which has produced countless seven-time awakeners.

Almost all free awakeners are members of the Tianhe Alliance.

As the strongest violent machine within the Star Sea Kingdom, the Fire of Truth has kept countless life planets in captivity and provided countless warriors for the interstellar battlefield.

The Light of Justice is Immortal, which can be called the first in the combat power of the four major forces. It has single-handedly fought against the cultivation civilization camp for countless years.

The Spacetime Ronin Camp, which was born out of the resistance camp, is recognized by all circles as the fifth largest force in the technological civilization camp, along with the resistance.

It can be seen that the resistance and the Spacetime Ronin Camp are so powerful that a small Three-Body Star Kingdom cannot even compare to them.

Thinking of this, Jiacun Longmei also thought of one thing.

It is said that joining the Spacetime Ronin Camp is as difficult as ascending to heaven, and even more difficult than joining the Throne Training Camp.

Only those with extremely rare talents or at least dual-system awakeners will be invited to join the Spacetime Ronin Camp.

Is this Xi Suo a dual-system awakener?

Jiacun Longmei pretended to be indifferent and glanced at Xi Suo who was chatting with Xu Youran.

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