Virus Throne

Chapter 449. Poverty limits imagination


The hundreds of people in the hall are all celebrities from all walks of life, and they are not ignorant people. ReadМ

But the scene that happened in front of them still subverted everyone's three views, and their jaws dropped to the floor.

Xu Youran was shocked, what the hell is this?

Where did the Kowloon Club get its confidence?

Or were they all blind and didn't recognize that this woman was Daji?

Let Daji be in charge of the auction, what kind of magic operation is this...

Not only Xu Youran thought so, but almost everyone present thought so.

The famous Disillusionment Brigade came with great momentum, and everyone knew that they were coming for the auction.

The Kowloon Club not only allowed the generals of the Disillusionment Brigade to enter the venue, Daji even became an auctioneer.

Xu Youran glanced at Hisoka and found that Hisoka didn't seem surprised at all.

A ridiculous feeling suddenly arose in his heart. Could it be that everyone had got it wrong?

Could it be?

The Disillusionment Brigade is not here to rob the underground world auction at all?

Could it be?

The Disillusionment Brigade is actually here to protect the underground world auction?

I'm in a big hole!

City people are good at playing...

A huge firework was set off to make everyone think that the Disillusionment Brigade was the enemy.

It turned out to be a big mistake. The Disillusionment Brigade was invited by the Kowloon Society.

However, if you think about it, it is very possible.

This auction is extremely important. The boss behind the Kowloon Club must have enough energy to invite the Disillusionment Brigade.

Countless vicious thugs are eyeing this auction.

The Disillusionment Brigade is undoubtedly the most powerful organization among them. With them taking the lead, those thugs will definitely follow.

This will bring all the enemies hiding in the dark to the surface, and the tyrannical strength of the Disillusionment Brigade will provide another layer of insurance for this auction.

Looking back now, it seems that in the past few days, a series of murders have happened, and the victims seem to be those who are not convinced by King Shan Dong's family.

Everyone present was a smart person. Seeing Daji standing on the stage radiantly, everyone seemed to understand something.

Many people's eyes have turned to the nine giants of the Kowloon Society. This move is so beautiful and showy!

The nine giants all had enigmatic smiles on their faces, but in their hearts, ten thousand grass and mud horses roared past.

Everyone thought this was a trick they played, but they never thought that the nine giants had just received the notice.

King Shan Dong and the boss behind them had just informed them that they had reached an agreement with the Disillusionment Brigade.

Daji will host the auction, and the Disillusionment Brigade will also ensure that the auction is conducted safely.

For this reason, King Shan Dong and his interest groups paid a huge price and almost emptied their wealth.

Now all the hopes of King Shan Dong lie in this auction, hoping that he can use these auction items to make a ruthless search.

Many people also cast their eyes on Kuklulo who was standing aside. He had a charming smile on his handsome face and was equally enigmatic.

Xu Youran whispered: "Hisoka, what's going on?"

"It's nothing. Isn't this normal?" Hisoka shrugged, "Who said the Disillusionment Brigade can only rob houses?"

"Is this normal? Have you ever heard of the Disillusionment Brigade working as security guards?" Xu Youran discovered that Hisoka should know a lot of inside information, but he never told him anything.

This kind of teammate should be killed!

Seeing the wan expression on his face, Xu Youran wanted to take action now.

"I told you, I am an independent contractor, and the Disillusionment Brigade is also an independent contractor." Hisoka smiled meaningfully, "We are only responsible for our own ideals, and we are only responsible for our own interests."

"No principles, no position?" Xu Youran seemed to understand something.

"Hey, hey, hey... our principles and positions are our ideals and persistence." Hisoka's eyes lit up and he patted Xu Youran's shoulder, "My servant, live well, you will see more What fun stuff.”

"Ding, ding, ding..." On the auction stage, Daji tapped the wine glass again, "Dear friends, let's start our auction. Please feel free to bid, our Disillusionment Brigade has promised to ensure the safety of the auction. ”

The hundreds of guests participating in the auction gradually became quiet in the hall.

Since even the Disillusionment Brigade has come to ensure the safety of the auction, in Cyber ​​City, if the Kowloon Society and the Disillusionment Brigade join forces, there should be no more problems.

"Okay, now I'm going to show you the first item of our auction." Daji smiled and waved.

A staff member handed Daji a piece of paper with information on the auction items and an introduction to their uses.

Another staff member came onto the stage carrying a metal box and a tray.

Daji gently lifted the gauze on the tray, and a piece of spiritual stone as warm as jade appeared in front of everyone.

The staff member opened the box and neatly placed a box full of such spiritual stones.

"Hiss..." There was a gasp of air in the hall, and many participants even exclaimed.

"Spiritual Essence..."

"Wow, so many..."


When the staff member came up with the tray, Xu Youran felt the energy in his body was agitated.

A very familiar, but extremely rich spiritual energy made his energy ready to move, as if he wanted to rush out and absorb it.

The moment the metal box was opened, Xu Youran immediately felt a sense of relief all over his body, even though he was far away.

There are nearly a thousand people who have awakened five times in the entire hall, hundreds of attendees, and hundreds of staff.

Among the more than two thousand people, there will never be anyone else who feels it more strongly than him.

Awakened people need to use spiritual stones to practice, but the greatest role of spiritual stones in the scientific and technological civilization camp is as an energy source.

From large aerial battleships and combat mechas to small vehicles and household appliances, the energy used is basically driven by spirit stones.

This unique crystal has many advantages that other energy sources do not have.

Clean, stable, pollution-free, easy to carry, easy to cut, rich in reserves, high energy conversion rate...

In the history of the evolution of human civilization, countless types of energy have been eliminated.

For example, humans on Earth generally use fossil energy such as coal, oil, and natural gas in relatively large amounts.

Regeneration is difficult, combustion waste is large, stability is extremely poor, and energy conversion rate is extremely low.

Although nuclear fission energy and stellar nuclear fusion energy have great advantages, they are extremely unstable and extremely inconvenient to use.

In order to use these energy sources, humans need to create extremely large and complex machines for energy conversion.

But the application of Lingshi energy has completely solved these problems.

The huge fuel engine was replaced by a small box.

The device used to convert energy only needs to be able to hold a stone.

The history of human civilization evolution is actually the history of energy utilization and material improvement.

The monks in the civilized camp are different from the awakened ones. They rely more on the huge energy contained in the spirit stone itself.

The techniques practiced by the cultivators transform themselves into a machine that can transform the energy of spiritual stones.

The awakened person uses the energy of the spirit stone to stimulate dark energy, increase the intensity of mental power, and then feed back and improve himself.

The cultivator directly absorbs the energy of the spiritual stone, and the spiritual energy circulates in the body, constantly transforming himself, and thus gaining more powerful power.

Because the technique transforms oneself into a spiritual stone energy engine, practitioners can often exert more powerful power in battle.

No matter which camp you are in, when using spirit stone energy, you hope that the purity of the energy is as high as possible.

A five-time awakener mecha can place a spiritual stone to drive the mecha.

The engine can only hold one spiritual stone. With this spiritual stone, the mecha can fight fiercely for three hours.

For practitioners, the principle is the same.

Therefore, everyone in both camps is eager for higher purity spiritual stones.

The box on the stage is full of spiritual marrow, an extremely rare treasure in the spiritual stone mine.

In some small and medium-sized spirit stone mines, spiritual marrow basically does not appear.

Only large-scale spiritual stone mines can occasionally produce spiritual essence.

This is the essence of hundreds of millions of years of accumulation and concentration in the Lingshi Mine.

The energy contained in a piece of spiritual marrow is almost a hundred times that of a piece of spiritual stone.

A five-time awakened mecha, with a piece of spiritual essence placed inside it, can fight fiercely for almost three hundred hours.

Although the energy of spiritual marrow and spiritual stone is about a hundred times different, the difference in value is by no means a hundred times different.

The underground world auction of Kowloon Club started with a bang, and the first auction item set off the whole audience.

All the participants roared in their hearts, this box full of spiritual essence costs at least one hundred yuan.

The reserve price is already a sky-high price that ordinary people cannot imagine. If you really want to auction this box of spiritual essence, the average small noble will probably lose everything.

Xu Youran's eyes turned green and her saliva started to flow.

If he gets this box of spiritual essence, he will be fully confident that he will be able to advance to the stage of becoming a god within a year.

For a normal cultivator, the transition from the Nascent Soul stage to the Divine Transformation stage can take anywhere from dozens of years to hundreds of years.

And this box of spiritual essence can shorten this time period to less than one year.


If you really don't come out and stay in a remote place on the Earth Star, you will never know the luxury of the higher civilizations in the universe.

Poverty severely limited his imagination!

He had imagined that in this auction, the most high-end auction items would most likely be natural disaster-level virus reagents.

But when he saw the first auction item at the opening, he was already trembling with excitement. What will not be auctioned this time is a doomsday virus reagent!

However, just thinking about it, his excitement was in vain.

Look at the more than a thousand and five awakened people in the hall. With one concentrated fire, they can be beaten to ashes.

Hisoka seemed to have noticed something strange about him, and looked at him in surprise, "Have you never seen the spirit essence? Why do you look so worthless?"

"I...I really haven't seen the spiritual essence..." Xu Youran's voice was a little dry, and this scene was a bit big.

"Alas..." Hisoka shook his head helplessly, "I just like to see you country folk, ignorant... Hey, hey, hey..."

Xu Youran glared at Hisoka fiercely, "What the hell, believe it or not, I will beat you to death right now!"

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