Virus Throne

Chapter 472. The truth about the Soul Stone

Mephisto was furious when he saw Daji and others running towards the entrance of the bunker.

His purpose of coming here was to hunt down members of the Illusion Brigade, not to fight with Xu Youran.

It was obvious at a glance that this little slave was not a member of the brigade.

Mephisto did not hate him, and fighting with him was simply meaningless.

But Xu Youran was too powerful, and he held back more than a dozen of them by himself.

Not only was he powerful and powerful, but his body movements were also extremely pure, and his sword intent was even more powerful, which made him lose his temper.

He was just a slave of the fourth awakener, and Mephisto could not imagine why he was so powerful.

It was unreasonable to be so powerful, it was unscientific!

He knew very well that with his own strength, even if he was promoted to the sixth awakener, he would probably not be able to completely wipe out the Illusion Brigade.

Once besieged, there was even a great possibility that he would perish.

If he died, the entire Tear Jade Race would be completely extinct.

Even if someone uses the Soul Stone to reproduce hybrid life forms again, they will no longer be his Tear Jade Human Race.

So now is the best time for him to take revenge.

After missing this opportunity, the members of the Illusion Brigade rarely separated, and were rarely besieged.

It would be even more difficult for him to take revenge.

Even though he was extremely anxious, he had no way.

Xu Youran can not only fight, but also carry.

If you want to leave the battle group, he will confront you head-on and exchange injuries for injuries.

I don’t know where this guy came from, but he seems to be made of iron.

It’s okay that he has strong defense, but he also has strong recovery ability. The wounds left before seem to be slowly healing.

Even the huge wound on his back is no longer bleeding at this moment, and there are signs of healing.

He can’t be killed by fighting, and he can’t hide. He is as difficult to deal with as sticky candy.

Mephisto’s offensive is getting more and more fierce, and his killing intent is getting stronger and stronger.

Since you want to be an accomplice of the Illusion Brigade, I will fulfill your wish and send you on your way first.

Xu Youran knocked down three more Sky Patrol members and glanced at the other side.

Over there were Jiacun Longmei, Kuye Longsheng, Gangjin, and Zhumie, fighting against Heiqi Longjun, Shanxin Longji, Tengsen Longyi, and Yuansheng Longhai.

The eight-man melee was extremely impressive, and they were constantly exchanging opponents.

It was very difficult for a five-time awakener to get close to the eight-man battle group.

Further away, Xu Youran saw Jijie, who was rushing in this direction and looked like a master.

The most disgusting thing was that Jijie seemed to be an enemy as well.

Damn, why don't I have any friends?

Two comrades who are fairly reliable in combat power, but they are very unreliable.

One Hisoka is a pervert, and the other Haoyu is actually a lunatic.

Kukrolo should be very powerful, but he doesn't take action and always chats in the group.

Gangjin is very powerful, but he is completely entangled by the four giants of the Kowloon Society.

Suddenly I felt so tired, the support from the outside was slow to come in.

Kukluolu was still not in a hurry, and I didn't know what other plans he had.

Since those who are capable should do more work, it seems that I can only increase the output.

Let you feel the kind care from the people of Earth!

Xu Youran first set his sights on the Gangjin regiment. The four giants are very strong, but in his opinion, the problem is not too big.

Too many lice don't bite, too many debts don't worry.

One sheep is also driven, and a group of sheep is also released.

He began to consciously move closer to the Gangjin regiment.

See if there is a way to take down all the enemies on the Gangjin side.

While Xu Youran was worried, many people on the edge were confused.

Many people didn't notice this little slave who was developing wretchedly just now. When he just joined the battlefield, he shocked many people.

It was really a king bomb at the beginning, and he killed the two hall masters right away.

Many people were quietly discussing where this fierce man came from.

Zeta Jones's eyes had been focused on her father's battlefield, but she accidentally discovered that Xu Youran seemed to be moving over there.

She quickly sent a message to her father, asking him to be sure to beware of this terrible demon slayer.

The main opponent of the Kurosaki Dragon Army is Gangjin, and its combat power ranks among the top three in the entire brigade.

He has been concentrating on the battle, so how can he have the extra energy to pay attention to others.

After getting his daughter's reminder, although he didn't care a little, he was still more careful.

Nuba has been staring at Xu Youran. She doesn't care about the life and death of everyone present.

This slave bought for 100,000 yuan has far exceeded her expectations.

Such a slave can't be bought for 100,000 yuan.

Let alone 100,000 yuan, she won't sell it if someone offers 100 million now.


She won't sell it for 1 billion.

Not only is he handsome, but he is also very handsome.

And his strength is so strong that he is just like an indestructible cockroach.

If we simply calculate by combat power, Xu Youran is at least equivalent to three or four ordinary members of the Illusion Brigade.

Take him back to Void Mountain and give him two bottles of diamond-level virus. As long as he is upgraded to the fifth awakener, he will definitely be able to beat those followers and flee.

As for what is a follower?

It's the prince of the so-and-so empire.

The pride of the so-and-so empire.

The son of the so-and-so important minister.

Those who have ideas about Princess Nüba can line up from the top of Void Mountain to the foot of the mountain.

All these people were classified as followers by her.

This cannot be blamed on those people, political marriages are very common.

The empress of the Void Emperor was born through political marriage.

Nüba is extremely talented and beautiful.

Nüba is the dream lover of countless people in several nearby empires and even the entire Thirty-three Star Domain.

Xu Youran has always adhered to the concept of life and struggle.

But most young people don't want to struggle anymore.

If you can marry Nüba, you can win easily, why bother fighting for life and death.

Just when Nüba was still imagining the wonderful life after having such an evil slave.

Xu Youran suddenly thought of something and quickly sent a message in the Star Pirate Chat Group (Battle Command Channel), "Boss Kukluo, can you decide on the money distribution?"

Just now everyone was still discussing the battle situation, and Kukluo was still dispatching on the scene.

Suddenly, there was a dead silence, and no one responded.

What did this mean for everyone to respond like this?

Everyone is fighting desperately. At such a serious moment, you are talking to me about money?

"Hello, hello, hello... Is it broken? Are you offline?" Xu Youran was a little anxious when he saw that no one was paying attention to him.

I came to be a security guard to make money, and now I am robbing auction items for virus reagents.

Now the price has not been negotiated, and you are fighting to the death. Isn't it a bit of a loss?

What's the situation now?

Why do you pretend to be offline when talking about money?

This way, brother is very familiar, I have seen too many on Earth!

My father disappeared at that time, and everything that could be sold was sold at home.

Going to the hospital every day when sick, that's all money.

I don't have many relatives, so I can only borrow money from classmates and friends in various ways.

Later, there were no classmates and friends.

It seems that talking about money is really an excellent touchstone. I don't even have comrades now...

"Well... I can decide the matter of dividing the money..." Kukluolu really has no choice.

If the situation is not urgent now, he really wants to go over and help Xu Youran.

"Um... I want the virus reagent, is that okay?" Xu Youran asked tentatively.

When everyone forms a group to rob, they must first discuss the issue of how to divide the spoils.

It turned out that they were just hanging out with Hisoka, so money didn't matter.

Now that the enemy is so fierce, it will be too late if we don't talk about money.

"Yes! Our brigade only wants the Soul Stone, nothing else." Kukrolo answered decisively.

"Kid, what do you want that for? You're only a fourth-time awakener, do you want to drink it in advance and taste it?" Genos interrupted.

Hisoka: "You can try it, it's very refreshing!"

"Prepare for a rainy day, it's rare to encounter a suitable virus reagent, I'll prepare it first and drink it later." Xu Youran sent another message.

"The value of the natural disaster-level virus reagent is very high, and your current contribution is not enough." Kukrolo sent a message.

He was also telling the truth. People who meet the conditions also need 100 million universe coins to buy it.

Now the auction price is 450 million. Xu Youran only killed a few fifth awakeners and held back the Sky Patrol and Mephisto.

His contribution to the whole battle is indeed not very big.

Many people want the natural disaster-level virus reagent. Who doesn't want to advance to the sixth awakener?

If it is given to Demon Slayer like this, many members will definitely not accept it.

"I can make more contributions. Gangjin, Longmei, prepare to give the four of Kurosaki Ryujun to me." Xu Youran felt that this was very natural and reasonable. The more you work, the more you get.

The chat group was quiet for a moment, and everyone was shocked by him again.

If the combat power he showed now is equivalent to three to four ordinary members of the brigade.

If he intervenes in the battle on Gangjin's side, it will require the combat power of seven to eight brigade members.


It's too much...

If the fight continues, this kid alone will be equivalent to the combat power of the entire brigade.

Just give him one person and set up a second illusion brigade.

Xi Suo had been attacking the Ninth Dragon Heart frantically, but he just couldn't break the defense. At this time, he finally couldn't help but complain, "How is my servant? Very fucking, ha, ha, ha..."

What does fucking mean?

All the members of the brigade were confused. Where did this dialect come from?

Xu Youran almost vomited blood. You are the one who fucked, your whole family is fucking!

"Little handsome boy, you have to do what you can, don't be impulsive..." Daji couldn't help but remind him, "The virus reagent can be given to you, which is considered an overdraft. At most, you can make more contributions to the brigade in the future."

Contribute more to the brigade?

Xu Youran was going crazy. What are you thinking?

I am the young marshal of the Great Qin, the future leader of the Earth Star. It is already embarrassing to rob with you.

You mean, do you want me to rob with you every day in the future?


It seems that it is not impossible.

Anyway, I don't have any formal work here, and it seems pretty good to play a guest role as a star pirate.

However, looking at the number of people in the chat group, although many people did not speak, they might also want the reagent.

"Don't worry, I will make enough contributions." Xu Youran decided to make contributions now. The Illusion Brigade, an illegal civilian organization, might be banned at any time.

If he got mixed up with them, it would be easy to be hit together.

Suddenly, another question came to his mind. It had been a vague feeling just now, but now it became clearer. "By the way, didn't you say that you massacred all the Tearful Jade Human Race in order to rob the Soul Stone? Why is the Soul Stone not yours yet?" ?”

There was silence in the chat group for a moment, and Kukluoluo replied, "We did not kill the Laiyu Star. We have never even been to the Laiyu Star."

"Ah..." Xu Youran was completely confused, "Then why did the wanted order say that you slaughtered the Tears of Jade Star and also took away the Soul Stone?"

"The Three-Body Star Four Seasons King dispatched the Trisolaran Legion, bloodbathed the Tears Jade Star, and put the blame on us." Daji replied to Xu Youran's question, "He wants the Soul Stone, but he is afraid that others will know that the stone is in his hands."

With one sentence, Xu Youran instantly understood the whole story.

The Disillusionment Brigade is notorious and came to steal the auction with great fanfare. The truth turned out to be this.

Xu Youran looked at Mephisto, who was attacking crazily across from him, and sent a message, "Tell me, if I tell Mephisto the truth, will he believe it?"

"What do you say?" Hisoka teased, "We haven't grabbed the Soul Stone, and we haven't gone to the Tears of Jade Star, so I'm just asking you if you believe it or not?"

Demon Slayer: "Otherwise? Shall I do a split and show it to him?"

Hisoka: "You can try it and see if he can hit you or not!"

Gang Jin: "Our principle is, if you can take action, don't make any noise."

Demon Slayer: "Brother, are you from the Northeast? Why are you so irritable?"

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