Virus Throne

Chapter 478. Dispatching! Iniesta Family

Xu Youran, Xi Suo, Hao Yu, the three-man battle group is the most dangerous battle group in the entire Jiushi Town. Read М

The top masters of the Kowloon Association, Mephisto, Ji Jie, Black Demon, and several giants of the Kowloon Association, are all gathered here.

Mephisto was influenced by Xu Youran and began to doubt the truth of the Tear Jade Star tragedy.

So he seemed a little distracted in the battle. Ji Jie came to help his friend, so he naturally followed his lead and began to slack off.

He was constantly communicating with Mephisto in the Kingdom of God system about some doubts about the Tear Jade Star tragedy.

The slowdown of the offensive of these two was also the main reason why Xu Youran and the other two could still hold on.

Xu Youran had almost no shortcomings at this moment except for long-range attack methods.

The sharp attack repeatedly broke the defense and caused great trouble to the enemy.

With strong defense, he blocked most of the attacks for the three-man team.

The vitality in his body was rolling, as if the engine would never shut down, which made his combat endurance extremely strong.

From time to time, he gave himself a push to slowly repair his injuries.

This allowed him to maintain his combat effectiveness without being particularly conspicuous.

After advancing to the fifth awakening, he could comprehend at least ten awakening skills.

Each awakener has his own main attack direction, and he works hard to strengthen one or two awakening skills, but the other awakening skills are not forgotten.

It's just that these awakening skills will not be promoted, and will always remain at the level just comprehended.

Xi Suo comprehended two light awakening skills, one of which is shape-shifting, which is extremely powerful.

But the other light awakening skill, refraction, is not completely abandoned.

Although it is only of silver quality, refraction provides assistance and protection for his high-speed movement.

In addition, he must have awakening skills of agility assistance, which may not be of high quality, but provide some bonuses to his body.

Xu Youran practiced both earth and ice, and also mastered some wood-based medical awakening skills, which is also normal.

It's just that the quality is definitely not gold, and at most not more than silver, and the healing effect is limited.

So his injury recovery was much faster than others, and it didn't seem particularly abrupt.

Xi Suo's movement speed was fast, his mobility was super high, and his cutting was sharp.

In the three-person team, Xu Youran was a shield fighter, and he was considered a quick fighter.

Haoyu was more like an all-round fighter, with strong strength, agility, and proficient combat skills.

The lack of a strong attack turret made the three-person team's lethality somewhat weak.

The addition of Kenshin finally made up for the shortcomings of the three-person team.

Xi Suo was surprised at his vision, and bought a great player like Xu Youran for 6,000 yuan.

Xu Youran was also surprised at his vision. At that time, he just thought Kenshin looked cool and powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful.

Kenshin's body movements were unremarkable and his defense was extremely poor, otherwise he wouldn't have come all the way and suffered so many injuries.

But the long sword in his hand, burning with flames, was really too violent and extremely lethal.

Xi Suo's cutting and Hao Yu's punches and kicks should not be as good as Jian Xin's long sword.

If Xu Youran did not use his vitality and did not launch the most violent sword intent.

In terms of pure lethality, it is very likely that he would not be Jian Xin's opponent.

Although Jian Xin joined, Mephisto and Ji Jie were also a little slack.

But the battle was still extremely dangerous and tragic. There were too many masters on the side of the Kowloon Association.

Among the nine giants of the Kowloon Association, one died, one was seriously injured, two rebelled, and the remaining five were all here.

There are also many masters of the three divisions, including Hei Mo of the Patrol Division, Cheng Kun of the Supervision Division, Wang Ye of the Inspection Division, Hu Yu, and Ye Chen.

Hu Yu and Ye Chen have come to where they are today because of their strength, but because they have no background, they have been excluded. Their combat power is first-class and tyrannical.

Almost all the Yin Ghost Warriors died in the battle, and the walkers and agents of the three divisions were also killed and injured.

Xu Youran and his four companions were not alone. Although Shen Zang was seriously injured, he still had the strength to fight and was on his way.

Lan Hu was even more powerful along the way and would definitely be the last straw that broke the camel's back.

The Silent Singer had only one person who killed Fei Ya intact, and he was also on his way.

The war that broke out in Jiushi Town with the entrance of the bunker as the core was cooling down.

The main reason was that too many people died, whether it was the side of the Illusion Brigade or the side of the Kowloon Association.

The melee of more than a thousand five-time awakeners was extremely powerful. At this moment, there would be no more than two hundred people who could continue to fight.

The dignitaries who came to the auction were killed and wounded, and there were only a few who survived.

A carnival feast for the rich, but it turned into a Shura field where lives were harvested.

The invitation letter received at that time has now become a death warrant.

There were burning flames and billowing smoke everywhere, corpses were everywhere, blood flowed like a river, and screams and wails came one after another.

Many people have died, and more wounded have fallen in a pool of blood, without the strength to get up.

Some are waiting for rescue, some are waiting to die in despair, and many small fish are hiding on the edge of the battlefield, watching the battle tremblingly.

These people who did not participate in the battle did not belong to either side.

They did not dare to rush out, as there were more and more fierce thugs outside, nor did they dare to participate in the war.

At this moment, the information and value of the auction items have long been spread, and no one will not be tempted.

But no matter how tempted, you have to weigh your own strength and whether you can walk to the entrance of the bunker alive.

Zeta Jones was anxious but unable to join the war. Lu Jia did not join the war to protect her.

He did not join the war for another reason.

He was employed by the Black Dragon Army and should have been an enemy of the Illusion Brigade.

But his younger brother and sister were applying to join the Illusion Brigade and were fighting for the Illusion Brigade.

Moreover, his grandfather and father also accepted the commission and were ready to make a move at this auction.

Thinking of his strange family, Lu Jia could only shake his head and smile bitterly.

Fortunately, the commission he accepted was only to protect Zeta Jones' safety.

If he was required to fight for the Kowloon Association, it would be too lively.

His grandfather, father, and himself stood on the side of the Kowloon Association, and his younger brother and sister stood on the side of the Illusion Brigade.

Everyone in the family would fight with all their strength because they accepted the commission.

That scene was so beautiful that I couldn't even imagine it.

Nv Ba followed Wujiang out to train and walked through several main stars, which was very boring.

I didn't expect to encounter this auction on the Fortress Star.

Not only was the auction exciting, but the battle after the auction was even more exciting.

Although Nvba was a princess, she had never seen such a colorful world.

The game between the two sides, the endless trump cards, and the constantly fierce battles.

Wujiang sometimes explained the situation to her, as if he was opening a new world for her.

And the biggest gain of this trip was the slave Guimie, who was really awesome.

Her father always told her how dangerous it was outside, but if she didn't go out, how could she know that in such a remote place, she would meet such a brilliant person as Guimie.

Everyone on the battlefield was fighting desperately, walking on the edge of death at any time.

Those trembling bystanders were also worried about their fate in the next second, whether it would be extremely miserable.

Zeta-Jones was worried about his father, and Lu Jia was worried about his family.

Only Nvba regarded this battlefield of blood and fire, the turning point of rewriting the fate of countless people, as a wonderful performance.

She only cares whether the performance is wonderful and whether the battle is fierce. After returning to Void Mountain, she can have many, many topics to chat with her brothers and sisters.

Compared with all the people involved in this incident, only Nvba is the real big shot and the real outsider.

The earth has begun to shake faintly, and it seems that the battle has begun in the bunker.

The Kowloon Society will definitely deploy heavy troops and guard the last gate strictly.

This is why the Illusion Brigade must gather its combat power before rushing into the bunker.

The conference hall and rest area on the first floor are empty. Kukluolu led the brigade and went straight to the second floor.

On this floor, they encountered twenty top masters.

The best of the ten ghost troops and ten masters from the main star.

As long as there is no natural disaster god general-level combat power, the major legions will not intervene.

So so far, all the people who have participated in the battle are at most five awakeners.

But there is a big difference between five awakeners and five awakeners, and the combat power level varies greatly.

With the combat power of Hisoka, he can fight ten of the most common fifth awakeners by himself.

But when he encounters the ghost army soldiers, he can only fight five at most.

The ten masters coming from the main star are even stronger than the ghost army soldiers.

Such masters, Hisoka may fight three at most, and it may even be dangerous.

Almost all of them are masters at the level of the nine giants, which brings great pressure to the members of the Illusion Brigade.

Gangjin, Daji, Xia Ke, Genos, Zhu Sheng, Zhu Mie, Jiacun Longmei, Ku Ye Longsheng, the fat white Caliph, and the two cyborgs he brought.

Why do we have to bring these people down? This is also the result of the compromise behind the scenes by all parties.

At least so far, everyone still has a common goal, to complete the robbery of the auction.

Jiacun Longmei, Ku Ye Longsheng, and Caliph represent different forces.

They will not allow the Illusion Brigade to enter the warehouse alone, so they can only be brought down together.

Kukrolo left these eleven masters to fight against twenty guards.

There is no need for any communication at all, and the war broke out instantly.

The empty underground hall could not accommodate the battle of so many masters.

In order to avoid hurting the three fox girls and the Jianmu people in the metal cage, everyone consciously moved the battlefield to the upper floor, or even to the ground.

Kukluo walked down the stairs alone to the third floor, which was the last floor of the bunker.

The auction items were stored in the warehouse, which would definitely be the most dangerous floor.

Kukluo had not participated in the battle much, and he wanted to retain all his combat power to break through this floor.

If he was King Shandong, the most powerful defense force would definitely be arranged here.

As soon as he stepped into the hall of this floor, he felt a strong sense of oppression.

The space in the hall was very spacious, and it was people who gave him a sense of oppression.

There were two people sitting in front of the warehouse door, an old man and a middle-aged strong man.

Seeing Kukluo walking down the stairs leisurely, the two slowly stood up.

Both of them had normal human appearance and were tall.

The old man was a little thin, with gray hair and his hands behind his back.

The middle-aged man had a calm expression on his face. He was extremely strong, with toned muscles full of explosive power.

Even though they were facing a notorious figure like Kukololo, the expressions on their faces did not change at all, only the momentum around them kept rising.

Kukololo suddenly felt a strong sense of death crisis, and the murderous intent in the hall seemed to condense into substance, bringing him a chill to the bone.

His expression, which had always been calm, also began to become serious, "Illusion Brigade, Kukololo."

The old man's hoarse voice sounded, "Yuan Fei Ri Yue Iniesta."

The middle-aged strong man said calmly: "Raizen Iniesta."

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