Virus Throne

Chapter 484: Go all out

"Sir, I would like to ask you to take action to suppress the riot." King Shan Dong said with a livid expression on his face, "I agree to all your conditions."

"Sigh... If I had known today, why would I have done it in the first place..." Wujiang sighed, "Your Majesty, the situation is unclear now. I'm afraid it would be inappropriate for me to act rashly. What's more, the conditions at that time may not be suitable for the current situation..."

Wujiang once made an offer to him, but he rejected it because it was too harsh.

Now that all the trump cards have become dead cards, he can only turn to Wujiang again.

"The situation is unclear?" King Shan Dong asked doubtfully, "Aren't they just a few clowns from the Disillusionment Brigade?"

"If it's just a few ants, it's naturally a trivial matter." Wujiang said meaningfully, "My lord, you have offended too many people. I saw the people from the Broken Dream Galaxy Super Transformation Company. Destroy the Nuo City Military Intelligence Bureau It seems that they are also involved, but the real masters haven’t taken action yet.”

"It's really these bastards!" King Shan Dong frowned tightly and said bitterly.

"In my capacity, I'm afraid it's inappropriate to get involved rashly. Now it's not just your King Shandong's business. If I intervene, I will be involved in the Trisolaran affairs, and even more in the affairs of several of your major galaxies." Wujiang said with a smile. , "When the Void Mountain Empire incorporated the major kingdoms, it made a promise not to interfere in your internal affairs."

There is nothing wrong with Wujiang's words. He is the grandson of Situ Xuance, one of the three princes of the Void Mountain Empire.

Although he was in the imperial court of Void Mountain, he only held a false position.

But once he takes action, in the eyes of outsiders, it represents Xuance's attitude, the attitude of Void Mountain.

After the death of many of the founders of the Universe Kingdom, if there are no more Seventh Awakenings in the Kingdom, it will automatically be downgraded to a kingdom.

Although the kingdom is also divided into many levels, in order to save face, they are collectively called the kingdom.

These kingdoms did not originally have suzerain states. In order to expand their own strength, major empires were looking for ways to add satellite states.

War would break out between empires over the ownership of their vassal states, and the victorious party would often become the suzerain state.

Some kingdoms will also choose their own suzerain, depending on the suzerain's strength and policies.

The Void Mountain Empire promises not to interfere in the internal affairs of its vassals and not to interfere in wars between vassal states. This is one of the reasons why the empire can absorb many vassal states.

This approach gives the vassal states a high degree of autonomy, while also giving them the opportunity to annex each other and increase their strength.

From an official perspective, the Void Mountain Empire is tolerant and generous, but privately it has never stopped dismantling these vassal states.

At the level of a kingdom, the scope of its rule has not been reduced. There are basically tens of thousands of life planets in each galaxy.

Once a certain kingdom collapses and disintegrates, the Void Mountain Empire can often reap the greatest benefits.

For tens of thousands of years, the Void Mountain Empire relied on its tyrannical strength and inclusive and fraternal policies to annex many kingdoms.

Through some shady means, many kingdoms were secretly disintegrated and many territories were occupied.

From the original Void Mountain galaxy, the direct territory of the Void Mountain Empire has expanded to five or six galaxies.

This is countless populations and resources, all of which are obtained through a little differentiation, disintegration, and cannibalization.

But on the surface, the Void Mountain Empire has always maintained a neutral attitude.

The Void Mountain Empire has never participated in the kingdom's kingship changes, civil wars, merger wars, and battles between galaxies.

If there was just a problem with King Shan Dong's auction, Wujiang would come forward in a private capacity to kill the star thief, which is understandable.

Now the Broken Dream Galaxy and Ruinuo City Galaxy are involved, and other princes are also involved.

This turned into a battle for power in the Trisolaran Kingdom and a merger battle between major galaxies.

It is indeed inconvenient for Wujiang to take action. King Shan Dong is not that valuable yet, and what he has paid for it is far from enough.

Once the Trisolaran Kingdom collapses, the Void Mountain Empire will reap the benefits, and the benefits will be huge.

Maybe the territory can be expanded to a large area, not only occupying the entire Trisolaran Galaxy, but also cannibalizing a part of it to thousands of life planets.

The Soul Stone is considered a treasure to these rubes like Cyber ​​City.

To the Void Mountain Empire, it was nothing, and even the female tyrants looked down upon it.

"Sir, it was you who gave me the idea at that time." King Shan Dong was eager and spoke fluently, "If not..."

At this point, he suddenly realized who he was talking to.

It was indeed when Wujiang was a guest in his house. After being drunk, he accidentally mentioned that he had discovered a planet with liquid steel minerals.

They even have to privately invest in shares and cooperate with him to develop together.

In the end, the two parties negotiated, and King Shandong provided people and money to mine, and Wujiang provided the planet coordinates.

After learning that King Handong didn't have enough money, he even helped King Handong come up with a plan to steal silver steel from the warehouse and replenish the warehouse from the mineral planet.

As a result, many problems arose during the implementation of this series of plans.

First, there was the mineral planet, which was discovered by the Broken Dream Galaxy Super Transformation Company.

When fighting for the mineral star, Bai Qi, King Shan Dong's most capable general, led his team to death inexplicably.

Wujiang gave him another idea: steal the treasury, hold an auction, make up for the shortfall, and promised to take charge personally.

King Shan Dong’s recent series of failed plans seem to all stem from Wu Xian’s bad ideas.

Wujiang is simply a professional who deceives teammates, and it was extremely miserable for King Shan Dong to be deceived.

But who made King Shan Dong greedy?

Wujiang just made a mistake while drunk, so he pursued her relentlessly, asking for coordinates and cooperation.

Step by step, I have come to this day. Everything else is external. The real problem is still with me.

“Hey, hey, hey…” Wujiang’s face was slightly cold, and he sneered a few times, “I originally wanted to turn my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch. Your Majesty, you still blame me? Take care of yourself!”

After saying that, Wujiang hung up the phone directly.

Nvba beside him seemed to have some feelings, and finally took her eyes away from Xu Youran.

She looked at Wujiang in confusion, "Cousin, what's wrong? You don't seem very happy?"

"Oh... hehe, hehe..." Wujiang smiled again, "Nothing, just a stupid teammate. Jiushi Longxin is dead, let's stay away."

"Jiushi Longxin is dead, isn't the battle going to end?" Nvba was a little confused, "Why don't we go and grab the auction items? Why should we stay away?"

"What's so good about those auction items? They are all garbage. If you want them, I'll ask someone to send them to your house later." Wujiang pondered for a moment, "Stay away means don't hurt us by mistake."

"Hiss... It's not over after fighting like this?" Nvba was a little surprised.

A big melee of more than a thousand people, some died and some fled.

There were more than 10,000 thugs attacking the defense line outside, and many guards of the Kowloon Society, so many people died.

There were less than a hundred people still fighting, and the corpses were everywhere and the blood flowed like a river.

It's not over yet?

"Well, it should be just the beginning." Wujiang said calmly.

Three-body Star, Shandong Palace.

Shandong King Hei Xuanzhe hung up the phone and sat down slowly.

A feeling of extreme weakness swept over his body, as if his whole body was hollowed out.

Now thinking back, it seems that Wujiang has always been there from the beginning to the end of this matter.

Under his intentional or unintentional guidance, he has walked step by step to a desperate situation.

However, he lightly distanced himself from the matter on the grounds that it was inconvenient for the empire to intervene.

Hei Xuanzhe finally understood at this moment that it seemed that he had stepped into a very deep and dangerous trap since Wujiang got drunk.

The Nine-generation Dragon Heart is dead, and the Iniesta family takes money to do things, has no position, and cannot be relied on at all.

It is only a matter of time to break open the warehouse and snatch the Soul Stone.

The Four Seasons King is about to come out of retreat, and there is not much time left for him.

At this moment, the Shandong King is still powerful in the court, but he has fallen into a dead end.

There is no way to heaven, and no door to the earth.

Once the Four Seasons King comes out of retreat, it is very likely that he will die.

What to do?

In an instant, the God of Disaster, King Shandong, seemed to have aged by dozens of years.

It was meaningless to blame anyone now.

He looked around blankly. Except for his beloved concubine Na Lan who was kneeling not far away, there seemed to be no one he could trust.

In his plan, Jiushi Longxin was someone who needed to be eliminated.

It had nothing to do with feelings. He just killed the donkey after it had done its job. There was no evidence.

But when Jiushi Longxin really died, he realized that his situation was hopeless and the whole world was his enemy.

When Princess Na Lan saw King Shandong's expression, she immediately understood a lot.

She stood up, walked to King Shandong and knelt down, stretched out her hand and held King Shandong's hand tightly, "My lord, there is always a way out. You still have me and the Kenas family."

"So what?" King Shandong murmured to himself, "It's over... everything is over... I was tricked by them..."

The Shattered Dream Galaxy Super Energy Transformation Company robbed the mineral star, and Bai Qi, who was relied on, died in battle.

The Franken Mining Group of the Huinuo City Galaxy, which promised to provide a large amount of liquid silver steel, took the opportunity to raise the price, and the price of liquid silver steel skyrocketed.

The Huinuo City Military Intelligence Bureau, which promised to send people to help, changed its mind at the last minute and has been perfunctory.

Even Wujiang, who had given him advice, has now given up on him.

King Shandong seemed to have seen countless pairs of cold eyes staring at him, all looking forward to his death.

"Your Highness, it's not over yet!" The blue princess opened her almond eyes and said decisively, "At worst, we will die together! You still have General Wang Jian, our Kenas family, Duke Xuhua, and Baron Feiyi! Your Highness, you have to cheer up!"

"Hiss..." King Shandong seemed to have been suddenly injected with a shot of cardiotonic, and instantly remembered something, "Yes! I still have General Wang Jian in the military, and a part of the Three-Body Army. Xuhua and Feiyi will also firmly support me!"

The blue princess came from the ancient heritage of the Three-Body Kingdom, the Kenas family.

This family is in the government and the opposition, with many followers, and they have both people and money.

King Shandong is the prince who has the greatest hope of inheriting the throne. The Kenas family not only married their daughter Nalan to Hei Xuanzhe, but also placed all their bets on him.

Once King Shandong loses power and falls, the Kenas family will definitely be implicated, and even at risk of destruction.

This is political investment, with extremely high risks and naturally high returns.

If King Shandong becomes the king of the Three-Body Galaxy and promises to enthrone Nalan as queen, the Kenas family will become the largest family in the entire kingdom, except for the royal family.

Duke Xuhua and Baron Feiyi are the diehards of King Shandong.

If other princes succeed to the throne, these people will inevitably be purged.

For their lives, wealth and glory, they must also stand on the side of King Shandong.

"Prince, we have soldiers and power, why not..." Nalan hesitated, looking at King Shandong with burning eyes.

In order to become the queen, the mother of the world.

In order for the family to continue, Princess Blue finally expressed her thoughts.

"What do you mean..." King Shan Dong narrowed his eyes slightly and flashed a fierce look.

"Yes!" The blue princess nodded heavily, "On behalf of the Kenas family, I fully support you!"

"Okay!" King Shan Dong was in high spirits, as if he had been rejuvenated in an instant, "I won't stop doing it if I don't do it!"

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